command not found from Jenkins Execute Shell - amazon-web-services

Hi Jenkins and AWS Guru's
I already look online for any possible solutions but not getting a solution for my problem. I just issued an "eb --version" on Jenkins execute shell under a test project but getting "eb: command not found" during the execution.
Wierd thing is if I issue the same command on the Jenkins box via CLI I'm getting a good response from it. Any suggestions for the fix please? thanks in advance

Your Jenkins setup has a different path than the user you logged in with.
There are two solutions:
Add the path to the executable in the PATH environment variable. Use where eb to find the correct path. Then in Jenkins, click on
Manage Jenkins -> Configure System, Global Properties. Check Environment Variables. Set Name to PATH. Set Value to $PATH:/path/to/eb. Then restart Jenkins.
Call the eb command with its fully qualified path.
EDIT: Added steps to update path in Jenkins.

this is now fixed, need to create a properties file that was basically a copy of /var/lib/jenkins/.bash_profile file which would have the correct paths and add that in Jenkins settings. Allowing it to get the required paths. After properties file is created you need to set it on Jenkins-Configure section, Place a check on Prepare jobs environment then set the full path of the properties file (/var/lib/jenkins/ on the Properties File Path and restart Jenkins


How to rename existing 'named configurations' using gcloud cli in GCP?

I would like to know if there is a way to rename an existing 'gcloud topic configurations' e.g. I would like rename 'foo' to 'bar' in the below example.
I couldn't find anything on this in the gcloud reference documents.
Technically, it is not possible to change the name of that configuration using the gcloud command.
However, you can change it doing this little workaround:
Use gcloud config configurations activate [YOUR_CONFIG_NAME] to activate the configuration you wish.
Use gcloud info --format='get(config.paths.active_config_path)' to find the directory where your configurations are stored. You will get the path of the file of that specific configuration, looking like this /tmp/tmp.XAfddVDdg/configurations/[YOUR_CONFIG_NAME]
If you cd into the directory /tmp/tmp.XAfddVDdg/configurations/, you will find all your configurations there. Every configuration will be named there like this config_[YOUR_CONFIG_NAME]. Modifying the part that matches the name of your configuration will successfully change its name. DO NOT delete the config_ part of the name.
After this, is you print all the configurations using gcloud config configurations list, you will find your configuration renamed, but none will be active now. Just activate it with gcloud config configurations activate [YOUR_CONFIG_NAME], and you will be good to go.
Don't know when this was added, but there is a remame command for configurations. So no more need to jump through hoops by deleting and recreating configurations or directly editing the file.
gcloud config configurations rename CONFIGURATION_NAME --new-name=NEW_NAME

Elastic Beanstalk .ebextensions ignored (Windows)

This is Driving me nuts.
I had a working .ebextensions config file in my Project which was working fine.
Recently my single instance failed and a new one got initiated. My configuration failed to run so i tried to troubleshoot what went wrong. I didn't find anything suspicious so i just created a new .config with a very simple command but it still fails!!
I validated my config file with an online yaml validator.
I Connected to the instance through remote desktop and saw that .ebextensions folder is actually created within the wwwroot and then it disappears meaning that it got successfully picked up by elastic beanstalk.
I also granted all permissions to everyone on the test folder just to make sure this is not the reason.
Whichever i tried the old configuration or this test command it just does not work and elastic beanstalk just ignores it!
Any info of what might be wrong is appreciated.
command: mkdir kakarot
cwd: c:\\testdir
waitForCompletion: 0
I think everything under 01_DoWork needs to be indented (command, cwd, waitForCompletion). Also, make sure you're using spaces and not tabs.
Check the properties on your config file in VS. It should be (I think) both 'Content' and 'Copy if Newer'. Also, make sure that it gets packaged into the msdeploy package. It's a .zip file in/below your obj directory.
The command will error-out of it's already succeeded, so you would want to either ignore errors or add this. I found this syntax on another SO post but don't know who to credit for it :-/. The errorlevel will cause your command to not run if the directory already exists.
test: test ! -d c:\\testdir\\kakarot
If you're creating a (that inside has a deploy manifest json file plus the actual content) for a Windows deployment, it appears the .ebextensions directory needs to be inside, alongside the manifest json, not inside the, contrary to the current documentation.

