post-save signal doesn't get called in Django - django

Whenever a new User instance is created, I want to create a Profile instance linked to it.
To do this, I'm trying to use signals.
here's code from
#receiver(post_save, sender=User)
def create_user_profile(sender,**kwargs):
And here's from
def register(request):
username ="username")
first_name ="first_name")
last_name ="last_name")
email ="email")
password1 ="password1")
password2 ="password2")
user = User.objects.create_user(username,email,password1)
if user:
user = authenticate(username=username, password=password1)
if not user:
return Response({"error": "Login failed"}, status=HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)
token, _ = Token.objects.get_or_create(user=user)
return Response({"token": token.key})
However, nothing gets printed to my Terminal when a new User is created.
EDIT: I moved the function to and edited but it's still not working:
from django.apps import AppConfig
class AuthConfig(AppConfig):
name = 'auth'
verbose_name = 'Auth Application'
def ready(self):
from . import signals
and here's
default_app_config = 'auth.apps.AuthConfig'

Maybe a bit outdated answer, but is this what you were looking for?
From Django Docs:
Where should this code live?
Strictly speaking, signal handling and registration code can live
anywhere you like, although it’s recommended to avoid the
application’s root module and its models module to minimize
side-effects of importing code.
In practice, signal handlers are usually defined in a signals
submodule of the application they relate to. Signal receivers are
connected in the ready() method of your application configuration
class. If you’re using the receiver() decorator, import the signals
submodule inside ready().

Generally the issue is hasn't been imported, you need to add it to your AppConfig as mentioned in the comments:
# or whatever the class is called inside the app containing
class RegistrationConfig(AppConfig):
name = 'registration'
# This is the piece you will need to add
def ready(self):
from . import signals


How to get user in Django signals [duplicate]

