Finding the height of the B-Tree of a table in SQL-Developer - height

Let's suppose I need to estimate te costs of the entire explain plan of an sql query, the one SQL-Developer shows. Is there somewhere this information, the height I mean, of the b-trees builted on indexes of a table? Or how can I estimate it?

In ALL_INDEXES view I found what I was looking for. Here the Oracle Documentation with all attributes you can select for an index. In my case:
From Oracle doc on blevel attribute:
B*-Tree level:
depth of the index from its root block to its leaf blocks. A depth of
0 indicates that the root block and leaf block are the same.


Cassandra: How to query the complete data set?

My table has 77k entries (number of entries keep increasing this a high rate), I need to make a select query in CQL 3. When I do select count(*) ... where (some_conditions) allow filtering I get:
(1 rows)
Default LIMIT of 10000 was used. Specify your own LIMIT clause to get more results.
Let's say the 23k rows satisfied this some_condition. The 10000 count above is of the first 10k rows of these 23k rows, right? But how do I get the actual count?
More importantly, How do I get access to all of these 23k rows, so that my python api can perform some in-memory operation on the data in some columns of the rows. Are there a some sort pagination principles in Cassandra CQL 3.
I know I can just increase the limit to a very large number but that's not efficient.
Working Hard is right, and LIMIT is probably what you want. But if you want to "page" through your results at a more detailed level, read through this DataStax document titled: Paging through unordered partitioner results.
This will involve using the token function on your partitioning key. If you want more detailed help than that, you'll have to post your schema.
While I cannot see your complete table schema, by virtue of the fact that you are using ALLOW FILTERING I can tell that you are doing something wrong. Cassandra was not designed to serve data based on multiple secondary indexes. That approach may work with a RDBMS, but over time that query will get really slow. You should really design a column family (table) to suit each query you intend to use frequently. ALLOW FILTERING is not a long-term solution, and should never be used in a production system.
you just have to specify limit with your query.
let's assume your database is containing under 1 lack records so if you will execute below query it will give you the actual count of the records in table.
select count(*) ... where (some_conditions) allow filtering limit 100000;
Another way is to write python code, the cqlsh indeed is python script.
statement = " select count(*) from SOME_TABLE"
future = session.execute_async(statement)
rows = future.result()
count = 0
for row in rows:
count = count + 1
the above is using cassandra python driver PAGE QUERY feature.

Prevent document being indexed in DSE search

I am using DSE search to build index of some Cassandra table and I want DSE search not to index a document if some boolean field is true.
I can achieve the same result by filtering during query time but as the number of documents containing true could be large, preventing them from being indexed may provide better query performance.
What is the best way to achieve this goal in DSE search/Solr?
One suggestion would be to split up the docs you do want to index into a separate table and not index your main table.

Partitioning a table in sybase-select query

My main concern:
I have an existing table with huge data.It is having a clustered index.
My c++ process has a list of many keys with which it checks whether the key exists in the table,
and if yes, it will then check the row in the table and the new row are similar. if there is a change the new row is updated in the table.
In general there will less changes. But its huge data in the table.
S it means there will be lot of select queries but not many update queries.
What I would I like to achieve:
I just read about partitioning a table in sybase here.
I just wanted to know will this be helpful for me, as I read in the article it mentions about the insert queries only. But how can I improve my select query performance.
Could anyone please suggest what should I look for in this case?
Yes it will improve your query (read) performance so long as your query is based on the partition keys defined. Indexes can also be partitioned and it stands to reason that a smaller index will mean faster read performance.
For example if you had a query like select * from contacts where lastName = 'Smith' and you have partitioned your table index based on first letter of lastName, then the server only has to search one partition "S" to retrieve its results.
Be warned that partitioning your data can be difficult if you have a lot of different query profiles. Queries that do not include the index partition key (e.g. lastName) such as select * from staff where created > [some_date] will then have to hit every index partition in order to retrieve it's result set.
No one can tell you what you should/shouldn't do as it is very application specific and you will have to perform your own analysis. Before meddling with partitions, my advice is to ensure you have the correct indexes in place, they are being hit by your queries (i.e. no table scans), and your server is appropriately resourced (i.e got enough fast disk and RAM), and you have tuned your server caches to suit your queries.

Lucene index: Terms counts

I need to create a tag cloud based on certain tag/keyword which indexed by lucene .
I noticed that, Luke (a toolbox to peek into lucene index) has the features of counting the term frequecy/count.
is the current ADC in sitecore able to retrieve the term frequency?
if not, can i directly access to the index files? If so, what is the format for the index file?
It is possible for me to manually calculate the term frequency, but the performance will be very terrible as I got millions of records.
If you're on sitecore 7, you can use the facet logic for this. Use one field to store the wordt that should appear in the cloud.
Do a facet on that field and use the count of each facet-item to determine the size of the item.

How to Scan HBase Rows efficiently

I need to write a MapReduce Job that Gets all rows in a given Date Range(say last one month). It would have been a cakewalk had My Row Key started with Date. But My frequent Hbase queries are on starting values of key.
My Row key is exactly A|B|C|20120121|D . Where combination of A/B/C along with date (in YearMonthDay format) makes a unique row ID.
My Hbase tables could have upto a few million rows. Should my Mapper read all the table and filter each row if it falls in given date range or Scan / Filter can help handling this situation?
Could someone suggest (or a snippet of code) a way to handle this situation in an effective manner?
A RowFilter with a RegEx Filter would work, but would not be the most optimal solution. Alternatively you can try to use secondary indexes.
One more solution is to try the FuzzyRowFIlter. A FuzzyRowFilter uses a kind of fast-forwarding, hence skipping many rows in the overall scan process and will thus be faster than a RowFilter Scan. You can read more about it here.
Alternatively BloomFilters might also help depending on your schema. If your data is huge you should do a comparative analysis on secondary index and Bloom Filters.
You can use a RowFilter with a RegexStringComparator. You'd need to come up with a RegEx that filters your dates appropriately. This page has an example that includes setting a Filter for a MapReduce scanner.
I am just getting started with HBase, bloom filters might help.
You can modify the Scan that you send into the Mapper to include a filter. If your date is also the record timestamp, it's easy:
Scan scan = new Scan();
scan.setTimeRange(minTime, maxTime);
TableMapReduceUtil.initTableMapperJob("mytable", scan, MyTableMapper.class,
OutputKey.class, OutputValue.class, job);
If the date in your row key is different, you'll have to add a filter to your scan. This filter can operate on a column or a row key. I think it's going to be messy with just the row key. If you put the date in a column, you can make a FilterList where all conditions must be true and use a CompareOp.GREATER and a CompareOp.LESS. Then use scan.setFilter(filterList) to add your filters to the scan.