Using Amazon SWF and Reactive Web Application - amazon-web-services

I have general question regarding Amazon SWF and web application which has a reactive style. For example, I have a shopping website where user ad products to cart, validate the quantity, enter the shipping and billing address, payment processing, order shipping and tracking. If I implement a work flow for the order fulfillment, how this should be designed in the SWF. Do this order fulfillment work flow begin only after all inputs received? How this work flow notifies to the customer on the progress of order process, any validation issues etc. How this should be distributed?

The simplest approach is to use SWF to perform backend order fulfillment and a separate data store to hold the order information and status. When an order is configured through the website the data store is updated. Later when the order is placed a workflow instance is created for it. The workflow uses information (by loading it using activities) from the data store. Then the workflow updates the data store using activities and the website queries the status and other progress information of the workflow from the data store.
Another option is to use execution state feature of SWF. See Exposing Execution State from SWF Developer Guide.
The Cadence (which is open sourced version of SWF) in the near future is going to add a query feature. It would allow synchronously query for the workflow state through the service API. It is different from execution state as it would allow multiple query types and query parameters.


Is there any equivalent feature to BPMN UserTask available in AWS Step functions?

We have our old 'Camunda based Spring boot application' which we currently deployed it into kubernetes which is running in an AWS EC2 Instance. This application acts as a backend for an angular based UI application.
Now we need to develop a new application similar to the above, which needs to interact with UI.
Our process flow will contain some UserTasks (BPMN) which will wait until manual interaction performed by human user via angular UI.
We are evaluating the possibility of using AWS stepfunctions instead of Camunda, if possible.
I googled but unable to find a concrete answer.
Is AWS stepfunctions have any feature similar to BPMN/Camunda's UserTask ?
Short answer: No.
Long answer:
After a whole day of study, I decided to continue with CamundaBPM because of below reasons.
AWS step-functions don't have an equivalent feature of UserTask in BPMN.
Step functions supports minimal human intervention via sending emails/messages by using AWS SQS(simple queue service) and AWS SNS(simple notification service).
Refer this link for full example. This manual interaction also based on 'task token'. So this interaction is limited to basic conversational style.
Step-function is NOT coming with in-built database & data management support, the developer has to take care of designing database schema, creating tables, their relationship etc.
On the other hand, Camunda is taking care of creating tables, their relationship, saving & fetching data.
No GUI modeler is available in step-functions, instead you need to draw workflow in a JSON-like language. This will be very difficult if your workflow becomes complex.
Drawing workflow in Camunda is just drag-and-drop using it's modeler.

GCP Best way to manage multiple cloud function flow

I'm studying GCP and reading about different ways to communicate and manage cloud functions I end up wondering when to use each of the services that offer GCP.
So, I have been reading about GCP Composer, GCP Workflows, Cloud Pub/Sub and I don't see clearly when to use each one, or use simple HTTP calls.
I understand that it depends a lot on the application that you are building, but for example, If I'm building a payment gateway and some functions should be fired after the payment was verified, like sending emails, making not related business logic, adding the purchase to a sales platform. So which one should be the way I manage this flow and in which case would be better to use the others? Should I use events to create an async flow with Pub/Sub, or use complex solutions like composer and workflows? or just simple HTTP calls?
As always, it depends!! Even in your use case, it depends! Ok, after a payment you want to send an email, make business logic, adding the order to your databases,...
But, is all theses actions can be done in parallel, or you need to execute them in a certain order and if a step fails, you stop the process?
In the first case, you can use Cloud PubSub with 1 message published (payment OK) and then a fan out to several functions in parallel. Else, you can use workflow to test the response of the fonction and then to call, or not the following fonctions. With composer you can perform much more checks and actions.
You can also imagine to send another email 24h after to thank the customer for their order, and use Cloud Task to delayed an action.
You talked about Cloud Functions, but you also have other solutions to host code on GCP: App Engine and Cloud Run. Cloud function is, most of the time, single purpose. Sending an email is perfect for a function.
Now, if you have "set of functions" to browse your stock, view the object details, review the price, and book an object (validate an order "books" the order content in your warehouse), the "functions" are all single purpose but related to the same domain: warehouse management. Thus you can create a webserver that propose different path to manage the warehouse (a microservice for the warehouse if you prefer) and host it on CloudRun or App Engine.
Each product has its strength and weakness. You will also see this when you will learn about the storage on GCP. Most of the time, you can achieve things with several product, but if you don't use the right one, it will be slower, or cost much more.

Display real time data on website that scales?