Elastic Beanstalk optionsettings file keep getting overwritten with default parameters

While trying to setup an elastic beanstalk worker application using the command line tools (eb tools), my configuration file (optionsettings.MyApp-env) gets overwritten when I start/update/stop the environment.
These are the steps to reproduce:
Using the CLI tools' command eb init I've created a new application in Elastic Beanstalk.
The config file in the .elasticbeanstalk folder had the following line:
After running eb start for the first time, that file was created with some values.
I went ahead and changed its contents according to so it'll be configured as I want (environment parameters, autoscaling servers amount, etc...).
To apply the changes I've tried the following:
Update the existing environment with eb update.
Terminate the existing environment with eb stop and build it from scratch with eb start.
In both cases the optionsettings file get changed after running the command (update or start).
The new content of the file looks more like the vanilla version I got after calling the first eb start with all sorts of configuration parameters that I added - removed completely.
Is there another way of configuring the environment (not the software on the machine, but the configuration that exists in the console - instance type, regions, autoscaling, rotating updates, etc...) ?
I realise that this is an old thread but in case anyone comes across this, as I did, then check out this thread on the AWS forums for Elasticbeanstalk
It explains how settings set in the .elasticbeanstalk/optionsettings. file are set using the API in such a way that they can't be changed later, unlike those set in the .ebextensions/*.config files.
Also, in an incredibly annoying move, the optionsettings file will often set some settings in it which you want to set in the .config file however it automatically re-creates the optionsettings file when running eb start and there's very little that seems possible. This makes using the eb command line tools close to impossible to use if you want to change something like the WSGIPath.

How to set up and use EC2 CLI on Mac?

I am stuck at using Amazon EC2 CLI.
I have downloaded the Command Line Tools from
I placed the bin and lib folder into my Amazon project folder: /Users/Invictus/EC2
I downloaded the cert-xxxx.pem and pk-xxx.pem into the same folder.
Created a .bash_profile in the same folder.
I tried to execute ec2-describe-images -o amazon after I moved to cd /Users/Invictus/EC2.
The system does not recognise the command: command not found.
If I try to execute the same command inside the bin folder, the result is the same.
My .bash_profile:
export EC2_HOME=~/.EC2
export PATH=$PATH:$EC2_HOME/bin
export EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=`ls $EC2_HOME/pk-*.pem`
export EC2_CERT=`ls $EC2_HOME/cert-*.pem`
export JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home/
Where did I make a mistake?
My aim is to connect to the launched instance and be able to execute commands there from my local machine.
I have Java installed.
The newer AWS Unified CLI Tools is much, much easier to set up. All you need is Python, which comes built-in to every Mac.
Here are a few things I can think of:
Your .bash_profile should be in /Users/Invictus/ , not /Users/Invictus/EC2. Move it to your home directory and log off and log back in (or restart your machine) and see if it picks up the right path.
Instead of ec2-describe-images, can you run it as "./ec2-describe-images" - does that work? If not, can you check the permissions on that script?

Building project from cron task

When I build project from terminal by using 'xcodebuild' command I succeed, but when I try to do run same script from cron task I receive error
"Code Sign error: The identity '****' doesn't match any valid certificate/private key pair in the default keychain"
I think problem is in settings and permissions of crontab utility, it seems crontab does not see my keychain
Can anyone provide me terminal command how to make my keychain visible for crontab
I encountered a similar issue with trying to build nightly via cron. The only resolution I found was to create a plist in /Library/LaunchDaemons/ and load it via launchctl. The key necessary is "SessionCreate" otherwise you will quickly run in to problems similar to what was encountered with trying to use cron -- namely that your user login.keychain is not available to the process. "SessionCreate" is similar to "su -l" in that (as far as I understand) it simulates a login and thus default keychains you expect will be available; otherwise, you are stuck with only the System keychain despite the task running as your user.
I found the answers (though not the top answer currently) here useful in troublw shooting this issue: Missing certificates and keys in the keychain while using Jenkins/Hudson as Continuous Integration for iOS and Mac development
You execute your cron job with which account ?
most probably the problem !!
You can add
echo `whoami`
at the beginning of your script to see with which user the script is launched.
Also when a Bash script is launched from cron, it don't use the same environment variable (non login shell) as when you launch it as a user.
When the script launches from cron, it doesn't load your $HOME/.profile (or .bash_profile). Anything you run from cron has to be 100% self-sufficient in terms of it's environment. I'd suggest you make yourself a file called something like "" It should contain everything from your .profile that you need to build, such as $PATH, $HOME, $CLASSPATH etc. Then in your build script, load using the dot notation or source cmd as ericc said. You should also remove the build-specific lines from your.profile and then source set_build_env from there too so only one place to maintain. Example:
source /home/dmitry/ #absolute path
. /home/dmitry/ #dot-space notation same as "source"