Alexa Development In C# [closed] - amazon-web-services

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Im new to developing in alexa from amazon, right now i have everything setup and ready to go, but the main problem here is the c#. I cannot find anything good that explains the process, classes, methods, etc.
The only tutorials around really are in Node.js, or just give you clumps of code that no one seems to be able to explain. I have not found anything that even resembles an API for C#.
Does anyone have any info or directions for me to look in to get the info i require? I have been searching since last night and honestly can't find anything that explains in a good way?

Most of the documentation on Alexa is using Node.js samples. However, it is all backed by AWS Lambda which supports .NET Core and C# so writing a skill in C# should be more than possible.
Taking a look around, Matthias Shapiro as a blog post on getting a C# version of an Alexa skill up and running:
Tim Heuer also has a good blog post including code on GitHub:

John, our company has just shared C# implementation of our Alexa skill (Sophtron) at
It is a conversational skill with account linking. Also included is the code that validates the request. Hope it helps.


C++ - most popular framework for interacting with SQL? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am a computer science student and I want to do a personal project demonstrating some skills that I have learned. Recently I learned how to use SQL with PHP. Since PHP isn't as relevant as it once was, I was hoping someone could point me towards a more commonly used back-end tool where I still interact with my database through SQL queries. In my question, I specifically asked about a C++ framework since I am most comfortable with C++, but if there are much more common frameworks for what I'm looking for that use Java or Python, that would work as well.
Doing a quick google search gave me a very very large list of potential frameworks, so I was hoping someone with more knowledge in the field can point me towards one that employers would find the most relevant.
On a side note, I was also wondering if a framework is completely necessary, or if I can create my back-end just using native c++? If so, is this a valuable skill to look into?
Thanks for the help.
check out QT for the C++ GUI & MySQL for the backend...

Blockchain/decentralized apps development intro [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to get my hands dirty and start playing with a pet project to get into blockchain technologies.
Some time ago I read Mastering Bitcoin and now am looking for a concise intro into using blockchains. Perhaps something like the Decentralized Applications book (not published yet) book could be.
Any tips for books, articles, etc.?
If you are looking for books, try this link. If you are looking to do more of a hands on approach for learning how blockchain works. Try a sample application like this one here
try Microsoft Blockchain as a service, they have strato which has REST based APIs for easier development, it actually uses Ethereum framework
This is the best one I have come across in regards to building DApps with Ethereum. It is concise and straight to the point.
Book: Introducing Ethereum and Solidity: Foundations of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Programming for Beginners
Author: Chris Dannen
Book Link
Github of the Author

Communication method for data exchange between a server and several clients for 10+ years [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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We're running an experiment which will involve collecting data from multiple stations around the world. Each station will be providing HDF5 files with magnetic field measurements in a rate of 1 kHz and some auxiliary data in real time. The latency is going to be a few minutes.
I'm assigned to design this program (in C++, with clients/server model, with server being in linux and clients being cross-platform), and apparently I'll be designing this from scratch. My first concern is not to really do everything from scratch because this will be more error prone and pure wrong, so my question here is: What information/file transfer protocols/libraries should I use so that
The program can live for 10+ years with minimal maintenance
I can have very good support from the community for when I need help.
Since we need something relatively secure, my first thought was libssh (the only cross platform opensource library available out there for ssh), but then after discussing with some pros there I realized that the support there isn't so wonderful because only a few people work with libssh. The pros there hesitated in suggesting OpenSSL, but with OpenSSL I'll have to write my own authentication (apparently, I'm not an expert and that's why I'm asking).
What would you suggest? Please share your vision to whether I should go for OpenSSL, libssh, or something else.
PS: Please, if you're going to start off by saying this question is off-topic, move on and ignore it. Consider being helpful rather than critical.
If you require any additional information, please ask.
I think that OpenSSL might be a good choice.
No you do not have to "write you own authentication" - you just need to generate certificates and keys and put them in the right places - that is all.
I would suggest to look at the examples in <openssl-source-dir>/demos and <openssl-source-dir>/apps to get you started. Reading a book about OpenSSL would also be a good idea - for many other reasons (sometimes not directly related with SSL/TLS).
I hope that helps.

Autonomy developer info sources [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Does anyone know some site where I can find information about autonomy??
I'm looking after code samples, architecture posts, and things like that, both about
autonomy IDOL search engine
autonomy interwoven content management server
side note:
I cannot understand why there're so many barriers to access theese product's developer resources. I thought that HP would change autonomy's policy about this but It stills the same: there's absolutely NO access to libraries, code samples, etc... you're forced to have a partner account...
If I could I'd move to opener alternatives... but it's not completly in my hand ;-(
There is little public information available about Autonomy's products.
The best way forward is to build your own network of people who know the product and have had experience with implementations.
The information that is shipped with the product can also help. Specifically regarding the Autonomy IDOL server and the calls you can make - some resources
The IDOL Administrator manual: Probably the most complete document available. It will help you understand the components which make up an IDOL architecture. However, it will not go into too much detail on complex architectures.
The Online Help: (http://:/a=help) Most components have an online help which documents all the calls and parameters.
The GRL: (http://:/a=grl) Gives you the most recent commands sent to a component. The best way to 'reverse engineer' how to components are interacting with each other.
I found that most active discussions regarding Autonomy's product suite can be found here.

Django-openauth-id documentation and installation guides [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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On a few questions this package was recommended to provide Django with OpenAuth capabilities.
I'm new to Django and as one of my first projects, I'm trying to replicate StackOverflow's login and registration mechanisms. the only two documents that relate to the usability and installation of the package are the README and openid.txt files. edit I forgot to mention the example in their code base /endedit
I implemented what the files and example implemented, but so far I still feel lost in terms of actually understanding how the mechanism works and how to build a site with openauth-id integration.
The questions I have involve:
Best practice way to include multiple openID providers
Proper way to connect the to the Django-user models
Handling any security, privacy, etc issues that may arise
I have put up an example of using django-openid-auth with openid-selector( for a nice UI on github. See if this helps.
If something is not clear from the examples, please ask and Id be more than happy to help
You need to include each ID provider in a separate Authentication backend.
Bast practice is also to use build in User model.
Look for example plugin that provides multiple authentication providers
django-social_auth at github.
Hope that will help...