Retrieving value from database - swift3

Hi I have a problem and would be grateful to any advice or answer.
func getUserProfileMDP(){
// set attributes to textField
var ref: DatabaseReference!
ref = Database.database().reference()
let user = Auth.auth().currentUser
ref.child("users").child((user?.uid)!).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
// Get user value
guard let value = snapshot.value as? [String: String] else { return }
let passwordValue = value["password"]!as! String
self.MDP = passwordValue // prints the right value from database
}){ (error) in
print(self.MDP) // prints the value innitialised in class(nope)
Here is the function that gets the value from database. It works (the first print gets the right value)
#IBAction func register(_ sender: Any) {
print(self.MDP)// prints the value innitialised in class(nope)
print(self.MDP) // prints the value innitialised in class(nope)
let MDP = self.MDP
That is were I need the password to compare it. It doesn't get me the value of the database but the value initialized in class above:
var MDP = "nope"
Have a nice day

Given your last comment, I'd say that you're almost there, but here's an example. I did not fix the other parts of your code, I only added the completion handler in the method signature, and passed the password value to the handler, to show you how this works. The handler must be called inside the async closure.
func getUserProfileMDP(completion: #escaping (String)->()) {
// set attributes to textField
var ref: DatabaseReference!
ref = Database.database().reference()
let user = Auth.auth().currentUser
ref.child("users").child((user?.uid)!).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
// Get user value
guard let value = snapshot.value as? [String: String] else { return }
let passwordValue = value["password"]!as! String
}){ (error) in
And you call it like that:
getUserProfileMDP() { pass in
self.MDP = pass


How to infer a generic paramater with an async/await function

I have an async/await function to make sure that the data gets passed along first;
func downloadFirebaseData() async -> String {
let group = DispatchGroup()
group.enter() // stop the thread/enter the function
let db = Firestore.firestore()
withUnsafeThrowingContinuation { continuation in
.getDocuments { (querySnapshot, error) in
defer {
group.leave() // << end on any return
if let Lng = i.document.get("lng") as? String {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
annotationLng.append(Lng) //edit the array
print("downloadLngServerData ()\(annotationLng)")
if let Lat = i.document.get("lat") as? String {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
annotationLat.append(Lat) //edit the array
print("downloadLatServerData ()\(annotationLat)")
group.wait() // clear up the thread now, exit the function
And its called under my view with;
.task {
try await downloadFirebaseData() //error 1
#State annotationLat: [String] = []
#State annotationLng: [String] = []
Inside of firebase database:
annotationLat = ["42.828392","29.18273","97.27352"]
annotationLng = ["42.828392","29.18273","97.27352"]
I have 2 errors;
Invalid conversion from throwing function of type '#Sendable () async throws -> Void' to non-throwing function type '#Sendable () async -> Void'
This was under the .task
My second error:
Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
This was under withUnsafeThrowingContinuation
The first error I somewhat get, but even after I modified from my original code, the error still persisted.
For the second error, I know that I might have to define that this is a string somewhere, because I don't think that the app knows that I'm trying to work with a string.
This assumes that the Firestore path for the documents is
and that each document has variables lat and lng of type String
import Foundation
import FirebaseFirestoreSwift
import FirebaseFirestore
import CoreLocation
//struct to keep the latitude and longitude together, they should not be in separate arrays
struct Annotation: Codable, Identifiable{
#DocumentID var id: String?
var lat: String?
var lng: String?
extension Annotation{
//Safely unwrap the Strings into doubles and then create the coordinate
var coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D? {
guard let latStr = lat, let lngStr = lng, let latitude = Double(latStr), let longitude = Double(lngStr) else{
print("Unable to get valid latitude and longitude")
return nil
let coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude)
return coordinate
struct CustomFirestoreService{
let store: Firestore = .firestore()
func getAnnotations() async throws -> [Annotation]{
let ANNOTATIONS_PATH = "annotations"
return try await retrieve(path: ANNOTATIONS_PATH)
///retrieves all the documents in the collection at the path
private func retrieve<FC : Codable>(path: String) async throws -> [FC]{
//Firebase provided async await.
let querySnapshot = try await store.collection(path).getDocuments()
return querySnapshot.documents.compactMap { document in
return try FC.self)
return nil
Then in your View
import SwiftUI
struct AnnotationsView: View {
let service: CustomFirestoreService = CustomFirestoreService()
#State private var annotations: [Annotation] = []
var body: some View {
if annotations.isEmpty{
Text("Hello, World!")
.task {
annotations = try await service.getAnnotations()
//Do any other work here, this line won't run unless the annotations are populated.
List(annotations){ annotation in
if let coord = annotation.coordinate{
Text("Latitude = \(coord.latitude)")
Text("Longitude = \(coord.longitude)")
Text("Invalid Coordinate Value. Check firestore values for document \( ?? "no id")")
struct AnnotationsView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
This makes some assumptions but if you paste it into your project you should get some working code.
You don't need this for your code but this is what a conversion from the "old" closures to the new async await would look like.
public func retrieve<FC : Codable>(path: String) async throws -> [FC]{
typealias MyContinuation = CheckedContinuation<[FC], Error>
return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { (continuation: MyContinuation) in
.getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in
if let err = err {
//This throws an error
continuation.resume(throwing: err)
} else {
let array = querySnapshot?.documents.compactMap { document in
try? FC.self)
} ?? []
//This returns an array
continuation.resume(returning: array)
If you aren't calling continuation there is no point in returning a continuation of any kind.

