wso2bps 3.6.0 async tasks - wso2

I need to create parallel running service tasks in my process.
Try to create the simplest flow with async property usage:
With loop cardinality = 5 (for example)
I found that in activiti.xml configuration it's required to add this property:
<property name="asyncExecutorActivate" value="true" />
But flow still runs in one thread.
What i'm missing?
How to activate async correctly?

to activate async parallel execution in the example above - need to set async on Call Service and not on Sub Process
as soon as we use async we have to configure process engine to be async
otherwise you will meet this king of exception:
org.activiti.engine.ActivitiOptimisticLockingException: VariableInstanceEntity[id=15317, name=nrOfActiveInstances, type=integer, longValue=1, textValue=1] was updated by another transaction concurrently
the parameters of activiti engine on wso2bps stored here: conf/activiti.xml
just add the following properties to bean id="processEngineConfiguration"
<bean id="processEngineConfiguration" class="org.activiti.engine.impl.cfg.StandaloneProcessEngineConfiguration">
<property name="asyncExecutorActivate" value="true" />
<property name="asyncExecutorEnabled" value="true" />
warn: don't know if it's feature or bug. subprocess will catch correctly all thread endings only if you set async on end events of subprocess...
after those changes, the process from question works great in multithread mode.


JEE7/JAX-RS How to programatically create a JDBC connectionpool

I'm currently developing a REST service to replace an existing solution. I'm using plain Payara/JEE7/JAX-RS. I am not using Spring and I do not intent to.
The problem I'm facing is that we want to reuse as much of the original configuration as possible (deployment on multiple nodes in a cluster with puppet controlling the configuration files).
Usually in Glassfish/Payara, you'd have a domain.xml file that has some content like this:
<jdbc-connection-pool driver-classname="" pool-resize-quantity="10" datasource-classname="org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource" max-pool-size="20" res-type="javax.sql.DataSource" steady-pool-size="10" description="" name="pgsqlPool">
<property name="User" value="some_user"/>
<property name="DatabaseName" value="myDatabase"/>
<property name="LogLevel" value="0"/>
<property name="Password" value="some_password"/>
<!-- bla --->
<jdbc-resource pool-name="pgsqlPool" description="" jndi-name="jdbc/pgsql"/>
Additionally you'd have a persistence.xml file in your archive like this:
<persistence-unit name="myDatabase">
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect"/>
<!-- bla -->
I need to replace both of these configuration files by a programmatic solution so I can read from the existing legacy configuration files and (if needed) create the connection pools and persistence units on the server's startup.
Do you have any idea how to accomplish that?
Actually you do not need to edit each domain.xml by hands. Just create glassfish-resources.xml file like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE resources PUBLIC "-// GlassFish Application Server 3.1 Resource Definitions//EN" "">
<jdbc-connection-pool driver-classname="" pool-resize-quantity="10" datasource-classname="org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource" max-pool-size="20" res-type="javax.sql.DataSource" steady-pool-size="10" description="" name="pgsqlPool">
<property name="User" value="some_user"/>
<property name="DatabaseName" value="myDatabase"/>
<property name="LogLevel" value="0"/>
<property name="Password" value="some_password"/>
<!-- bla --->
<jdbc-resource pool-name="pgsqlPool" description="" jndi-name="jdbc/pgsql"/>
Then either use
$PAYARA_HOME/bin/asadmin add-resources glassfish-resources.xml
on each node once or put it under WEB-INF/ of your war (note, in this case jndi-name SHOULD be java:app/jdbc/pgsql because you do not have access to global: scope at this context).
Note that your persistence.xml should be under META-INF/ of any jar in your classpath.
If you do not like this, you may use
#PersistenceUnit(unitName = "MyDatabase")
EmtityManagerFactory emf;
to create EntityManager on fly:
createEntityManager(java.util.Map properties).
By the way, using Payara you can share configuration with JCache across you cluster.
Since the goal is to have a dockerized server that runs a single application, I can very well use an embedded server.
Using an embedded sever, the solution to my problem looks roughly like this:
For the server project, create a Maven dependency:
Start your server like this:
final BootstrapProperties bootstrapProperties = new BootstrapProperties();
final GlassFishRuntime runtime = GlassFishRuntime.bootstrap();
final GlassFishProperties glassfishProperties = new GlassFishProperties();
final GlassFish glassfish = runtime.newGlassFish(glassfishProperties);
Add your connection pools to the started instance:
final CommandResult createPoolCommandResult ="create-jdbc-connection-pool",
"--datasourceclassname=org.postgresql.ds.PGConnectionPoolDataSource", "--restype=javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource", //
+ ":ServerName="//
+ ":PortNumber=5432"//
+ ":User=myUser"//
+ ":Password=myPassword"//
//other properties
, "Mydb"); //the pool name
Add a corresponding jdbc resource:
final CommandResult createResourceCommandResult ="create-jdbc-resource", "--connectionpoolid=Mydb", "jdbc__Mydb");
(In the real world you would get the data from some external configuration file)
Now deploy your application:
glassfish.getDeployer().deploy(new File(pathToWarFile));
(Usually you would read your applications from some deployment directory)
In the application itself you can just refer to the configured pools like this:
#PersistenceContext(unitName = "mydb")
EntityManager mydbEm;
A glassfish-resources.xml would have been possible too, but with a catch: My configuration file is external, shared by some applications (so the file format is not mine) and created by external tools on deployment. I would need to XSLT the file to a glassfish-resources.xml file and run a script that does the "asadmin" calls.
Running an embedded server is an all-java solution that I can easily build on a CI server and my application's test suite could spin up the same embedded server build to run some integration tests.

