How many threads at most are allowed in a monitor? - concurrency

I am trying to understand the concept of a monitor.
How many threads at most are allowed in a monitor at the same time? One or some number specified by the program that uses the monitor?

At most one thread can be inside monitor. This number cannot be changed in any way.
The number of threads waiting to enter the monitor, and the number of threads waiting for notification, are not limited, or, better say, are limited by overall number of threads.
Overall number of threads in a JVM instance is limited by underlying O/S and by amount of available core memory.


Is it really impossible to suspend two std/posix threads at the same time?

I want to briefly suspend multiple C++ std threads, running on Linux, at the same time.
It seems this is not supported by the OS.
The threads work on tasks that take an uneven and unpredictable amount of time (several seconds).
I want to suspend them when the CPU temperature rises above a threshold.
It is impractical to check for suspension within the tasks, only inbetween tasks.
I would like to simply have all workers suspend operation for a few milliseconds.
How could that be done?
What I'm currently doing
I'm currently using a condition variable in a slim, custom binary semaphore class (think C++20 Semaphore).
A worker checks for suspension before starting the next task by acquiring and immediately releasing the semaphore.
A separate control thread occupies the control semaphore for a few milliseconds if the temperature is too high.
This often works well and the CPU temperature is stable.
I do not care much about a slight delay in suspending the threads.
However, when one task takes some seconds longer than the others, its thread will continue to run alone.
This activates CPU turbo mode, which is the opposite of what I want to achieve (it is comparatively power inefficient, thus bad for thermals).
I cannot deactivate CPU turbo as I do not control the hardware.
In other words, the tasks take too long to complete.
So I want to forcefully pause them from outside.
I want to suspend them when the CPU temperature rises above a threshold.
In general, that is putting the cart before the horse.
Properly designed hardware should have adequate cooling for maximum load and your program should not be able to exceed that cooling capacity.
In addition, since you are talking about Turbo, we can assume an Intel CPU, which will thermally throttle all on their own, making your program run slower without you doing anything.
In other words, the tasks take too long to complete
You could break the tasks into smaller parts, and check the semaphore more often.
A separate control thread occupies the control semaphore for a few milliseconds
It's really unlikely that your hardware can react to millisecond delays -- that's too short a timescale for anything thermal. You will probably be better off monitoring the temperature and simply reducing the number of tasks you are scheduling when the temperature is rising and getting close to your limits.
I've now implemented it with pthread_kill and SIGRT.
Note that suspending threads in unknown state (whatever the target task was doing at the time of signal receipt) is a recipe for deadlocks. The task may be inside malloc, may be holding arbitrary locks, etc. etc.
If your "control thread" also needs that lock, it will block and you lose. Your control thread must execute only direct system calls, may not call into libc, etc. etc.
This solution is ~impossible to test, and ~impossible to implement correctly.

What exactly is an std::thread? [closed]

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Is it a real hardware thread?
I have a program which reads data from 30 COM devices every second and so far I only have access to 7. It works great when I implemented multithreading, one thread for each device and it doesn't block off my GUI while it waits to read data (it takes 30ms). I'm wondering though what will happen if I exceed the amount of threads I have on my CPU? If this isn't possible how would I approach this?
std::thread represents a thread, managed by the operating system. It has its stack, registers, instruction pointer etc. However, it is still managed by the OS. The operating system handles all the scheduling, assigning the thread to the hardware core and then preempting it if necessary to do another work on that core.
In a regular program you can't really lock core to do your work without any OS intervention. Otherwise, it could have negative impact on the stability of the system.
If you launch more threads than there are cores on your CPU, and they all run all the time, the OS will start swapping them in and out, effectively keeping them all running. However, this swapping is not for free, and you can slow everything down if you have too many of them.
However, if your threads are halted for whatever reason -- for example, you threads stop on a mutex, wait on a condition variable, or simply goes to sleep (e.g. via std::this_thread::sleep_for), then it no longer consume the hardware resources during that wait. In that scenario it is perfectly fine to have much more threads than there are cores on your CPU.
std::thread is not a "hardware thread". std::thread is a class in the C++ standard library. Instance of the std::thread class is an object that acts as a RAII container for a "native thread" i.e. a thread of execution provided by the API of the operating system.
When you create a std::thread (assuming you don't use the default constructor), the constructor will use the operating system API to create a native thread, and calls the passed function.
I'm wondering though what will happen if I exceed the amount of threads I have on my CPU?
The operating system has a subsystem called "process scheduler" which allocates the time of the hardware CPU cores (or logical core in case of hyper threading, which I assume is what you mean by "hardware thread") time for each of the threads running on the system. The number of (logical) cores the CPUs of the system has affects how many threads can be executed in parallel, but doesn't limit how many threads the operating system can manage.
As such, nothing in particular will happen or will stop happening. If your system has more threads ready to run than number of (logical) CPU cores, then the operating system will not be able to give CPU time to all of the threads in parallel.
Note that creating native threads has a performance penalty, and having more threads waiting to run (excluding those waiting for disk or network) than the number of cores to execute them will reduce the performance of the system.
I'm wondering though what will happen if I exceed the amount of threads I have on my CPU?
You might experience a lot of (unneeded) task switching, each taking 1us to 22ms depending on what exactly ran before.
Depending on your OS or setup you can get the serial ports to do a lot of work for you. Also the amount of actual work on the individual receiving COM port matters.
OS sends a message that there are some data you can read from a given buffer.
OS wakes your thread as there is something to read on the port
Interrupt, wakes the thread and returns
In all cases a single thread might be able to handle all 30 COM's as most of the time is waiting for the very slow serial ports to send the data.
Most serial ports are buffered and only need to be emptied after several chars have been received. Some serial cards have DMA so you don't even need to empty it yourself.