I am starting a project where I want to create a website which will display LIVE flight information and status. We all have seen this at airport. An example is given here - As you can see this information changes continuously. The website will talk to a backend api and the this backend api will talk to database. Now the important part is that the flight information in the database will be updated by the airline itself. There could be several airlines and they will update their data respectively. I have drawn a diagram and uploaded here -
Now those airlines will obviously have an interface (website talking to some backend API) through which they will update the database.
Now here is my attempt to solve it. We need to have some sort of trigger such that if any airline updates a flight detail in the database between current time - 1 hour to current + 4 hours (website will only display few hours of flights), we need to call the web api and then send the update to the website in the real time. The user must not refresh the page at all. At the same time the website needs to scale well i.e. if 1 million users are on the website, and there is an update in the database in the correct time range, all 1 million user's website should get updated within a decent amount of time.
I did some research and it looks like we need to have an event based approach. For example - we need to create a function (AWS lambda or Azure function) that should be called whenever there is an update in the database (Dynamo DB for example) within the correct time range. This function then should call an API which should then update the website through web socket technology for example.
I am not looking for any code but just some alternative suggestions on how this can be solved in a scalable way. Also how do we test scalability?
Dont use serverless functions(Lambda/Azure functions)
Although I am a huge fan of serverless functions, and currently running a full web app in Lambda, I don't think its needed for your use case and doesn't make sense economically. As you've answered in the comments, each airline will not write directly to the database, they'll push to an API, meaning you are explicitly told when flights have changed. When an airline has sent you new data you can simply propagate this to all the browser endpoints via websockets. This keeps the design very simple. There is no need to artificially create a database event that then triggers a function that will then tell you a flight has been updated. Thats like removing your doorbell and replacing it with a motion detector that triggers a doorbell :)
Money always deserves its own section. Lambda is more of an economic break through than a technological one. You have to know when its cost effective. You pay per request so if your dealing with a process that handles 10,000 operations a month, or something that only fires 1,000 times a day, than lambda is dirt cheap and practically free. You also pay for the length of time the function is executing and the memory consumed while executing. Generally, it makes sense to use lambda functions where a dedicated server would be sitting idle for most of the time. So instead of a whole EC2 instance, AWS provides you with a container on demand. There are points at which high requests rates and constantly running processes makes lambda more expensive than EC2. This article discusses how generally its cheaper to use lambda up to a point -> The same applies to Azure functions and googles equivalent. They are all just containers offered on demand.
If you're dealing with flight information I would imagine you will have thousands of flights being updated every minute so your lambda functions will be firing constantly as if you were running an EC2 instance. You will end up paying a lot more than EC2. When you have a service that needs to stay up 24/7 and run 24/7 with high activity that is most certainly a valid use case for a dedicated server or servers.
Proposed Solution
These are the components I would use below:
Message Queue of some sort (RabbitMQ or AWS SQS with SNS perhaps)
Web Socket Backend (The choice will depend on programming language)
Airline input API (REST,GraphQL, or maybe AWS Kinesis Data Firehose)
The airlines publish their data to a back-end api. The updates are stored on a message queue and the web applicaton that actually displays the results to users, via websockets, reads from the queue.
For scalability you can run the websocket application on multiple EC2 instances (all reading from the same queuing service) in an autoscaling group, so with extra load more instances will be created automatically hence the name "autoscaling". And those instances can sit behind an elastic load balancer. Lots of AWS documentation on how to do this and its their flagship design pattern. If you use AWS SQS you don't have to manage the scalability details yourself, aws handles that. The only real components to scale are your websocket application and the flight data input endpoint. You can run the flight api in an autoscaling group as well but AWS does offer an additional tool for high traffic data processing. I detail that below.
Testing Scalability
It would be fairly easy to have a mock airline blast your service with thousands and thousands of fake updates and on the other end you can easily run multiple threads of selenium tests simulating browser clicks and validating that the UI is still operational.
Additional tools
If it ends up being large amounts of data, rather than using a conventional REST api for your flight update service you could consider a service AWS offers specifically for dealing with large amounts of real time updates (Kinessis Data Firehose) But I've never used it.
First, please don't over think this. This is a trivial problem to solve and doesn't require any special techniques, technologies or trendy patterns & frameworks.
You actually have three functional areas you can address almost separately.
Ingestion - Collection and normalization of the data from the various sources. For this, you'll need a process and transformation engine, LogicApps or such.
Your databases. You'll quickly learn that not all flights are the same ;). While it might seem so, the amount of data isn't that much. Instances of MySQL/SQL Server tuned for a particular function will work just fine. Hint, you don't need to have data for every movement ready to present all the time.
Presentation. The data API and UIs. This, really, is the easy part. I would suggest you use basic polling at first. For reasons you will never have any control over, the SLA for flight data is ~5 minutes so a real-time client notification system is time you should spend elsewhere at first.

