Django load static in development directly from static folder (Not from apps) - django

I use django for the backend, in the frontend I use vue.js, so 99% of my CSS it's handled by vue.js, however I need a simple base.css for some customization in the landingpage and few things like this.
Normally in django I would put the file inside app/static/app/base.css then do collectstatic and get it under static/app/ for production.
I would like to avoid to keep it under an app as it's just a file. I'm trying adding a folder under my main "static" folder. But it seems in development django in not fetching it at all, it fetches directly and only static files from apps.
How can I tell django to fetch it directly from the static main folder as it would do in production?
i.e. I want to add a folder called main in my root (where is) and use only that to store my static files for both production and development, without passing through the single apps.

You can tell Django to look for static files in other directories by using STATICFILES_DIRS settings.
Just add the following code in your and it should work:
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"),


More that one path for static files with django on IIS

With django (python server) is possible to add more that one path to serve static files using STATICFILES_DIRS = ("C:/some/path/static_two",) on settings file, and works fine, but on production server, in my case IIS, is that possible?
I tried adding two virtual dirctories each one whit different paths/locations, but doesn't works, the static file from the second directiry "C:/some/path/static_two" doesn't shows.
Someone can help me on how configurate IIS two serve static files from more that one location.
thanks in advance.
You are confused about what that setting does.
STATICFILES_DIRS is the place(s) where static files are copied from when you run collectstatic. The place they are copied to is STATIC_ROOT, which is a singular directory. You need to set up your web server to serve files from there, not from STATICFILES_DIRS.

Django: Is "collectstatic" supposed to collect media files as well?

I dont know if I am confusing the purpose of collectstatic. Here's my settings module:
# BASE_DIR is the location of my django project folder
STATIC_URL = '/this.static/'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(BASE_DIR), "ve_static_root")
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "this.static"),
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ""),
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(BASE_DIR), "ve_media_root")
Here, I placed both my static files and media files in STATICFILES_DIRS so that I can use media files as an easy reference when I recall/embed images into my markdown documents, but as you can also see, I made a path for MEDIA_ROOT, which needs to be different from STATIC_ROOT. My concern is that I placed my media folder,, in the STATICFILES_DIRS folder, which allows me to call the images or videos into the Django templates using these staticfile filters, like {% static 'image/file/path/here' %}. As convenient as that is, I also wondered whats the point of the MEDIA_ROOT if all my files, images/videos and web design files, are just going into STATIC_ROOT? As far as I know, Django doesn't have a collectmedia command, so I don't really have anything collecting into the MEDIA_ROOT folder. I just have it out here, empty and all.
Am I missing something about this? Anyone understand Django's perspective on this? Whats your perspective? I am not sure if collectstatic should involve collecting media files as well, especially when I have a MEDIA_ROOT. I looked at the docs on static files and they really arent very helpful with regards to media files.
The Django documentation discourages having the static root and media root as the same directory (having them within the same parent directory is presumably alright). While not fleshed out in the docs specifically, the reason revolves around the inherent uncertainty when it comes to user-generated files. If both static and media files are served from similar directories, then a user, under the right circumstances, might be able to upload any file, which might subsequently be served. This of course creates major security vulnerabilities – this is the motivation for having two separate directories for these two classes of files.
collectstatic relies on the STATICFILES_DIRS array to generate a list of directories through which collectstatic should search for static files. If you are including media files in STATICFILES_DIRS, then, upon running collectstatic (as instigated either by you or by an automated service like Fabric), media and static files will live in the same output directory.
The documentation also has a section about Serving files uploaded by a user during development, which you can do simply by accessing the url at which the media files exist, as you would with any static file. You can simply append
+ static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
to your URL configuration.
django.contrib.staticfiles.views.serve() however, should not be used for deployment. I've written more about this here. It is highly recommended that you serve your static files (and store and serve media files, as necessary) from a directory outside of your project's, in production.
Media files are files that users upload to your Django site.
Static files are files that you want to serve as part of the site (usually CSS, JavaScript and images).
As such I wouldn't expect collectstatic to do anything with media files.

Why use Django's collectstatic instead of just serving the files directly from your static directory?

From the Django Docs:
Deployment django.contrib.staticfiles provides a convenience
management command for gathering static files in a single directory so
you can serve them easily.
Set the STATIC_ROOT setting to the directory from which you’d like to
serve these files, for example:
STATIC_ROOT = "/var/www/"
Run the collectstatic management command:
$ python collectstatic
This will copy all files from your
static folders into the STATIC_ROOT directory.
Use a web server of your choice to serve the files. Deploying static
files covers some common deployment strategies for static files.
What's the purpose of copying the files, why not just serve them from the directory they live in within the app?
Why not just serve your static directory? You might use more than one app, and some of your apps may not be under your control. Before the staticfiles app existed, you then had to either manually copy the static files for all apps to a common directory, upload them to your CDN, or symlink them to the document root of your web server.
The staticfiles app established a convention: put static files for each app under a static directory and let Django do the work for you.
The STATIC_ROOT can be on a different machine than the application, so copying your static files to the static root means that you can serve your static files from a different server (CDN FTW!) which you wouldn't be able to do if those files where only located within their respective app directories.

Identical and simple way of serving static files in development and production - is it possible?

Is it possible to have static files only in PROJECT_DIR/static directory without duplicates of static files in app dirs and without needing to do collectstatic command? On local computer Django dev server is used, in production - some other web server. From what I have read so far I decided that it's impossible, but maybe it's not true.
Of course it's possible.. the static files app is there to be useful. If you dont like "duplicates" (that's the whole point - you can have files per app, all merged into one area), don't use the staticfiles app.
Just use any folder, anywhere, as your assets folder. In production, serve it at some url, say MY_URL. In development, wire up your URLConf to serve files at your asset folder at MY_URL
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.static import static
urlpatterns = patterns('',
# ... the rest of your URLconf goes here ...
) + static('MY_URL', document_root='path-to-my-files')
This is the old school method of doing this, before staticfiles brought its goodness.
Are you sure you can't solve this problem by just using the staticfiles app? It's not much work to add in a python collectstatic --noinput in your deployment script.

In Django, how can I use project wide static files?

At the moment I have
And I am adding a second app in and I wish to share some common JS and CSS
I have moved my static files from
What configuration changes do I have to make for the applications to recognize the new location? I don't remember ever setting the directory initially I think it just worked out of the box
From Django [1.11] Docs:
Your project will probably also have static assets that aren’t tied to
a particular app. In addition to using a static/ directory inside your
apps, you can define a list of directories (STATICFILES_DIRS) in your
settings file where Django will also look for static files.
Add to
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"),
Assuming you are using django.contrib.staticfiles app.
In, declare the following:
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
Also, add django.contrib.staticfiles to your INSTALLED_APPS if it isn't already.