Unity 5.6 : Unit test does not appear in "TestRunner">"Play Mode" - unit-testing

When I write a unit test, it properly appears in "TestRunner">"EditMode", but not in "TestRunner">"PlayMode". I have enabled the playmode, but it seems to not recognize my script.
the script is in a folder named "Editor"
the script can be run into the "EditMode", resulting in "EditMode test can only yield null" ( wich makes sense as this script calls "WaitForFixedUpdate()" )
I tried to do it in a new project, resulting in the same situation : unit tests cannot be run in Play Mode.
This is basic unit test code from unity doc : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SeNOAVYaq9HUjsKAC2ZvRwKLD2MCNyV4LwcsP3BXm0s/edit
public IEnumerator GameObject_WithRigidBody_WillBeAffectedByPhysics()
var go = new GameObject();
var originalPosition = go.transform.position.y;
yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();
Assert.AreNotEqual(originalPosition, go.transform.position.y);
Unity version : 5.6.0f3
Did anyone met this problem before ?
Did I missed a step into Unit Test creation ?


Web Unit Tests not finding Url

I am using aspnetboilerplate 5.1.0.
In the ProjectName.Web.Tests I have run into a situation that I cannot solve.
I have set up web tests for my controller using [Fact] or [Theory].
When I attempt to run the tests using GetResponseAsString(string url, HttpStatusCode expectedStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK) found in the webtestbase class. All the tests fail.
Here is an example of my Test:
public async Task Index_Test()
var response = await GetResponseAsStringAsync(
The Tests all fail on this:
Shouldly.ShouldAssertException : response.StatusCode
should be
but was
I have other aspnetboilerplate projects in version 3.8.3 and 4.2.1 and the web tests work just fine. So I'm not sure why the server is not able to find the action methods on my controllers.
The service tests found in the ProjectName.Tests project run just fine.
I found the culprit. The problem I was experiencing was due to attempting to copy a project for web unit tests from one of the aspnetboilerplate project template repositories and updating all of the references and class names to match the names and namespaces in the destination VS solution.
I submitted a similar question on the aspnetboilerplate github account.
Ultimately, here is what happened.
After going through the same process with a newer project. I found that In the
class file that would by default be named AbpProjectNameWebTestBase.cs in the method
protected override IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder()
return base
.UseSetting(WebHostDefaults.ApplicationKey, typeof(AbpProjectNameWebModule).Assembly.FullName);
I mistakenly replaced AbpProjectNameWebModule with AbpProjectNameTestModule instead of AbpProjectNameWebMvcModule. This was trying to use the Application Service Unit test project as the web project. Therefore it could not find any of the referenced URI's and therefore returned httpStatusCode.NotFound.
After fixing this reference. I started getting exceptions that pertained to the public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) method.
These were things like adding app.UseAuthentication() and app.UseAuthorization() as well as needing to add a Middleware to provide a ClaimsIdentity and ClaimsPrincipal for the context.User (i.e. app.UserMiddleware<TestAuthenticationMiddleware>())
Now, I am able to get my web unit tests to run as I had in previous versions.

Unit testing Nativescript application logic on a browser

I am trying to set up unit testing for a Nativescript application, run by ng test on a browser. The problem is that whenever there is a tns-core-modules or another plugin import, the module cannot be resolved because of the platform specific files (e.g. "tns-core-modules/application/application.android.js") that never get compiled into the bundle, thus throwing an error like "Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'tns-core-modules/application'".
I know there is a built-in unit test support in Nativescript. The problem I have with it is that it can't run on CI. I would like to be a ble to have lightweight tests for my business logic, mocking out all platform dependencies.
I have looked for a way to mock the module imports at runtime with no luck. I looked into rewire package but it only runs on node.
I finally managed to get it working. Not a very elegant solution and I have yet to see how much maintenance it requires. Key points here:
Use paths section of the tsconfig.json to add mock import
In the mocks directory create files for any unresolved module
Some nativescript modules are referencing helper functions on global
scope but they're undefined. My solution was to define them in
test.ts like this
window['__decorate'] = () => {};
window['__extends'] = () => {};
window['__metadata'] = () => {};
window['__param'] = () => {};
window['layout_base_1'] = { CSSType: () => {} };
window['Crashlytics'] = {};
window['Fabric'] = {};
You simply can not run NativeScript application on Browser.
In case if you are looking for something like headless mode, Appium has one too, isHeadless in capabilities.
Between, may I know why you think you can not run the {N} unit tests on CI? It should work on CI too, after all it's a machine that runs the same commands based on some trigger.