I have done the below post_save signal in my project.
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
# Core Signals will operate based on post
def after_save_handler_attr_audit_obj(sender, **kwargs):
print User.get_profile()
if hasattr(kwargs['instance'], 'audit_obj'):
if kwargs['created']:
kwargs['instance'].audit_obj.create(operation="INSERT", operation_by=**USER.ID**).save()
# Connect the handler with the post save signal - Django 1.2
post_save.connect(after_save_handler_attr_audit_obj, dispatch_uid="")
The operation_by column, I want to get the user_id and store it. Any idea how can do that?
Can't be done. The current user is only available via the request, which is not available when using purely model functionality. Access the user in the view somehow.
I was able to do it by inspecting the stack and looking for the view then looking at the local variables for the view to get the request. It feels like a bit of a hack, but it worked.
import inspect, os
#receiver(post_save, sender=MyModel)
def get_user_in_signal(sender, **kwargs):
for entry in reversed(inspect.stack()):
if os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/' == entry[1]:
user = entry[0].f_locals['request'].user
user = None
if user:
# do stuff with the user variable
Ignacio is right. Django's model signals are intended to notify other system components about events associated with instances and their respected data, so I guess it's valid that you cannot, say, access request data from a model post_save signal, unless that request data was stored on or associated with the instance.
I guess there are lots of ways to handle it, ranging from worse to better, but I'd say this is a prime example for creating class-based/function-based generic views that will automatically handle this for you.
Have your views that inherit from CreateView, UpdateView or DeleteView additionally inherit from your AuditMixin class if they handle verbs that operate on models that need to be audited. The AuditMixin can then hook into the views that successfully create\update\delete objects and create an entry in the database.
Makes perfect sense, very clean, easily pluggable and gives birth to happy ponies. Flipside? You'll either have to be on the soon-to-be-released Django 1.3 release or you'll have to spend some time fiddlebending the function-based generic views and providing new ones for each auditing operation.
You can do that with the help of middleware. Create in your app. Then
from threading import current_thread
from django.utils.deprecation import MiddlewareMixin
_requests = {}
def current_request():
return _requests.get(current_thread().ident, None)
class RequestMiddleware(MiddlewareMixin):
def process_request(self, request):
_requests[current_thread().ident] = request
def process_response(self, request, response):
# when response is ready, request should be flushed
_requests.pop(current_thread().ident, None)
return response
def process_exception(self, request, exception):
# if an exception has happened, request should be flushed too
_requests.pop(current_thread().ident, None)
Then add this middleware to your settings:
Then add import to your signals:
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from <your_app>.get_request import current_request
# Core Signals will operate based on post
def after_save_handler_attr_audit_obj(sender, **kwargs):
print(Current User, current_request().user)
print User.get_profile()
if hasattr(kwargs['instance'], 'audit_obj'):
if kwargs['created']:
kwargs['instance'].audit_obj.create(operation="INSERT", operation_by=**USER.ID**).save()
# Connect the handler with the post save signal - Django 1.2
post_save.connect(after_save_handler_attr_audit_obj, dispatch_uid="")
Why not adding a middleware with something like this :
class RequestMiddleware(object):
thread_local = threading.local()
def process_request(self, request):
RequestMiddleware.thread_local.current_user = request.user
and later in your code (specially in a signal in that topic) :
thread_local = RequestMiddleware.thread_local
if hasattr(thread_local, 'current_user'):
user = thread_local.current_user
user = None
For traceability add two attributes to your Model(created_by and updated_by), in "updated_by" save the last user who modified the record. Then in your signal you have the user:
class Question(models.Model):
question_text = models.CharField(max_length=200)
pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published')
created_by = models. (max_length=100)
updated_by = models. (max_length=100)
p = Question.objects.get(pk=1)
p.question_text = 'some new text'
p.updated_by = request.user
#receiver(pre_save, sender=Question)
def do_something(sender, instance, **kwargs):
obj = Question.objects.get(
except sender.DoesNotExist:
if not obj.user == instance.user: # Field has changed
# do something
print('change: user, old=%s new=%s' % (obj.user, instance.user))
You could also use django-reversion for this purpose, e.g.
from reversion.signals import post_revision_commit
import reversion
def post_revision_commit(sender, **kwargs):
if reversion.is_active():
Read more on their API
You can do a small hack by overriding you model save() method and setting the user on the saved instance as additional parameter. To get the user I used get_current_authenticated_user() from django_currentuser.middleware.ThreadLocalUserMiddleware (see
In your
from django_currentuser.middleware import get_current_authenticated_user
class YourModel(models.Model):
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Hack to pass the user to post save signal.
self.current_authenticated_user = get_current_authenticated_user()
super(YourModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
In your
#receiver(post_save, sender=YourModel)
def your_model_saved(sender, instance, **kwargs):
user = getattr(instance, 'current_authenticated_user', None)
PS: Don't forget to add 'django_currentuser.middleware.ThreadLocalUserMiddleware' to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES.
I imagine you would have figured this out, but I had the same problem and I realised that all the instances I create had a reference to the user that creates them (which is what you are looking for)
it's possible i guess.
class _M(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(...)
def _f(request):
#receiver(post_save, sender=_M)
def _p(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
user = instance.user
No ?
Request object can be obtained from frame record by inspecting.
import inspect
request = [
for frame_record in inspect.stack()
if frame_record[3] == "get_response"
def get_requested_user():
import inspect
for frame_record in inspect.stack():
if frame_record[3] == 'get_response':
request = frame_record[0].f_locals['request']
return request.user
return None
from django.core.cache import cache
def global_variables(request):
cache.set('user', request.user)
in you model
from django.db.models.signals import pre_delete
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.core.cache import cache
from news.models import News
#receiver(pre_delete, sender=News)
def news_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs):
user = cache.get('user')

Why does the signal not trigger?