Store dictionary in UserDefaults

This is a similar approach to Save dictionary to UserDefaults, however, it is intended for SwiftUI, not using a single line like set, so I want to store the value somewhere with a variable so I can call it easily. Also it's different because I'm asking for an initialization.
I have the following:
#Published var mealAndStatus: Dictionary
init() {
mealAndStatus = ["Breakfast": "initial", "Snack": "notSet", "Lunch": "notSet", "Snack2": "notSet", "Dinner": "notSet"]
if let storedDay = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "mealAndStatus") {
mealAndStatus = storedDay as! Dictionary
1- How do I correctly store that dictionary in UserDefaults in SwiftUI?
2- That init, do I have to call it at the beginning of ContentView? Or can I leave it on the other swift file like that? Not sure how the init gets called.
I already made one with bool working:
#Published var startDay: Bool
init() {
startDay = true
if let storedDay = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "startDay") {
startDay = storedDay as! Bool
but the dictionary doesn't seem to work. I need to initialize that dictionary and also store it in UserDefaults so I can access it later. Any help is appreciated.
This is the perfect solution I found for SwiftUI:
Store this somewhere, in my case I created a class just for UserDefaults:
#Published var mealAndStatus: [String: Date] =
UserDefaults.standard.dictionary(forKey: "mealAndStatus") as? [String: Date] ?? [:] {
didSet {
UserDefaults.standard.set(self.mealAndStatus, forKey: "mealAndStatus")
That above initializes the dictionary and also creates a variable to be easily called and use to update the value. This can be modified at lunch time and add new values, that way is initialized with whatever I want.
Furthermore, now on Apple Dev wwdc20 they announced a new way of handling UserDefaults with SwiftUI which may be even better than the above. The propery wrapper is called: #AppStorage.
Using JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder would help you convert to data any struct or dictionary that conforms to codable.
let arrayKey = "arrayKey"
func store(dictionary: [String: String], key: String) {
var data: Data?
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
do {
data = try encoder.encode(dictionary)
} catch {
print("failed to get data")
UserDefaults.standard.set(data, forKey: key)
func fetchDictionay(key: String) -> [String: String]? {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
do {
if let storedData = key) {
let newArray = try decoder.decode([String: String].self, from: storedData)
print("new array: \(newArray)")
return newArray
} catch {
print("couldn't decode array: \(error)")
return nil
// You would put this where you want to save the dictionary
let mealAndStatus = ["Breakfast": "initial", "Snack": "notSet", "Lunch": "notSet", "Snack2": "notSet", "Dinner": "notSet"]
store(dictionary: mealAndStatus, key: arrayKey)
// You would put this where you want to access the dictionary
let savedDictionary = fetchDictionay(key: arrayKey)
On a side note, you probably shouldn't be using standard defaults for storing stuff like this. Storing it as a database, or saving it in a file especially with encryption on eith the database or the file might be a bit safer.

