AWS Lambda Serverless deploy asking for AWS provider credentials - amazon-web-services

I have configured serverless with key and secret.
When i try to run serverless deploy it says:
ServerlessError: AWS provider credentials not found. Learn how to set up AWS provider credentials in our docs here:.
Please help me what to do

This is how to setup AWS credentials on the local:
Sign in to AWS console
Go to your AWS account overview
Account menu in the upper-right (has your name on it)
sub-menu: Security Credentials
Copy <Access Key ID>
Copy <Secret Access Key>
Run on local serverless config credentials --provider aws --key <Access Key ID> --secret <Secret Access Key>

You can set up your serverless credentials by using the serverless config credentials command, with --provider aws and using --key and --secret to set your AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key, respectively.
See the Serverless AWS - Config Credentials documentation for Serverless specifics, and this AWS document on security credentials in case you need to figure out what your credentials are.

Also give your profile and region configuration in your yml file
name: aws
runtime: python2.7
lambdaHashingVersion: 20201221
profile: 'serverless-admin'
region: 'us-east-1'

I had the same problem. I try everything. I configure my credentials (AWS key and secret) with both aws cli and serverless cli but still got that same error when I run:
sls deploy -v
I was using CMD before then I realize something when I run the command
aws configure list
the output is
Name Value Type Location
---- ----- ---- --------
profile <not set> None None
access_key ****************SOU5 shared-credentials-file
secret_key ****************Cki5 shared-credentials-file
region eu-west-1 config-file ~/.aws/config
the path of the config file is
and CMD don't know what ~/ PATH IS but Bash does know
then I run the
sls deploy -v
on bash terminal and it worked 🎉🙌🙌🎉🐱‍🏍

For those who has the same problem, even when already configured the AWS credentials for serverless, by running the command serverless config credentials:
I had the same problem; even when I had set up properly my AWS credentials on serverless, when I run the serverless deploy command, I got this: ServerlessError: AWS provider credentials not found.
How did I solved it? By installing and configuring the AWS CLI Tool. Once I installed it and configured it with my AWS credentials, and then run again the serverless deploy command, it just works fine.
I guess the serverless command, behind the scenes, uses the AWS CLI to access AWS and provision the AWS resources.
I hope this could be helpful for someone.


AWS CDK deploy from circleCi fails with credential error but other aws services do not

I am running a cdk deploy build on circleCi, and when the step CDK deploy comes it gives me "Need to perform AWS calls for account ************, but no credentials have been configured".
But for the troubleshooting i tried other commands as well like
aws s3 ls
aws aws cloudformation list-stacks
These above commands we working fine, also able to run command to create a cloudformation with same config but not able to run cdk deploy. the access key and secret i am using has Admin access.
Set the creds with a profile name using aws-cli Orb in CircleCI and
try using the below command to deploy with CDK
cdk deploy --all --profile cdkprofile
For reference, in CircleCI
aws-cli: circleci/aws-cli#2.0.3
description: AWS Env Setup
- aws-cli/setup:
profile-name: cdkprofile
aws-access-key-id: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
aws-secret-access-key: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
And assumption is AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are set as CircleCI env variables
As a starting note: The best way to troubleshoot is with cdk [command] --verbose (see CLI ref)
CDK has an internal mechanism for finding credentials not directly using AWS CLI (AWS CLI is not a requirement for CDK to run)
In a similar situation with a CI tool, the issue was simply that the ~/.aws/credentials file did not exist (not that you need it with AWS CLI, but in the situation for CDK, it was required)
Credit to this issue reporting:
Solution tested for above:
For an EC2 running CI tool, with EC2 IAM role
Where ~/.aws/config exists and defined profile(s) with:
credential_source = Ec2InstanceMetadata
role_arn = arn:aws:iam:::role/role-to-assume-in-acctId
Create empty ~/.aws/credentials file
Example error for the problem solved above (from verbose output)
Resolving default credentials
Notices refreshed
Unable to determine the default AWS account: ProcessCredentialsProviderFailure: Profile myprofile did not include credential process
Other causes found in other issues/comments could relate to:
Duplicate profiles
Having credential_process in the profile, set to empty
Needing --profile parameter to be added

