Django forms. Save data but do not validate until submission - django

I am new to Django and have been doing lots of reading so perhaps this is a noob question.
We have applications that involve many forms that users fill out along the way. One user might fill out the budget page and another user might fill out the project description page. Along the way any data they input will be SAVED but NOT validated.
On the review page only data is shown and no input boxes / forms. At the bottom is a submit button. When the user submits the application I then want validation to be performed on all the parts / pages / forms of the application. If there are validation errors then the application can not be submitted.
My model fields are mostly marked as blank=True or null=True depending on the field type. Some fields are required but most I leave blank or null to allow the users to input data along the way.
Any advice on best practices or do not repeat yourself is greatly appreciated.

There is an app in django called form wizard. Using it you can split form submission process for multiple steps.

After a lot of learning, playing and reading I think I have figured a few things and will share them here. I do not know if this is right, however it is progress for me.
So first comes the models. Everything needs to accept blank or null depending on the field type. This will allow the end user to input data as they get it:
class exampleModel(models.Model):
field_1 = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=25)
field_2 = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=50)
Then we create our model form:
from your.models import exampleModel
from crispy_forms.helper import FormHelper
from crispy_forms.layout import Layout, Row, Column
class exampleForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = exampleModel
fields = ('field_1','field_2')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.validate = kwargs.pop('validate', False)
super(ExampleForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
for field in self.fields:
if self.validate:
self.fields[field].required = True
self.fields[field].required = False
self.helper = FormHelper()
self.helper.form_tag = False
self.helper.layout = Layout(
Column('field_1', css_class='col-lg-4 col-md-4'),
Column('field_2', css_class='col-lg-4 col-md-4')
def clean(self):
cleaned_data = super(ExampleForm, self).clean()
field_1 = cleaned_data.get('field1')
field_2 = cleaned_data.get('field2')
if self.validate and field_2 != field_2:
self.add_error('field_1', 'Field 1 does not match field2')
return cleaned_data
Here is the important part. I've learned a lot about forms and binding. As I mentioned I needed users to be able to fill out forms and not validate the data till the very end. This is my solution which helped me. I could not find a way to bind a form to the model data, so I created a function in my lib called bind_queryset_to_form which looks like this:
def bind_queryset_to_form(qs, form):
form_data = {}
my_form = form()
for field in my_form.fields:
form_data[field] = getattr(qs, field, None)
my_form = form(data=form_data, validate=True)
return my_form
The view:
from your.models import exampleModel
from your.form import exampleForm
from your.lib.bind_queryset_to_form import bind_queryset_to_form
from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404
def your_view(request, pk):
query_set = get_object_or_404(exampleModel, id=pk)
context = dict()
context['query_set'] = query_set
if request.method == 'POST':
form = exampleForm(request.POST, instance=query_set)
context['form'] = form
if request.method == 'GET':
if request.session.get('validate_data'):
context['form'] = bind_queryset_to_form(query_set, exampleForm)
context['form'] = exampleForm(instance=query_set)
return render(request, 'dir/your.html', context)
The template:
{% load crispy_forms_tags %}
<div id="div_some_tab">
<form id="form_some_tab" action="{% url 'xx:xx' %}" method="post">
{% crispy form form.helper %}
What does all the above allow?
I have many views with many data inputs. The user can visit each view and add data as they have it. On the review page I set the flag / session "validate_data". This causes the app to start validating all the fields. Any errors will all be displayed on the review page. When the user goes to correct the errors for the given view the bind_queryset_to_form(query_set, exampleForm) is called binding the form with data from the queryset and highlighting any errors.
I cut out a lot of the exceptions and permission to keep this as transparent as possible (the goat would hate that). Hope this idea might help someone else or someone else might improve upon it.


Making Django forms return forms.instance in templates

I have complex user-defined permissions for my users. But to make thinks simpler, let's imagine there's only read-only or write permissions for each user.
I am using Django forms to edit and save model objects. And my goal is to render <input> in the Django HTML template for those users who have the permission to edit a given model instance, and a hard-coded data (without <input> tag) if the user has only read-only permission.
Currently, I have the following code in my Django template to achieve this:
{%if user.has_permission_to_edit %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
And here's my_form:
class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MyForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
for field_name, field in self.fields.items():
field.widget.attrs['class'] = 'form-control input-sm'
if field.required == True:
field.widget.attrs['required'] = ''
class Meta:
model = MyModel
fields = ('my_field',)
The problem with the code in the template is that I have to use multiple {% if %}{% else %} blocks. I am relatively new to Django, and I know that there is plethora of advanced tools making Django code potentially super DRY, so I want to asked you guys, what is the most DRY method to organize what I described in the template. Specifically, is there any way to make Django forms return instance values based on some condition specified inside the form definition? Or do I have to some used-defined tag ? Or maybe some totally different architecture is used to achieve such goals?
