Network Server - proactive vs reactive pattern - c++

Context (C++): I need to develop a network server, which can handle more than 1000 clients per second, with more than 100 requests per second.
Each request starts a state machine between the client and server, wherein the client and server exchange further data, before the server sends a final response.
Problem : Some of the processing is done by a third party library that requests callbacks from us and calls these callbacks when it requires some data from the client. So, we dont controll this thread and must wait for the data from client before we can process further.
Question: With such a high amount of messages, we decided we would use libevent or some of its derivatives e.g. or
The problem is that libevent is based on reactor pattern and we do not have a way to leave processing in a thread as soon as it enters the state machine.
So, my question is if the proactor pattern would be better here, and is there any library that can give us this behavior?
OK, so after much deliberation, we decided that we should go ahead and make a "proxy" in front of our application. this proxy can then distribute the load to multiple running instances of our application using this 3rd party. Then we can use reactor pattern.
Any other suggestions are welcome..


Design a multi client - server application, where client send messages infrequent

I have to design a server which can able to send a same objects to many clients. clients may send some request to the server if it wants to update something in the database.
Things which are confusing:
My server should start the program (where I perform some operation and produce 'results' , this will be send to the client).
My server should listen to the incoming connection from the client, if any it should accept and start sending the ‘results’.
Server should accept as many clients as possible (Not more than 100).
My ‘result' should be secured. I don’t want some one take my ‘result' and see what my program logics look like.
I thought point 1. is one thread. And point 2. is another thread and it going to create multiple threads within its scope to serve point 3. Point 4 should be taken by my application logic while serialising the 'result' rather the server.
Is it a bad idea? If so where can i improve?
Putting every connection on a thread is very bad, and is apparently a common mistake that beginners do. Every thread costs about 1 MB of memory, and this will overkill your program for no good reason. I did ask the very same question before, and I got a very good answer. I used boost ASIO, and the server/client project is finished since months, and it's a running project now beautifully.
If you use C++ and SSL (to secure your connection), no one will see your logic, since your programs are compiled. But you have to write your own communication protocol/serialization in that case.

Difference between proactor pattern and synchronous model in web server

In synchronous model, when a client connects to the server, both the client and server have to sync with each other to finish some operations.
Meanwhile, the asynchronous model allows client and server to work separated and independently. The client sends a request to establish a connection and do something. While the server is processing the request, the client can do something else. Upon completion of an operation, the completion event is placed onto a queue in an Event Demultiplexer, waiting for a Proactor (such as HTTP Handler) to send the request back and invoke a Completion Handler (on the client). The terms are used as in boost::asio document The Proactor Design Pattern: Concurrency Without Threads.
By working this way, the asynchronous model can accepts simultaneous connections without having to create a thread per connection, thus improve overall performance. In order to achieve the same effect as asynchronous model, the first model (synchronous) must be multi-threaded. For more detail, refer to: Proactor Pattern (I actually learn proactor pattern which is used to asynchronous model from that document. In here it has description on a typical synchronous I/O web server).
Is my understanding on the subject correct? If so, which means the asynchronous server can accepts request and return results asynchronously (the first connection request the service on web server does not need to be the first to reply to)? In essence, asynchronous model does not use threading (or threading is used in individual components, such as in the Proactor, Asynchronous Event Multiplexer (boost::asio document) component, not by creating an entire client-server application stack, which is describe in the multi-threaded model in Proactor Pattern document, section 2.2 - Common Traps and Pitfalls of Conventional Concurrency Models).
The Proactor model assumes splitting the network session process in a subtasks like: resolving hostname, accepting or connecting, reading or writing some part of information, closing connection - and allows you to switch between subtasks from different sessions. Whereas, the Reactor model sees the network session process as a (almost) single task.
The absolute Proactor advantages:
The performance is boosted because of the task "outsourcing". For example, you can send resolution request to the DNS and wait 5 minutes for answer doing nothing (Reactor) - or you can do other stuff while waiting (Proactor).
The absolute Proactor disadvantages:
The performance is decreased because of the task switching, which means that for the single session you execute more code (Proactor) than it should be (Reactor).
But the overall performance usually is measured in a number of "satisfied" clients per time period. So, the advantages of Proactor vs. Reactor depend on the situation. Here goes some examples.
HTTP server. The client wants to see something in his browser window. He doesn't need to wait before the whole page is loaded to see the first pieces of text. The Proactor is effective, since the partial page loading is faster than the whole page loading. Still the whole page is loaded about the same time as in the Reactor model.
Low-latency game server. The client wants to get the complete result of his command as quick as possible. The Reactor is effective, since there are no subtasks like partial reading or writing - the client won't see anything until he reads the full response. So, the Reactor won't do additional switches between subtasks and at each moment it's guaranteed that some client gets progress on his command, while the Proactor will force all of the clients wait each other unpredictable time.
The multi-threading can give you a linear acceleration in both cases.

