In the "Hello R Markdown" post included in the blogdown ghostwriter theme, the pie chart renders in Rstudio viewer, but not when deployed on Netlify. Rstudio view: Netlify view Deployed with Hugo version 0.27.1. GitHub
You should commit the static/ folder in GIT, as mentioned in Section C.6 in the blogdown book.
As we mentioned in Section C.4, R plots will be copied to static/, so you may see new files in GIT after you render an Rmd file that has graphics output. You need to add and commit these new files in GIT, because the website will use them.
I have a Vue, Django integrated project. I hosted the Vue project on Netlify and the Django project on Heroku. A python script (integrated into Heroku) is called on certain buttons which extract data and posts this to the Django API to be viewed on the frontend.
I have trained a font type for my pytesseract OCR script. However, when i run it on Heroku, it seems like i can only use the 'eng' (normal font) as 'language' for my pytesseract image_to_string function. If I have the .traineddata file of the font type that I want to use, how can I use this file within the pytesseract functions? I can call the individual file, but I need the right TESSDATA_PREFIX as well. Does someone know how to deal with this?
I had the same issue. It is olved by setting TESSDATA_PREFIX Config Var to a custom directory and inserting all .traineddata files to that directory.
I created a github page with jeyll as per
This is my public repo & this is the github page link
I've setup the github-pages dependency on the gemfile and this same repo works for me locally. Is there something I missed here?
First, make sure you have configured the main branch, folder docs, as publishing shource
Second, in that docs folder, you should see what Jekyll has generated: docs the "destination" folder in Jekyll configuration.
(like Jekyll itself does when it builds its documentation)
I created a todo app and had it using GitHub Pages. It does not pull anything other than the when clicking the live link. I do not understand what I messed up here. I have a different repo using same style of programming that is working fine.
Issue repo:
Similar working repo:
Restaurant-Page is deployed to a gh-pages branch. There does not appear to be a gh-pages branch for todo-app. You have to put your dist folder on an orphan branch called gh-pages to deploy a static site. This is what GitHub is looking at for your Restaurant-Page.
Another way to deploy GitHub pages is to name your /dist folder /docs and update your GitHub pages settings to look at the /docs folder.
I've deployed a Django app on Azure and run it, everything was working fine css, images, js. After i run Gunicorn to automate the site then Only skeleton HTML displayed, css, images and js disappeared.
this is the Erro:
/home/honest/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/core/handlers/ FutureWarning: TemplateForDeviceMiddleware is deprecated. Please remove it from your middleware settings.
mw_instance = mw_class()
/home/honest/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/django/core/handlers/ FutureWarning: TemplateForHostMiddleware is deprecated. Please upgrade to the template loader.
Not Found: /static/images/sample/slider/img7.png/
May i know if i need to configure WhiteNoise for gunicorn on Azure?
Do i Need to edit my HTML templates to point to static folder in Azure?
I tried some of the solutions i saw here like setting DEBURG to True set path for static files in but it couldn't help.
I will be glad receiving a step by step solution to this.
Thanks for the assistence.
My Hugo site starts locally, but only returns a 404.html page when hit on GitHub Pages.
I've tried re-instantiating the repo, rebuilding the site with different commands, pushing and deploying with the Hugo deploy script, and rm -rf the public folder and re-adding it.
When following the tutorial, running git submodule add -b master public:
'public' already exists in the index
Currently hosted at
I'd expect the site to come up with my pages (and I definitely have non-draft pages on there), but it's only returning 404.html. It's possible it's because I renamed the repo at one point, but I'm not sure. Troubleshooting ideas are very appreciated.
UPDATE: The issue was that I didn't have an index.html, index.xml, or in my repo. Fixed.
2022: A different approach uses now GitHub Actions, since those are the default to build GitHub pages, since Aug. 2022.
Hence the new section "Build Hugo With GitHub Action" and the GitHub actions/hugo-setup.
Original answer 2019:
The issue was that I didn't have an index.html, index.xml, or in my repo. Fixed.
Not exactly fixed.
The point of the tutorial was:
git submodule add -b master<USERNAME>/<USERNAME> public
This creates a git submodule.
Now when you run the hugo command to build your site to public, the created public directory will have a different remote origin (i.e. hosted GitHub repository).
Meaning what you should be pushing if, from your public subfolder, only what Hugo has generated.
You should not push your Hugo project (config.toml, themes, and so on): those should be pushed in a separate GitHub repository for safekeeping and versionning.