running shell commands crystal language and capturing the output - crystal-lang

I am used to using open3 to run commands in Ruby. Since there doesn't seem to be an equivalent lib in crystal-lang, I kludged up this:
def run_cmd(cmd, args)
stdout_str =
stderr_str =
result = [] of Int32 | String
status =, args: args, output: stdout_str, error: stderr_str)
if status.success?
result = [status.exit_code, "#{stdout_str}"]
result = [status.exit_code, "#{stderr_str}"]
cmd = "ping"
hostname = "my_host"
args = ["-c 2", "#{hostname}"]
result = run_cmd(cmd, args)
puts "ping: #{hostname}: Name or service not known" if result[0] != 0
Is there a better way to do this? Says the retired network specialist who is not a software developer exploring crystal-lang.
Thanks in advance for all advice.

Probably this:
def run_cmd(cmd, args)
stdout =
stderr =
status =, args: args, output: stdout, error: stderr)
if status.success?
{status.exit_code, stdout.to_s}
{status.exit_code, stderr.to_s}
We don't need to close an IO::Memory because it doesn't represent a handle to any OS resources, just a block of memory, and we use tuples instead of arrays for the return. This means the callers know we're returning exactly two items and the first is a number and the second is a string. With an array return the caller only knows we're returning any number of items, any of which could be either an int32 or a string.
You can then use it like this:
cmd = "ping"
hostname = "my_host"
args = ["-c 2", hostname]
status, output = run_cmd(cmd, args)
puts "ping: #{hostname}: Name or service not known" unless status == 0


pcap parsing in python2.7

To carry on from this question.
I'm now trying to perform print summary but still not sure what to include in my final argument before print summary. Please see the the code below:
def run_example():
global total_packet_count, total_bytes_count, average_pkt_size
dmp_file = sys.argv[1]
fp_dmp_file = open(dmp_file)
except Exception as e:
print 'Error: please supply pcap filename!\n'
f = open('test1.pcap')
dmp_file = sys.argv[1]
file = open(dmp_file)
except Exception as e:
print 'Error: please supply pcap filename!\n'
pcap = dpkt.pcap.Reader(file)
for ts, buf in pcap:
eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf)
ip =
tcp =
src_ip = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.src)
src_port = str(
dst_ip = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.dst)
dst_port = str(
if type( == dpkt.tcp.TCP:
protocol = 'tcp'
elif type( == dpkt.udp.UDP:
protocol = 'udp'
print_packet_info (ts, src_ip, src_port, dst_ip, dst_port, protocol, ip.len, ip.ttl)
print_summary(len (total_packet_count), len (total_bytes_count), len (average_pkt_size))
if name == 'main':
I managed to print packet data but still unable to print summary. I guess I need to do count values from global to be able to print summary.
Any help is much appreciated
So firstly, we need to identify global variables again on top of our file coming after added libraries in order to have it called outside "def run_example()".
Then, after "dst_port" we can call our summary variables with the fist one will increment packets in file. The second one will check the length of packets size in this case (bytes) This can be found in dkpt manual. Lastly, "print summary" variables I did wasn't wright. Instead we call our defined variables as for the average we will divide "total bytes"/"total packets" witch will give us the average size of packets.

How to store"utf-8") value in variable

I am using paramiko in python and when I running ssh.exec command, I have to use"utf-8") to get formatted output. Here is sample code.
def runcmd(cmd):
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command (cmd)
#stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command ('ls')
# Wait for the command to terminate
while not
# Only print data if there is data to read in the channel
rl, wl, xl =[], [], [], 0.0)
if len(rl) > 0:
# Print data from stdout
print ("utf-8"))
Now whatever o/p print by above command I have store in variable as I have to use this output to do some action.
When I am using output = runcmd(cmd) in main class. I am getting o/p as none. Any clue to fix this.
Your problem is that your runcmd function is only printing and not returning anything. You need to end the function with return.
def runcmd(cmd):
out = ""
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command (cmd)
#stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command ('ls')
# Wait for the command to terminate
while not
# Only print data if there is data to read in the channel
rl, wl, xl =[], [], [], 0.0)
if len(rl) > 0:
# Print data from stdout
out ="utf-8")
print out
return out
Now that your function returns a string you can do:
output = runcmd(cmd)

