I am currently working on animating an model using joint's and vertex weight's. My question isn't program specific but GLSL based. In my shader I have the following info loaded
uniform mat4 projection,camera,model;
in vec3 vertex;
struct Joint
mat4 invBind;
mat4 global;
uniform Joint transforms[16];
in ivec4 jointIndices;
in vec4 weights;
Joint in an structure that is used to transform an vertex. It has 2 types of info
invBind:- this matrix is the inverse of an joint's local bind transform in global/model space which is used to transform the model from model space to local joint space
global:- this matrix is used to transform an vertex from an joint's local space to it's final global/model[or world] space
I have loaded my model from blender .dae file and so "joint_local_bind_transform" is transposed and then used
in ivec4 jointIndices:- is the list of all possible joint's that affect this vertex
in vec4 weights:- is the weight associated with the corresponding joint affecting this vertex
I have an array of size 16 of these joint's because there are that many joint's in my model
So with all this information how do we calculate gl_Position?. Is there more information that need's to be loaded as uniforms or as vertex attributes?. Sorry for my noobish question but many tutorial's don't give an straight forward answer.
An simple vertex shader code answer would be nice. Thank You
Without any guarantee of correctness, something like the following should work for simple linear blend skinning. If it is not working directly, you should be able to understand what is going on and adapt accordingly:
//make a 4D vector from the vertex' position
vec4 position = vec4(vertex, 1.0);
//accumulate the final position
vec4 p = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
Joint joint = transforms[jointIndices[i]];
p += weights[i] * joint.global * joint.invBind * position;
gl_Position = p;
In the loop, you iterate all influencing bones. For every bone, you calculate the vertex' position in the bone's coordinate system and transform it back to the global coordinate system according to the bone's orientation in the current frame. Finally, you just blend the result for all influencing bones.
To reduce the amount of data you are transferring to the GPU, you can also precalculate joint.global * joint.invBind.
I am currently coding a simple vertex shader for a model. What I want to achieve is something like this :
I have a model of a dragon, nothing too fancy, and I want to shade the wings vertexes to move around a bit, to simulte flying. Now, this is for academic purposes so it doesn't have to be perfect in any way.
What I'm looking for precisely, is how do make for example only the vertices further from the center of the model move ? Is there any way I can compare the position of the vertex to the center of the model, and make it move more or less (using a time variable sent from the OpenGL app) depending on the distance to the center ?
If not, are there any other ways that would be appropriate and relatively simple to do?
You could try this:
#version 330 core
in vec3 vertex;
void main() {
//get the distance from 0,0,0
float distanceFromCenter = length(vertex);
//create a simple squiggly wave function
//you have to change the constant at the end depending
//on the size of your model
float distortionAmount = sin(distanceFromCenter / 10.0);
//the last vector says on which axes to distor, and how much. this example would wiggle on the z-axis
vec3 distortedPosition = vertex + distortionAmount * vec3(0, 0, 1);
gl_Position = distortedPosition;
It might not be perfect, but it should you get started.
I'm creating basic OpenGL scene and I have problem with manipulating with my object. Each has different transformation matrix, there's also modelview/translation/scaling matrix for whole scene.
How do I bind this data tomy object before executing calculations from vertex shader? I've read about gl(Push|Pop)Matrix(), but these functions are deprecated from what I understood.
A bit of my code. Position from vertex shader:
gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex;
And C++ function to display objects:
// Clear etc...
mat4 lookAt = glm::lookAt();
mat4 combined = lookAt * (mat4) sceneTranslation * (mat4) sceneScale;
mat4 objectTransform(1.0);
// Transformations...
// No idea if it works, but objects are affected by camera position but not individually scaled, moved etc.
GLuint gl_ModelViewMatrix = glGetUniformLocation(shaderprogram, "gl_ModelViewMatrix");
glUniformMatrix4fv(gl_ModelViewMatrix, 1, GL_FALSE, &objectTransform[0][0]);
// For example
Well, you dont have to use glLoadMatrix and other built in matrix functions, because it could be even more difficult than handling your own matrixes.
