can proxy server set cookie? - cookies

can the proxy server intercept my https request and set cookies before actually sending the request?
I'm going a GET on an url from chrome browser. In the development tools, under "Network", I noticed that the first request, the one that I made, has cookies set. but I did not set any cookies.
any thoughts?

No it can't. To proxy HTTPS requests your browser issues HTTP CONNECT command ( Proxy then creates a tunnel between the browser and a target server.
A conventional proxy can neither view nor manipulate a TLS-encrypted data stream, so a CONNECT request simply asks the proxy to open a pipe between the client and server. The proxy here is just a facilitator - it blindly forwards data in both directions without knowing anything about the contents. The negotiation of the TLS connection happens over this pipe, and the subsequent flow of requests and responses are completely opaque to the proxy.
It cannot modify or see what is being transferred as it is protected by TLS encryption.
The only way to modify HTTPS conenctions on the fly is if you install some external CA certificates on your computer. This is known as MITM Attack.


cookie passing over HTTPS connection

I read many articles cookies are passed over HTTPS connection is encrypted.
I checked with my application, its having SSL connection, but i can read cookie information from request headers. Is anything done for cookie encryption in HTTPS connection?
HTTPS encrypts the entire session, headers included.
But notice that SSL (TLS in fact) works over the Transport Layer. If you are reading the cookies from the Application Layer (for example using javascript or a java servlet to get the HTTP request) the content will be already unencrypted.
See Does SSL also encrypt cookies?

how is the http CONNECT request behaviour?

Recently i started to write a proxy(web debugging) software.
and handled the GET request well.
sometimes i get CONNECT messages from the client, so i connect to the target server and reply the client by "200 Connection Established".
is that it all??
because after it i don't get any messages
from the server or the client.
so i got confused.
I want to know all the steps of https CONNECT message request and responses until an https site(like gets loaded.
Thank you.
The CONNECT request is used to set up a connection tunnel. This is used mainly to allow access to https sites through an http proxy.
The web proxy is expected to set up a proxy connection to the indicated host, and then proxy the traffic between the two connections, until one or the other terminates.
After establishing the connection, you expect to see either the client or the server start sending something to the other. Your proxy code should be prepared, at any time, to receive more data from either the client or the server, to be forwarded to the other party. If not, your proxy is not doing something correctly. It is not your proxy's job to handle https negotiation. Once the connection is established, your proxy must transparently proxy all the data, and it is the client's and the server's task to talk https with each other.

OpenSSL: HTTPS proxy

So far, my proxy only deals HTTP connections on port 80: I'd like to improve it and make it manage HTTPS requests. Here's how it works:
the proxy is listening on a given port; Chrome can "see" the proxy thanks to SwitchyOmega plugin and connect the traffic on that given port.
The proxy reads the packet's header, gets the request (I parse only GET requests until now), e.g. GET HTTP/1.1, gets the hostname parsing, finds the IP address by resolving the hostname with gethostbyname and assumes the server port is number 80.
Now the proxy send to the server what it received from client by opening a socket: this socket is opened, binded, and then connected to the IP address I resolved before from the hostname.
I read here how to turn a socket into an SSL socket: after socket, bind, listen and accept syscalls, set what you need and pass the socket's file descriptor to SSL_set_fd so I can read and write data through the new SSL file descriptor.
What (most above all) bothers me is the creation of SSL context: if SSLv23_server_method is for servers and SSLv23_client_method is for clients, what should I use for my proxy?
I found no particular proxies configuration in OpenSSL documentation.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Edit: more detailed info about how the proxy works.
SSL/TLS has no concept of proxies, only point-to-point connections. Your proxy has a connection to the client, and a separate connection to the target server, and it is simply passing data between the two connections as needed. So the proxy has to secure (or not) those connections independently of each other, and how it must do that depends on how the client is asking the proxy to relay HTTP.
If the client sends a GET/POST/etc request to your proxy requesting an absolute HTTP URL, your proxy needs to connect to the target server without using SSL/TLS, and then relay the client's HTTP request and server's response back and forth. The client may or may not connect to your proxy using SSL/TLS. If it does, that session is only between the client and your proxy, and the data read from, and sent to, the client is encrypted/decrypted accordingly.
If the client sends a GET/POST/etc request to your proxy requesting an absolute HTTPS URL, your proxy needs to connect to the target server and establish its own SSL/TLS session with the server, and then relay the client's HTTP request and server's response back and forth. The proxy is acting as a client to the server, so use a client-based method (sslv23_client_method(), etc). The real client may or may not connect to your proxy using SSL/TLS. If it does, that session is only between the client and your proxy, and the data read from, and sent to, the client is encrypted/decrypted accordingly, separate from the encryption used on the server connection.
If the client sends a CONNECT request to your proxy, the proxy needs to connect to the requested host/port and then pass raw data back and forth as-is. No SSL/TLS is involved on the proxy's part. If the proxy handled the client's or server's SSL/TLS data, it would be acting as a MITM attacker, something SSL/TLS is designed to prevent. If the connection to the server is successful, the client and server (not the proxy) would secure their respective endpoints with SSL/TLS so they are talking to each other directly (needed for exchanging certificates and keys, and validating identities). The SSL/TLS handshake, and subsequent encrypted HTTP request/response data, would pass through the proxy as-is. The proxy would only be able to see the raw encrypted data, not the HTTP data, since only the client and server have the keys needed to decrypt the data.

