How to unit test stateless service in service fabric - unit-testing

I want to create an instance of class A which inherits class StatelessService in my unit test. But I can't. I've tried everything: mocking dependencies, implementing my own contexts and etc.
When I try to create an instance, StatelessService throws NullReferenceException somewhere inside.
Can it be done at all?
class A : StatelessService
public A(StatelessServiceContext context) : base(context /* Here will be thrown NullReferenceException */)
// It will never even get there.
class UnitTest
public void TestMethod()
var activationContext = MOCK<ICodePackageActivationContext>();
var context = new StatelessServiceContext(..., activationContext, ...);
var a = new A(context); // Here will be thrown an exception.

It can be done. But instead of re inventing the wheel, have a look at service fabric mocks
It contains useful helpers for exactly your type of scenario.


How to unit test a service call in xUnit and nSubstitute

I been trying to figure out how i can unit test service and so far have got nowhere.
I am using xUnit and NSubstitute (as advised by friends), below is the simple test that i want to run (which fails currently).
public class UnitTest1
private readonly RallyService _rallyService;
public UnitTest1(RallyService rallyService)
_rallyService= rallyService;
public void Test1()
var result = _rallyService.GetAllRallies();
Assert.Equal(2, result.Count());
My rally service class makes a simple call to the db to get all Rally entites and returns those:
public class RallyService : IRallyService
private readonly RallyDbContext _context;
public RallyService(RallyDbContext context)
_context = context;
public IEnumerable<Rally> GetAllRallies()
return _context.Rallies;
Any guidance would be appreciated.
Since you use .NET Core, I assume you also use Entity Framework Core. While it was possible to mock most of the operations in the previous EF version, however the EF Core suggests to use in-memory database for unit testing. I.e. you don't need to mock RallyDbContext, hence NSubstitute is not needed for this particular test. You would need NSubstitute to mock the service when testing a controller or application using the service.
Below is your Test1 written using in-memory database.
public class UnitTest1
private readonly DbContextOptions<RallyDbContext> _options;
public UnitTest1()
// Use GUID for in-memory DB names to prevent any possible name conflicts
_options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<RallyDbContext>()
public async Task Test1()
using (var context = new RallyDbContext(_options))
//Given 2 records in database
await context.AddRangeAsync(new Rally { Name = "rally1" }, new Rally { Name = "rally2" });
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
using (var context = new RallyDbContext(_options))
//When retrieve all rally records from the database
var service = new RallyService(context);
var rallies = service.GetAllRallies();
//Then records count should be 2
Assert.Equal(2, rallies.Count());
A working test application with this unit test is in my GitHub for your reference. I used SQL Express in the actual app.
I don't think it is standard to have a unit test constructor with a parameter. The unit test runner will new up this class, and unless you are using something that will auto-inject that parameter I think the test will fail to run.
Here is a standard fixture layout:
public class SampleFixture {
public void SampleShouldWork() {
// Arrange stuff we need for the test. This may involved configuring
// some dependencies, and also creating the subject we are testing.
var realOrSubstitutedDependency = new FakeDependency();
realOrSubstitutedDependency.WorkingItemCount = 42;
var subject = new Subject(realOrSubstitutedDependency);
// Act: perform the operation we are testing
var result = subject.DoWork();
// Assert: check the subject's operation worked as expected
Assert.Equal(42, result);
public void AnotherTest() { /* ... */ }
If you need a common setup between tests, you can use a parameterless constructor and do common initialisation there.
In terms of the specific class you are trying to test, you need to make sure your RallyDbContext is in a known state to repeatably and reliably test. You may want to look up answers specific to testing Entity Framework for more information.

