Visual Studio constantly "Loading" / "Updating" something, causing high CPU utilization - visual-studio-2017

I have been running into this issue often, where Visual Studio seems to get stuck "Loading" and "Updating" SOMETHING constantly, causing VS to run at 50% CPU utilization indefinitely.
All I do is simply load the dotnet core solution. The dependencies are loaded as normal, but then the lower status bar shows Loading/Updating back and forth and slows things down significantly. Have not been able to figure out how to fix it other than deleting my entire solution folder, and getting a brand new repo. Then it will go away for a while, soon to return.
I now have a co-worker that has had the same thing happen on his, so I know its a thing.
I have a video of this happening here:
Anyone have this issue?


Find illegal memory access in Visual Studio

I have a (complex) multithread-application that produces a crash with some specific data. The crash happens at random positions and it is obvious the position where the crash happens is not the reason.
So at the moment I assume an illegal memory access where data are overwritten by one thread or something like that.
Unfortunately it happens with some larger dataset only, so there is no way to strip down the whole thing to something simple. So to find the root cause of the problem I tried the Intel Inspector 2019 - but it is unusable slow. While the application typically shows the issue after about 15 minutes of intensive calculation with these specific data, with that inspector running I would need to wait more than one day - and it is unsure if the crash happens because the Inspector changes the whole timing dramatically.
So my question: does anybody have a better idea/a better tool to track down the reason for such illegal memory accesses?
Andy idea is welcome!
You can use Application Verifier. select Heaps(with Full) under Basics option and run your program under WinDbg. You can find the exact position where the crash happens.
Notice: it will be slow but it will help.

CPU Usage gradually increases in dotnet core webservice

I have a .net Core web service which seems to slowly increase its cpu usage.
meaning at the first day it won't go past 10%, the second day it can go up to 20% and so on.
Using the TOP command in linux, all my webservices seems to sometime be shown there (probably when a request is made) and afterward disappear.
This specific process after running for a while just stays there constantly consuming cpu even when no request has been made.
the API still working fine, it seems like there are some threads that just keeps hanging and consuming cpu. last time I checked I had 5 threads that consumed 3-4% cpu and didn't die for some reason.
My guess is that in some specific scenario a thread just stays alive consuming cpu.
The app runs on ubuntu machine, my first step was trying to create a dump file with ProcDump so I can analyze those threads and maybe find where they are hanging.
ProcDump generates a huge 21gb file, which trying to analyze with lldb throws out of memory exception. even tried transferring it to a windows machine to debug with windbg , no help there as it couldn't open the file.
As there is no specific exception or anything I can't really share any piece of code as I have no idea where the issue is... just kind a hoping for some suggestion that might help me get to a solution or at least understand where the problem is.
Thanks a lot for reading, cheers
You could try using something like jetBrains’ DotMemory, they also have a fairly high level but helpful guide it also worth checking your startup file and double checking the services you’ve registered are used in the correct way ie not added as scoped when they should be transient or even a singleton etc
so iv'e been at it for a while.
Eventually found out that my problem was with HttpClient
Probably some bad mix of static class and creating new instances of HttpClient that causes the issue Iv'e explained above.
Solved it by utilizing HttpClientFactory as explained here -
Lesson learned :)
A little late but Procdump for Linux just added .NET Core 3 support that generates much more managable sized core dumps. It automatically detects if the target process is .NET Core and does the right thing (i.e., no need to specify switches).