TCP server with state information using network library

I'm writing a tcp server for an online turn-based game. I've already written a prototype using php sockets, but would like to move to C++. I've been looking at the popular network libraries (ASIO, ACE, POCO, LibEvent), but currently unclear which one would best suit my needs:
1) Connections are persistent (on the order of minutes), and the server must be able to handle 100+ simultaneous connections.
2) Connections must be able to maintain state information (user login info). [my php prototype currently requires each client request to contain the login info]
3) Optionally and preferably multi-threaded, but a single process. Prefer not to have 1 thread per connection, but a fixed number of threads working on all open connections.
I'm leaning towards POCO's TCPServer or Reactor frameworks, but not exactly sure if they meet my requirements. I think the Reactor is single threaded, and the TCPServer enforces 1:1 threading/connection. Am I correct?
In either case case, I'm not exactly sure how to do the most important task of associating login info to a specific connection with connections coming and going at random.
Boost.Asio should meet your requirements. The reactor queue can be serviced by multiple threads. Using asynchronous methods will enable your design of a fixed number of threads servicing all connections.
The tutorials and examples are probably the best place to start if you are unfamiliar with the library.
You might also take a look at MUSCLE, a multi-user networking library and server I wrote with this sort of application in mind. It's BSD-licensed, handles hundreds of users, and includes a server-side database mechanism for storing and sharing any information you want the clients to know about each other. The server is single-threaded by default, but I haven't found that to be a problem in practice (and it's possible to extend the server to be multithreaded if that turns out to be necessary).

How to design a client server architect

I like to know the server (TCP based) architecture to support large scale of clients(at least10K) to implement Fix server. My points are
How we design it.
How to listen on the open port? Use select or poll or any other function.
How to process the response of the client? On large scale we cannot create the one thread for each client.
Should the processing of response is in the different executable and share the request and response to the server executable through IPC.
There is much more on it. I would appreciate if anyone explains it or provide any link.
An excellent resource for information on this topic is The C10K problem. Although the dimensions there seem a little old, the techniques are still applicable today.
The architecture depends on what you want to do with the clients incoming data. My guess is that for every incoming message you would perform some computations and probably also return a response.
In that case I would create 1 main listener thread that receives all the incoming messages (Actually, if your hardware has more than 1 physical network device, I would use a listener thread per device and make sure each one is listening to a specific device).
Get the number of CPUs that you have on your machine and create worker threads for each CPU and bind them each thread to one cpu (Maybe number of working thread should be num_of_cpu-1, to leave an availalbe cpu for the listener and dispatcher).
Each thread has a queue and semaphore, the main listener thread just push the incoming data into those queues. There are many way to perform load balancing (Will talk about it later).
Each working thread just works on the requests given to it, and put the response on another queue that is read by the dispatcher.
The dispatcher - there are 2 options here, use a thread for dispatcher (or thread per network device as for listeners), or have the dispatcher actually be the same thread as the listener.
There is some advantage to put them both on the same thread, since it makes it easier to detect lost socket connection and use the same fds for both reading and writing without thread synchronization. However, it could be that using 2 different threads would give better performance, it need to be tested.
Note about load balancing:
This is a topic of its own.
The simplest thing is to use 1 queue for all working threads, but the problem is that they have to lock in order to pop items and the locking can damage performance. (But you get the most balanced load).
Another quite simple approach would be to have a private queue for every worker and perform round-robin when inserting. After every X cycles check the size of all the queues. If some queues are much larger than others then leave them out for the next X cycles and then recheck them again. This is not the best approach, but a simple one to implement and gives some load balancing while no locking is needed.
By the way - There is a way to implement queue between 2 threads without blocking - but this is also another topic.
I hope it helps,
If the client and server are on a secure network then the security aspect is to be minimal - to the extent that the transfers are encrypted. If the clients and the server are not on a secure network - you first want the server and client to authenticate each other and then initiate encrypted data transfer. For data transfer, server-side authentication should suffice. At the end of this authentication use the session key to generate encrypted data stream (symmetric). consider using TFTP it is simple to implement and scales reasonably well.

HTTP stream server: threads?

I already wrote here about the http chat server I want to create: Alternative http port?
This http server should stream text to every user in the same chat room on the website. The browser will stay connected and wait for further html code. (yes that works, the browser won't reject the connection).
I got a new question: Because this chat server doesn't need to receive information from the client, it's not necessary to listen to the client after the server sent its first response. New chat messages will be send to the server on a new connection.
So I can open 2 threads, one waiting for new clients (or new messages) and one for the html streaming.
Is this a good idea or should I use one thread per client? I don't think it's good to have one thread/client when there are many chat users online, since the server should handle multiple different chats with their own rooms.
3 posibilities:
1. One thread for all clients, send text to each client successive - there shouldn't be much lag since it's only text
this will be like: user1.send("text");user2.send("text"),...
2. One thread per chat or chatroom
3. One thread per chat user - ... many...
Thank you, I haven't done much with sockets yet ;).
Right now, you seem to be thinking in terms of a given thread always carrying out a given (type of) task. While that basic design can make sense, to produce a scalable server like this, it generally doesn't work very well.
Often a slightly more abstract viewpoint works out better: you have tasks that need to get done, and threads that do those tasks -- but a thread doesn't really "care" about what task it executes.
With this viewpoint, you simply need to create some sort of data structure that describes each task that needs to be done. When you have a task you want done, you fill in a data structure to describe the task, and hand it off to get done. Somewhere, there are some threads that do the tasks.
In this case, the exact number of threads becomes mostly irrelevant -- it's something you can (and do) adjust to fit the number of CPU cores available, the type of tasks, and so on, not something that affects the basic design of the program.
I think easiest pattern for this simple app is to have pool of threads and then for each client pick available thread or make it wait until one becomes available.
If you want serious understanding of http server architecture concepts google following:
apache architecture
nginx architecture