VS2017 Heap Profiling does not work due to Internet Explorer - c++

I have a C++ Application developed using Visual Studio 2017.
I would like to locate memory leaks using the Heap Profiling feature which is part of diagnostic tools. I can easily take snapshots of the heap, and I can see cumulative differences, but then I want to pinpoint the details of leaftover memory allocations. Unfortunately when I cleck on the links or when I want to inspect the heap, Visual Studio shows me a black page saying:
"The Content requires a new version of Internet Explorer"
I then click on the link for the message and I find myself in a microsoft webpage stating that:
"If you’re running Windows 10, you already have Internet Explorer 11, so there’s nothing you need to install. However, Microsoft Edge is a brand-new browser that also comes with Windows 10, and what’s more, it’s your default browser. Be sure to check it out!"
I jsut checked and I have Internet Explorer AND Edge Installed... both of them appear to be updated to most recent versions.
I see there is an open issue on the VS support site but it is under investigation since July.
Is this really such a rare issue?
Any help is appreciated, I already tried to fake IE version in registry as suggested in similar issues, but the problem was not solved.

Sounds like VS has been having problems with both Diagnostic Tools and Heap Profiling unable to open and presenting this error message. Microsoft has had a couple of stabs at fixing both issues already in:
Diagnostic Tools empty content window
Heap Snapshot reports 'The content requires a new version of Internet explorer'
Have a read through both links to see if any of the provided information can help you resolve the problems (I suspect mshtml.dll issues in the first link).


VS 2017: how to disable repeating auto-installation of "Hopex Module Publisher" Add-In?

Since a couple of days whenever I start VS 2017 and open a project, a message box pops up telling that "The 'HopexPackage'
did not load correctly..."
When I look at my extensions, I can see that some Hopex add-in is really installed there:
When I uninstall the add-in, I need to re-install a couple of other add-ins (that seem to be blocked by that hopex). But when I start VS again, it is there again. I did an exhaustive search in the file system and the registry, but could not find anything relevant.
It behaves like a virus. Do we have specific VS viruses nowadays?
Perchance does anybody know this behavior or/and a recipe against it, other to completely re-install the VS?

Is there an autosave feature in Visual Studio 2017 to deal with its bugs and crashes?

I used to deal with this when I was working with Adobe AfterEffects. It was (and maybe still is) so buggy that it could crash at any moment. So instead of fixing their buggy code-base their developers added a feature that would periodically auto-save all solution files into a separate (copy) folder. So after a crash you could recover some of your work. (Mine was set on auto-save every minute.)
So I've recently switched to using Visual Studio 2017 to develop my C++/MFC projects. (Before that I worked with somewhat older VS 2008 that used to crash very rarely.) But now VS2017 crashes pretty much every day. And if I forget to click save, it literally takes down last 10-15 minutes of my work, if not more.
I tried reporting this to Microsoft (back in summer of 2018, 6 months ago.) Some of my reports were either closed right away when they needed more proof and I didn't have time to deal with their laziness to read my entire post, but some that were accepted are still open and were never fixed. So I'm done submitting bug reports through that portal.
My only recourse at this point is to ask if there's an auto-save "feature" in VS2017, similar to what Adobe did to their AfterAffects?
Anyone wants to crash it right now? Here's just one bug. Create new project -> Visual C++ -> MFC/ATL project -> MFC Application. Then go to Resource View -> Add Resource -> Accelerator. Then click on "None" where I pointed with an arrow:
Is your VS2017 still running after that?
You can find a plugin in the market that does the job.
"Auto Save File" extension has more installs and better reviews than the extension from fluffeyrug.