For what I understood form your question, you want to pass the instance of the data fetched from your data-source.
from .forms import MyForm
from django.shortcuts import render
assuming you have created a file at the level.
Fetching data from data-source(Detail is the model in below example)
detail_instance = Detail.objects.get(
reg_form = MyForm(instance=detail_instance or None)
# In case of edit scenario you can pass in the post params to the form as well
reg_form = MyForm(request.POST, instance=detail_instance)
# Or form with uploads
reg_form = MyForm(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=detail_instance)
Now once we have data inside our reg_form parameter we can pass it in the template
return render(request, 'applicant/register.html', { 'my_form' : reg_form})
Do whatever you wish, with you my_form variable in the template.
You can pass parameter to the init function of a form
reg_form = MyForm(exist = exist, some_param = param_value, instance=detail_instance or None)
After passing the param, the param can be fetched and processed in the init function of the form
class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
exist = kwargs.pop('exist', None)
pk_reg = kwargs.pop('param', None)
super(MyForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
#do some stuff with you custom params here
if exist == True or pk_reg:
self.fields['username'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True
The above approach has an alternative as well for having separate forms for separate permission and calling the appropriate form based on the user permissions.

Django: how to validate inlineformset against another related form

I have looked around quite a bit but can't quite figure out how to make this work. I basically have a Document form and an Item inlineformset in a view, and I need to perform some validation dependent on the field values in each form. For example, if the Item's copyright_needed field is YES then the Document's account field is required.
How can I pass a reference to the Document form, so that inside ItemForm's clean method, I can look at the Document form's cleaned_data? I'm trying to use curry, as I've seen recommended in other SO answers, but it's not working quite right.
class Document(models.Model):
account = models.CharField(max_length=22, blank=True, null=True)
class Item(models.Model):
copyright_needed = models.CharField(max_length=1)
# Document foreign key
document = models.ForeignKey(Document)
It's the ItemForm clean method that shows what I'd like to accomplish, and the error I'm getting. -- EDIT - added init to ItemForm
class ItemForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Item
fields=[..., 'copyright_needed' ]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.doc_form = kwargs.pop('doc_form')
super(ItemForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def clean(self):
cleaned_data = super(ItemForm, self).clean()
msg_required = "This field is required."
cr = cleaned_data.get("copyright_needed")
# This line generates this error: DocumentForm object has no attribute cleaned_data
acct_num = self.doc_form.cleaned_data.get("account")
if cr and cr == Item.YES:
if not acct_num:
self.doc_form.add_error("account", msg_required)
return cleaned_data
class DocumentForm(forms.ModelForm):
account = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size':'25'}), required=False)
class Meta:
model = Document
fields = [ ..., 'account' ]
def create_item(request):
# create empty forms
ItemFormSet = inlineformset_factory(Document, Item,
extra=1 )
# This is my attempt to pass the DocumentForm to each ItemForm, but its not working
ItemFormSet.form = staticmethod(curry(ItemForm, doc_form=form))
if request.POST:
d = Document()
form=DocumentForm(request.POST, instance=d)
if form.is_valid():
item_formset=ItemFormSet(request.POST, instance=new_document)
if item_formset.is_valid():
return HttpResponseRedirect(...)
return render(request,...)
I'm not even sure what the view is doing - it looks like you're confused on the role of the inlineformset and curry. Firstly, you're currying the init method of ItemForm with the doc_form, but you haven't written an init.
Secondly, it looks like you want to be able to edit the Items inside the Document form. So you need the modelformset_factory, and pass in a custom Formset, on which you write a clean method, that has access to everything you need.
from django.forms.models import modelformset_factory
ItemFormSet = modelformset_factory(Item, form=ItemForm, formset=MyCustomFormset)
then in your customformset -
class MyCustomFormset(BaseInlineFormset):
def clean():
super(MyCustomFormset, self).clean()
for form in self.forms:
#do stuff
Note the clean method on each ItemForm has already been called - this is similar to writing your own clean() on a normal modelform.
OK, so ignore the formset clean, I misunderstood. Just make your document form in the view, pass it along with the formset, then put them all in the same form tag.
<form method="post" action=".">
{%for field in doc_form %}
{%for form in formset%}
Then you have access to all the fields in your request.POST, and you can do whatever you want
doc_form = DocumentForm(request.POST)
formset = ItemFormSet(request.POST)
if all([doc_form.is_valid(), formset.is_valid()]):
#do some stuff

django form errors before submit

My django form has errors in the initial page load, before the form even has a chance to be submitted.