Improve web service performance using AxiomSoapMesageFactory - degradation of performance with large number of users

We currently call SOAP web services which send back very big responses.
We use Spring-WS (using WebServiceTemplate), JAX-WS client while invoking the web services and the application is run on Jboss EAP 6.0.
We also use SaajSoapMessageFactory currently. I read from forums that AxiomSoapMessageFactory should be used rather than SaajSoapMessageFactory ( to improve reading performance.
I made the following modification:
<bean id="messageFactory" class="">
<property name="soapVersion">
<util:constant static-field="" />
<bean id="messageFactory" class="">
<property name="payloadCaching" value="false"/>
This change worked fine as expected. But from a performance perspective, I am getting surprising results.
For a test with 50 users concurrently accessing the web service (indirectly via a screen that in turn invokes the web service), the overall response time (moment the button is clicked to the moment the response from the web service is displayed back on the screen) reduced from ~ 27 secs to 22 secs -that's a good 5 second improvement over SaajSoapMessageFactory.
However, when I ran a 100 user test, the response time increased by 2 secs and SaajSoapMessageFactory appears to be better in this case.
Can someone explain the reason for this difference in performance despite AxiomSoapMessageFactory using streaming and avoiding building tree??

CXF Connection timed out

I am getting a connection timed out when I try to invoke from a WS client a method from a CXF Web service I have deployed. Both are using custom interceptors, and the service is overloaded due to multiple invocations.
Caused by: ConnectException invoking http://xxx.xx.xx.xx:12005/myservice/repository?wsdl: Connection timed out
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at org.apache.cxf.transport.http.HTTPConduit$WrappedOutputStream.mapException(
at org.apache.cxf.transport.http.HTTPConduit$WrappedOutputStream.close(
at org.apache.cxf.transport.AbstractConduit.close(
at org.apache.cxf.transport.http.HTTPConduit.close(
at org.apache.cxf.interceptor.MessageSenderInterceptor$MessageSenderEndingInterceptor.handleMessage(
... 36 more
I tried multiple solutions to disabled the timeout or to increase it but all failed.
First, I tried to create a CXF configuration file like the following:
<beans xmlns=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:http-conf=""
<http-conf:conduit name="*.http-conduit">
<http-conf:client CacheControl="no-cache"
ConnectionTimeout="0" ReceiveTimeout="0" AllowChunking="false" />
Then, I forced my application to load it by using the Java system property -Dcxf.config.file=/home/test/resources/cxf.xml
In the logs I can see that the configuration is read and thus probably applied
INFO: Loaded configuration file /home/test/resources/cxf.xml.
Unfortunately the connection timed out still occurs.
The second solution I tried consists of setting the policy programmatically on all the clients by using the following piece of code:
public static void setHTTPPolicy(Client client) {
HTTPConduit http = (HTTPConduit) client.getConduit();
HTTPClientPolicy httpClientPolicy = new HTTPClientPolicy();
but again the connection timeout occurs.
Do I miss something? Is there some other timeouts to configure? any help is welcome.
CXF allows you to configure threadpooling for your webservice endpoint. This way, you can cater for timeouts occurring as a result of scarce request processing resources. Below is a sample config using the <jaxws:endpoint/> option in cxf:
<jaxws:endpoint id="serviceBean" implementor="#referenceToServiceBeanDefinition" address="/MyEndpointAddress">
<bean id="threadPool" class="java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor">
<!-- Minimum number of waiting threads in the pool -->
<constructor-arg index="0" value="2"/>
<!-- Maximum number of working threads in the pool -->
<constructor-arg index="1" value="5"/>
<!-- Maximum wait time for a thread to complete execution -->
<constructor-arg index="2" value="400000"/>
<!-- Unit of wait time -->
<constructor-arg index="3" value="#{T(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit).MILLISECONDS}"/>
<!-- Storage data structure for waiting thread tasks -->
<constructor-arg index="4" ref="taskQueue"/>
<!-- Basic data structure to temporarily hold waiting tasks-->
<bean id="taskQueue" class="java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue"/>