Visual Studio - Program runs faster when profiling

I have been doing some profiling of a physics application I wrote, and I've noticed when I profile it, it runs faster and perhaps smoother than without the profiler. Note that I am NOT running the program in the debug configuration or with the debugger attached.
I measured the difference, and I found program runs ~50% faster under the profiler. I don't consider this a duplicate because the other question doesn't make it clear whether he/she was running it with the debugger attached, and the top answer assumes that's the case (And the 20x speedup strongly indicates it would be the correct answer in most cases).
Another answer suggests a "heisenburg" bug, but that's kind of a catchall hypothesis (I'm still going to investigate down this line).
Is it possible that Visual Studio does something that prevents other applications from interfering with my application's compute or memory resources (in order to get a "fairer" result)?
Visual Studio's "CPU Usage" profiler appears to disregard laptop power usage settings, so if you run an application on a laptop that is trying to conserve battery power, it will run slower than if you run the profiler on it.
I discovered this when I got home from work- I noticed the speed difference had disappeared. On a hunch, I unplugged my laptop and tried the test several more times. The speed difference returned. What's more, under the profiler, the application runs at about the same speed plugged in or not.
I was not able to find any sources on this, but I'll be happy to edit them in if someone can find some.
If you use threading in your code, this can be caused due to the System Timer Resolution in Windows.
Default windows timer resolution is 15.6ms
When you are running the profiler, this is reduced to 1ms and your program run fast.
Checkout this answer

Bizarre behavior with Visual Studio's debugger; "The network location cannot be reached" (ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE)

I've experienced this with every version of Visual Studio starting from 2012 (2012, 2013, 2015 Preview), on multiple computers and multiple projects, but I haven't figured out how to fix it:
Whenever I'm debugging a 64-bit(?) C++ console program, after a few minutes and seemingly completely randomly (when I'm not clicking or typing anything), the console window for the program spontaneously closes and I can no longer debug or step through the program with Visual Studio. When I press Stop and attempt to restart debugging, I usually get ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE:
// MessageText:
// The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help.
If I try to attach to the process manually I get the error:
Unable to attach to the process.
The only fix I've found for this is to restart Visual Studio. I can't find any other way to fix it, and I've tried running Process Monitor but haven't found anything.
What causes this problem and how can I fix it?
(?) Upon further checking it seems that this only happens in 64-bit mode, but I'm not 100% sure.
Ok, this is just so wrong
I also have issues with this bug, and in my case it occurred every other debug session. Which meant debug -> stop -> debug -> bug -> restart visual studio -> go to start (repeat every minute during the whole day).
Needless to say I was driven to find a solution. So yesterday I tried procmon, spend hours looking at API monitor differences, looked at plugins, netstat, etc, etc, etc. And found nothing. I gave up.
Until today.
To track down a stupid bug in my program today, I launched appverifier. For my application, I ran the 'basics' tests and clicked save. After a few hours this led me to the bug in my program, which was something like this (extremely simplified version):
void* dst = _aligned_malloc(4096, 32);
memcpy(dst, src, 8192);
Obviously this is a bug and obviously it needed fixing. I noticed the error after putting a breakpoint on the memcpy line, which was not executed.
After a stop and 'debug' again I was surprised to find that I could actually debug the program for the second time. And now, several hours later, this annoying bug here hasn't re-emerged.
So what appears to be going on
So... apparently data from my program is bleeding through into the data or execution space of the debugger, which in turn appears to generate the bug.
I see you thinking: No, this shouldn't happen... you're right; but apparently it does.
So how to fix it? Basically fixing your program (more particular: heap corruption issues) seems to make the VS debugger bug go away. Using appverifier.exe (It's in Debugging tools for Windows) will give you a head start.
Why this works
Since VS2012, VC++ uses a different way to manage the heap. Hans Passant explains it here: Does msvcrt uses a different heap for allocations since (vs2012/2010/2013) .
What basically happens is that heap corruption will break your debugger. The AppVerifier basic settings will ensure that a breakpoint is triggered just before the application does something to corrupt the heap.
So, what happens now is that before the process will break the heap, a breakpoint will trigger instead, which usually means you will terminate the process. The net effect is that the heap will still be in-tact before you terminate your program, which means that your debugger will still function.
Before using appverifier -- bug triggered every 2 minutes
