I want to compare 2 dates and make if else - if-statement

In a Google Sheet I want to compare two dates and check if either one (Plan start date, actual start date) is blank. It should show the text "not started" then. If not if(plan start date <Actual start date) show as Delay else "Inline":
=if((DAYS360(D8,C8)<0,"Delay","Inline",IF(ISBLANK(D8),"Not started")))
This didn't work. Can anyone help?

Try this
=IF(DAYS360(D8;C8)<0;"Delay";IF(ISBLANK(D8);"Not started";"Inline"))
Use semicolons in Excel, not commas. Also, the IF conditionals are written like this:
=IF(condition; value if true; value if false)
If you write more than 3 parameters it just won't work. You can put an IF inside of a value parameter so you nest two IFs (or as many as you wish)
EDIT: ok I thought it was an Excel and not a google spreadsheet. Maybe there you can use commas. The rest is the same though, you had a mistake in the IF statement. =IF(DAYS360(D8;C8)<0,"Delay",IF(ISBLANK(D8);"Not started","Inline")) should do the work.

You have a syntax error:
"Not started"
Your outer IF has 4 arguments, while the proper syntax is: IF( condition, result if true, result if false) and the 3rd argument is optional.
EDIT: As far as I understand, you might want to achive something like this:
"first is blank",
"second is blank"
"none of them is blank"
And in the "none of them is blank" case you may want to place an additional IF examining DAYS360(C8, D8).


How to also populate "N/A" with If AND function in Google Sheets

My current formula populates Missed, Meets, Nearly Meets, and Exceeds. But I can't seem to figure out how to include "N/A" or create a blank cell in the formula.
My forumla so far:
=if(AND(L40>=14.5, L40<=16.4),"Nearly Meets", if(AND(L40>=4.5, L40<=14.4),"Meets", if(AND(L40>=15.5),"Missed","Exceeds")))
So, if L40 has any range of these number, M40 populates any of these Texts. How can I add to the formula so a blank cell populates "N/A" . Or, entering "TBD" in a cell leaves it blank or populates "N/A"
I'd rather use IFS formula or VLOOKUP here. It's short and clear.
=ifna(vlookup(B2,F2:G6,2,true),"value not found")
On a side you make a table of requirements and go through it using vlookup.
If you have no space anywhere in your sheet, you can also include value table into your formula using curly brackets:
=ifna(vlookup(B2,{0,"Missed";4.5,"Nealry Meets";14.4,"Meets";15.5,"Exceeds";"","Empty"},2,true),"value not found")
For values outside the set you can use IFNA formula.
If you use indentation before writing the final formula, it looks like this:
if(AND(L40>4.4; L40<=16.4){
"Nearly Meets";
else if(AND(L40>=4.5; L40<=14.4){
else if(L40>16.4){
else if(L40 = ""){
else {
Notice that I didn't use the condition if(L40<4.5), because a blank cell can be interpreted as 0, which is always less than 4.5, so you would never reach the N/A condition. By better determining your ranges, it gets easier to escape the exceeds case. It may not be your case, but if you had 2 or more digits after the decimal point, it could give you an unexpected result.
That said, you can now use the formula as
=if(AND(L40>4.4, L40<=16.4), "Nearly Meets", if(AND(L40>=4.5, L40<=14.4), "Meets", if(L40>16.4, "Missed", if(L40 = "", "N/A", "EXCEEDS"))))

Combine two nested IF statements with multiple criteria

I have two columns of data in "Meds" sheet...
MedContinuing AgeAtMedStop
Yes "Blank"
Yes 72.22
No "Blank"
No 72.57
"Blank" 73.85
I am writing a formula in a separate sheet to return 1 or 0 based on the following:
If MedContinuing is "Blank", do nothing
If MedContinuing is "No" and AgeAtMedStop is blank, do nothing
If MedContinuing is "Yes" and AgeAtMedStop is "Blank", return 1. If AgeAtMedStop is a number, return 0.
If MedContinuing is "No" and AgeAtMedStop is a number, return 1. Otherwise, return nothing.
I was able to write two separate functions (see below) for when MedContinuing is "Yes" or when it is "No", but I need to combine both into one formula.
When it's Yes...
When it's No...
EDIT: Solution
Using Peter K's logic...
It is not entirely clear from your question why you would use INDEX and MATCH functions for such straightforward problem ?
I suggest to start with the basic nested if function :
You can put this function next to your two columns, and then copy to another worksheet, so the references are taken care of by Excel.
I also assume that your data is clean and correct i.e. only the 3 possible values for MedContinuing ("Yes", "No" or blank) and 2 for AgeAtMedStop (blank or a number) exist in your columns, so no IF test is needed to eliminate other possible values.
You can try this method below
I have created a helper table for the logic you require, it will help to update or extend the logic in future
Formula in cell C2 is