My view:
def example_function(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
# the request is GET
form = MyForm(user=request.user)
import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
return render_to_response('templates/example.html', locals(), context_instance=RequestContext(request),)
Where I have my pdb imported, in the console I can see that my form already has errors. The output of form.errors in my console is all the fields in the model which are set to not null.
(Pdb) form.errors
{'example_field_1': [u'This field is required.'], 'example_field_2': [u'This field is required.']}
The form has not submit yet, but I am still getting errors. Can someone explain?
I'm using django 1.4.
My form:
class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):
captcha = ReCaptchaField()
_readonly_template = form.TextInput(attrs={'readonly':'readonly'})
first_name = forms.CharField(widget = _readonly_tempalte)
def __init__(self, data=None, *args, **kwargs):
data = data or {}
if 'user' in kwargs:
user = kwargs['user']
del kwargs['user']
'first_name' : user.first_name,
super(MyForm, self).__init__(data, *args, **kwargs)
class Meta:
model = MyModel
My model:
class MyModel(models.Model):
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
example_field_1 = models.CharField(max_length=255)
example_field_2 = models.CharField(max_length=255)
accessing the form.errors attribute will trigger the various form validation methods. Those errors shouldn't show up when you render the form.
I'm not sure how the user field is structured, but keep in mind that if you want the user name, you may want to change that from request.user to request.user.username.
I hope you resolved your issue, but in case you haven't, I had a similar issue which I was able to resolve by using "or None" when setting the form after checking if it is a POST (or GET) request.
In your case it looks like this may be a slightly different issue, but I wondered if this snippet might fix things up:
if request.method == "POST":
form = MyForm(request.POST or None)
# .. do stuff....
else: #.....this is a GET
data = {'user': request.user.username} #note this is changed to username
form = MyForm(data)
Not sure if still useful, but adding it here, as I just ran into this for my ChoiceField items within my form.
I was getting the same error messages, but eventually found out I had forgotten to ad 'or None' when initiating the form inside my view.
The initial code inside my view function that was displaying the error messages from the start:
I just added the 'or None' to it:
form=FormName(request.POST or None)
And all good after that.
Don't you need to do something like this
form = NameForm(request.POST)
Rather then attempting to use the user object to populate the form? Will the user object have an example_field_1 in it?
This is the normal behavior.
Some properties of fields are checked on client side. The error messages belong to the form, are part of the html but are not displayed until needed. It saves a client-server request.

Django Forms choice-like field, without choice limitation

I am writing a writing a webapp that is basically just a form, and it has a button that duplicates a field so that multiple items can be entered. I can't use a SelectMultiple field or any of its variations because there is not a set number of choices to choose from. The user should be able to enter whatever they want into the fields and they must be saved in the model and linked to a record through a manytomany field. Here is a jsfiddle link for demonstration.
<label>Field 1
<textarea rows="3"></textarea>
<label>Multiple Values Possible</label>
<input type="text">
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<button id="add_div">Add</button>
add_div = document.getElementById("add_div");
add_div.onclick = function () {
var div = this.previousElementSibling;
var new_div = div.cloneNode(true);
this.parentNode.insertBefore(new_div, this);
return false;
I cannot figure out how to create the form backend for this. There aren't any field classes that can take in a variable amount of data and validate each one against another field.
What I have tried to do is create a MultiWidget/MultiValueField for the textbox/select dropdown pair, and then subclass my MultiValueField in a class closely following django's ModelMultipleChoiceField. I got stuck trying to get the form field to work with templates, allowing me to add all fields back to the rendered page when rendering with a particular form instance (like how when you use the CheckboxSelectMultiple widget, boxes that are checked in a form instance are rendered checked)
Is there any way to do this and have the ModelForm's save method also save the manytomany fields properly? I know I can override the form's save method and do something like in this stackoverflow question, but I would rather have all the save logic handled by the form fields themselves.
Based on looking at your example jsfiddle, it looks like you don't really need a "Choice Field", what you're looking for are Formsets.
In essence, you would have 2 forms on the page, one which is a normal form and would take care of Field 1, and one which is a Formset which deals with all the many-to-many relations for Field 2
Field2FormSet = formset_factory(Field2ToForm)
Make sure you output the management_form which you can clone with your "add" button.
What you are probably looking for is an inline formset, which can only be used if you are using django models (which you hinted at in your question).
