Extract line before first empty line after match - regex

I have some CSV file in this form:
100 ; 1706 ; 0.18 ; 0.45 ; 0.00015 ; 0.1485 ; 0.03 ; 1 ; 1 ; 2 ; 280 ; 100 ; 100 ;
* ZT vector
0; 367; p; nan
1; 422; p; nan
2; 1; d; nan
* KS vector
0; 367; p; 236.27
1; 422; p; 236.27
2; 1; d; 236.27
*Total time: 4.04211
I need to extract the last line before an empty line after matching the pattern KS vector.
To be clearer, in the above example I would like to extract the line
2; 1; d; 236.27
since it's the non empty line just before the first empty one after I got the match with KS vector.
I would also like to use the same script to extract the same kind of line after matching the pattern ZT vector, that in the above example would return
2; 1; d; nan
I need to do this because I need the first number of that line, since it tells me the number of consecutive non-empty lines after KS vector.
My current workaround is this:
# counting number of lines after matching "KS vector" until first empty line
var=$(sed -n '/KS vector/,/^$/p' file | wc -l)
# Subtracting 2 to obtain actual number of lines
But if I could extract directly the last line I could extract the first element (2 in the example) and add 1 to it to obtain the same number.

You're going about this the wrong way. All you need is to put awk into paragraph mode and print 1 less than the number of lines in the record (since you don't want to include the KS vector line in your count):
$ awk -v RS= -F'\n' '/KS vector/{print NF-1}' file
Here's how awk sees the record when you put it into paragraph mode (by setting RS to null) with newline-separated fields (by setting FS to a newline):
$ awk -v RS= -F'\n' '/KS vector/{ for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) print NF, i, "<"$i">"}' file
4 1 <* KS vector>
4 2 <0; 367; p; 236.27>
4 3 <1; 422; p; 236.27>
4 4 <2; 1; d; 236.27>

With awk expression:
awk -v vec="KS vector" '$0~vec{ f=1 }f && !NF{ print r; exit }f{ r=$0 }' file
vec - variable containing the needed pattern/vector
$0~vec{ f=1 } - on encountering the needed pattern/vector - set the flag f in active state
f{ r=$0 } - while the flag f is active(under needed vector section) - capture the current line into variale r
f && !NF{ print r; exit } - (NF - total number of fields, if the line is empty - there's no fields !NF) on encountering empty line while iterating through the needed vector lines - print the last captured non-empty line r
exit - exit script execution immediately (avoiding redundant actions/iterations)
The output:
2; 1; d; 236.27
If you want to just print the actual number of lines under found vector use the following:
awk -v vec="KS vector" '$0~vec{ f=1 }f && !NF{ print r+1; exit }f{ r=$1 }' file

With awk:
awk '$0 ~ "KS vector" { valid=1;getline } valid==1 { cnt++;dat[cnt]=$0 } $0=="" { valid="" } END { print dat[cnt-1] }' filename
Check for any lines matching "KS vector". Set a valid flag and then read in the next line. Read the data into an array with an incremented counter. When space is encountered, reset the valid flag. At the end print the last but one element of the dat array.