Sitting over a day on it. Really can't understand why this signal is not triggered when a user is activated, no error log, no exception in the admin on activation. Can anybody help? The following code should result in a log message in the apache error.log when a user, right?
import logging
from django.dispatch import receiver
from registration.signals import user_activated
def registered_callback(sender, **kwargs):
logger = logging.getLogger("user-activated")
logger.error("activated here")
same with user_registered
First of all im using django 1.8.3 .You should register your signal first. As far as i know, there are some methods to do that but this is what im doing;
Create in your app write your signal there;
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
#receiver(post_save, sender=your_model,dispatch_uid="yourmodel_save_receiver")
def post_save_yourmodel(sender, instance, **kwargs):
if instance.profile_status:
print "active"
print "not active"
Then you should create This file contains configuration information to your model.
from django.apps import AppConfig
class yourmodel_config(AppConfig):
name = 'yourmodel_config'
verbose_name = 'your_model config'
def ready(self):
import yourmodel.signals
With this whenever your app is ready, your signals will be imported
Finally open your and add the following.
default_app_config = 'yourmodel.apps.yourmodel_config'
With this you are defining application configuration for your model.This example when ever yourmodel is saved, signal checks for profile_status attribute and prints output depending on the value(true or false) to your console. You can also add created parameter to your model to know that if instance of the model is created. created will return True if a new record was created. def post_save_yourmodel(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):. Otherwise this signal will be triggered whenever your model is saved with
Consider that is a post_save example.You can find list of the model signals from here.

Django + Tastypie - user_logged_in signal doesn't work

I have a Tastypie ModelResource defining various endpoints which work as expected.
I've now configured this ModelResource to have BasicAuthentication:
class Meta:
authentication = BasicAuthentication()
I've defined a couple of test users through the Django Admin Interface.
As per the Django 1.7 Documentation, I've created a in which I register a couple of test signals:
from django.core.signals import request_finished
from django.contrib.auth.signals import user_logged_in
from django.dispatch import receiver
def on_login(sender, request, user, **kwargs):
print('******* LOGIN DETECTED *********')
def on_request_finished(sender, **kwargs):
print('******* REQUEST FINISHED *******')
This is loaded successfully by my AppConfig in
from django.apps import AppConfig
class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
name = 'myapp'
verbose_name = 'verbose description of myapp'
def ready(self):
import myapp.signals
I use the Requests library to successfully communicate with my API, providing basic authentication credentials for one of my test users:
auth = HTTPBasicAuth(username, getpass('Enter password: '))
response = requests.get(self.url(endpoint), auth=self.auth, params = params)
The REQUEST FINISHED print shows in the Django server's output, but LOGIN DETECTED does not.
Do we have to manually fire a login signal when using Tastypie, or use some other inbuilt/custom Authentication class besides BasicAuthentication? In other words, is it expected that the user_logged_in signal wouldn't fire automatically?
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Having inspected the Tastypie source code, it ties into the Django auth backend by calling the authenticate method, thus doesn't trigger the usual login cycle of which authenticate is one component. Consequently the login method is never called, and thus the user_logged_in signal never fires.
I ended up providing the signal myself by extending BasicAuthentication and overriding is_authenticated like so:
class MyBasicAuthentication(BasicAuthentication):
def is_authenticated(self, request, **kwargs):
orig_user = request.user
has_authenticated = super(MyBasicAuthentication, self).is_authenticated(request, **kwargs)
if has_authenticated:
was_authenticated = orig_user == request.user
if not was_authenticated:
user_logged_in.send(sender=self.__class__, request=request, user=request.user)
return has_authenticated

Custom Django Backend to add an object to a user upon activation (or registration)