Getting nil response while passing string to another view controller - Swift3

In FirstViewController i'm fetching the response from JSON and want to pass that fetched response to another view controller.Below is the code which i have used so far for parsing and passing the response.
var fn:String! //globally declared variable
code i have tried for parsing in FirstViewController
do {
let detailsDictionary:NSDictionary = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options:.allowFragments) as! Dictionary<String, AnyObject> as NSDictionary
let details = detailsDictionary["Data"] as! [[String:AnyObject]]
for dtl in details
self.fn = dtl["Father_Name"] as? String ?? "NA"
print(self.fn) //here i'm getting the exact value from JSON
In SecondViewController there is a Label called profile_name and want to set that parsed string(fn) as Label's text. for that i declared another variable as global.
var pname:String!
below is the code i have used to fetch the value from FirstViewController.
let othervc = FirstViewController()
self.pname = othervc.fn
self.profile_name.text = self.pname
Problem : I tried my best efforts to get the desired output but i'm getting nil response.
Please Help.
In Second ViewController
let strName:String!
In First ViewController
let strOne = "This is for testing"
let objstory = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "yout Secoond ViewController Storybord ID") as! YourSecondViewControllerName
objstory.strNam = strOne
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(objstory, animated: true)
Your updated code just won't work.
let othervc = FirstViewController()
creates a new instance of FirstViewController (not the one that got the JSON).
You should be handling it something like this:
In FirstViewController
let fn = dtl["Father_Name"] as? String ?? "NA"
let svc = SecondViewController() // Or maybe instantiate from Storyboard, or maybe you already have a reference to it
svc.pname = fn
present(svc, animated: true, completion: nil)
Then in SecondViewController
override func viewDidLoad() {
profile_name.text = pname
I'd suggest you take some time out and re-read Apple's View Controller programming guide.
Original Answer
The problem you have here…
vcvalue.profile_name.text = fn
is that profile_name is nil as the view for the view controller hasn't been loaded at this point.
You should handle this by creating a property in LeftSideMenuViewController
var name: String?
Then set = fn
And then in LeftSideMenuViewController
override func viewDidLoad() {
profile_name.text = name
Also, some basic tips…
Don't force unwrap (!) apart from IBOutlets. You may have to write a bit more code, but you will reduce crashes.
Make #IBOutlets private - this will prevent you accidentally assigning to them as you are now
If you're overriding any viewWill/DidDis/Appear methods, you must call super at some point.
You need to re-read the section on switch/case
So this…
let a = indexPath.row
case 0 :
if(a == 0)
return 45
could just be…
switch indexPath.row {
case 0...4:
return 45
case 5:
return 50

Why do I get 'Instance member '___' cannot be used on type '___' in prepareForSegue?

I am trying to pass data from one view controller to another using this method:
func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject!) {
if segue.identifier == "toSecondViewController" {
let secondViewController = segue.destination as! SecondViewController
SecondViewController.username = "Austin"
However, I'm getting the error
Instance member 'username' cannot be used on type
the variable username has been defined in SecondViewController and the segue is indeed named toSecondViewController. What might be causing this error?
This happens to me all the time.
if segue.identifier == "toSecondViewController" {
let secondViewController = segue.destination as! SecondViewController
SecondViewController.username = "Austin"
Notice how SecondViewController.username = "Austin" has a capital S.. it should be lower case.
You declare a variable let secondViewController as! SecondViewController
but then you try to set .userName on SecondViewController, capital S
You should set .userName on the variable secondViewController. Lowercase s, which is what you intended.

NSManagedObjectContext is not saving the NSManagedObject Values in SWIFT 3.0 and XCOde 8

I am facing a problem while saving the NSManagedObject to NSManagedObjectContext in Swift 3.0 and Xcode 8. Adding the code snippets for better Understanding
let config = NSManagedObject(entity: entityDescription!, insertInto: self.moc) as! Config
Here Config class is derived from NSManagedObject
class Config: NSManagedObject {
// Insert code here to add functionality to your managed object subclass
Assigning the Key and value to my config as below and calling a save
config.key = "access_token"
config.value = access_token
try config.managedObjectContext?.save()
}catch let error as NSError
onCompletion("Login Failed")
This doesnt throw any error to me, but while fetching the value of access_token from NSManagedObject, value is nil
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult>(entityName: "Config")
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "key == %#", "access_token")
fetchRequest.predicate = predicate
let fetchResults = try moc.fetch(fetchRequest) as? [Config]
if(fetchResults?.count > 0)
return fetchResults?.first!.value
} catch let error as NSError{
What is wrong with this piece of code?
EDIT: I can see the following code where persistentStoreCoordinator is set for managedObjectContext
lazy var managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext = {
// Returns the managed object context for the application (which is already bound to the persistent store coordinator for the application.) This property is optional since there are legitimate error conditions that could cause the creation of the context to fail.
let coordinator = self.persistentStoreCoordinator
var managedObjectContext = NSManagedObjectContext(concurrencyType: .mainQueueConcurrencyType)
managedObjectContext.persistentStoreCoordinator = coordinator
return managedObjectContext