awk to sum values among grouped lines after specific str match and header

I' ve this program in awk:
function p(a, i)
for(i in a)
print ">" i, "*nr=" ln
/^>/ {p(out);ln=0;split("",out);next}
/[*]/ {idx=$2 OFS $3; out[idx]}
if (ln) p(out)
it works on a file like this:
>Cluster 300
0 151nt, >last238708;size=1... *
>Cluster 301
0 141nt, >last103379;size=1... at -/99.29%
1 151nt, >last104482;size=1... *
>Cluster 302
0 151nt, >last104505;size=1... *
>Cluster 303
0 119nt, >last325860;size=1... at +/99.16%
1 122nt, >last106751;size=1... at +/99.18%
2 151nt, >last284418;size=1... *
3 113nt, >last8067;size=3... at -/100.00%
4 122nt, >last8102;size=3... at -/100.00%
5 135nt, >last14200;size=2... at +/99.26%
>Cluster 304
0 151nt, >last285146;size=1... *
What I need is that the program print, for each cluster, the id (lastxxxxxx) of the line with the asterisk and that computes the sum of all the "size=" numbers . for example for Cluster 303 it has to output this:
and for Cluster 304:
for the moment my code is only able to count the lines and sum them but doesn't take into account the "size=" value.
Thanks for your help!
Could you please try following, written and tested with shown samples only in GNU awk.
awk '
/^>Cluster [0-9]+/{
print clus_line ORS val_line" = "sum
print clus_line ORS val_line" = "sum
}' Input_file
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above.
awk ' ##Starting awk program from here.
/^>Cluster [0-9]+/{ ##Checking condition if line starts from Cluster with digits in line then do following.
if(sum){ ##Checking if variable sum is NOT NULL then do following.
print clus_line ORS val_line" = "sum ##Printing values of clus_line ORS(new line) val_line space = space and sum here.
val_line=sum=clus_line="" ##Nullifying val_line, sum and clus_line here.
clus_line=$0 ##Assigning current line to clus_line here.
next ##next will skip all further statements from here.
match($0,/size=[0-9]+/) ##Using match function to match size= digits in line.
line=substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH) ##Creating line which has sub-string for current line starts from RSTART till RLENGTH.
sub(/.*size=/,"",line) ##Substituting everything till size= keyword here with NULL in line variable.
sum+=line ##Keep on adding value of digits in line variable in sum here.
/\*$/{ ##Checking condition if a line ends with * then do following.
match($0,/>last[^;]*/) ##Using match function to match >last till semi-colon comes here.
val_line=substr($0,RSTART+1,RLENGTH-1) ##Creating val_line which has sub-string of current line from RSTART+1 till RLENGTH-1 here.
END{ ##Starting END block of this program from here.
if(sum){ ##Checking if variable sum is NOT NULL then do following.
print clus_line ORS val_line" = "sum ##Printing values of clus_line ORS(new line) val_line space = space and sum here.
}' Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file name here.

Matching strings across non-consecutive rows with AWK

I have been working with an AWK one-liner that does a good job of identifying string matches on previous rows, i.e. comparing field x on row n with field y on row (n+1). E.g., say input file consists of rows, 3 fields each:
The one-liner is:
awk "$2==a[2] { print a[1],a[2],a[3] } { for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) a[i]=$i }"
So this example prints out all three fields of any immediately previous row that matches on field 2, which in this case is only row 1. So the output would be:
Now, I'm wondering if there is a modification to this command that will allow me to find matches between the current row and the row that is 2 rows before it, or 3 rows before it, or even 4 rows before it.
So using the same sample input file, if I was trying to make matches for "2 rows before", on field 2, it would now only output
which is row 2, because it is the only instance of the 2nd field ("B") matching with the second field in the row that is 2 rows ahead (i.e. row 4).
I'm not terribly familiar with arrays. I'm guessing the run time will suffer but is the original command modifiable in this way ?
You could use this awk:
awk 'a[FNR%n,m]==$m {print a[FNR%n]}{a[FNR%n]=$0; a[FNR%n,m]=$m}' n=2 m=3 file.txt
The above will print the nth line, before the current line if field m in both lines match.
The above will keep the memory nicely in check: if you don't care too much about memory consumption, you can do this:
awk '(FNR-n,$m) in a {print a[FNR-n,$m]}{a[FNR,$m]=$0}' n=2 m=3 file.txt
You may use this awk solution:
cat prev.awk
FNR > p && n = split(row[FNR-p], cols) && $2 == cols[2] {
print row[FNR-p]
row[FNR] = $0
Then use it for current-2 row matching:
awk -v p=2 -f prev.awk file
and current-1 row matching:
awk -v p=1 -f prev.awk file

