use aws sqs for different message types - amazon-web-services

I am using AWS SQS and Spring JMS in my project. I have my method with #JmsListener(destination = "queue_name"). I want to use this queue for two different types of messages.
Since this listener is configured to this queue it receives both types of messages. What I am trying to achieve is to ignore message of one type. (Sender is adding a MessageAttribute while sending message to Queue). So, is there a way to just ignore message coming from sender 2 so this method won't process them.
Also, I have DLQ set on this queue with max receives as 5. So if message is not processed in first 5 attempts it gets moved to DLQ.
Please do share your suggestion.

The correct solution is to use 2 different queues; SQS can't filter the messages delivered by any property, so as you are seeing, when the client reads the message and doesn't process it, it is going to end up in your DLQ quicker.
Queues are free, so having multiple won't cost any more.


AWS SQS Selective Polling Pattern

I have a system where I publish updates to a shared topic meant for specific consumers.
I noticed messages getting stuck in the queue due to a lack of selective listening in SQS consumers, so messages are being hijacked.
Given: Message{destination: A, payload: 1234}
Given: ConsumerA, & ConsumerB
I expect Message to be processed by ConsumerA. However, it gets hijacked by Consumer B continuously. It receives the message, then refuses to process it since the destination field doesn't match, leading to the visibility timeout to expire, and the message put back on the queue.. but due to the nature of SQS, ConsumerB has an equal chance of picking the message again.
My question is, what patterns are used to solve this type of issue?
I'm considering creating a queue per consumer but it has drawbacks specific to the system im working on.
If I could only listen for messages with matching attributes, problem solved, but that's seemingly not the case.
Is there any other way?
Sharing a single Amazon SQS queue is not an appropriate architecture for your use-case.
If you want your consumers to be able to 'request' a message from a particular subset, you should either use separate SQS queues or use a database. You could even store objects in Amazon S3 as a form of noSQL database.
Having consumers grab messages and then 'send them back' to the queue is not compatible with the design of the Amazon SQS service.

Deleting a message from SQS after certain number of receives regardless of success/failure

I am using SQS queues in two places of my Spring boot application :
In one queue, I would like the messages to be routed to DLQ when maximum numbers of receives for a given message > = 3
For the second case, I don't like to configure a DLQ.
In (1) and (2), however, I would like to delete the message from DLQ and normal queue respectively after 3 times receives.
As of now, I cannot find any such configurations in SQS, that allows me to delete a message from the queue after a certain number of receives.
Maybe, I am missing something. Could anyone please help here?
There is no mechanism for "automated" deletion of messages from SQS queue upon a given number of unsuccessful received, if you don't want to use DLQ.
Without DQL, SQS will keep messages in the queue till they expire. Thus, if you want to do what you wish, you have to create your own solution for that. You have to store number of times the message got received, e.g., in DynamoDB, and then upon third receive, the consumer must explicitly delete the message from the queue.
You can explore sqs message attributes. Once you received the message, delete it from the queue and send it back to the queue with an added message attribute stating how many times you have received the message.

AWS SQS Dead Letter Queue notifications

I'm trying to design a small message processing system based on SQS, Lambda, and SNS. In case of failure, I'd like for the message to be enqueued in a Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) and for a webhook to be called.
I'd like to know what the most canonical or reasonable way of achieving that would look like.
Currently, if everything goes well, the process should be as follows:
SQS (in place to handle retries) enqueues a message
Lambda gets invoked by SQS and processes the message
Lambda sends a webhook and finishes normally
If something in the lambda goes wrong (success webhook cannot be called, task at hand cannot be processed), the easiest way to achieve what I want seems to be to set up a DLQ1 that SQS would put the failed messages in. An auxiliary lambda would then be called to process this message, pass it to SNS, which would call the failure webhook, and also forward the message to DLQ2, the final/true DLQ.
Is that the best approach?
One alternative I know of is Alarms, though I've been warned that they are quite tricky. Another one would be to have lambda call the error reporting webhook if there's a failure on the last retry, although that somehow seems inappropriate.
Your architecture looks good enough in case of success, but I personally find it quite confusing if anything goes wrong as I don't see why you need two DLQs to begin with.
Here's what I would do in case of failure:
Define a DLQ on your source SQS Queue and set the maxReceiveCount to e.g. 3, meaning if messages fail three times, they will be redirected to the configured DLQ
Create a Lambda that listens to this DLQ.
Execute the webhook inside this Lambda.
Since step 3 automatically deletes the message from the Queue once it has been processed and, apparently, you want the messages to be persisted somewhere, store the content of the message in a file on S3 and store the file metadata (bucket and key) in a table in DynamoDB, so you can always query for failed messages.
I don't see any role for SNS here unless you want multiple subscribers for a given message, but as I see this is not the case.
This way, you need need to maintain only one DLQ and you can get rid of SNS as it's only adding an extra layer of complexity to your architecture.