Controlling Program Flow Between VB and C++

I have a program that runs from VB/Excel and executes a C++ program in the middle of it. I have two (I think related) questions:
I capture the return value from the C++ program when it executes, but the number I get isn't zero (it's a 4-digit integer value instead, sample values I've received are 8156, 5844, 6100, 5528). I am certain the program exits normally with code 0, but I think VB is getting its value before the C++ program has completed its execution - would that explain why I am not getting a value of zero, and how I can get the final, correct return value from my C++ program?
[Probably as a solution to #1] How can I make the VB program "pause" until the C++ model has completed its execution? I need to do some additional VB work (output configuration based on the C++ model run) once the model is complete
Here is my VB code for how the model call. I am running a full-compiled C++ program through the windows shell.
Dim ModelDirectoryPath As String
Dim ModelExecutableName As String
Dim ModelFullString As String
Dim ret As Long
ModelDirectoryPath = Range("ModelFilePath").value
ModelExecutableName = Range("ModelFileName").value
ModelFullString = ModelDirectoryPath & ModelExecutableName
' Call the model to run
Application.StatusBar = "Running C Model..."
ModelFullString = ModelFullString & " " & ScenarioCounter & " " & NumDeals _
& " " & ModelRunTimeStamp
ret = Shell(ModelFullString)
' Add error checking based on return value
' This is where I want to do some checks on the return value and then start more VB code
1) You are capturing the Task ID of the program (this is what Shell() returns) not any return from the opened programme - that is why it is a 4 digit number
2) Shell() runs all programs asychronously.
To run a program synchronously or to run it and wait for the return, either:
Use a Windows API function (I refer you to for a list of options / API calls you could use)
Much more easily, use the WshShell object provided by Windows Scripting Host (see for more examples than what I give below). See Microsoft documentation of the Run method at
Essentially, do something like:
Set o = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
valueReturnedFromYourProgram = o.Run( _
strCommand:="notepad", _
Debug.Print valueReturnedFromYourProgram
I'm not sure what the VBA code would be but have you checked out ShellExecuteEx? Below is the C/C++ code:
ShExecInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO);
ShExecInfo.hwnd = NULL;
ShExecInfo.lpVerb = NULL;
ShExecInfo.lpFile = "c:\\MyProgram.exe";
ShExecInfo.lpParameters = "";
ShExecInfo.lpDirectory = NULL;
ShExecInfo.nShow = SW_SHOW;
ShExecInfo.hInstApp = NULL;

Need the Groovy way to do partial file substitutions

I have a file that I need to modify. The part I need to modify (not the entire file), is similar to the properties shown below. The problem is that I only need to replace part of the "value", the "ConfigurablePart" if you will. I receive this file so can not control it's format.
alpha.beta.gamma.1 = constantPart1ConfigurablePart1
alpha.beta.gamma.2 = constantPart2ConfigurablePart2
alpha.beta.gamma.3 = constantPart3ConfigurablePart3
I made this work this way, though I know it is really bad!
def updateFile(String pattern, String updatedValue) {
def myFile = new File(".", "inputs/fileInherited.txt")
StringBuffer updatedFileText = new StringBuffer()
def ls = System.getProperty('line.separator')
myFile.eachLine{ line ->
def regex = Pattern.compile(/$pattern/)
def m = (line =~ regex)
if (m.matches()) {
def buf = new StringBuffer(line)
buf.replace(m.start(1), m.end(1), updatedValue)
line = buf.toString()
println line
The passed in pattern is required to contain a group that is substituted in the StringBuffer. Does anyone know how this should really be done in Groovy?
EDIT -- to define the expected output
The file that contains the example lines needs to be updated such that the "ConfigurablePart" of each line is replaced with the updated text provided. For my ugly solution, I would need to call the method 3 times, once to replace ConfigurablePart1, once for ConfigurablePart2, and finally for ConfigurablePart3. There is likely a better approach to this too!!!
*UPDATED -- Answer that did what I really needed *
In case others ever hit a similar issue, the groovy code improvements I asked about are best reflected in the accepted answer. However, for my problem that did not quite solve my issues. As I needed to substitute only a portion of the matched lines, I needed to use back-references and groups. The only way I could make this work was to define a three-part regEx like:
Once that was done, I was able to use:
it.replaceAdd(~/$pattern/, "\$1$replacement\$3")
Thanks to both replies - each helped me out a lot!
It can be made more verbose with the use of closure as args. Here is how this can be done:
abc.item.1 = someDummyItem1
abc.item.2 = someDummyItem2
abc.item.3 = someDummyItem3
alpha.beta.gamma.1 = constantPart1ConfigurablePart1
alpha.beta.gamma.2 = constantPart2ConfigurablePart2
alpha.beta.gamma.3 = constantPart3ConfigurablePart3
abc.item.4 = someDummyItem4
abc.item.5 = someDummyItem5
abc.item.6 = someDummyItem6
Groovy Code:-
//Replace the pattern in file and write to file sequentially.
def replacePatternInFile(file, Closure replaceText) {
def file = new File('abc.txt')
def patternToFind = ~/ConfigurablePart/
def patternToReplace = 'NewItem'
//Call the method
it.replaceAll(patternToFind, patternToReplace)
println file.getText()
abc.item.1 = someDummyItem1
abc.item.2 = someDummyItem2
abc.item.3 = someDummyItem3
alpha.beta.gamma.1 = constantPart1NewItem1
alpha.beta.gamma.2 = constantPart2NewItem2
alpha.beta.gamma.3 = constantPart3NewItem3
abc.item.4 = someDummyItem4
abc.item.5 = someDummyItem5
abc.item.6 = someDummyItem6
Confirm file abc.txt. I have not used the method updateFile() as done by you, but you can very well parameterize as below:-
def updateFile(file, patternToFind, patternToReplace){
it.replaceAll(patternToFind, patternToReplace)
For a quick answer I'd just go this route:
patterns = [pattern1 : constantPart1ConfigurablePart1,
pattern2 : constantPart2ConfigurablePart2,
pattern3 : constantPart3ConfigurablePart3]
def myFile = new File(".", "inputs/fileInherited.txt")
StringBuffer updatedFileText = new StringBuffer()
def ls = System.getProperty('line.separator')
myFile.eachLine{ line ->
patterns.each { pattern, replacement ->
line = line.replaceAll(pattern, replacement)
println line