In awk, Divide values in to array and count then compare

I have a csv file in which column-2 has certain values with delimiter of "," and some values in column-3 with delimiter "|". Now I need to count the values in both columns and compare them. If both are equal, column-4 should print passed, if not is should print failed. I have written below awk script but not getting what I expected
cat /tmp/test.csv
awk -F '' 'BEGIN{ OFS=";"; print "sep=;\nresource;Required_packages;Installed_packages;Validation;"};
if( Counts == Count)
print $1,$2,$3,"passed"
print $1,$2,$3,"failed";}'/tmp/test.csv
[![my csv][1]][1]
my csv file looks:
resource Required_Packages Installed_packages
Vm1 a,b,c,d a|b|c
vm2 a,b,c,d b|a
vm3 a,b,c,d c|b|a
my expected file:
resource Required_packages Installed_packages Validation
Vm1 a,b,c,d a|b|c Failed
vm2 a,b,c,d b|a Failed
vm3 a,b,c,d c|b|a|d Passed
you code doesn't match the input/output data (where are the dashed printed, etc) but
this code segment
if( Counts == Count)
print $1,$2,$3,"passed"
print $1,$2,$3,"failed";
can be replaced with
print $1,$2,$3,(split($2,a,",")==split($3,a,"|")?"Passed":"Failed")
Also, just checking the counts may not be enough, I think you should be checking the matches as well.
Could you please try following, written and tested with shown samples in GNU awk.
awk '
if(array2[k] in value){ count++ }
if(count==num){ $(NF+1)="Passed" }
else { $(NF+1)="Failed" }
delete value
' Input_file | column -t
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above solution.
awk ' ##Starting awk program from here.
FNR<=2{ ##Checking condition if line number is lesser or equal to 2 then do following.
print ##Printing current line here.
next ##next will skip all further statements from here.
num=split($2,array1,",") ##Splitting 2nd field into array named array1 with field separator of comma and num will have total number of elements of array1 in it.
num1=split($3,array2,"|") ##Splitting 3rd field into array named array2 with field separator of comma and num1 will have total number of elements of array2 in it.
for(i=1;i<=num;i++){ ##Starting a for loop from 1 to till value of num here.
value[array1[i]] ##Creating value which has key as value of array1 who has key as variable i in it.
for(k=1;k<=num1;k++){ ##Starting a for loop from from 1 to till value of num1 here.
if(array2[k] in value){ count++ } ##Checking condition if array2 with index k is present in value then increase variable of count here.
if(count==num){ $(NF+1)="Passed" } ##Checking condition if count equal to num then adding Passed to new last column of current line.
else { $(NF+1)="Failed" } ##Else adding Failed into nw last field of current line.
count=num=num1="" ##Nullify variables count, num and num1 here.
delete value
1 ##1 will print current line.
' Input_file | column -t ##Mentioning Input_file and passing its output to column command here.

Bash - word/term frequency per line (i.e. document)