Check out this guide:
For the lazy, here is a quick example that gets you most of the way there. This app will allow you to continuously add Parent model objects to the database, along with any children that are filled out.
from django.db import models
class ParentModel(models.Model):
parent_field = models.CharField(choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2)])
class ChildModel(models.Model):
parent = models.ForeignKey(ParentModel)
child_field = models.IntegerField(choices=[(1, 1), (2, 2)])
from app import models
from django import forms
from django.forms.models import inlineformset_factory
from django.template import RequestContext, Template
from django.http import HttpResponse
class ParentForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = models.ParentModel
ChildFormSet = inlineformset_factory(models.ParentModel, models.ChildModel)
def test_view(request):
if request.method == "POST":
form = ParentForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
formset = ChildFormSet(request.POST, request.FILES, form.instance)
if form.is_valid() and formset.is_valid():
pass # Handle validation error
template = Template(
"<form action='<url for view>' method='post'>"
"{% csrf_token %}"
"{{ form.as_p }}"
"<p>{{ formset.as_table }}</p>"
"<input type='submit' value='Submit'/>"
context = RequestContext(request, {
"form": ParentForm(),
"formset": ChildFormSet(),
return HttpResponse(template.render(context))
What is shown above will only allow you add up to three children (the default number of extra forms the inline form set produces). To add dynamically, you are going to have to add some java script that creates new forms in the form set on the client side. For that, I suggest you look at the guide I posted above since I don't think I can do better job of explaining it.
Thanks to #Kevin and #Thomas for pointing me towards formsets! Here is how I did it:
from django.db import models
class RelatedField(models.Model):
field1 = models.CharField(max_length=50)
field2 = models.IntegerField(choices=[(x, x) for x in xrange(1, 11)])
class Record(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
field = models.CharField(max_length=20)
relatedA = models.ManyToManyField(RelatedField, related_name='relatedA')
relatedB = models.ManyToManyField(RelatedField, related_name='relatedB')
def getIndexContext(data):
if data is None:
recordForm = RecordForm()
relatedFormA = RelatedFormSet(queryset=RelatedField.objects.none(), prefix='related-a')
relatedFormB = RelatedFormSet(queryset=RelatedField.objects.none(), prefix='related-b')
recordForm = RecordForm(data)
relatedFormA = RelatedFormSet(data, prefix='related-a')
relatedFormB = RelatedFormSet(data, prefix='related-b')
return {
'form': recordForm,
'relatedA': relatedFormA,
'relatedB': relatedFormB,
'title': 'Index',
def index(request):
if request.method == 'GET':
return render(request, 'record/index.html', getIndexContext(None))
context = getIndexContext(request.POST)
form = context['form']
relatedA = context['relatedA']
relatedB = context['relatedB']
if form.is_valid() and relatedA.is_valid() and relatedB.is_valid():
obj =
obj.user_id = request.user
instances =
instances =
return HttpResponse('success!')
return render(request, 'record/index.html', context)
And then some javascript that can duplicate the fields in the formsets, and increment the names by one.

In a Django form, how do I make a field readonly (or disabled) so that it cannot be edited?

In a Django form, how do I make a field read-only (or disabled)?
When the form is being used to create a new entry, all fields should be enabled - but when the record is in update mode some fields need to be read-only.
For example, when creating a new Item model, all fields must be editable, but while updating the record, is there a way to disable the sku field so that it is visible, but cannot be edited?
class Item(models.Model):
sku = models.CharField(max_length=50)
description = models.CharField(max_length=200)
added_by = models.ForeignKey(User)
class ItemForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Item
exclude = ('added_by')
def new_item_view(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = ItemForm(request.POST)
# Validate and save
form = ItemForm()
# Render the view
Can class ItemForm be reused? What changes would be required in the ItemForm or Item model class? Would I need to write another class, "ItemUpdateForm", for updating the item?
def update_item_view(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = ItemUpdateForm(request.POST)
# Validate and save
form = ItemUpdateForm()
As pointed out in this answer, Django 1.9 added the Field.disabled attribute:
The disabled boolean argument, when set to True, disables a form field using the disabled HTML attribute so that it won’t be editable by users. Even if a user tampers with the field’s value submitted to the server, it will be ignored in favor of the value from the form’s initial data.
With Django 1.8 and earlier, to disable entry on the widget and prevent malicious POST hacks you must scrub the input in addition to setting the readonly attribute on the form field:
class ItemForm(ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ItemForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
instance = getattr(self, 'instance', None)
if instance and
self.fields['sku'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True
def clean_sku(self):
instance = getattr(self, 'instance', None)
  if instance and
    return instance.sku
    return self.cleaned_data['sku']
Or, replace if instance and with another condition indicating you're editing. You could also set the attribute disabled on the input field, instead of readonly.
The clean_sku function will ensure that the readonly value won't be overridden by a POST.
Otherwise, there is no built-in Django form field which will render a value while rejecting bound input data. If this is what you desire, you should instead create a separate ModelForm that excludes the uneditable field(s), and just print them inside your template.
