Django restarts when changing file that does not belong to the project - django

The problem is django server is restarting when I change the, that does not belong to my django project.
Here is the folder structure.
- project
- django-conf
- ...
- apps
- apps1
- ...
- scrapy-setting
- <------- file to be updated
When I update the scrapy-setting/ django server will reload.
I don't know why.
In my django config, there is no relation to that folder.

You have three options:
Use noreload flag. BUT this will prevent reload for the whole app.
A monkey patch over the autoreload module, obviously not recommended.
Move the external code out of the Django project


Traefik and Django on a Subpath

Following setup I want to achieve inside Docker with Traefik and Django:
My docker-compose.yml contains the following labels for the containers:
traefik.http.routers.app1.rule=Host(``) && PathPrefix(`/app1`)
I did the same for app2.
In the of both apps I set: FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME = env('FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME', default=None) which then should get resolved via the ENV File where I have FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME=/app1.
On Django side I always get a 404 with the message that this path does not exist and I should choose from an existing one.
Django recognizes the URL as and tells me The current path, app1, didn't match any of these.
EDIT: Since my setup is thought to be both for dev and prod envs, I am using the Django built in server as well as Gunicorn for Running the Django apps.
If you want to pass a SCRIPT_NAME header to django, you have to use customrequestheaders instead of customresponseheaders when creating the middleware

How to set multiple for sites framework django?

Am trying to set up multiple website with same base. While browsing, came to know Django has Sites framework which I could use.
I didnt get how to set multiple file with site id. Any ideas anyone?
Thanks in advance :)
To serve multiple sites from the same Django instance you do not need multilple files.
A simple method is to omit the SITE_ID setting from the Sites framework. Then include the Sites framework middleware:
This automatically passes a request object to Site.objects.get_current() on every request. It also allows your Django application to detect the current site via
You would need to make sure to setup multilple virtual hosts using your NGINX or apache instance to route traffic from each site to your server.
you can have multiple setting file for example and
create a settings folder inside the project
Add all of the settings file to that folder
while running server
./ runserver -- settings=project_name.settings.required_settingfile
for example:
./ runserver --settings=myproject.settings.develop

location of for django project hosted in Google App Engine

I've problems running the simplest django project within GAE.
After running django-admin startproject myproj (Using django 1.4 from Google SDK), the folder hierarchy look as:
+ myproj (root folder of project)
+ myproj (a sub folder for the project files)
I then add the usual app.yaml to the root folder - that is to the same folder where is.
application: u-pavarotti
version: 1
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: true
- name: django
version: "1.4"
- django_wsgi: on
syncdb, dbshell, shell ... works great. Even runserver works file. However, trying to run dev_appserver fails. The exception I get is:
ImportError: Could not import settings 'settings'.
Well, taking a look at google/appengine/ext/django/main (which django_wsgi is basically setting a URL handler for .* to the is appears that it expect to find settings in the python path. But without doing anything, the module to import is myproj.settings (as myproj isn't in the path).
Now, adding .../myproj/myproj (the lower folder) to the PYTHONPATH solve everything on my dev machine, but as I have no control on the search path on the GAE deployment - this solution won't work.
I can move all files, or just up to the upper myproj, or move app.yaml down (kinda same thing), but it requires various changes form the default genereated - and I don't this is the way to go. Alternatively, I can write my own handler, which will instantiate django.core.handlers.wsge.WSGIHandler (old tutorials used to do that) - again, seems against the intention of at least the creators of the 'builtin' attribute of app.yaml.
I wonder how everyone else is solving this issue, and what is the right thing to do.
You can declare the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE in your app.yaml:
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE: 'myproj.settings'

Django. Mezzanine new project not importing all files

I wanted to start playing around with Django again (I'm not an expert in Python/Django, but I can make nice things work tho). I used Mezzanine once just to see how it worked. The 'mezzanine-project myproject' command worked like a charm as I had a nice small app running quickly. So, today I downloaded the new Mezzanine 1.3 along with Django 1.4.3 and all its dependencies (pillow, pytz, html5lib, etc) and tried to create another project so I could now work on it in a more consistent manner for personal purposes.
For my surprise, when I ran the server, I got lots of 404 errors pointing to missing /static/ files. Also, after creating the database (with createdb command), the only thing created was the static folder containing only the pictures of the predefined gallery that come along with Mezzanine. Also, there is no Log in or signup buttons as well.
I've tried making a clean install of all Python and its site-packages with the same result. I also tried copying/pasting the folders containing missing files from the /site-packages/mezzanine folder into my project, but the result was just reducing the number of 404 messages.
I've been doing an extensive research on this issue (with no luck but maybe because of the release being recent?) and even trying to contact someone on the Mezzanine IRC channel with no success.
I hope I'm not missing something silly. Do I have to change anything (note that I'm ok with the old mezzanine default settings) in my or in a specific file before running createdb command?
For the record: before running createdb, The only thing I edited was and changed the database parameters to make it work with my MySQL Server and commenting the local_settings configuration as I do not need it.
Some parameters that could be of help:
PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, STATIC_URL.strip("/"))
By default, DEBUG is set to False in, and DEBUG is set to True in
Given that, if you just commented out importing, DEBUG would be False.
Django's development server won't serve static files when DEBUG is set to False, see the staticfiles section of the Django docs for more details.

Syncdb not syncing few databases table in Django

Initially i started one project in Django installed cms , admin and few other apps.
Then i started new project , it was working fine . But now when i try to add same apps like cms , backend admin then i get his error
Not synced (use migrations):
- sentry
- cms
- menus
- cms.plugins.text
- cms.plugins.picture
- cms.plugins.file
- cms.plugins.snippet
- cms.plugins.googlemap
i want to know that why this happens. Can i install only one project in django
I am using different databases for those different projects and they have their own
There may be the other reason for error but i just think that may be the reason
Your project seems to use South as a migration tool. You are required to 'migrate' the apps by typing:
python migrate