I have a file rev.txt like this:
1, some text here
2, some more text here
3, text and more text here
I also have a vocabulary document with all unique words from rev.txt, like so (but sorted):
I want to generate a term frequency table for each line in rev.txt where it lists the occurence of each vocabulary word in each line of rev.txt, like so:
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 2 1 0 1 1
They could be comma separated as well.
This is similar to a question here. However, instead of search through the entire document, I want to do this line by line, using the complete vocabulary I already have.
Re: Jean-François Fabre
Actually, I am performing these in MATLAB. However, bash (I believe) would be faster for this preprocessing as I have direct disk access to the files.
Normally, I would use python, but limiting myself to using bash, this hacky one-liner solution will works for the given test case.
perl -pe 's|^.*?,[ ]?(.*)|\1|' rev.txt | sed '1d' | awk -F' ' 'FILENAME=="wordlist.txt" {wc[$1]=0; wl[wllen++]=$1; next}; {for(i=1; i<=NF; i++){wc[$i]++}; for(i=0; i<wllen; i++){print wc[wl[i]]" "; wc[wl[i]]=0; if(i+1==wllen){print "\n"} }}' ORS="" wordlist.txt -
Explanation/My thinking...
In the first part, perl -pe 's|^.*?,[ ]?(.*)|\1|' rev.txt, was used to pull out everything after the first comma (+removing the leading whitespace) from "rev.txt".
In the next part, sed '1d', was used to remove the first i.e. header line.
In the next part, we specified awk -F' ' ... ORS="" wordlist.txt - to use whitespace as a field delimiter, the output record delimiter as no space (note: we will print them as we go), and to read input from wordlist.txt (i.e. the "vocabulary document with all unique words from rev.txt") and stdin.
In the awk command, if the FILENAME is equal to "wordlist.txt", then (1) initialize array wc where the keys are the vocab words and the count is 0, and (2) initialize a list wl where the word order in the same as wordlist.txt.
FILENAME=="wordlist.txt" {
After initialization, for each word in a line of stdin (i.e. the tidy rev.txt), increment the count of the word in wc.
{ for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
After the word counts have been added for a line, for each word in the list of words wl, print the count of that word with a whitespace and reset the count in wc back to 0. If the word is the last in the list, then add a whitespace to the output.
for (i=0; i<wllen; i++) {
print wc[wl[i]]" ";
print "\n"
Overall, this should produce the specified output.
Here's one in awk. It reads in the vocabulary file voc.txt (it's a piece of cake to produce it automatically in awk), copies the word list for each row of text and counts the word frequencies:
$ cat program.awk
PROCINFO["sorted_in"]="#ind_str_asc" # order for copying vocabulary array w
NR==FNR { # store the voc.txt to w
FNR>1 { # process text files to matrix
for(i in w) # copy voc array
for(i=2; i<=NF; i++) # count freqs
for(i in a) # output matrix row
printf "%s%s", a[i], OFS
print ""
Run it:
$ awk -f program.awk voc.txt rev.txt
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 0 1 0 2 0

Finding columns with only white space in a text file and replace them with a unique separator

I have a file like this:
aaa b b ccc 345
ddd fgt f u 3456
e r der der 5 674
As you can see the only way that we can separate the columns is by finding columns that have only one or more spaces. How can we identify these columns and replace them with a unique separator like ,.
aaa,b b,ccc,345
ddd,fgt,f u,3456
e r,der,der,5 674
If we find all continuous columns with one or more white spaces (nothing else) and replace them with , (all the column) the problem will be solved.
Better explanation of the question by josifoski :
Per block of matrix characters, if all are 'space' then all block should be replaced vertically with one , on every line.
$ cat tst.awk
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
if ($i == " ") {
else {
FNR==1 {
for (i in nonSpace) {
delete space[i]
for (i in space) {
$i = ","
$ awk -f tst.awk file
aaa,b b,ccc,345
ddd,fgt,f u,3456
e r,der,der,5 674
Another in awk
awk 'BEGIN{OFS=FS=""} # Sets field separator to nothing so each character is a field
FNR==NR{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)a[i]+=$i!=" ";next} #Increments array with key as character
#position based on whether a space is in that position.
#Skips all further commands for first file.
{ # In second file(same file but second time)
for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) #Loops through fields
if(!a[i]){ #If field is set
$i="," #Change field to ","
x=i #Set x to field number
while(!a[++x]){ # Whilst incrementing x and it is not set
$x="" # Change field to nothing
i=x # Set i to x so it doesnt do those fields again
}1' test{,} #PRint and use the same file twice
Since you have also tagged this r, here is a possible solution using the R package readr. It looks like you want to read a fix width file and convert it to a comma-seperated file. You can use read_fwf to read the fix width file and write_csv to write the comma-seperated file.
# required package
# read data
df <- read_fwf(path_to_input, fwf_empty(path_to_input))
# write data
write_csv(df, path = path_to_output, col_names = FALSE)