AWS SQS FIFO - How to get more than 10 messages at a time?

Currently we want to pull down an entire FIFO queue, and process the contents, and if any issues, release messages back into the queue.
The problem is, that currently AWS only gives us 10 messages, and won't give us 10 more (which is the way you get bulk messages in SQS, multiple 10 max message requests) until we delete or release the first 10.
We need to get more than 10 though. Is this not possible? We understand we can set the group_id to a random string, and that allows processing more, but then the order isn't guaranteed, which defeats the purpose of FIFO.
I managed to reproduce your results -- I could retrieve 10 messages, but then running the same command again would not return another set of messages.
The relevant documentation seems to be:
While messages with a particular MessageGroupId are invisible, no more messages belonging to the same MessageGroupId are returned until the visibility timeout expires. You can still receive messages with another MessageGroupId as long as it is also visible.
I suspect (just a theory!) that this is to preserve the ordering of messages... If a client asked for a set of messages and they are still being processed, there is the chance that the messages might be returned to the queue. Therefore, no further messages are provided until the original messages are deleted or pass their visibility timeout.
This is only a behaviour of FIFO queues.
It seems that you will need to receive and delete all messages to be able to access them all. I would suggest:
Receive one (or more) message.
Process it. If everything worked, delete the message.
If there were problems, push the message to a new queue.
Once the queue is empty, you would need to read from the new queue and send them back to the original queue (which should preserve ordering).
If you frequently require more capabilities that Amazon SQS provides, you could consider using Amazon MQ – Managed message broker service for ActiveMQ. It has many more capabilities (but is accordingly less 'simple').
If you set another MessageGroupId, you can get another 10 messages, even you don't release or delete the previous ones.

Using Amazon SQS with multiple consumers

I have a service-based application that uses Amazon SQS with multiple queues and multiple consumers. I am doing this so that I can implement an event-based architecture and decouple all the services, where the different services react to changes in state of other systems. For example:
Registration Service:
Emits event 'registration-new' when a new user registers.
User Service:
Emits event 'user-updated' when user is updated.
Search Service:
Reads from queue 'registration-new' and indexes user in search.
Reads from queue 'user-updated' and updates user in search.
Metrics Service:
Reads from 'registration-new' queue and sends to Mixpanel.
Reads from queue 'user-updated' and sends to Mixpanel.
I'm having a number of issues:
A message can be received multiple times when doing polling. I can design a lot of the systems to be idempotent, but for some services (such as the metrics service) that would be much more difficult.
A message needs to be manually deleted from the queue in SQS. I have thought of implementing a "message-handling-service" that handles the deletion of messages when all the services have received them (each service would emit a 'message-acknowledged' event after handling a message).
I guess my question is this: what patterns should I use to ensure that I can have multiple consumers for a single queue in SQS, while ensuring that the messages also get delivered and deleted reliably. Thank you for your help.
I think you are doing it wrong.
It looks to me like you are using the same queue to do multiple different things. You are better of using a single queue for a single purpose.
Instead of putting an event into the 'registration-new' queue and then having two different services poll that queue, and BOTH needing to read that message and both doing something different with it (and then needing a 3rd process that is supposed to delete that message after the other 2 have processed it).
One queue should be used for one purpose.
Create a 'index-user-search' queue and a 'send to mixpanels' queue,
so the search service reads from the search queues, indexes the user
and immediately deletes the message.
The mixpanel-service reads from the mix-panels queue, processes the
message and deletes the message.
The registration service, instead of emiting a 'registration-new' to a single queue, now emits it to two queues.
To take it one step better, add SNS into the mix here and have the registration service emit an SNS message to the 'registration-new' topic (not queue), and then subscribe both of the queues I mentioned above, to that topic in a 'fan-out' pattern.
Both queues will receive the message, but you only load it into SNS once - if down the road a 3rd unrelated service needs to also process 'registration-new' events, you create another queue and subscribe it to the topic as well - it can run with no dependencies or knowledge of what the other services are doing - that is the goal.
The primary use-case for multiple consumers of a queue is scaling-out.
The mechanism that allows for multiple consumers is the Visibility Timeout, which gives a consumer time to process and delete a message without it being consumed concurrently by another consumer.
To address the "At-Least-Once Delivery" property of Standard Queues,
the consuming service should be idempotent.
If that isn't possible, one possible solution is to use FIFO queues, but this mode has a limited message delivery rate and is not compatible with SNS subscription.
They even have a tutorial on how to create a fanout scenario using the combo SNS+SQS.
Too bad it does not support FIFO queues so you have to be careful to handle out of order messages.
It would be nice if they had a consistent hashing solution to have multiple competing consumers while respecting the message order.