How to fire Quartz Cronjob from my unit testing

I am running a Quartz cronjob in my tomcat container, which fires certain schedulers every minute, as shown by the following code:
<bean id="cronjobTrigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.CronTriggerBean">
<property name="jobDetail" ref="job_detail" />
<property name="cronExpression" value="0 */1 * * * ?" />
Now, I intend to write my own unit testing, which needs to fire this Cronjob and then check some consequent output file once the Cronjob is done. In stead of waiting for one minute every time in the unit testing, is it possible to trigger the Cronjob which runs inside my Tomcat, so that the test case won't have to wait for the scheduling interval?
OK, it seems that to keep the container running behind is a better idea...

Spring configuration for embedded H2 database for tests

What does your Spring configuration for integration tests look like using an embedded h2 datasource and, optionally, JUnit?
My first try with a SingleConnectionDataSource basically worked, but failed on more complicated tests where you need several connections at the same time or suspended transactions. I think h2 in tcp based server mode might work as well, but this is probably not the fastest communication mode for a temporary embedded database in memory.
What are the possibilities and their advantages / disadvantages? Also, how do you create the tables / populate the database?
Update: Let's specify some concrete requirements that are important for such tests.
The database should be temporary and in memory
The connection should probably not use tcp, for speed requirements
It would be nice if I could use a database tool to inspect the content of the database during debugging
We have to define a datasource since we can't use the application servers datasource in unit tests
With the reservation that I do not know if there is any tool that can inspect the database, I think that a simple solution would be to use the Spring embedded database (3.1.x docs, current docs) which supports HSQL, H2, and Derby.
Using H2, your xml configuration would look like the following:
<jdbc:embedded-database id="dataSource" type="H2">
<jdbc:script location="classpath:db-schema.sql"/>
<jdbc:script location="classpath:db-test-data.sql"/>
If you prefer Java based configuration, you can instantiate a DataSource like this (note that EmbeddedDataBase extends DataSource):
#Bean(destroyMethod = "shutdown")
public EmbeddedDatabase dataSource() {
return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder().
The database tables are created by the db-schema.sql script and they are populated with test data from the db-test-data.sql script.
Don't forget to add the H2 database driver to your classpath.
I currently include in a test-only springconfig-file as a datasource:
<bean id="database.dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy">
<bean class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.SimpleDriverDataSource">
<property name="driverClass" value="org.h2.Driver" />
<property name="url"
value="jdbc:h2:mem:testdb;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;MODE=Oracle;TRACE_LEVEL_SYSTEM_OUT=2" />
<!-- provides a H2 console to look into the db if necessary -->
<bean id="" class=""
factory-method="createWebServer" depends-on="database.dataSource"
init-method="start" lazy-init="false">
<constructor-arg value="-web,-webPort,11111" />
Creating / dropping the tables can be done by using executeSqlScript when overriding AbstractAnnotationAwareTransactionalTests.onSetUpBeforeTransaction, or with SimpleJdbcTestUtils.executeSqlScript in an appropriate place.
Compare also this posting.
H2 is bundled with a built-in connection pool implementation. The following XML provides an example of using it as a Datasource bean without a need to introduce additional dependencies on DBCP or C3P0:
<bean id="dataSource" class="org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcConnectionPool" destroy-method="dispose">
<bean class="org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource">
<property name="URL" value="jdbc:h2:dbname"/>
<property name="user" value="user"/>
<property name="password" value="password"/>
The database will be shut down by calling a dispose method when Spring application context closes.
I think it's best to use your production DataSource implementation (only with different connection-string) for the unit-tests.
Anyway "failed on more complicated tests" doesn't give enough information for a more detailed answer.
(Self-ad : check this)