doNothing method does not work with void static method

I am assigned to add unit test code coverage to a 15 years old legacy project which is not using IoC and 0 unit test. I am not allowed to refactor the code since it works perfect fine on production, management does not want other teams get involved for refactoring such as QA testing, etc.
Service class has a performService method has following code
public void performService(requestMessage, responseMessage) {
UserAccount userAccount = requestMessage.getUserAccount();
GroupAccount groupAccount = requestMessage.getGroupAccount();
Type type = requestMessage.getType();
StaticServiceCall.enroll(userAccount, groupAccount, type);
This StaticServiceCall.enroll method is calling remote service. My unit test is
public class EnrollmentServiceTest {
public void testPerformService() {
doNothing().when(StaticServiceCall.enroll(any(UserAccount.class), any(GroupAccount.class), any(Type.class)));
service.performService(requestMessage, responseMessage);
assertEquals("Enrollment should be success, but not", Status.SUCCESS, response.getStatus);
Eclipse complains with The method when(T) in the type Stubber is not applicable for the arguments (void)
Eclipse stops complain if test code change to
StaticServiceCall.enroll(any(UserAccount.class), any(GroupAccount.class), any(Type.class));
service.performService(requestMessage, responseMessage);
assertEquals("Enrollment should be success, but not", Status.SUCCESS, response.getStatus);
Test case failed with UnfinishedStubbingException. I am using powermock 1.6.6
There is a misconception on your end. You think that you need to say that doNothing() should do nothing.
That is not necessary! As these lines
#PrepareForTest(StaticServiceCall.class) ... and
are sufficient already.
You want to prevent the "real" content of that static method to run when the method is invoked during your test. And that is what mockStatic() is doing.
In other words: as soon as you use mockStatic() the complete implementation of the real class is wiped. You only need to use when/then/doReturn/doThrow in case you want to happen something else than nothing.
Meaning: just remove that whole doNothing() line!
#GhostCat - Thank you for your answer, it solved problem, my misconception is coming from this test case
public void testEnrollmentServiceSuccess() {
RequestMessage requestMessage = new RequestMessage();
ResponseMessage responseMessage = new ResponseMessage();
EnrollmentService mockService = mock(EnrollmentService.class);
mockService.performService(any(RequestMessage.class), any(ResponseMessage.class));
ServiceImpl service = new ServiceImpl();
service.performService(requestMessage, responseMessage);
verify(mockService).performService(any(RequestMessage.class), any(ResponseMessage.class));
Here is the code snippet of ServiceImpl class based name of the request message calling different service class
public void performService(RequestMessage request, ResponseMessage response) {
try {
if (request == null) {
throw new InvalidRequestFormatException("null message");
if (!ClientManager.isAuthenticated()) {
throw new ServiceFailureException("not authenticated");
// main switch for known services
if ("ENROLL".equals(request.getName())) {
service = new EnrollmentService();
service.performService(request, response);
} else if ("VALIDATE".equals(request.getName())) {
Although the test passed,real implementation in EnrollmentService got called and exceptions thrown due to barebone RequestMessage object, then I googled out doNothing, thanks again for your clarification

Unit testing a started Service which has a few fields injected into it?

I am a Dagger newbie.
If an Android Service has any fields injected into it using Dagger, then in order to actually perform the injection, I need to have an instance of that Service.
In Robolectric tests, this corresponds to MyService service = Robolectric.buildService(MyService.class).get(). And then, objectGraph.inject(service);
However, rest of the code that actually starts MyService still uses context.startService(context, MyService.class);.
Question: What is the idiomatic way in Dagger to address this mismatch?
Let's say I have a Service as follows:
public class MyService {
#Inject Parser parser;
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
String data = intent.getStringExtra("data_to_be_parsed");
Elsewhere in my code, I have an ApiClient class that does this:
public class ApiClient{
public static void parseInBackground(Context context, String data){
//This service does not have its fields injected
context.startService(new Intent(context, MyService.class).putExtra("data_to_be_parsed", data));
That parseInBackground method will be called from an Activity in response to user interaction.
Now, I'm following TDD and hence, I haven't yet written the Application Module for this. Here's the test module:
#Module(injects = MyService.class)
public class TestModule {
#Provides #Singleton Parser provideParser(){
return new MockParser();
And finally, the test case:
public class ApiTest {
public void parseInBackground_ParsesCorrectly(){
//This service has its fields injected
MyService service = Robolectric.buildService(MyService.class).get();
ObjectGraph.create(new TestModule()).inject(service);
ApiClient.parseInBackground(Robolectric.application, "<user><name>droid</name></user>");
//Asserts here
As you can see, in the test, I retrieve an instance of the service and then inject the MockParser into it. However, the ApiClient class directly starts the service using an Intent. I don't have a chance to perform the injection.
I am aware that I can have MyService perform an injection on itself:
public void onCreate(){
ObjectGraph.create(new TestModule()).inject(this);
But then, I am hardcoding the TestModule here.
Is there an existing idiom in Dagger to set up dependencies for such situations?
It's the wrong way to hardcode your modules either in tests or in services. Better approach is to perform creation via your custom Application object which in turn will hold singleton ObjectGraph object. For example:
// in MyService class
#Override public void onCreate() {
// in MyApp class
public static MyApp from(Context context) {
return (MyApp) context.getApplicationContext();
private ObjectGraph objectGraph;
#Override public void onCreate() {
// Perform Injection
objectGraph = ObjectGraph.create(getModules());
public void inject(Object object) {
protected Object[] getModules() {
// return concrete modules based on build type or any other conditions.
Alternatively, you can refactor last method out into separate class and make different implementations for different flavors or build types. Also you may want to set overrides=true in your TestModule's annotation.