Delta or Partial API for getting changes in users info for Directory API google

I am working on a POC for getting Users under GSuit domain using Directory API, which always return all the users under the given domain. I want to monitor the changes for all the users, is there any API for the same MSGraph has delta API which returns only users which is updated.
I explored about the Watch API which creates a notification channel and sends the notification, but my requirement was to sync information incrementally with the help of some scheduled process.
You can use Push Notifications in Directory API to achieve your goal:
The Directory API provides push notifications that let you watch for
changes to resources. You can use this feature to improve the
performance of your application. It allows you to eliminate the extra
network and compute costs involved with polling resources to determine
if they have changed. Whenever a watched resource changes, the
Directory API notifies your application.

Microservices Architecture: Cross Service data sharing

Consider the following micro services for an online store project:
Users Service keeps account data about the store's users (including first name, last name, email address, etc')
Purchase Service keeps track of details about user's purchases.
Each service provides a UI for viewing and managing it's relevant entities.
The Purchase Service index page lists purchases. Each purchase item should have the following fields:
id, full name of purchasing user, purchased item title and price.
Furthermore, as part of the index page, I'd like to have a search box to let the store manager search purchases by purchasing user name.
It is not clear to me how to get back data which the Purchase Service does not hold - for example: a user's full name.
The problem gets worse when trying to do more complicated things like search purchases by purchasing user name.
I figured that I can obviously solve this by syncing users between the two services by broadcasting some sort of event on user creation (and saving only the relevant user properties on the Purchase Service end). That's far from ideal in my perspective. How do you deal with this when you have millions of users? would you create millions of records in each service which consumes users data?
Another obvious option is exposing an API at the Users Service end which brings back user details based on given ids. That means that every page load in the Purchase Service, I'll have to make a call to the Users Service in order to get the right user names. Not ideal, but I can live with it.
What about implementing a purchase search based on user name? Well I can always expose another API endpoint at the Users Service end which receives the query term, perform a text search over user names in the Users Service, and then return all user details which match the criteria. At the Purchase Service, map the relevant ids back to the right names and show them in the page. This approach is not ideal either.
Am I missing something? Is there another approach for implementing the above? Maybe the fact that I'm facing this issue is sort of a code smell? would love to hear other solutions.
This seems to be a very common and central question when moving into microservices. I wish there was a good answer for that :-)
About the suggested pattern already mentioned here, I would use the term Data Denormalization rather than Polyglot Persistence, as it doesn't necessarily needs to be in different persistence technologies. The point is that each service handles its own data. And yes, you have data duplication and you usually need some kind of event bus to share data across services.
There's another option, which is a sort of a take on the first - making the search itself as a separate service.
So in your example, you have the User service for managing users. The Purchases services manages purchases. Each handles its own data and only the data it needs (so, for instance, the Purchases service doesn't really need the user name, only the ID). And you have a third service - the Search Service - that consumes data produced by other services, and creates a search "view" from the combined data.
It's totally fine to keep appropriate data in different databases, it's called Polyglot Persistence. Yes, you would like to keep user data and data about purchases separately and use message queue for sync. Millions of users seems fine to me, it's scalability, not design issue ;-)
In case of search - you probably want to search more than just username, right? So, if you use message queue to update data between services you can also easily route this data to ElasticSearch, for example. And from ElasticSearch perspective it doesn't really matter what field to index - username or product title.
I usually use both approaches. Sometimes i have another service which is sitting on top on x other services and combines the data. I don't really like this approach because it is causing dependencies and coupling between services. So in general, within my last projects we tried to stick to polyglot persistence.
Also think about, if you need to have x sub http requests for combining data in some kind of middleware service, it will lead you to higher latency. We always try to cut down the amount of requests for one task and handle everything what is possible through asynchronous queues. ( especially data sync )
If you conceptualize modules as the owners and controllers of the data they work on, then your model must also communicate that data out of that module to others. In contrast, the modules in a manufacturing process have the access to change data without possessing and controlling it.
Microservices is an architecture for distributed processing, like most code, where modules pass the data around to work on it. From classic articles by Harvard Business Review and McKinsey on the subject of owning members of a supply chain, I identified complexities arising from this model and wrote an article teaching programmers what you need to know:
Manufacturing is an architecture for integrated processing, where modules work on the data without passing it around from point to point. This can be accomplished by having modules configured to access the same memory, files or database tables. My architecture shows how to accomplish this on memory via reference properties.
When you consider "exposing an API at the Users Service end which brings back user details based on given ids", you need to be aware that creates what HBR calls "irreversible" complexity, which I've dubbed centralization complexity. Don't build A->B (distributed) systems, because you can't decentralize them later after failing to separate requirements. Requirements in production processes represent user instructions, and centralized modules only enable you to change the wrong users' processes. In other words, centralized modules don't document user groups or distinguish them from derived-product-users.