IF AND Formula with IS NOT NULL in Excel

I am using Excel 2010 and currently trying to get a formula for my data using a Nested If And, but unable of the correct formula.
Here is some sample data to elaborate on my point:
(A1) Received Date (B1) DueDate
(A2) 7/1/2016 (B2) 7/8/2016
(A3) 7/1/2016 (B3) 6/29/2016
(A4) 7/1/2016 (B4) NULL
Basically, I want to create a formula that satisfies the following conditions. If Received Date < DueDate AND DueDate IS NOT NULL...then "YES", else "NO". So in this sample code above, only the first record should return "YES" and the other two should return "NO."
How do I do about a formula doing this?
I don't know how to do the second condition, the IS NOT NULL part. I put the cell numbers in parenthesis to simulate the table. (Hope that helps.)
Excel does not have a function to test for null. You can use IsBlank() to check for a blank cell or you can use IsNumber() to check for a numeric value. So, in your case something like
Edit: If you want to check for the text "Null", then
= is the "equals" comparison operator. "Not equals" is done with the <> comparison operator. Or you could do Not(B2="Null") but that's a bit too curly.
Another edit: FWIW, the first formula should still work, regardless of the cell containing text or being blank. As soon as the cell contains a date (which is a numeric value), the condition will be TRUE. So you can use that formula as well.

Nested IF, INDEX and MATCH in Google Sheets

I'm trying to return a value in Google sheets.
This is done using an Index Match as follows, which does work:
=iferror(index(Data!B:B, match(B5339,Data!G:G,0)),"Not Found")
I'd now like to expand this, so that if this first test fails, try looking up that same data in another sheet....
=iferror(if(index(Data!B:B, match(B5340,Data!G:G,0),if(index(HeadOfficeLeads!B:B, match(B5340,HeadOfficeLeads!A:A,0))))),"Not found")
This outputs the fail msg of "Not Found".
However, although the first test is indeed false, the second test is true (this second data set does in fact hold a match).
NB - the data containing this correct match on the 2nd sheet is created by a UNIQUE ( FILTER, FWIW....
For some reason, it doesnt look like the second IF statement is being run - and the whole thing doesnt work, giving the error "Wrong number of arguments".
I have a feeling the argument issue is that the first test doesnt have an "if false" clause - but believe the "IFERROR" parent should handle this?
If not, where would I put the "if false clause" for the IF's?
You don't need any if, because iferror already contains an if statement in its logic (as its name suggests). Here is an example of nested iferror statements, simplified for clarity:
=iferror(match("a", A1:A5, 0), iferror(match("a", B1:B5", 0), "not found"))
This will return the position of "a" in column A, if it's there; otherwise, it will return its position in column B if it's there, otherwise it returns "not found".
Works the same with index or anything else around match function.

Crystal Reports Else If statement

I can't figure out why this if statement won't work.
I have a DateTime field DATEFROM and a String parameter (it HAS to be String) periodEnd.
I would like to calculate percentages depending if these two dates have 1, 2, 3 or more years difference.
When I use this formula I get either "100%" or "-" and never the other two options. It's like CR calculates the first IF and if it's true then: "100%" but if it's false, it never checks for the rest of the Else Ifs and goes dirreclty to Else
StringVar percentage:="";
If (cDate({?periodEnd})-{TABLE.DATEFROM})<=1 Then
Else If (cDate({?periodEnd})-{TABLE.DATEFROM})<=2 Then
Else If (cDate({?periodEnd})-{TABLE.DATEFROM})<=3 Then
Any idea?
a) I assume you already made sure your periodend format matches with what cdate interprets?
If you just subtract them, Crystal by default returns the number of days between.
Two ways you can do year:
b) You've also no doubt accounted for when your {TABLE.DATEFROM} is greater than cDate({?periodEnd} and you have a negative result?
Not sure if the following is the behavior you would want, but I'm throwing it in for your information
**make sure you check the help file for the datediff codes ("yyyy" etc) as they are not quite instinctive and can trip you up when you think you're using the obvious one