Unit tests using StructurMap ObjectFactory fails

I have a class that I want to write unit tests for. I'm using StructureMap (2.6.3) in the project and I have some problems with that.
For testing I use Nunit ( and RhinoMocks (3.6).
Normally i inject my dependencies in the constructor of my classes and then it's easy to substitute the dependencies with mocks in my unit tests. But there are a few cases where I can't do that, where I have no control over when the class under test is created. In these cases I use ObjectFactory.GetInstance() to get the dependencies.
public class MyClass
public int MyMethod(string parameter)
var myDependency = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IMyDependency>();
return myDependency.CalculateValue(parameter);
catch (Exception ex)
//Suppress exception.
return 0;
For this class and method I want to write two tests. First I want to to test that the dependency is called and the value it calculates is returned by the class under test. Second, the dependency might throw an exception and I want to test that this exception is suppressed by the class under test and that it return zero in that case.
public class MyClassTests()
public void MyMethod_DependencyReturnsValue_ReturnsValueFromDependency
const int valueFromDependencyStub = 333;
var myDependencyStub = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IMyDependency>();
myDependencyStub.Stub(x => x.CalculateValue()).Return(valueFromDependencyStub);
var target = new MyClass();
var result = target.MyMethod("test");
Assert.AreEqual(valueFromDependencyStub, result);
public void MyMethod_DependencyThrowsException_ReturnsZero
var myDependencyStub = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IMyDependency>();
myDependencyStub.Stub(x => x.CalculateValue()).Throw(new Exception());
var target = new MyClass();
var result = target.MyMethod("test");
Assert.AreEqual(0, result);
Both these tests work if I run them individually, but if I run the both it does not work. I my real case the second test, where the stubbed dependency throws an exception, runs first. When the other test runs the stubbed dependency still throws an exception.
The problem, as I understand it, is that I'm using the global ObjectFactory and inject my stub into that. That would probably work if I could clear the ObjectFactory after each test, but I found no way to do that. ObjectFactory.EjectAllInstancesOf() sounded like something that would work, but it doesn't.
How do I solve this? Either by changing my test or by actually rewriting the class under test.