While using appverifier -- VS debugger has been stable for 5 days (and counting)
This is an environmental problem of course. Always hard to troubleshoot, SysInternals' utilities like Process Monitor and Process Explorer are your primary weapons of choice. Some non-intuitive ways that a network error can be generated while debugging:
Starting with VS2012, the C runtime library had a pretty drastic modification that can cause very hard to diagnose mis-behavior if your program corrupts the heap. Much like #atlaste describes. Since time memorial, the CRT always created its own heap, underlying call was HeapCreate(). No more, it now uses GetProcessHeap(). This is very convenient, much easier now to deal with DLLs that were built with /MT. But with a pretty sharp edge, you can now easily corrupt the memory owned by Microsoft code. Not strongly indicated if you can't reattach a 64-bit program, you'd have to kill msvsmon.exe to clear up the corruption.
The Microsoft Symbol Server supplies PDBs for Microsoft executables. They normally have their source+line-number info stripped, but not all of them. Notably not for the CRT for example. Those PDBs were built on a build server owned by DevDiv in Redmond that had the source code on the F: drive. A few around that were built from the E: drive, Patterns+Practices uses that (unlikely in a C++ program). Your debugger will go look there to try to find source code. That usually ends well, it gives up quickly, but not if your machine uses those drive letters as well. Diagnose by clearing the symbol cache and disabling the symbol server with Tools + Options, Debugging, Symbols.
The winapi suffers from two nasty viral infections it inherited from another OS that add global state to any process. The PATH environmental variable and the default working directory. Use Control Panel + System + Advanced + Environment to have a look at PATH, copy/paste the content of the intentionally small textboxes into a text editor. Make sure it is squeaky clean, some paralysis at the usual mess is normal btw. Take no prisoners. Having trouble with the default directory is much harder to troubleshoot. Both should pop out when you use Process Monitor.
No slamdunk explanations, it is a tough problem, but dark corners you can look in.
I have the same problem. Thought it was related to 64 bit console apps, where it is very easily triggered with almost any debug session. But, it also happens on 64 bit windows apps too. Now I am seeing it on 32 bit windows apps. I am running Windows 8.1 pro on a single desktop with the latest version of vs 2013 and no remote debugging. My (added) extensions are Visual Assist, Advanced Installer, ClangFormat, Code Alignment, Code Compare, Duplicate Selection, Productivity Power Tools 2013, and Visual SVN.
I discovered that the "Visual Studio 2013\Settings\CurrentSettings.vssettings" file gets corrupted. You can delete this file and recreate it by restarting VS or you can try to edit the XML. I then keep a copy of a good settings file that I use to replace when it gets corrupted again.
In my case, the corrupted line begins with
</ToolsOptionsSubCategory><ToolsOptionsSubCategory name="XAML" RegisteredName="XAML"
... and it is extremely long (I think this is why it is prone to corruption).
I just disabled in the Menu
Tools > Options
Debugging > Edit and Continue
Native-only options > Enable native Edit and Continue
and now it does not give the that stupid error which was preventing the starting of the debuggee application.
I also had the same problem with VS2015. It was so frustrating that a simple Hello World program gave this error when I ran debugger for the second time. Tried uninstall and reinstall and didn't work.
Finally, the solution mentioned in
worked. Reset all visual studio settings using Tools->Import and Export settings. Now the issue is not occurring.

Is there any reason why multithreaded app will loop forever when win7 is screen locked?

I'm working on an application that uses multiple threads to process its data. The app is developped in C++ (Intel C++ comp. 9.1) and uses OpenMP. It is a 64 bit app running on Win7.
The problem is that when I run it during day, it runs correctly. But when I run it during night after the screen has been locked, it enters in a forever loop after a few processes.
To be more precise, the app is called many times for different files to process. The calls are done within a batch file (no problem there).
I found that it enters in the forever loop about 2 hours after the lock screen occurs.
I disabled all power saving settings. But nothing changed.
It is not very clear as description but the reason is that I don't have a clue about the source of the problem. I just hope someone among you could have had the same problem (and found a fix!). If you want more details, just let me know.
Any idea? Thanks in advance!
As my tests go on, I installed the same setup (but in release rather than debug version) on another computer. I ran into the same problem after 20 minutes (after the screen lock) with another set of data. I ran the same data on my own computer (which is not locked) and everything was fine.
I'm mystified!
Are you giving a thread priority that is taking control of the application?
Also, I would suggest taking running it through some kind of profiling, such as VTune as it can point out potential odd cases that could be causing an issue for you. (There is a free evaluation that you can try).