Ubuntu, Serverless Framework, AWS Credentials Failing

I cannot seem to get my AWS provider to use my AWS credentials in the Docker Containers
I have ran all of these so far
serverless config credentials --provider provider --key key --secret secret
aws configure
☝️ ran through the prompts and plugged in my info
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=blah
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=east-whatever
But still, get stopped by AWS
ServerlessError: AWS provider credentials not found. Learn how to set up AWS provider credentials in our docs here:.
I have also generated and regenerated my IAM creds multipule time, also whne I run aws configure list it returns
Name Value Type Location
---- ----- ---- --------
profile <not set> None None
access_key ****************67GT shared-credentials-file
secret_key ****************6glt shared-credentials-file
region us-east-2 config-file ~/.aws/config
I am not sure what else to do, I am on Ubuntu 20.04 using Bash
I will take approach of setting everything using aws-cli ( hence aws cli installation is imp)
install aws cli
run aws configure -> enter your creds, this info will be stored in profile called default in ~/.aws/credentials file. docs.
verify your configuration by checking ~/.aws/config ~/.aws.credentials file
for serverless frame work deployment use this serverless deploy.
if mutiple profiles needs to be used use sls deploy --aws-profile profile-name

AWS SSO and CodeArtifact Login requires manual config file changes for Region

When I run
AWS SSO Login --Profile Default
on my machine if my .aws/config file is not set to a Default region of us-east-1 I get "Invalid Grant" When the Browser opens to authenticate. When I set the config region to us-west-2 I can authenticate.
Issue is I then need to login to CodeArtifact and if I do not change the config file to us-west-2 I get:
An error occurred (ResourceNotFoundException) when calling the GetAuthorizationToken operation: Domain not found. Domain 'MY-domain' owned by account '1234567890' does not exist.
I need to be able to login to CodeArtifact inside of a docker container and manually changing the region is not an option there. Please advise. Thank you!
AWS CLI has global parameters you can use to pass the region when calling get-authorization-token.
aws codeartifact get-authorization-token --domain MY-domain --region us-west-2

Setting up AWS credentials

I am having problems configuring my AWS credentials on Serverless using my terminal. Once I place:
serverless config credentials --provider aws --key xx --secret xxx --profile serverless-admin2
After that the system responds "setting up aws..." and doesn't do anything else. Am I doing something wrong?
The command just only creates a new entry in your ~/.aws/credentials file. Thus to check if it worked, inspect ~/.aws/credentials and see if [serverless-admin2] profile was created with your aws keys.
If not, you can add the profile yourself there.

AWS SAM deployed Error under hello world template

I'm currently working on AWS serverless lambda function deployment and try to distribute and test with AWS SAM. However, when I followed the AWS SAM hello world template tutorial on official website, I can't really deploy my code to AWS.
I've already
Assigned a working IAM account
Install every package we need for AWS SAM (brew, aws-sam-cli...etc)
Set up AWS configuration
Using a function template provided by AWS
Yet, I got error message
Error: Stack aws-sam-cli-managed-default is missing Tags and/or
Outputs information and therefore not in a healthy state (Current
state:aws-sam-cli-managed-default). Failing as the stack was likely
not created by the AWS SAM CLI
Took me a minute to figure out too.
Open up CloudFormation in AWS and delete the aws-sam-cli-managed-default stack then try to redeploy.
Every time your deploy fails you'll likely have to do this again.
It's aws credentials error - because you not configure it right or not config at all.
If you didn't have aws cli installed on your computer, find aws cli installer for
your filesystem, for mac it's
Go to and create new user with AdministratorAccess permission and get aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key.
Go to your terminal and type aws configure.
Enter your credentials.
Try to run sum build && sum deploy --guided
Now it's need to work.
Like #Eli Meiler says, it may well be a credential issue. If you need to see more details here try
$ aws cloudformation describe-change-set --change-set-name InitialCreation --stack-name aws-sam-cli-managed-default
...FAILED User: arn:aws:iam::123:user/<human user> is not authorized to perform:
on resource: arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-central-1:aws:transform/Serverless-2016-10-31
with an explicit deny in an identity-based policy
Even though I had full permissions in that AWS account, what I was not aware was that MFA / 2-factor auth is kinda troublesome here.
The advice that worked for me was this github comment to
generate an sts token
set the env vars and
then try sam deploy --guided again
$ aws sts get-session-token --serial-number arn:aws:iam::<account_id>:mfa/<human.user> --duration-seconds 15000 --token-code 123456