Missing pip in python 2.7? - python-2.7

I am attempting to install a module (requests) in python 2.7.4 but am unable to do so because apparently I don't have pip installed? I tried to run "python pip --version" in CMD to check for it and got nothing in return except that pip is not a recognized command.
Have been googling the past 20 minutes and have tried each suggestion to no avail. Sorry for the stupid question but this is quite infuriating.

Python 2.7 must be having pip pre-installed.
Try installing your package by:
Open cmd as admin. (win+x then a)
Go to scripts folder: C:\Python27\Scripts
Type pip install "package name"
Note: Else reinstall python: https://www.python.org/downloads/
Also note: You must be in C:\Python27\Scripts in order to use pip command, Else add it to your path by typing: [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path","$env:Path;C:\Python27\;C:\Python27\Scripts\", "User") For New versions
Older versions of python may not have pip installed and get-pip will throw errors. Please update your python (2.7.15 as of Aug 12, 2018).
All current versions have an option to install pip and add it to the path.
Open Powershell as admin. (win+x thena')`
Type python -m pip install <package>.
If python is not in PATH, it'll throw an error saying unrecognized cmd. To fix, simply add it to the path as mentioned above.

The new version of python is already contains pip. I feel that you yet not set the environment path. just set environment path and try again.
If the issue still exists you just install pip using typing the following command in CMD
python -m pip install.

According to this answer
Good news! Python 3.4 (released March 2014) and Python 2.7.9 (released December 2014) ship with Pip.
so perhaps updating to 2.7.9 will solve your problem. Or you could follow some of the other suggestions in that answer to install pip manually.

For Ubuntu
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt install python-pip

Try this instead, if you are using windows OS type in command line ".\pip " and whatever command you want to use after, it can be install uninstall etc.


In Windows 10, pip import error: cannot import name main after installing pipenv

I am trying to use pipenv as well as pip and having some issues. I installed pipenv using pip. I installed pipenv using pip. Then I went back and tried to run pip -v and got the following: ImportError: cannot import name main. I have seen this question answered for Linux and Mac, but I cannot use sudo or which commands; I am on Windows 10 using the CMD console. In my scripts folder, I see pip, pip2.7, and pip2. I cannot remember which one was my system pip. I know I need to maybe uninstall and reinstall (I have already tried to upgrade, but of course, without pip running you can't upgrade pip). I don't want to make more of a mess, so I wanted to ask how to resolve this in the CMD console on Windows.
Apparently, when I installed pipenv, it changed the system pip version that I was previously using. For some reason, all of the answers I found were using Linux or Mac, but here is how I resolved it. Simply open your command prompt and type:
$python -m pip uninstall pip
Then, test that you still have your old version installed by typing:
$pip -V
This showed me that I had gone from using pip version 18 back to using version 8.1.1. You should then be able to proceed to other tasks using pip.

Pip installation bug

So I tried to install pip using the get-pip.py file, and when I ran the file, terminal told me I already had pip installed on 2.7. However, when I try to find the version of my pip, terminal tells me pip doesn't exist and points to a version of 3.5 I have installed. Clearly my issue is that I have pip installed on v2.7 but the pip command is linked to v3.5. Any clues on how to fix?
Here's a picture of my terminal output:
To install a package in a particular version of python, use the following commands always:
For python 2.x:
sudo python -m pip install [package]
For python 3.x:
sudo python3 -m pip install [package]
This should resolve the doubt of which python version is the given package getting installed for.
Note: This is assuming you have not created aliases for the python command

Easy install is not recognized

I installed easy install it is in my scripts folder. I set my path variable. When I type python in cmd it works, but no matter what I try if I type easy_install it says it is not recognized. I am trying to install pip and then pytmx. is there an easier way to install pytmx? or can someone please walk me through this so I can get this working.
new variable PY_HOME value C:\Python27
path variable %PY_HOME%;%PY_HOME%\Lib;%PY_HOME%\DLLs;%PY_HOME%\Lib\lib-tk;C:\Python27\scripts
python version 2.7.8
windows 7 professional
Update uninstalled all versions of python reinstalled version 2.7.9
now pip is not a recognized command python is still recognized and give me a version number. I still cannot install pytmx.
If you install python 2.7.9 pip is included.
Then just pip install pytmx
I figured it out I needed to cd c:\python27\scripts, then use the pip install tmx command. Nothing I read anywhere suggested I had to run cmd from the directory that pip was in.

pip, easy_install commands not working in Ubuntu. Python 2.7 and 3.4 are installed

I'm fairly new to python. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 and have both python 2.7.6 and python 3.4.0 installed. I was trying to install BeautifulSoup but couldn't because I get an error saying
The program 'pip' is currently not installed.
I found that it comes bundles with python 3.4. I tried to install pip using sudo easy_install pip as mentioned in another question on stackoverflow. But this gives an error sudo: easy_install: command not found.
What is the problem?
pip appears to have turned into python -m pip (in your case, python3 -m pip, as Ubuntu's keeping the 2.x line available as python) in Python 3.4.
easy_install for Python 2.7 comes as part of the python-setuptools package. Once installed, running easy_install pip would install pip for your Python 2.7 installation's use.
How aboutapt-get install python-pip? At least, Debian official repository has python-pip even from wheezy.
Unfortunately, effective as of April 2018, python-setuptools no longer ships with easy_install, as per Matthias's update:
However, you can still compile from the source code yourself, and it does work. I just tried it with sudo easy_install shodan, and it ran successfully.
git clone https://github.com/pypa/setuptools.git
cd ./setuptools
python3 bootstrap.py
sudo python3 setup.py install
Hope this helps.

How can I install python-Orange on ubuntu 12.10

sudo apt-get install python-Orange
sudo apt-get install python-orange
doesn't work
sudo python setup.py install
sudo python setup.py build
is not working as well.
Can anyone help??
Python has two tools for easy installation of all programs that are listed on the Python Package Index, also known as PyPi: These are easy_install and pip. Both retrieve very recent versions of Orange (and of any other package that is updating its PyPi entry regularly).
I installed Orange on Ubuntu 12.04 (LTS) with
pip install orange.
You will see lots of log lines indicating that Pip is downloading and compiling Orange for you. Simply wait. When pip is ready, fire up python and try to import orange. If that works, quit python and try the GUI with python /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Orange/OrangeCanvas/orngCanvas.pyw (you probably want to create a shell alias or bash script for that one :-)
NOTE: on 12.04 I needed to first upgrade 'distribute' itself with sudo easy_install -U distribute but this was clearly indicated by pip.
You need to extract the dowloaded tarball on that page to a folder and then change directory to that folder. Then the sudo python setup.py... instructions will work (but you should 'build' the application before you 'install' it).
go to the given link "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Orange/2.6/"
download the package and extract the file
install with given command
python setup.py build
python setup.py install
note:- during installation make sure that your net is working because it downloads required packages. Also it may ask for C++ or gcc compilers while installing and could be terminate just read the errors care fully and install requires packages from the synaptic package manage in ubuntu.