Is there a quick "pythonic" way to check if a file is in write mode, whether the mode is r+, w, w+, etc. I need to run a function when __exit__ is called, but only if the file is open in write mode and not just read-only mode. I am hoping some function exists to obtain this information but I can't seem to find anything.
Is there a way to do this without having to build a separate function to interpret the list of mode types?
Simply by using file.mode attribute
>>> f = open("test.csv", "r")
>>> f.mode
I use os.access('your_file_path', os.W_OK) to check write mode.
file.mode always returns 'r', while the file is actually in 'write' mode.
I am using GWBASIC and cannot figure out a few things. Like, when I'm saving a program after running it with F4, it says: File not found.
Secondly, when I'm using auto command it shows * with line numbers.
Finally, if I want to take program and its output's print on paper, what should I do?
I am using GWBASIC and cannot figure out a few things. Like, when I'm
saving a program after running it with F4, it says: File not found.
Try saving like this:
Secondly, when I'm using auto command it shows * with line numbers.
The star (*) on a line means that line already exists and you are overwriting it.
If you use the command NEW to wipe-out the program from memory before running 'auto', you won't see those stars on lines.
Finally, if I want to take program and its output's print on paper,
what should I do?
1) Save the program as a text file:
2) Open the file 'myprog.bas' with a text editor (like Notepad++).
3) Print it.
To print a GW-BASIC program, use the LIST command.
The optional , filename parameter specifies the output for the listing. It could be to a file (e.g. to dump the text so another program can load it), or it could be to a printer device (e.g. LPT1:).
So this should work:
See also
I am learning about exceptions and so performing some file operations and testing various parts of code that can possibly generate exceptions while working with files in Python. I am executing this Python 2.7 code on Canopy.
import os
fp = open('testfile', 'r')
except IOError:
print 'File not opened successfully'
print 'File opened successfully'
except IOError:
print 'Write not allowed on this file'
print 'Write successful'
except IOError:
print 'File not closed properly'
print 'File closed successfully'
if os.path.exists(
When I execute this code, I get the following output:
File not opened properly
NameErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
/home/sr/Python/ in ()
--> 185 if os.path.exists(
NameError: name 'fp' is not defined
But if I change the access mode of file to 'w', Then everything seems to work properly with the correct output as:
File opened successfully
Write successful
File closed successfully
I cannot understand why the 'r' mode is not making the file open properly and thus the fp file object is not created. Please help me figure the problem out.
P.S.: Also I would like to know if there is a better way of implementing the same thing. But this is optional.
The error combined with your printout should be pretty self-explanatory: the variable fp does not exist if you can't open the file.
The mode 'r' indicates that you want to open the file for reading. You can not read something that is not there, so you end up going to the finally block in your code after processing the IOError. But the error occurs before fp was set, so there is no variable fp, hence the error. [Solutions below]
The mode 'w' indicates that you want to open for writing, but from scratch. There is also an 'a' mode to append if the file already exists. You can write to a non-existent file just fine, so your code does not fail. In fact, if the file did exist in 'w' mode, it would be trucated and any previous contents would be lost.
Try creating an empty file and running with mode 'r'. You should get an exception that prints 'Write not allowed on this file'. That is because, as your error message correctly indicates, writing to a file opened in read mode is not allowed.
There are two major improvements that you can make to your code. One is fixing the logical flaws, the other is a major stylistic improvement using with statements.
You have two major logic errors. The first is in the outermost finally block that you already saw. The simplest fix is moving the contents of the finally block into the else, since you don't have any action to take if the file was not opened. Another solution is to refer to the file name you are trying to open in the first place. For example, you could store the file name into a variable and use that:
filename = 'testfile'
fp = open(filename, 'r')
if os.path.exists(filename):
The second major logic error is that you do not close the file if your write fails. Notice that you call fp.close() only in the else clause of your try block. If should instead appear in a finally block. The print statement should of course stay in the else. Change
print 'Write successful'
print 'Write successful'
The entire code can be improved stylistically by using with blocks to manage your file operations. The obvious way to do this is as follows:
fname = 'testfile'
with open(fname, 'r') as fp:
if os.path.exists(fname):
You will not get as many detailed messages when things fail, but overall, this code is cleaner, shorter and more robust than what you have. It guarantees that the file will be closed whether or not an exception occurred anywhere along the way. If you need the detailed error output that you currently have, keep using the current try blocks. The reason that most people will prefer with is that any error that occurs will have a detailed desciption and a line number that it happened on, so you basically get all the necessary information with a lot less work.
