Error starting process. Cannot create pty - Eclipse on Mac - c++

I am trying to run a simple C++ program on Eclipse in mac. But it is not working. I have Xcode installed and I did try setting all the Eclipse settings that people suggested online, but still I am getting no where.
The error message:

Make sure you update to the Oxygen.1 version of the C/C++ IDE (CDT version 9.2.2). It contains a fix for this.

If you are using Eclipse Neon, update to CDT version 9.3.X by adding repo:
and rebuild the project before running it.

I encounter the same problem when I updated my macOS 10.12 to 10.13 in Eclipse Oxygen.1A.
By upgrading the CDT plugin I solved the problem.


MacOS Catalina 10.15.5 - OMNeT++ 5.6.2 stucks at "Configuring GDB"

I have a problem in debugging OMNeT++ in my Macbook Pro.
I installed OMNeT++ 5.6.2 on my MBP having macOS Catalina 10.15.5 and tried to run tictoc tutorial. It runs fine, however there is a problem with debugging.
I know that masOS no longer supports gdb and we have to install gdb through Homebrew or Macports and then configure it. I already have set up gdb.
In order to test gdb, I installed eclipse CDT, set up and configure GDB, then started debugging.
It was debugging fine in eclipse. However, when I debug in OMNeT++, it stucks at "Configuring GDB".
I also tried with OMNeT++ 5.5.1 but having the same problem.
I also asked it before at stack overflow, but couldn't find appropriate solution.
Does anyone know how to fix OMNeT++ debugging issue on macOS?
Just like in the other SO question: I would also advise to try to use OMNeT++ 6.0 preview 8 on macOS. I have successfully built it on macOS 10.15 and as suggested in the other SO thread, it does use lldb instead of gdb.
An alternate workaround could be to use VS Code with an appropriate extension. I have just published a blog entry related to debugging OMNeT++ models:

Netbeans not able to debug

I use Netbeans 8.0 on Ubuntu 14.04 and I have run into a problem with debugging c++ files. In the past this has worked. According to what I see on Google, if I go to the project properties I should see
Related Projects
In my case there is no debug entry, which explains why I can't debug. I went to the repository and removed and reinstalled gdb. Then I removed Netbeans and reinstalled it as well. In case there was something wrong with my project, I made a new c++ project and it too was missing the debug capability.
Anybody have any idea what else I can do? This has to be something fairly basic but I can't guess what else I can do.
I got a similar results with NetBeans 8.02 on Ubuntu 12.04.
Some projects are unable to be run with debugger. Some can be debugged.
The same project, complied on Ubuntu 12.04 but with NetBeans 8.0 (without updates) runs with debugger with no problems.
So it seems to be a version issue of NetBeans.

C++ Programming on a Mac

I have installed Xcode 4.0 (XCode Toolset, System Tools and Documentation components only), but have Netbeans with the C/C++ plugin. However when I try to create a new C++ project in Netbeans it tells me that no compiler was found on my system. The recommended course of action is to install Xcode, which I have done so.
How do I get Netbeans to recognize that I already have Xcode?
Most likely, you reinstall Xcode and this time don't uncheck the option that installs the compiler, etc. under /usr/bin for command line use. What's wrong with just having a full installation of Xcode?
If that doesn't work, it may be an incompatibility due to Xcode 4 installing to /Xcode4 instead of /Developer. You can fix that with a symlink or by installing Xcode 3.

OpenCV and Eclipse CDT

I have installed the latest versions of OpenCV and Eclipse CDT, but not able to make OpenCV to be used within Eclipse CDT.
Any ideas on how can I do that?
Thanks a lot.
You have to manually setup Eclipse.
Check this blog post.

How to configure Eclipse with CDT?

I've been trying to use CDT with Eclipse 3.4 under Windows XP with cygwin.
What do I need to do, in order to get startet?
I used "" found on the Eclipse homepage.
The main problem is, that I cannot compile and run the code.
In the run configuration, I tried gcc.exe for the C/C++ Application:
After adding the path of make.exe to my $Path, and starting from scratch, it works perfectly.
I finally found. Thanks guys.
After downloading and unpacking "", you need to install either Cygwin or MinGW.
Make sure the compiler (e.g. gcc.exe) and make.exe is on your $Path.
Start Eclipse and everything should work fine.
If you want to use Eclipse/CDT on Windows, you should consider using Wascana Desktop Developer, a CDT distro specially targeting Windows hosts.
According the the CDT Downloads page:
As a minimum, you need to install the Eclipse Platform Runtime before installing the CDT
So adding the CDT Ganymede update site to your current eclipse 3.4 configuration should be enough for you to install CDT.
After that, do you have any error message ?
For instance, there can be some eclipse.ini-related issues when using this package.
For me the package you downloaded worked from start. However I was using it with MinGW instead of Cygwin.
I am using it also for QT4 development together with QT Integrator.
I use MinGW, though I note that the documentation says you can use Cygwin. I would have a look through Max Berger's CDT guide to troubleshoot the problem.
you can install both Cygwin and MinGW in your system. gcc and make available with Mingw seems to be suitable better for native windows build. If the PATH environment is set to paths of Cygwin [and/or] MinGW Eclipse project wizard asks you select one . Either Cygwin or MinGW.
For MingW, you may need to download gdb as well, if you need to debug your application