Django 1.9 added the Field.disabled attribute:
The disabled boolean argument, when set to True, disables a form field using the disabled HTML attribute so that it won’t be editable by users. Even if a user tampers with the field’s value submitted to the server, it will be ignored in favor of the value from the form’s initial data.
Setting readonly on a widget only makes the input in the browser read-only. Adding a clean_sku which returns instance.sku ensures the field value will not change on form level.
def clean_sku(self):
if self.instance:
return self.instance.sku
return self.fields['sku']
This way you can use model's (unmodified save) and avoid getting the field required error.
awalker's answer helped me a lot!
I've changed his example to work with Django 1.3, using get_readonly_fields.
Usually you should declare something like this in app/
class ItemAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
readonly_fields = ('url',)
I've adapted in this way:
# In the file
class ItemAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=None):
if obj:
return ['url']
return []
And it works fine. Now if you add an Item, the url field is read-write, but on change it becomes read-only.
To make this work for a ForeignKey field, a few changes need to be made. Firstly, the SELECT HTML tag does not have the readonly attribute. We need to use disabled="disabled" instead. However, then the browser doesn't send any form data back for that field. So we need to set that field to not be required so that the field validates correctly. We then need to reset the value back to what it used to be so it's not set to blank.
So for foreign keys you will need to do something like:
class ItemForm(ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ItemForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
instance = getattr(self, 'instance', None)
if instance and
self.fields['sku'].required = False
self.fields['sku'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled'
def clean_sku(self):
# As shown in the above answer.
instance = getattr(self, 'instance', None)
if instance:
return instance.sku
return self.cleaned_data.get('sku', None)
This way the browser won't let the user change the field, and will always POST as it it was left blank. We then override the clean method to set the field's value to be what was originally in the instance.
For Django 1.2+, you can override the field like so:
sku = forms.CharField(widget = forms.TextInput(attrs={'readonly':'readonly'}))
I made a MixIn class which you may inherit to be able to add a read_only iterable field which will disable and secure fields on the non-first edit:
(Based on Daniel's and Muhuk's answers)
from django import forms
from django.db.models.manager import Manager
# I used this instead of lambda expression after scope problems
def _get_cleaner(form, field):
def clean_field():
value = getattr(form.instance, field, None)
if issubclass(type(value), Manager):
value = value.all()
return value
return clean_field
class ROFormMixin(forms.BaseForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ROFormMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if hasattr(self, "read_only"):
if self.instance and
for field in self.read_only:
self.fields[field].widget.attrs['readonly'] = "readonly"
setattr(self, "clean_" + field, _get_cleaner(self, field))
# Basic usage
class TestForm(AModelForm, ROFormMixin):
read_only = ('sku', 'an_other_field')
I ran across a similar problem.
It looks like I was able to solve it by defining a get_readonly_fields method in my ModelAdmin class.
Something like this:
# In the file
class ItemAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def get_readonly_display(self, request, obj=None):
if obj:
return ['sku']
return []
The nice thing is that obj will be None when you are adding a new Item, or it will be the object being edited when you are changing an existing Item.
get_readonly_display is documented here.
I've just created the simplest possible widget for a readonly field - I don't really see why forms don't have this already:
class ReadOnlyWidget(widgets.Widget):
"""Some of these values are read only - just a bit of text..."""
def render(self, _, value, attrs=None):
return value
In the form:
my_read_only = CharField(widget=ReadOnlyWidget())
Very simple - and gets me just output. Handy in a formset with a bunch of read only values.
Of course - you could also be a bit more clever and give it a div with the attrs so you can append classes to it.
For django 1.9+
You can use Fields disabled argument to make field disable.
e.g. In following code snippet from file , I have made employee_code field disabled
class EmployeeForm(forms.ModelForm):
employee_code = forms.CharField(disabled=True)
class Meta:
model = Employee
fields = ('employee_code', 'designation', 'salary')
How I do it with Django 1.11 :
class ItemForm(ModelForm):
disabled_fields = ('added_by',)
class Meta:
model = Item
fields = '__all__'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ItemForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
for field in self.disabled_fields:
self.fields[field].disabled = True
One simple option is to just type form.instance.fieldName in the template instead of form.fieldName.
You can elegantly add readonly in the widget:
class SurveyModaForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Survey
fields = ['question_no']
widgets = {
Yet again, I am going to offer one more solution :) I was using Humphrey's code, so this is based off of that.
However, I ran into issues with the field being a ModelChoiceField. Everything would work on the first request. However, if the formset tried to add a new item and failed validation, something was going wrong with the "existing" forms where the SELECTED option was being reset to the default ---------.
Anyway, I couldn't figure out how to fix that. So instead, (and I think this is actually cleaner in the form), I made the fields HiddenInputField(). This just means you have to do a little more work in the template.