A simple camera example without controlling it, its a static camera:
glm::mat4x4 view_matrix = glm::lookAt(
cameraPosition+directionVector, //or the focus point the camera is pointing to
It returns a 4x4 matrix, this is the view matrix.
glm::mat4x4 projection_matrix =
glm::perspective(60.0f, float(screenWidth)/float(screenHeight), 1.0f, 1000.0f);
this is the projection matrix
so now you have the view and projection matrixes, and you can send it to the shader:
the bindshader is the simple glUseProgram(shaderprog);
the uniform program is
void sendUniform4x4(const string& name, const float* matrix, bool transpose=false)
GLuint location = getUniformLocation(name);
glUniformMatrix4fv(location, 1, transpose, matrix);
Your model matrix is individual for each of your objects:
glm::mat4x4 model_matrix= glm::mat4(1); //this is the identity matrix, so its static
model_matrix= glm::rotate(model_matrix,
vec3(axis)); //same as opengl function.
This created a model matrix, and you can send it to your shader too
the glm::value_ptr(...) creates a 2 dimensional array of your matrix.
in your shader code don't use the glModelViewMatrix and gl_ProjectionMatrix,
matrixes are sent via uniforms.
uniform mat4 projection_matrix;
uniform mat4 view_matrix;
uniform mat4 model_matrix;
void main(){
gl_Position = projection_matrix*view_matrix*model_matrix*gl_Vertex;
//i wrote gl_Vertex because of the glutSolidTeapot.
I've never used this build in mesh function so i dont know how it works, supposing it is sending the vertexes to the shader with immediate mode use gl_Vertex.
If you create your own meshes use VBO vertexattribpointer and drawarrays/elements.
Don't forget to bind the shader before sending uniforms.
So with a complete example:
glm::mat4x4 view_matrix = glm::lookAt(2,4,2,-1,-1,-1,0,1,0);
glm::mat4x4 projection_matrix =
glm::perspective(60.0f, float(screenWidth)/float(screenHeight), 1.0f, 10.0f);
glm::mat4x4 model_matrix= glm::mat4(1); //this remains unchanged
glm::mat4x4 teapot_model_matrix= glm::rotate(model_matrix, //this is the teapots model matrix, apply transformations to this
teapot_model_matrix = glm::scale(teapot_model_matrix,vec3(2,2,2);
glutSolidCube(0.0); //i don't know what the (0.0) stands for :/
in your shader:
uniform mat4 projection_matrix; //these are the matrixes you've sent
uniform mat4 view_matrix;
uniform mat4 model_matrix;
void main(){
gl_Position = projection_matrix*view_matrix*model_matrix*vec4(gl_Vertex.xyz,1);
Now you should have a camera positioned at 2,4,2, focusing at -1,-1,-1, and the up vector is pointing up:)
A teapot is rotated by 45 degrees around the (1,1,1) vector, and scaled by 2 in every direction.
After changing the model matrix, send it to the shader, so if you have more objects to render
send it after each if you want to have different transformations applied to each mesh.
A pseudocode for this looks like:
camera.lookat(camerapostion,focuspoint,updirection); //sets the view
camera.project(fov,aspect ratio,near plane, far plane) //and projection matrix
obj1.rotate(45 degrees, 1,1,1); //these functions should transform the model matrix of the object. Make sure each one has its own.
If it doesn't work try it with a vertexBuffer, and a simple triangle or cube created by yourself.
You should use a math library, I recommend GLM. It has its matrix functions just like in OpenGL, and uses column major matrixes so you can calculate your owns, and apply them for objects.
First, you should have a matrix class for your scene, which calculates your view matrix, and projection matrix. (glm::lookAt, and glm::project). They work the same as in openGL. You can send them as uniforms to the vertex shader.
For the obejcts, you calculate your own marixes, and send them as the model matrix to the shader(s).
In the shader or on cpu you calculate the mv matrix:
vp = proj*view.
You send your individual model matrixes to the shader and calculate the final position:
gl_Position = vp*m*vec4(vertex.xyz,1);
with glm, you can easily calculate, transform you matrixes. You create a simple identity matrix:
glm::mat4x4(1) //identity
you can translate, rotate, scale it.
They work like in immediate mode in opengl.
after you have your matrix send it via the uniform.
shader->senduniform("proj", camera.projectionmatrix);
shader->senduniform("view", camera.viewmatrix);
glm::mat4 model(1);
obj1.modelmatrix = glm::translate(model,vec3(1,2,1));
shader->senduniform("model", obj1.modelmatrix);
obj2.modelmatrix = glm::rotate(model,obj2.degrees,vec3(obj2.rotationaxis));
shader->senduniform("model", obj2.modelmatrix);
This is just one way to do this. You can write a class for push/pop matrix calculations, automate the method above like this:
obj1.rotate(degrees,vec3(axis)); //this calculates the obj1.modelmatrix for example rotating the identity matrix.
obj1.translate(vec3(x,y,z))//more transform
//continue with object 2
the view matrix almost the same as model matrix. Use this to control the global "model matrix", the camera. This transforms your screen globally, and you can have model matrixes for your objects individually.