Visual Studio Diagnostics - Memory usage Snapshot shows 0 Allocations

I ignored this tool for a long time, because it was .NET only.
According to MSDN, the diagnostics tool works for native code, compiled in Visual Studio 2015 in Debug.
I am following:
I enable 'Heap Profiling' in the 'Diagnostic Tools' window, under the 'Memory Usage' tab. I then rebuild all, making sure the toolset is 'Visual Studio 2015' for every project, and making sure PDBs are built for every project that is a dll or exe. I set a breakpoint at main, when a client connects to my process, and after that client is sent data. There are thousands of calls to new in between. Each time I click 'Take Snapshot'. When I click take snapshot, a row appears with time, Allocations, and Heap Size. The latter two are zeroed out.
If I do the same with my one of my unit tests, they are filled out and I can drill down as described in the documentation.
What should I look for to get it to work with my main project?
Are there certain linking settings? Does it matter that I am building statics libs and dynamic libs? Anything specific to to look for?
I've had a similar issue (the vs2015 or vs2017 showed 0 allocations on the heap).
Then I've noticed I had my gflags enabled to full page heap verification (can be checked by gflags /p).
I've just disabled it and now heap snapshots started to work again :-)

Unable to start UE4Editor.exe

Trying to launch the editor from Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate I get the following error in the title. VS says it's because it can't reach MSVSMON.EXE on a "remote computer", the weird thing is that I'm not trying to debug on a remote computer, but rather, on my own. My firewall is ZoneAlarm if that makes any difference.
Any help?
Edit: I've set all in and outbound communication to and from both unreal and visual studio in my firewall to "allowed", yet for some reason it still won't let me debug...
Edit 2: Disabling the firewall entirely does nothing at all.. The error persists
Edit 3: Uninstalling ZA altogether seems to fix the issue
Just a note, so far you've been chasing the wrong problem and have not yet gathered enough relevant facts. The dialog is very unhelpful, this does not have anything to do with a "remote computer".
Msvsmon.exe is used in this scenario because UE4Editor.exe is a 64-bit process. Visual Studio cannot use its built-in debugger, it is a 32-bit process. Debugging a 64-bit process with a 32-bit debugger is not possible. So it has a workaround, it uses the 64-bit remote debugger, C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\msvsmon.exe. Basically works the same has remote debugging on another machine, except it doesn't use the network to connect to the debugger.
So your firewall settings and the considerable amount of trouble-shooting info about remote debugging you can find on the web or MSDN just does not apply in your case at all. You've been chasing the wrong problem.
Having an issue with msvsmon.exe when debugging 64-bit code is quite unusual, never heard of anybody having trouble with it before. You want to do a basic smoke test to check if it is really a problem with msvsmon.exe or it is actually UE4Editor.exe that puts up a fight.
Create a little do-nothing C# console mode app, just Console.ReadLine() in the Main() method. Project + Properties, Build tab, untick the "Prefer 32-bit" option. This ensures it runs as a 64-bit process. Press F5. If all is well then it starts running and you'll see msvsmon.exe in the Task Manager, Processes tab.
If that does not work either then something is interfering with the process interop between Visual Studio and msvsmon.exe. Usually anti-malware related, disable that first. Next thing to try is to start killing processes one-by-one with Task Manager to find the evil-doer. If debugging the C# app works okay then you have a good reason to visit the UE4 forum to find help.
Update your question with what you've learned.
Uninstall Zone Alarm and everything will be OK.

HOw do you uninstall Dot42

Two weeks ago I downloaded and installed Dot42AndroidSetup.exe.
There was helpful info on running Android on Hyper-V and hopeful possibilities about using VS and C# to directly target Android x86 and debug.
Since then I've seen strange behavior from an automatic update program "TallApplications.Update.exe"
There were 16 entrees in Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Notification Area Icons for the same program.
When I checked on the web, I saw that Dot42 is associated with this update service. (http://www.tallapplications.com/)
I was able to uninstall the Tallapplications from control panel, however I had to manually delete many registry entries associated with it.
If anyone knows, please tell me how to remove Dot42 without harming VS2010 or VS2012.
There are registry entrees associated with Dot42 product for both versions of Visual Studio.
I also noticed the multiple entries in the Notification Area Icons which doesn't look good. You say you uninstalled 'TallApplications' - did you mean 'dot42'? What registry entries are left after uninstalling? Did you check the \Common7\IDE\Extensions folder? The dot42 folder should be gone after uninstalling. This is the dot42 integration with Visual Studio.
PS. this is not really a programming question - superuser.com or the dot42.com support area is probably a better entry.