So the fix for me was to simplify the Form:
class ItemForm(ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ItemForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
instance = getattr(self, 'instance', None)
if instance and
And then in the template, you'll need to do some manual looping of the formset.
So, in this case you would do something like this in the template:
{{ form.instance.sku }} <!-- This prints the value -->
{{ form }} <!-- Prints form normally, and makes the hidden input -->
This worked a little better for me and with less form manipulation.
I was going into the same problem so I created a Mixin that seems to work for my use cases.
class ReadOnlyFieldsMixin(object):
readonly_fields =()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ReadOnlyFieldsMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
for field in (field for name, field in self.fields.iteritems() if name in self.readonly_fields):
field.widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'true'
field.required = False
def clean(self):
cleaned_data = super(ReadOnlyFieldsMixin,self).clean()
for field in self.readonly_fields:
cleaned_data[field] = getattr(self.instance, field)
return cleaned_data
Usage, just define which ones must be read only:
class MyFormWithReadOnlyFields(ReadOnlyFieldsMixin, MyForm):
readonly_fields = ('field1', 'field2', 'fieldx')
As a useful addition to Humphrey's post, I had some issues with django-reversion, because it still registered disabled fields as 'changed'. The following code fixes the problem.
class ItemForm(ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ItemForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
instance = getattr(self, 'instance', None)
if instance and
self.fields['sku'].required = False
self.fields['sku'].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled'
def clean_sku(self):
# As shown in the above answer.
instance = getattr(self, 'instance', None)
if instance:
except ValueError, e:
return instance.sku
return self.cleaned_data.get('sku', None)
As I can't yet comment (muhuk's solution), I'll response as a separate answer. This is a complete code example, that worked for me:
def clean_sku(self):
if self.instance and
return self.instance.sku
return self.cleaned_data['sku']
Based on Yamikep's answer, I found a better and very simple solution which also handles ModelMultipleChoiceField fields.
Removing field from form.cleaned_data prevents fields from being saved:
class ReadOnlyFieldsMixin(object):
readonly_fields = ()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ReadOnlyFieldsMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
for field in (field for name, field in self.fields.iteritems() if
name in self.readonly_fields):
field.widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'true'
field.required = False
def clean(self):
for f in self.readonly_fields:
self.cleaned_data.pop(f, None)
return super(ReadOnlyFieldsMixin, self).clean()
class MyFormWithReadOnlyFields(ReadOnlyFieldsMixin, MyForm):
readonly_fields = ('field1', 'field2', 'fieldx')
if your need multiple read-only can use any of methods given below
method 1
class ItemForm(ModelForm):
readonly = ('sku',)
def __init__(self, *arg, **kwrg):
super(ItemForm, self).__init__(*arg, **kwrg)
for x in self.readonly:
self.fields[x].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled'
def clean(self):
data = super(ItemForm, self).clean()
for x in self.readonly:
data[x] = getattr(self.instance, x)
return data
method 2
inheritance method
class AdvancedModelForm(ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *arg, **kwrg):
super(AdvancedModelForm, self).__init__(*arg, **kwrg)
if hasattr(self, 'readonly'):
for x in self.readonly:
self.fields[x].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled'
def clean(self):
data = super(AdvancedModelForm, self).clean()
if hasattr(self, 'readonly'):
for x in self.readonly:
data[x] = getattr(self.instance, x)
return data
class ItemForm(AdvancedModelForm):
readonly = ('sku',)
Two more (similar) approaches with one generalized example:
1) first approach - removing field in save() method, e.g. (not tested ;) ):
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
for fname in self.readonly_fields:
if fname in self.cleaned_data:
del self.cleaned_data[fname]
return super(<form-name>, self).save(*args,**kwargs)
2) second approach - reset field to initial value in clean method:
def clean_<fieldname>(self):
return self.initial[<fieldname>] # or getattr(self.instance, fieldname)
Based on second approach I generalized it like this:
from functools import partial
class <Form-name>(...):
def __init__(self, ...):
super(<Form-name>, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
for i, (fname, field) in enumerate(self.fields.iteritems()):
if fname in self.readonly_fields:
field.widget.attrs['readonly'] = "readonly"
field.required = False
# set clean method to reset value back
clean_method_name = "clean_%s" % fname
assert clean_method_name not in dir(self)
setattr(self, clean_method_name, partial(self._clean_for_readonly_field, fname=fname))
def _clean_for_readonly_field(self, fname):
""" will reset value to initial - nothing will be changed
needs to be added dynamically - partial, see init_fields
return self.initial[fname] # or getattr(self.instance, fieldname)
For the Admin version, I think this is a more compact way if you have more than one field:
def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=None):
skips = ('sku', 'other_field')
fields = super(ItemAdmin, self).get_readonly_fields(request, obj)
if not obj:
return [field for field in fields if not field in skips]
return fields
Here is a slightly more involved version, based on christophe31's answer. It does not rely on the "readonly" attribute. This makes its problems, like select boxes still being changeable and datapickers still popping up, go away.