I am working on a recipe website based on django and have run into a snag on the custom backends.
I am receiving a Validation error -no exception supplied when I try to save my cookbook instance in the backend.
here is my backend:
from registration.backends.default import DefaultBackend
from cookbook.models import Cookbook
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from registration.models import RegistrationProfile
class RecipeekActivationBackend(DefaultBackend):
def register(self, request, **kwargs):
new_user = super(RecipeekActivationBackend, self).register(request, **kwargs)
cookbook = Cookbook(name=new_user.first_name, pub_date="12/12/2012", user=new_user)
return new_user
the error occurs at
here is my Cookbook model:
class Cookbook(models.Model):
def __unicode__(self):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published')
user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='cookbooks')
recipes = models.ManyToManyField('Recipe', related_name = 'cookbooks')
I believe that is all i need to supply in order to get a little help.
thank you in advance,
A. Cooper
update: the error was caused by pub_date being passed a string instead of a datetime
update2: the way I am going about this is not the best way and i am now going to attempt to use signals to achieve the same outcome
You're going about this all wrong. Authentication backends are for one thing: authentication. The only reason you should be customizing a backend is if you're trying to tie authentication in from another system or need to make some other change like using email for username. Otherwise, use the defaults
Django provides signals for this exact purpose, so that's what you should use.
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
#receiver(post_save, sender=User)
def create_cookbook_for_user(sender, instance, created, *args, **kwargs):
if created and not instance.cookbooks.exists():
Cookbook.objects.create(name=instance.first_name,, user=instance)
Put that in your, and you're done.
I think the error is with pub_date="12/12/2012": that's not a valid value for DateTimeField. Instead, you want to give it a datetime object: datetime.datetime(2012, 12, 12) (after import datetime).
Or maybe, or something else based on the actual user.
(Also, maybe this should be a DateField, in which case you want, 12, 12) or The datetime object above means midnight on December 12th.)
I don't think you can pass a string to pub_date. Try:
import datetime

django-registration auto create UserProfile

I'm using django-registration and I'm trying to connect to its signals to automatically create a UserProfile.
Signal definition:
from django.dispatch import Signal
# A new user has registered.
user_registered = Signal(providing_args=["user", "request"])
Signal send by django-registration:
def register(self, request, **kwargs):
Create and immediately log in a new user.
username, email, password = kwargs['username'], kwargs['email'], kwargs['password1']
User.objects.create_user(username, email, password)
# authenticate() always has to be called before login(), and
# will return the user we just created.
new_user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
login(request, new_user)
return new_user
My signal connect:
from registration.signals import *
from core.models import UserProfile
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
def createUserProfile(sender, instance, **kwargs):
user_registered.connect(createUserProfile, sender=User)
Needless to say no UserProfile is being created. What am I missing here?
Thanks a lot!
EDIT: I moved my connect() and its corresponding method to a and still no luck.
New code:
from django.db import models
from django.contrib import auth
from django.contrib.auth import login
from core.forms import AuthForm
from registration.signals import *
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
# Create your models here.
class UserProfile(models.Model) :
user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True)
def __unicode__(self):
return self.user.username
def createUserProfile(sender, instance, **kwargs):
print "creating profile"
user_registered.connect(createUserProfile, sender=User)
I'm using Pycharm to debug, and in the very beginning my breakpoint on user_registered.connect() is hit. So I assume that connect() is being registered correctly. However, I still don't see createUserProfile being run. Anything else I'm missing?
ANSWER: Doh. My connect and receiver code was wrong. Correct code:
def createUserProfile(sender, user, request, **kwargs):
Realized it after I read in django-registration
You need to register (connect) your signal in a module which is imported on server startup. Your file where user_registered.connect(createUserProfile, sender=User)lives is mot likely not imported on startup. From the django docs:
You can put signal handling and
registration code anywhere you like.
However, you'll need to make sure that
the module it's in gets imported early
on so that the signal handling gets
registered before any signals need to
be sent. This makes your app's a good place to put
registration of signal handlers.
So of your custom app would be a good place (or any other module which is definitely imported on server startup).
Torsten is right: the alternative way is to use decorators as stated in documentation:
from registration.signals import user_registered
# ...
def your_function_name_here(sender, user, request, **kwargs):
# your code here
I like this way because it's compact and readable.