Lua: pass context into loadstring?

I'm trying to pass context into a dynamic expression that I evaluate every iteration of a for loop. I understand that the load string only evaluates within a global context meaning local variables are inaccessible. In my case I work around this limitation by converting a local into a global for the purpose of the string evaluation. Here's what I have:
require 'cosmo'
model = { { player = "Cliff", age = 35, gender = "male" }, { player = "Ally", age = 36, gender = "female" }, { player = "Jasmine", age = 13, gender = "female" }, { player = "Lauren", age = 6.5, gender = "female" } }
values = { eval = function(args)
output = ''
condition = assert(loadstring('return ' .. args.condition))
for _, it in ipairs(model) do
each = it
if condition() then
output = output .. each.player .. ' age: ' .. each.age .. ' ' .. '\n'
return output
end }
template = "$eval{ condition = 'each.age < 30' }"
result = cosmo.fill(template, values)
print (result)
My ultimate goal (other than mastering Lua) is to build out an XSLT like tempting engine where I could do something like:
apply_templates{ match = each.age > 30}[[<parent-player>$each.player</parent-player>]]
apply_templates{ match = each.age > 30}[[<child-player>$each.player</child-player>]]
...And generate different outputs. Currently I'm stuck on my above hawkish means of sharing a local context thru a global. Does anyone here have better insight on how I'd go about doing what I'm attempting to do?
It's worth noting that setfenv was removed from Lua 5.2 and loadstring is deprecated. 5.2 is pretty new so you won't have to worry about it for a while, but it is possible to write a load routine that works for both versions:
local function load_code(code, environment)
if setfenv and loadstring then
local f = assert(loadstring(code))
return f
return assert(load(code, nil,"t",environment))
local context = {}
context.string = string
context.table = table
-- etc. add libraries/functions that are safe for your application.
-- see:
local condition = load_code("return " .. args.condition, context)
Version 5.2's load handles both the old loadstring behavior and sets the environment (context, in your example). Version 5.2 also changes the concept of environments, so loadstring may be the least of your worries. Still, it's something to consider to possibly save yourself some work down the road.
You can change the context of a function with setfenv(). This allows you to basically sandbox the loaded function into its own private environment. Something like the following should work:
local context = {}
local condition = assert(loadstring('return ' .. args.condition))
setfenv(condition, context)
for _, it in ipairs(model) do
context['each'] = it
if condition() then
-- ...
This will also prevent the condition value from being able to access any data you don't want it to, or more crucially, modifying any data you don't want it to. Note, however, that you'll need to expose any top-level bindings into the context table that you want condition to be able to access (e.g. if you want it to have access to the math package then you'll need to stick that into context). Alternatively, if you don't have any problem with condition having global access and you simply want to deal with not making your local a global, you can use a metatable on context to have it pass unknown indexes through to _G:
setmetatable(context, { __index = _G })