Here are some additional resources to help you understand with and context managers:
Understanding Python's "with" statement (from
Official documentation for with
SO 1, 2, 3, 4
Currently I have the following part code in my Sync:
int index = file.find(remoteDir);
if(index >= 0){
file.erase(index, remoteDir.size());
file.insert(index, localDir);
// Uses PUT command on the file
Now I want to do the following instead:
If a file is the same as before, except for a rename, don't use the PUT command, but use the Rename command instead
TL;DR: Is there a way to check whether a file is the same as before except for a rename that occurred? So a way to compare both files (with different names) to see if they are the same?
check the md5sum, if it is different then the file is modified.
md5 check sum of a renamed file will remain same. Any change in content of file will give a different value.
I first tried to use Renjith method with md5, but I couldn't get it working (maybe it's because my C++ is for windows instead of Linux, I dunno.)
So instead I wrote my own function that does the following:
First check if the file is the exact same size (if this isn't the case we can just return false for the function instead of continuing).
If the sizes do match, continue checking the file-buffer per BUFFER_SIZE (in my case this is 1024). If the entire buffer of the file matches, return true.
PS: Make sure to close any open streams before returning.. My mistake here was that I had the code to close one stream after the return-statement (so it was never called), and therefore I had errno 13 when trying to rename the file.
I would like to know if in Fortran it is possible to use just a single command (with options/specifiers) to do the following:
open a file if it exists and append some data
(this can be done with: open(unit=40,file='',Access = 'append',Status='old') but if the file does not exist a runtime error is issued)
create the file if it does not exist and write some data.
I am currently using inquire to check whether the file exist or not but then I still have to use the open statement to append or write data.
As far as I am aware of, the only safe solution is to do the way you're already doing it, using different open statements for the different cases:
program proba
implicit none
logical :: exist
inquire(file="test.txt", exist=exist)
if (exist) then
open(12, file="test.txt", status="old", position="append", action="write")
open(12, file="test.txt", status="new", action="write")
end if
write(12, *) "SOME TEXT"
end program proba
You may be interested in my Fortran interface library to libc file system calls (modFileSys), which could at least spare you the logical variable and the inquire statement by querying the file status directly:
if (file_exists("test.txt")) then
end if
but of course you can program a similar function easily yourself, and especially it won't save you from the two open statements...
write(61,*) 'hey'
This will append to an existing file, otherwise create and write. Adding status='unknown' would be equivalent.
if you replace the status from 'old' to 'unknown' then you will not get the run time error if the file exists or now.
In open statement add the attribute access as follows;
The above statement will open the file without destroying old data and write command will append the new lines in the file.
The simplest solution for fortran 90.
What is the fastest method in C++, to read a new line from a file which is written by another process. Or how my program can be notified that there is a new line in file so read it? (in linux)
The fastest method is to use pipes or events (for Windows apps).
If you still want use files, first of all that you really need, making sure, that a file has been really modified (use seek and compare it with prew value). Than go to the 'last val of seek' and read it.
And it will be better use mutex (if you read data from file).
Assuming the OS supports concurrent file access, all you should need to do is seek to EOF, wait for the stat to change then try to read from the file. You might want to add in a sleep to slow down the loop.
The 'tail' command on POISX (with the -f option) implements this - source code is available.
From the top of my head, did u tried something like this:
Count the lines in a file, store it.
Get the size of the file (google it, i dont want to ruin the fun :D ).
Then try to read from the last line u stored when size of the file changes... and again and again.
Have fun :)
Use inotify to get notification about file changes and then reread from your last pos if the file is now larger then before.