How are passwords sent for websocket's authentication in CF10?

On the doc Specifying WebSocket authentication details, it did not mention how are passwords being sent from client's authenticate() JS func to server's onWSAuthenticate. Are they being sent through a secure channel? or in plain text?
Side question: what tool / browser / browser's plugin can one use to sniff through websocket's traffic?
Thank you.
username/password sent through authenticate() function is in clear-text. You can actually see that in cfwebsocket.js (its minified so search for authenticate). On server if the call is for authentication, it would invoke onWSAuthenticate() in application.cfc passing whatever username or password given to the function. So the logic of encryption/decryption/validation lies with the developer.
Any TCP monitor can be used for sniffing websocket's traffic like wireshark , TCPMon etc
Mostly just answering to further my own understanding of how this works. From the site:
The tunnel is established by issuing an HTTP CONNECT statement to the proxy server, which requests for the proxy server to open a TCP/IP connection to a specific host and port. Once the tunnel is set up, communication can flow unimpeded through the proxy. Since HTTP/S works in a similar fashion, secure WebSockets over SSL can leverage the same HTTP CONNECT technique.
So, if this is what you're asking, it appears that just like with http/https, it's up to the developer to implement SSL encryption, which makes sense.
Sagar Ganatra also has a blog entry on the basics of Websocket Authentication with CF.

How to add persistent connection support to a load-balanced HTTP webservice

We are working on an HTTP webservice load-balanced using haproxy. The webservice is accessed via SSL. It is a RESTful HTTP service and simply accepts JSON, does some work, and returns JSON. There is no notion of a session.
We have redundant load-balancers set up in front of a pair of redundant webservice servers. Each server sits behind Apache, where Apache is used as a proxy in order to handle SSL and logging. If it matters, our webservice is a Clojure (java) application using compojure (jetty) to handle HTTP.
This is a brief diagram showing the path of a client request through our existing system.
client request -> haproxy (load balancing) -> apache (ssl, logging) -> webservice
We would like any connection to the load-balancer to establish a persistent connection and then be served by the same server for all subsequent requests sent through that persistent connection. In other words, we don't want a persistent connection to haproxy making requests to more than one webservice server.
How would you recommend that we get this working? How can we "pin" a given connection to the load-balancer to a specific webservice server? How could we prevent accidentally loading down a specific webservice server with multiple intensive requests?
Using balance source in the defaults block, along with removing option httpclose entries did the trick.
In our HAProxy configuration we do this at the backend level, using the cookie option. This is because he have a number of sites, some of which we do want persistance for - others we do not.
In those that we do the backend looks like this in haproxy.cfg:
backend examplesite
cookie STK insert indirect nocache maxidle 30m maxlife 8h
server server1 cookie n1
server server2 cookie n2
This will set a cookie with the name STK on the first request. Haproxy will automatically assign a value to this cookie that it will then use to send subsequent requests to the same node.
We decided to also add the n1 and n2 cookie prefixes... this means that the cookie value will be prefixed with either n1 if the requests are going to node 1 or n2 if they are going to node 2. This is very helpful when debugging.
Either way I'd suggest taking a look at the configuration documentation around cookie options.
You might also want to look at the appsession option. This allows HAProxy to use an existing cookie (such as ASPNetSessionId or PHPSESSIONID) for the same purpose.
I had problems with it before, but recently had an answer to a question of Server Fault which should resolve this. You could give it a go as it saves using an extra cookie in your requests. Can't get appsession setting in HAProxy to work.