Sitecore - Possible to personalize content items in tree? - sitecore

I know that it's possible to personalize components. Is there also a way to personalize content items that are located in the Sitecore tree in a similar way?

Users and roles cannot be queried in sitecore since they are not items (see this question, same goes for roles).
Unfortunately (?) you cannot grant write access to the __Security field via the Security Editor. You could create a custom field type that queries the roles.
If you actually want to set the access rights, you could create a processor in the saveUI pipeline that transfers the data of your field into the __Security field (you need to use SecurityDisabler). Use the framework functionality if possible so you don't have to construct the access rights string yourself.


Create database kind of thing in Druid

I am using druid to store data for creating dashboard over superset. Now, I want to use the same cluster to store data for other project which is not completely different. But we want to segregate datasources of both the projects.
Is there a way to create database/keyspace sort of thing to segregate datasources of two different project in druid?
Multiple way to work with this use case.
Easiest one create multiple datasources into superset. Based on the same connection to druid.
Then create roles to provide access to this datasources. Then end user will have 1 or multiple roles. Each role providing data from druid but from different perspective. Every user will be able to create his own dash based on this dataset if allowed by role.
Other way is to user row security level. Each row has a specific tag. Each user is configured to have access to 1 or many tags. This approch allow you to have the same dash for all users
More ressources here =>

How to provide permission to the user to access only one column in the created Microsoft Lists?

Am new to Microsoft Lists and trying to implement the library management system. Have prepared a list to show the book details using the 'From Excel' list. Need to restrict the permission based on the user role(admin, client).
For example, If a user needs to request a book, there might be a column to access for the user to send a request for the desired book. So that, an admin will get notified for the request and take action.
Similarly, from the list i created, i need to provide permission to the user to access only one column. The rest of the column can only be for view purposes.
Note: As i searched i found we can set permission like view, view, and edit, and stop sharing the list based on the roles of Members, Owners, and Visitors.
Could anyone please guide me on this?
It's not possible to configure column permission, the least permission is item-level. There is no column-level or view level permission.
Here are 2 possible solutions:
Make the target column read-only. Then develop another interface for the administrator to manage the data. For example, through SharePoint rest API, we can turn the column back to editable and post updates then immediately turn it to read-only.
Check Set List Column Read Only in SharePoint using PowerShell
How to update read only field
Hide the target column and make a calculated column then set its value equal to the target column. The user will only see those calculated columns, any updates on the target column will be reflected in calculated columns.
Check Make SharePoint Columns read-only without coding

How do I implement custom dynamic roles in loopback?

I am trying to create a dynamic role in loopback similar to the one in the example project on access control.
I have two models called Documents and Teams. Each team owns multiple Documents and I have several teams.
I want to restrict CRUD access to only documents that belong to the team. Creating a TeamMember role seems like the way to go but the example in the doc maps only a single model operation (findById) to the custom role. How does one define a role encompassing all CRUD operations?
Also, is custom roles the best way to do this type access control or I am missing something?
I've implemented a solution using operation hooks. Specifically, create a access hook and changed the query object to restrict access using a where clause.

Sitecore 6 Filtering Items based on a profile

I am looking for a generic method of filtering a series of sitecore items based on the users current profile, I found one promising example:
How do I trigger a profile in Sitecore DMS?
However a few critical references are missing which is a shame as it looks to be a suitably generic function
Resources.Settings.AnalyticsUserProfileEnableSwitch I assume to simply be a boolean switch
The killer is ApplyUserProfile(filter)
Please keep in mind that user profiles are NOT the same thing as profiles in DMS. In DMS this is in reference to Analytics profiles related not to the specific user, but in visiting profiles... i.e. Marketing personas.
If you want to filter items based on user profiles, you simply get the Sitecore.Context.User.Profile and get whatever the property is and implement your logic to how you want to filter.
If you want to filter items based on DMS profiles, then that's something that's going to be difficult to do due to the fact that personas are not entered into the Analytics database real time. Those really aren't something you'll even be aware of at run time and therefore it's going to be difficult to categorize the persona at run time. You could, however, use the rules system to do some filtering based on other criteria (such as using the Engagement plans or something else)... but without more information, that's about as much as can be said.

DropLink datasource item reference with custom dataprovider in Sitecore

How do bind a DropLink using a custom dataprovider?
More info:
I am trying to build a product catalogue site using Sitecore. Each product in the sitecore content tree can have a star rating and short text review attached to it (which will be linked to a user extended with a profile provider but that is another question).
I am planning to store the review information in an external database and reference it using a custom dataprovider. I have downloaded the NorthwindDataProvider from the Shared Source (here) and have altered it to use a table which contains the rating, text and a uniqueidentifier field to store the ID of the product from in sitecore the review is attached to.
The template field is a droplink and the datasource is set to the products in the catalogue.
When I edit a review in the custom dataprovider using the sitecore content editor, the droplink states 'Value not in selection list' even if I select one of the populated products and save using sitecore.
It is saving the ID in the database but if I look at the raw value it displays the id without the curly brackets. Working droplink fields' raw values appear to contain the brackets.
To create a review, I am using a jquery post to a webservice which writes to the database using an external datacontext. Should I be using some Sitecore API to use the custom dataprovider instead?
Any information using custom dataproviders would be helpful. The documentation I've been able to find has all stated what can be done but I'm struggling to find actual implementation.
So the first thing is that you have a template field and you're using droplink which is going to store the guid for the item selected. I'm not quite clear on whether or not you're pointing the datasource to a Sitecore item or not.. but that's essential if you're using droplink. Here's what I would suggest instead for the most straight forward way to do this:
Create a template that you add fields to handle the logic dealing with your catalog items. How you do that is your choice and Sitecore doesn't care since its only going to deal with the item and all it cares about is finding an item... you write business logic to manipulate the external data.
Once you have a folder that stores your catalog items, you could easily write a script to be triggered by the Rules engine in Sitecore or a Sitecore task that runs regularly to get your catalog items to add/update or remove the corresponding list of Sitecore items.
Also, another option that is more complex to implement, but if you have multiple data sources on your site, is a valid approach, is to use an object framework (like the Entity framework) as a data object layer that allows you to create and populate common objects with from any data source.
Hope this is helpful!