hooking into #EJB or #PersistenceContext injection in JAX-RS unit tests

I'm enjoying learning JAX-RS and Jersey, but I've hit a roadblock trying to test a simple resource that needs a DAO injected, something like this:
public class SimpleResource {
private EntityManager em;
// #GET, etc...
(I'll be moving to a more abstracted DAO pattern, but the problem is the same, i.e., how do I inject the #EJB DAO?)
In my unit tests I'm using a embedded Jetty server that configures Jersey in its web.xml, and I'd like to hook into the resource's lifecycle so that I can inject a mock EntityManager, but I've not found a clean answer after a lot of searching. Can you help? Some possible directions I've come across:
1) Use JNDI context lookup in my code to get the DAO bean, and register the mock object in the tests.
Instead of #EJB or #PersistenceContext, use something like this in the resource's constructor:
theDAO = (DAOImpl) new InitialContext().lookup("java:global/EJB/DAOImpl");
However, that means my test environment needs to support JNDI, and doing so in Jetty will probably involve some pain. Plus, it doesn't use the clean annotation approach.
2) Use method injection.
Inject into the method so that I can set the DAO post-instantiation, e.g.,
#PersistenceContext(name = "persistence/pu00")
public void setPersistenceUnit00(final EntityManager em) {
em00 = em;
private MyEjbInterface myEjb;
public void setMyEjb(MyEjb myEjb) {
this.myEjb = myEjb;
However, to do this I need the Jersey-instantiated instance, e.g., SimpleResource. How do I get that?
3) Use reflection.
A kind of DIY injection, something like:
public static void setPrivateField(Class<? extends Object> instanceFieldClass, Object instance, String fieldName, Object fieldValue) {
Field setId = instanceFieldClass.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
setId.set(instance, fieldValue);
Again, I need the Jersey-instantiated instance.
4) Use an Injection Provider.
I'm still sketchy on how this works, but it looks like Jersey provides a means of defining customized injectable annotations, e.g.,
public class EJBProvider implements InjectableProvider<EJB, Type> {
public ComponentScope getScope() {
return ComponentScope.Singleton;
public Injectable getInjectable(ComponentContext cc, EJB ejb, Type t) {
if (!(t instanceof Class)) {
return null;
try {
Class c = (Class) t;
Context ic = new InitialContext();
final Object o = ic.lookup(c.getName());
return new Injectable<Object>() {
public Object getValue() {
return o;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
A variation using a helper class:
Server server = new Server(8080);
Context root = new Context(server,"/",Context.SESSIONS);
ResourceConfig rc = new PackagesResourceConfig("");
rc.getSingletons().add(new SingletonTypeInjectableProvider<, Myobj>(Myobj.class, new Myobj(12,13)){});
root.addServlet(new ServletHolder(new ServletContainer(rc)), "/");
With this use:
public class HelloWorldResource {
#Context Myobj myClass;
Is this viable for #EJB or #PersistenceContext?
5) Extend
Sketchy on this, but:"application")
public class InjectionApplication extends {
private Set<Object> singletons = new HashSet<Object>();
private Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
public InjectionApplication() {
// no instance is created, just class is listed
public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
return classes;
public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
return singletons;
6) Extend ServletContainer.
An older style of using InjectableProvider? Looks more complex:
public class ServletAdapter extends ServletContainer {
protected void configure(ServletConfig servletConfig, ResourceConfig rc, WebApplication wa) {
super.configure(servletConfig, rc, wa);
rc.getSingletons().add(new InjectableProvider<Resource, Type>() {
public ComponentScope getScope() {
return ComponentScope.Singleton;
public Injectable<Object> getInjectable(ComponentContext ic, Resource r, Type c) {
final Holder value = new Holder();
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
try {
value.value = ctx.lookup(;
} catch (NamingException ex) {
value.value = ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/" +;
return new Injectable<Object>() {
public Object getValue() {
return value.value;
7) Use an embedded EJB container.
E.g., This is pretty heavy, and I expect it's going to be messy to get working. (In fact, what started me down the "Jetty + Jersey" route was a bug in GlassFish Embedded around security logins. I also looked at other Java EE 6 application containers like JBoss AS, but each had problems in embedded mode, with limited user community support.)
8) Use a third-party IoC library like Spring or Guice.
Spring is apparently commonly used for solving these kinds of problems (injecting mocks when unit testing), but I wanted to avoid having to learn another big set of APIs - pure Java EE has been enough of a challenge! But I'm game if it's the best solution. I haven't yet looked carefully into Spring or Guice.
Have you used any of these successfully? Any other solutions you like? I'm really looking forward to your advice on this. Thanks in advance -- matt
Since you are using Netbeans, give this a try:
Using the Embedded EJB Container to Test Enterprise Applications
The tutorial uses an embedded Glassfish container and injects an EJB that encapsulates the EntityManager (similar to what you described in your first option).
If you only need an EntityManager inside your embedded Jetty container, why use injection in the first place? You can just put one of the JPA implementations (such as eclipselink or hibernate) on your class-path, configure a resource local persistence unit, then obtain it like this:
EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("your unit name");
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
It would be enough to have something (maybe a static DAO factory?) that behaves like your #EJB for the purpose of testing your JAX-RS classes.
If you do want your unit tests to be as close to the Java EE environment as possible, look into running them with Arquillian ( It runs the tests directly on a Java EE container - it's easy, it has great documentation.