Test runners inconsistent with HttpClient and Mocking HttpMessageRequest XUnit

So let me start by saying I've seen all the threads over the wars between creating a wrapper vs mocking the HttpMethodRequest. In the past, I've done the wrapper method with great success, but I thought I'd go down the path of Mocking the HttpMessageRequest.
For starters here is an example of the debate: Mocking HttpClient in unit tests. I want to add that's not what this is about.
What I've found is that I have tests upon tests that inject an HttpClient. I've been doing a lot of serverless aws lambdas, and the basic flow is like so:
//some pseudo code
public class Functions
public Functions(HttpClient client)
_httpClient = client;
public async Task<APIGatewayResponse> GetData(ApiGatewayRequest request, ILambdaContext context)
var result = await _client.Get("http://example.com");
return new APIGatewayResponse
StatusCode = result.StatusCode,
Body = await result.Content.ReadStringAsAsync()
public void ShouldDoCall()
var requestUri = new Uri("http://example.com");
var mockResponse = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK) { Content = new StringContent(expectedResponse) };
var mockHandler = new Mock<HttpClientHandler>();
var f = new Functions(new HttpClient(handler.Object);
var result = f.GetData().Result;
Times.Exactly(1), // we expected a single external request
ItExpr.Is<HttpRequestMessage>(req =>
req.Method == HttpMethod.Get &&
req.RequestUri == expectedUri // to this uri
Assert.Equal(200, result.StatusCode);
So here's where I have the problem!
When all my tests run in NCrunch they pass, and pass fast!
When I run them all manually with Resharper 2018, they fail.
Equally, when they get run within the CI/CD platform, which is a docker container with the net core 2.1 SDK on a Linux distro, they too fail.
These tests should not be run in parallel (read the tests default this way). I have about 30 tests around these methods combined, and each one randomly fails on the moq verify portion. Sometimes they pass, sometimes they fail. If I break down the tests per test class and on run the groups that way, instead of all in one, then these will all pass in chunks. I'll also add that I have even gone through trying to isolate the variables per test method to make sure there is no overlap.
So, I'm really lost with trying to handle this through here and make sure this is testable.
Are there different ways to approach the HttpClient where it can consistently pass?
After lots of back n forth. I found two of situations from this.
I couldn't get parallel processing disabled within the docker setup, which is where I thought the issue was (I even made it do thread sleep between tests to slow it down (It felt really icky to me)
I found that all the tests l locally ran through the test runners were telling me they passed when about 1/2 failed on the docker test runner. What ended up being the issue was a magic string area when seeing and getting environment variables.
Small caveat to call out, Amazon updated their .NET Core lambda tools to install via dotnet cli, so this was updated in our docker image.

How can I unit test a MassTransit consumer that builds and executes a routing slip?

In .NET Core 2.0 I have a fairly simple MassTransit routing slip that contains 2 activities. This is built and executed in a consumer and it all ties back to an automatonymous state machine. It all works great albeit with a few final clean tweaks needed.
However, I can't quite figure out the best way to write unit tests for my consumer as it builds a routing slip. I have the following code in my consumer:
public async Task Consumer(ConsumerContext<ProcessRequest> context)
var builder = new RoutingSlipBuilder(NewId.NextGuid());
SetupRoutingSlipActivities(builder, context);
var routingSlip = builder.Build();
await context.Execute(routingSlip).ConfigureAwait(false);
I created the SetupRoutingSlipActivities method as I thought it would help me write tests to make sure the right activities were being added and it simply looks like:
public void SetupRoutingSlipActivities(RoutingSlipBuilder builder, ConsumeContext<IProcessCreateLinkRequest> context)
new Uri("execute_activity_one_example_address"),
new ActivityOneArguments(
new Uri("execute_activity_two_example_address"),
new ActivityTwoArguments(
I tried to just write tests for the SetupRoutingSlipActivities by using a Moq mock builder and a MassTransit InMemoryTestHarness but I found that the AddActivity method is not virtual so I can't verify it as such:
aRoutingSlipBuilder.Verify(x => x.AddActivity(
new Uri("execute_activity_one_example_address"),
It.Is<ActivityOne>(y => y.Id == 1 && y.Name == "A test name")));
Please ignore some of the weird data in the code examples as I just put up a simplified version.
Does anyone have any recommendations on how to do this? I also wanted to test to make sure the RoutingSlipBuilder was created but as that instance is created in the Consume method I wasn't sure how to do it! I've searched a lot online and through the MassTransit repo but nothing stood out.
Look at how the Courier tests are written, there are a number of test fixtures available to test routing slip activities. While they aren't well documented, the unit tests are a working testament to how the testing is used.

Is there any way to create integration test for libGDX application?

I apologize if the question is duplicated, but I can't find any information about this.
I know that I can use JUnit to create simple unit tests, but I can't run it on android/iOS devices. If I understand correctly, I can use Instrumented Unit Tests, but they are for android platform only. In this case, I can't test functions from libGDX core (am I wrong?). So, I'm interested, how can I run my tests on devices?
Testing libGDX applications is not an easy topic but with a good architecture it is possible. The crucial point is to separate the rendering part from the business logic you want to test. Rendering always requires an OpenGL context and will just break if you try to run it without that. You can actually write tests that require OpenGL if you don't plan to run them on a headless build server but just on your desktop.
That being said, testing of libGDX apps is mostly centered around the usage of HeadlessApplication that makes your libGDX-dependent code runnable in your test environment. If you want to start he whole game in a test, you need a headless version of it (here "MyGameHeadlessApplication"). Then you can initialize it like this:
private MyGameHeadlessApplication application;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
HeadlessApplicationConfiguration config = new HeadlessApplicationConfiguration();
config.renderInterval = 1F / 30F;
application = new MyGameHeadlessApplication();
new HeadlessApplication(this.application , config);
For testing smaller parts that depend on libGDX, there is a very conventient library available: The gdx-testing project contains a GdxTestRunner that wraps your tests in a HeadlessApplication and allows you something like this (from the gdx-testing example):
public class MySuperTestClass {
public void bestTestInHistory() {
// libgdx dependent code runs here
On top of that I had a little problem with my assets folder that couldn't be found in the tests in the first place. I fixed that by setting workingDir for tests in my build.gradle. And of cours make sure to have all the needed dependencies (also e.g. box2d if you need that in your tests). In my setup I have all tests in the "core" project:
project(":core") {
apply plugin: "java"
test {
project.ext.assetsDir = new File("./assets")
workingDir = project.ext.assetsDir
dependencies {
testCompile "com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx-backend-headless:$gdxVersion"
testCompile "com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx-platform:$gdxVersion:natives-desktop"
testCompile "com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx-box2d-platform:$gdxVersion:natives-desktop"
// ... more dependencies here ...
See also Unit-testing of libgdx-using classes