Allocate more processor cycles to my program

I've been working on win32, c,c++ for a while. I code on visual studio. Most of the time I see system idle process uses more cpu utilization. Is there a way to allocate more processor cycles to my program to run it faster? I understand there might be limitations from i/o, in those cases this question doesn't make any sense.
did i misunderstood the task manager numbers? I'm in a confusion, please help me out.
And I want to do something in program itself, btw I will be happy if answers are specific to windows.
Thanks in advance
If your program it the only program that has something to do (not wait for IO), its thread will always be assigned to a processor core.
However, if you have a multi-core processor, and a single-threaded program, the CPU usage of your process displayed in the task manager will always be limited by 100/Ncores.
For example, if you have a quad-core machine, your process will be at 25% (using one core), and the idle process at around 75%. You can only additional CPU power by dividing your tasks into chunks that can be worked on by separate threads which will then be run on the idle cores.
The idle process only "runs" when no other process needs to. If you want to use more CPU cycles, then use them.
If your program is idling, it doesn't do anything, i.e. there is nothing that could be done any faster. So the CPU is probably not the bottle-neck in your case.
Are you maybe waiting for data coming from the disk or network?
In case your processor has multiple cores and your program uses only one core to its full extent, making your program multi-threaded could work.
In a multitask / multithread OS the processor(s) time is splitted among threads.
If you want a specific thread to get bigger time chunk you can set its priority with the SetThreadPriority function, not wise to do it though.
Only special software (should) mess with those settings.
It's common for window applications to have a low cpu usage percent (which we see in the task manager)
because most of the time they just wait for messages.
Use threads to:
abstract away all the I/O waits.
assign work to all cores.
also, remove all sleep-wait states from main thread.
Defer all I/O to a thread, so that wait states are confined within it. Keep the actual computations in the foreground thread, and use synchronization mechanisms that make the I/O slave thread to wait for your main thread when communicating.
If your CPU is multi-core, and your problem is paralellizable, create as many threads as you have cores, research "set affinity" functions to assign them between the cores and still keep a separate thread for all I/O.
Also pay attention not to wait in your main thread - usleep(1) doesn't send you into background for 1 microsecond, but for "no less than..." and that may mean anything between 1ms and 100ms but hardly ever less than that, and never anything close to a microsecond.

My threadspool just make 4~5threads. why?

I use QueueUserWorkItem() function to invoke threadpool.
And I tried lots of work with it. (about 30000)
but by the task manager my application only make 4~5 thread after I push the start button.
I read the MSDN which said that the default number of thread limitation is about 500.
why just a few of threads are made in my application?
I'm tyring to speed up my application and I dout this threadpool is the one of reason that slow down my application.
It is important to understand how the threadpool scheduler works. It was designed to fine-tune the number of running threads against the capabilities of your machine. Your machine probably can run only two threads at the same time, dual-core CPUs are the current standard. Maybe four.
So when you dump a bunch of threads in its lap, it starts out by activating only two threads. The rest of them are in a queue, waiting for CPU cores to become available. As soon as one of those two threads completes, it activates another one. Twice a second, it evaluates what's going on with active threads that didn't complete. It makes the rough assumption that those threads are blocking and thus not making progress and allows another thread to activate. You've now got three running threads. Getting up the 500 threads, the default max number of threads, will take 249 seconds.
Clearly, this behavior spells out what a thread should do to be suitable to run as a threadpool thread. It should complete quickly and don't block often. Note that blocking on I/O requests is dealt with separately.
If this behavior doesn't suit you then you can use a regular Thread. It will start running right away and compete with other threads in your program (and the operating system) for CPU time. Creating 30,000 of such threads is not possible, there isn't enough virtual memory available for that. A 32-bit operating system poops out somewhere south of 2000 threads, consuming all available virtual memory. You can get about 50,000 threads on a 64-bit operating system before the paging file runs out. Testing these limits in a production program is not recommended.
I think you may have misunderstood the use of the threadpool. Spawning threads and killing threads involves the Windows Kernel and is an expensive operation. If you continuously need threads to perform an aynchronous operation and then you throw them away it would perform many system calls.
So the threadpool is actually a group of threads which are created once which instead of exiting when they complete their task actually enter a wait for another item for queueuserworkitem. The threadpool will then tune itself based on how many threads are required concurrently for your process. If you wish to test this write this code:
for(int i = 0; i < 30000; i++)
You will see this will create a whole bunch of threads. Maybe not 30000 as some of the threads that are created will be reused as the ThreadPool starts to work through your function calls.
The threadpool is there so you can avoid creating a thread for every asynchronous operation for the very reason that threads are expensive. If you want 30,000 threads you're going to use a lot of memory for the thread stacks plus waste a lot of CPU time doing context switches. Now creating that many threads would be justified if you had 30,000 CPU cores...