In my camera class I calculate this with the glm::lookAt(the same as opengl) then send it via uniform to all shaders I use.
Then when I render something I can manipulate its model matrix, rotating or scaling it, but the view matrix is global.
If you want a static object, you don't have to use model matrix on it, you can calculate the position with only:
gl_Position = projmatrix*viewmatrix*staticobjectvertex;
You can have a global model matrix too.
Use it like
Send it as uniform too, and apply it after the objects' model matrix.
(I've used it to render ocean reflections to texture.)
To sum up:
create a global view(camera) matrix
create a model matrix for each of your sceens, meshes or objects
transform the objects' matrixes individually
send the projection, model and view matrixes via uniforms to the shader
calculate the final position: proj*camera*model*vertex
move your objects, and move your camera
I'm not saying there aren't any better way to do this, but this works for me well.
PS: if you'd like some camera class tuts I have a pretty good one;).
So I have a .3ds mesh that I imported into my project and it's quite large so I wanted to scale it down in size using glscalef. However the rendering algorithm I use in my shader makes use of normal vector values and so after scaling my rendering algorithm no longer works exactly as it should. So how do remedy this? Is there a glscalef for normals as well?
Normal vectors are transformed by the transposed inverse of the modelview matrix. However a second constraint is, that normals be of unit length and scaling the modelview changes that. So in your shader, you should apply a normalization step
#version 330
uniform mat4x4 MV;
uniform mat4x4 P;
uniform mat4x4 N; // = transpose(inv(MV));
in vec3 vertex_pos; // vertes position attribute
in vec3 vertex_normal; // vertex normal attribute
out vec3 trf_normal;
void main()
trf_normal = normalize( (N * vec4(vertex_normal, 1)).xyz );
gl_Position = P * MV * vertex_pos;
Note that "normalization" is the process of turning a vector into colinear vector of its own with unit length, and has nothing to do with the concept of surface normals.
To transform normals, you need to multiply them by the inverse transpose of the transformation matrix. There are several explanations of why this is the case, the best one is probably here
Normal is transformed by MV^IT, the inverse transpose of the modelview matrix, read the redbook, it explains everything.
I am switching my shaders away from relying on using the OpenGL fixed function pipeline. Previously, OpenGL automatically transformed the lights for me, but now I need to do it myself.
I have the following GLSL code in my vertex shader:
//compute all of the light vectors. we want normalized vectors
//from the vertex towards the light
for(int i=0;i < NUM_LIGHTS; i++)
//if w is 0, it's a directional light, it is a vector
//pointing from the world towards the light source
if(u_lightPos[i].w == 0)
vec3 transformedLight = normalize(vec3(??? * u_lightPos[i]));
v_lightDir[i] = transformedLight;
//this is a positional light, transform it by the view*projection matrix
vec4 transformedLight = u_vp_matrix * u_lightPos[i];
//subtract the vertex from the light to get a vector from the vertex to the light
v_lightDir[i] = normalize(vec3(transformedLight - gl_Position));
What do I replace the ??? with in the line vec3 transformedLight = normalize(vec3(??? * u_lightPos[i]));?
I already have the following matrices as inputs:
uniform mat4 u_mvp_matrix;//model matrix*view matrix*projection matrix
uniform mat4 u_vp_matrix;//view matrix*projection matrix
uniform mat3 u_normal_matrix;//normal matrix for this model
I don't think it's any of these. It's obviously not the mvp matrix or the normal matrix, because those are specific to the current model, and I'm trying to convert to view coordinates. I don't think it's the vp matrix either though, because that includes translations and I don't want to translate a vector.
Can I compute the matrix that I need from what is currently given to the shader, and if so, what do I need to compute? If not, what matrix do I need to add and how should it be computed?
You can use the same view_projection matrix. Yes, that matrix does include a translation, but because the light vector has w = 0 the matrix multiplication will not apply it.
You are supposed to transform the light position/direction into view space on the CPU, not in a shader. It's a uniform; it's done once per frame per light. It doesn't change, so there's no need to have every vertex compute it. It's a waste of time.