How do I use regex to return text following specific prefixes? - regex

I'm using an application called Firemon which uses regex to pull text out of various fields. I'm unsure what specific version of regex it uses, I can't find a reference to this in the documentation.
My raw text will always be in the following format:
CM: 12345
APP: App Name
BZU: Dept Name
REQ: First Last
JST: Text text text text.
CM will always be an integer, JST will be sentence that may span multiple lines, and the other fields will be strings that consist of 1-2 words - and there's always a return after each section.
The application, Firemon, has me create a regex entry for each field. Something simple that looks for each prefix and then a return should work, because I return after each value. I've tried several variations, such as "BZU:\s*(.*)", but can't seem to find something that works.
EDIT: To be clear I'm trying to get the value after each prefix. Firemon has a section for each field. "APP" for example is a field. I need a regex example to find "APP:" and return the text after it. So something as simple as regex that identifies "APP:", and grabs everything after the : and before the return would probably work.

You can use (?=\w+ )(.*)
Positive lookahead will remove prefix and space character from match groups and you will in each match get text after space.

I am a little late to the game, but maybe this is still an issue.
In the more recent versions of FireMon, sample regexes are provided. For instance:
will match on:
jst:anything in here;
and result in
anything in here


Mariadb: Regexp_substr not working with non-matching group regular expression

I am using a query to pull a user ID from a column that contains text. This is for a forum system I am using and want to get the User id portion out of a text field that contains the full message. The query I am using is
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(message, '(?:member: )(\d+)'
) AS user_id
from posts
where message like '%quote%';
Now ignoring the fact thats ugly SQL and not final I just need to get to the point where it reads the user ID. The following is an example of the text that you would see in the message column
`QUOTE="Moony, post: 967760, member: 22665"]I'm underwhelmed...[/QUOTE]
Hopefully we aren’t done yet and this is nothing but a depth signing!`
Is there something different about the regular expression when used in mariadb REGEXP_SUBST? this should be PCRE and works within regex testers and should read correctly. It should be looking for the group "member: " and then take the numbers after that and have a single match on all those posts.
This is an ugly hack/workaround that works by using a lookahead for the following "] however will not work if there are multiple quotes in a post
(?<=member: )\.+(?="])

Powershell: Using regex to match patterns and its variations (which has special characters)

I have several thousand text files containing form information (one text file for each form), including the unique id of each form.
I have been trying to extract just the form id using regex (which I am not too familiar with) to match the string of characters found before and after the form id and extract only the form ID number in between them. Usually the text looks like this: "... 12 ID 12345678 INDEPENDENT BOARD..."
The bolded 8-digit number is the form ID that I need to extract.
The code I used can be seen below:
$id= ([regex]::Match($text_file, "12 ID (.+) INDEPENDENT").Groups[1].Value)
This works pretty well, but I soon noticed that there were some files for which this script did not work. After investigation, I found that there was another variation to the text containing the form ID used by some of the text files. This variation looks like this: "... 12 ID 12345678 (a.12(3)(b),45)..."
So my first challenge is to figure out how to change the script so that it will match the first or the second pattern. My second challenge is to escape all the special characters in "(a.12(3)(b),45)".
I know that the pipe | is used as an "or" in regex and two backslashes are used to escape special characters, however the code below gives me errors:
$id= ([regex]::Match($text_one_line, "34 PR (.+) INDEPENDENT"|"34 PR (.+) //(a//.12//(3//)//(b//)//,45//)").Groups[1].Value)
Where have I gone wrong here and how I can fix my code?
Thank you!
When you approach a regex pattern always look for fixed vs. variable parts.
In your case the ID seems to be fixed, and it is, therefore, useful as a reference point.
The following pattern applies this suggestion: (?:ID\s+)(\d{8})
(click on the pattern for an explanation).
$str = "... 12 ID 12345678 INDEPENDENT BOARD..."
$ret = [Regex]::Matches($str, "(?:ID\s+)(\d{8})")
for($i = 0; $i -lt $ret.Count; $i++) {
Please consider bookmarking the Stack Overflow Regular Expressions FAQ for future reference. It contains a treasure trove of useful information.

Postgres: remove second occurrence of a string

I tried to fix bad data in postgres DB where photo tags are appended twice.
The trip is wonderful.<photo=2-1-1601981-7-1.jpg><photo=2-1-1601981-5-2.jpg>We enjoyed it very much.<photo=2-1-1601981-5-2.jpg><photo=2-1-1601981-7-1.jpg>
As you can see in the string, photo tags were added already, but they were appended to the text again. I want to remove the second occurrence: . The first occurrence has certain order and I want to keep them.
I wrote a function that could construct a regex pattern:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dd_trip_photo_tags(tagId int) RETURNS text
AS $$
SELECT string_agg(concat('<photo=',media_name,'>.*?(<photo=',media_name,'>)'),'|') FROM t_ddtrip_media WHERE tag_id=tagId $$;
This captures the second occurrence of a certain photo tag.
Then, I use regex_replace to replace the second occurrence:
update t_ddtrip_content set content = regexp_replace(content,dd_trip_photo_tags(332761),'') from t_ddtrip_content where tag_id=332761;
Yet, it would remove all matched tags. I looked up online for days but still couldn't figure out a way to fix this. Appreciate any help.
This Should Work.
Regex 1:
Regex 2:
The trip is wonderful.<photo=2-1-1601981-7-1.jpg><photo=2-1-1601981-5-2.jpg>We enjoyed it very much.<photo=2-1-1601981-5-2.jpg><photo=2-1-1601981-7-1.jpg>

RegEX: Matching everything but a specific value

How do i match everything in an html response but this piece of text
"signed_request" value="The signed_request is placed here"
The fast solution is:
^(.*?)"signed_request" value="The signed_request is placed here"(.*)$
If value can be random text you could do:
^(.*?)"signed_request" value="[^"]*"(.*)$
This will generate two groups that.
If the result was not successful the text does not contain the word.
If the text contains the text more than once, it is only the first time that is ignored.
If you need to remove all instances of the text you can just as well use a replace string method.
But usually it is a bad idea to use regex on html.

How to use regex for querying in Solr 4

I've reached the point of desperation, so I'm asking for help. I'm trying to query results from a Solr 4 engine using regex.
Let's asume the document I want to query is:
<str name="text">description: best company; name: roca mola</str>
And I want to query using this regex:
I read in some forums that using regex in Solr 4 was as easy as adding slashes, like:
but it isn't working. And this one doesn't work either:
I don't want a simple query like:
Since that would mismatch documents like:
<str name="text">description: my home; name: mother company"</str>
If I'm not clear please let me know.
Cheers from Chile :D
NOTE: I was using text_general fields on my scheme. As #arun pointed out, string fields can handle the type of regex I'm using.
Instead of trying regex search on text field type, try it on a string field type, since your regex is spanning more than one word. (If your regex needs to match a single word, then you can use a text field.)
Also do percent encoding of special characters just to make sure they are not the cause for the mismatches.
Just tried it on a string field. The above regex works. It works even without the percent encoding too i.e.