Instead, it wraps the form fields widget in a readonly widget, thus making the form still validate. The content of the original widget is displayed inside <span class="hidden"></span> tags. If the widget has a render_readonly() method it uses that as the visible text, otherwise it parses the HTML of the original widget and tries to guess the best representation.
import django.forms.widgets as f
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
def make_readonly(form):
Makes all fields on the form readonly and prevents it from POST hacks.
def _get_cleaner(_form, field):
def clean_field():
return getattr(_form.instance, field, None)
return clean_field
for field_name in form.fields.keys():
form.fields[field_name].widget = ReadOnlyWidget(
setattr(form, "clean_" + field_name,
_get_cleaner(form, field_name))
form.is_readonly = True
class ReadOnlyWidget(f.Select):
Renders the content of the initial widget in a hidden <span>. If the
initial widget has a ``render_readonly()`` method it uses that as display
text, otherwise it tries to guess by parsing the html of the initial widget.
def __init__(self, initial_widget, *args, **kwargs):
self.initial_widget = initial_widget
super(ReadOnlyWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def render(self, *args, **kwargs):
def guess_readonly_text(original_content):
root = etree.fromstring("<span>%s</span>" % original_content)
for element in root:
if element.tag == 'input':
return element.get('value')
if element.tag == 'select':
for option in element:
if option.get('selected'):
return option.text
if element.tag == 'textarea':
return element.text
return "N/A"
original_content = self.initial_widget.render(*args, **kwargs)
readonly_text = self.initial_widget.render_readonly(*args, **kwargs)
except AttributeError:
readonly_text = guess_readonly_text(original_content)
return mark_safe("""<span class="hidden">%s</span>%s""" % (
original_content, readonly_text))
# Usage example 1.
self.fields['my_field'].widget = ReadOnlyWidget(self.fields['my_field'].widget)
# Usage example 2.
form = MyForm()
Today I encountered the exact same problem for a similar use case. However, I had to deal with a class-based views. Class-based views allow inheriting attributes and methods thus making it easier to reuse code in a neat manner.
I will answer your question by discussing the code needed for creating a profile page for users. On this page, they can update their personal information. However, I wanted to show an email field without allowing the user to change the information.
Yes, I could have just left out the email field but my OCD would not allow it.
In the example below I used a form class in combination with the disabled = True method. This code is tested on Django==2.2.7.
# form class in
# Alter import User if you have created your own User class with Django default as abstract class.
from .models import User
# from django.contrib.auth.models import User
# Same goes for these forms.
from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm, UserChangeForm
class ProfileChangeForm(UserChangeForm):
class Meta(UserCreationForm)
model = User
fields = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'email',]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['email'].disabled = True
As one can see, the needed user fields are specified. These are the fields that must be shown on the profile page. If other fields need to be added one has to specify them in the User class and add the attribute name to the fields list of the Meta class of this form.
After getting the required metadata the __init__ method is called initializing the form. However, within this method, the email field parameter 'disabled' is set to True. By doing so the behavior of the field in the front-end is altered resulting in a read-only field that one cannot edit even if one changes the HTML code. Reference Field.disabled
For completion, in the example below one can see the class-based views needed to use the form.
# view class in
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.messages.views import SuccessMessageMixin
from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin
from django.views.generic import TemplateView, UpdateView
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
class ProfileView(LoginRequiredMixin, TemplateView):
template_name = 'app_name/profile.html'
model = User
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
context.update({'user': self.request.user, })
return context
class UserUpdateView(LoginRequiredMixin, SuccesMessageMixin, UpdateView):
template_name = 'app_name/update_profile.html'
model = User
form_class = ProfileChangeForm
success_message = _("Successfully updated your personal information")
def get_success_url(self):
# Please note, one has to specify a get_absolute_url() in the User class
# In my case I return: reverse("app_name:profile")
return self.request.user.get_absolute_url()
def get_object(self, **kwargs):
return self.request.user
def form_valid(self, form):
messages.add_message(self.request, messages.INFO, _("Successfully updated your profile"))
return super().form_valid(form)
The ProfileView class only shows an HTML page with some information about the user. Furthermore, it holds a button that if pressed leads to an HTML page configured by the UserUpdateView, namely 'app_name/update_profile.html'. As one can see, the UserUpdateView holds two extra attributes, namely 'form_class' and 'success_message'.
The view knows that every field on the page must be filled with data from the User model. However, by introducing the 'form_class' attribute the view does not get the default layout of the User fields. Instead, it is redirected to retrieve the fields through the form class. This has a huge advantage in the sense of flexibility.