How many threads to create and when?

I have a networking Linux application which receives RTP streams from multiple destinations, does very simple packet modification and then forwards the streams to the final destination.
How do I decide how many threads I should have to process the data? I suppose, I cannot open a thread for each RTP stream as there could be thousands. Should I take into account the number of CPU cores? What else matters?
It is important to understand the purpose of using multiple threads on a server; many threads in a server serve to decrease latency rather than to increase speed. You don't make the cpu more faster by having more threads but you make it more likely a thread will always appear at within a given period to handle a request.
Having a bunch of threads which just move data in parallel is a rather inefficient shot-gun (Creating one thread per request naturally just fails completely). Using the thread pool pattern can be a more effective, focused approach to decreasing latency.
Now, in the thread pool, you want to have at least as many threads as you have CPUs/cores. You can have more than this but the extra threads will again only decrease latency and not increase speed.
Think the problem of organizing server threads as akin to organizing a line in a super market. Would you like to have a lot of cashiers who work more slowly or one cashier who works super fast? The problem with the fast cashier isn't speed but rather that one customer with a lot of groceries might still take up a lot of their time. The need for many threads comes from the possibility that a few request that will take a lot of time and block all your threads. By this reasoning, whether you benefit from many slower cashiers depends on whether your have the same number of groceries or wildly different numbers. Getting back to the basic model, what this means is that you have to play with your thread number to figure what is optimal given the particular characteristics of your traffic, looking at the time taken to process each request.
Classically the number of reasonable threads is depending on the number of execution units, the ratio of IO to computation and the available memory.
Number of Execution Units (XU)
That counts how many threads can be active at the same time. Depending on your computations that might or might not count stuff like hyperthreads -- mixed instruction workloads work better.
Ratio of IO to Computation (%IO)
If the threads never wait for IO but always compute (%IO = 0), using more threads than XUs only increase the overhead of memory pressure and context switching. If the threads always wait for IO and never compute (%IO = 1) then using a variant of poll() or select() might be a good idea.
For all other situations XU / %IO gives an approximation of how many threads are needed to fully use the available XUs.
Available Memory (Mem)
This is more of a upper limit. Each thread uses a certain amount of system resources (MemUse). Mem / MemUse gives you an approximation of how many threads can be supported by the system.
Other Factors
The performance of the whole system can still be constrained by other factors even if you can guess or (better) measure the numbers above. For example, there might be another service running on the system, which uses some of the XUs and memory. Another problem is general available IO bandwidth (IOCap). If you need less computing resources per transferred byte than your XUs provide, obviously you'll need to care less about using them completely and more about increasing IO throughput.
For more about this latter problem, see this Google Talk about the Roofline Model.
I'd say, try using just ONE thread; it makes programming much easier. Although you'll need to use something like libevent to multiplex the connections, you won't have any unexpected synchronisation issues.
Once you've got a working single-threaded implementation, you can do performance testing and make a decision on whether a multi-threaded one is necessary.
Even if a multithreaded implementation is necessary, it may be easier to break it into several processes instead of threads (i.e. not sharing address space; either fork() or exec multiple copies of the process from a parent) if they don't have a lot of shared data.
You could also consider using something like Python's "Twisted" to make implementation easier (this is what it's designed for).
Really there's probably not a good case for using threads over processes - but maybe there is in your case, it's difficult to say. It depends how much data you need to share between threads.
I would look into a thread pool for this application.
Allow the thread pool to manage your threads and the queue.
You can tweak the maximum and minimum number of threads used based on performance profiling later.
Listen to the people advising you to use libevent (or OS specific utilities such as epoll/kqueue). In the case of many connections this is an absolute must because, like you said, creating threads will be an enormous perfomance hit, and select() also doesn't quite cut it.
Let your program decide. Add code to it that measures throughput and increases/decreases the number of threads dynamically to maximize it.
This way, your application will always perform well, regardless of the number of execution cores and other factors
It is a good idea to avoid trying to create one (or even N) threads per client request. This approach is classically non-scalable and you will definitely run into problems with memory usage or context switching. You should look at using a thread pool approach instead and look at the incoming requests as tasks for any thread in the pool to handle. The scalability of this approach is then limited by the ideal number of threads in the pool - usually this is related to the number of CPU cores. You want to try to have each thread use exactly 100% of the CPU on a single core - so in the ideal case you would have 1 thread per core, this will reduce context switching to zero. Depending on the nature of the tasks, this might not be possible, maybe the threads have to wait for external data, or read from disk or whatever so you may find that the number of threads is increased by some scaling factor.