By using form classes it is possible to show different fields with different restrictions for different users. If one sets the restrictions within the model itself every user would get the same treatment.
The template itself is not that spectacular but can be seen below.
# HTML template in 'templates/app_name/update_profile.html'
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load static %}
{% load crispy_form_tags %}
{% block content %}
Update your personal information
<form class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="{% url 'app_name:update' %}">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form|crispy }}
<div class="btn-group">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">
{% endblock %}
As can be seen, the form tag holds an action tag that holds the view URL routing.
After pressing the Update button the UserUpdateView gets activated and it validates if all conditions are met. If so, the form_valid method is triggered and adds a success message. After successfully updating the data the user is returned to the specified URL in the get_success_url method.
Below one can find the code allowing the URL routing for the views.
# URL routing for views in
from django.urls import path
from . import views
app_name = 'app_name'
urlpatterns = [
path('profile/', view=views.ProfileView.as_view(), name='profile'),
path('update/', view=views.UserUpdateView.as_view(), name='update'),
There you have it. A fully worked out implementation of class-based views using form so one can alter an email field to be read-only and disabled.
My apologies for the extremely detailed example. There might be more efficient ways to design the class-based views, but this should work. Of course, I might have been wrong about some things said. I'm still learning as well. If anyone has any comments or improvements let me know!
You can do it just like this:
Check if the request is update or save a new object.
If request is update then disable field sku.
If request is to add a new object then you must render the form with out disabling the field sku.
Here is an example of how to do like this.
class Item(models.Model):
sku = models.CharField(max_length=50)
description = models.CharField(max_length=200)
added_by = models.ForeignKey(User)
class ItemForm(ModelForm):
def disable_sku_field(self):
elf.fields['sku'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True
class Meta:
model = Item
exclude = ('added_by')
def new_item_view(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = ItemForm(request.POST)
# Just create an object or instance of the form.
# Validate and save
form = ItemForm()
# Render the view
def update_item_view(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = ItemForm(request.POST)
# Just create an object or instance of the form.
# Validate and save
form = ItemForm()
form.disable_sku_field() # call the method that will disable field.
# Render the view with the form that will have the `sku` field disabled on it.
Is this the simplest way?
Right in a view code something like this:
def resume_edit(request, r_id):
r = Resume.get.object(pk=r_id)
resume = ResumeModelForm(instance=r)
resume.fields['email'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True
return render(request, 'resumes/resume.html', context)
It works fine!
If you are working with Django ver < 1.9 (the 1.9 has added Field.disabled attribute) you could try to add following decorator to your form __init__ method:
def bound_data_readonly(_, initial):
return initial
def to_python_readonly(field):
native_to_python = field.to_python
def to_python_filed(_):
return native_to_python(field.initial)
return to_python_filed
def disable_read_only_fields(init_method):
def init_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
self = args[0]
init_method(*args, **kwargs)
for field in self.fields.values():
if field.widget.attrs.get('readonly', None):
field.widget.attrs['disabled'] = True
setattr(field, 'bound_data', bound_data_readonly)
setattr(field, 'to_python', to_python_readonly(field))
return init_wrapper
class YourForm(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
The main idea is that if field is readonly you don't need any other value except initial.
P.S: Don't forget to set yuor_form_field.widget.attrs['readonly'] = True
Start from disable fields mixin:
class ModelAllDisabledFormMixin(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
This mixin to ModelForm disables all fields. Useful to have detail view based on model
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
form_fields = self.fields
for key in form_fields.keys():
form_fields[key].disabled = True
class MyModelAllDisabledForm(ModelAllDisabledFormMixin, forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = MyModel
fields = '__all__'
prepare view:
class MyModelDetailView(LoginRequiredMixin, UpdateView):
model = MyModel
template_name = 'my_model_detail.html'
form_class = MyModelAllDisabledForm
place this in my_model_detail.html template:
<div class="form">
<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form | crispy }}
You will obtain same form as in update view but with all fields disabled.
Based on the answer from #paeduardo (which is overkill), you can disable a field in the form class initializer:
class RecordForm(ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
var = self.fields['the_field']
var.disabled = True
If you are using Django admin, here is the simplest solution.
class ReadonlyFieldsMixin(object):
def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=None):
if obj:
return super(ReadonlyFieldsMixin, self).get_readonly_fields(request, obj)
return tuple()
class MyAdmin(ReadonlyFieldsMixin, ModelAdmin):
readonly_fields = ('sku',)
I think your best option would just be to include the readonly attribute in your template rendered in a <span> or <p> rather than include it in the form if it's readonly.
Forms are for collecting data, not displaying it. That being said, the options to display in a readonly widget and scrub POST data are fine solutions.