Token Based Authentication on Postman - postman

I am trying to send a request using a authentication token using Postman. I can successfully login from it and get the token. After that, when I try to send a request to a Authenticate method, it returns me a 401 - Unauthorized.
In the error definition, it says "The signature is invalid".
How I send a login request:
Here what it returns after logging in on postman :
"state": 1,
"msg": null,
"data": {
"requestAt": "2017-08-27T23:44:18.1397478+03:00",
"expiresIn": 2400,
"tokenType": "Bearer",
"accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1bmlxdWVfbmFtZSI6InVzZXIxIiwiSUQiOiIxMTYwYzg1YS0yMmVkLTQ2N2YtYThjNC05NTk4NmMyNTcyMGYiLCJuYmYiOjE1MDM4NjY2NjAsImV4cCI6MTUwMzg2OTA1OCwiaWF0IjoxNTAzODY2NjYwLCJpc3MiOiJNeUlzc3VlciIsImF1ZCI6Ik15QXVkaWVuY2UifQ.m9q84OVsei19_3zdDSZMfGDsNqotBr6L6xf1e5aJq9OmTE5ZfqJ9k2l84cbMuge4qvABxId_h7QUZT0pI_vqEqohTfhaF2kDloqXEWawN0LTDUdeJt6xqT3W9AWmvmnDFrehM6HOeStNGKqG8955OHnwHyEiYn6AIaqg4Sm6I87xk1C5aBhyfkV6-We-Wfj0W4NSg7_2LOIF6TApsnV8VF34PB5VATER9-g-dVUE0E_q4UmLFYD6lkudAXbA4Oa3iTXJKhLCL4NhacBXYXGN-ZyGwX64F7dWPw_mI8Q_AHpHkSrb4m5pscvgvo0leGRGVmuWuCP__rAZpw1EnLmTiQ"
This is the method I am requesting after the login method :
[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)]
public IActionResult GetUserInfo()
var claimsIdentity = User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;
return Json(new RequestResult
State = RequestState.Success,
Data = new { UserName = claimsIdentity.Name }
And this is how I send a request to GetUserInfo method :
Lastly my TokenAuthOptions class :
public class TokenAuthOption
public static string Audience { get; } = "MyAudience";
public static string Issuer { get; } = "MyIssuer";
public static RsaSecurityKey Key { get; } = new RsaSecurityKey(RSAKeyHelper.GenerateKey());
public static SigningCredentials SigningCredentials { get; } = new SigningCredentials(Key, SecurityAlgorithms.RsaSha256Signature);
public static TimeSpan ExpiresSpan { get; } = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(40);
public static string TokenType { get; } = "Bearer";


Blazor-Server side authentication with Cookie

I am trying to implement on a Blazor-Server side application a simple login against LDAP server and use cookie to store user claims. I have the MainLayout set to Authorized, if the user is not authenticated it will be re-direct to Login page. I have already tested the LDAP connection and it works properly, the problem is no matter what I do the cookie doesn't get created in the browser. When I run the POST command I see the HttpStatusCode.OK but the cookie it's not created and the browser re-direct again to login page of course.
Can someone please tell me what am I doing wrong? My code:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
public class AuthenticationController : Controller
public async Task<ActionResult> Login([FromBody]UserCredentials credentials)
string path = "LDAP://";
using DirectoryEntry entry = new(path, credentials.Username, credentials.Password);
using DirectorySearcher searcher = new(entry);
searcher.Filter = $"(&(objectclass=user)(objectcategory=person)(samaccountname={credentials.Username}))";
var result = searcher.FindOne();
if (result != null)
List<Claim> claims = new();
claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, credentials.Username));
//Get Groups
ResultPropertyCollection fields = result.Properties;
foreach (var group in result.Properties["memberof"])
var distinguishedName = new X500DistinguishedName(group.ToString());
var commonNameData = new AsnEncodedData("CN", distinguishedName.RawData);
var commonName = commonNameData.Format(false);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commonName))
claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, commonName));
//Get Emails
foreach (var email in result.Properties["mail"])
claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Email, email.ToString()));
ClaimsIdentity claimsIdentity = new(claims, CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);
AuthenticationProperties authProperties = new()
AllowRefresh = true,
IssuedUtc = DateTime.Now,
ExpiresUtc = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(1),
IsPersistent = true,
await HttpContext.SignInAsync(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, new ClaimsPrincipal(claimsIdentity), authProperties);
return Ok();
return NotFound("User Not Found!");
catch (Exception)
return NotFound("Login credentials is incorrect!");
public async Task<IActionResult> Logout()
await HttpContext.SignOutAsync(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);
return Ok();
#page "/login"
#page "/login/{ErrorMessage}"
#layout CenteredBlockLayout
#attribute [AllowAnonymous]
<MudPaper Elevation="25" Class="pa-8" Width="100%" MaxWidth="500px">
<MudItem><img src="/images/logo.svg" alt="Logo" style="width:400px; height:50px;" /></MudItem>
<MudText Typo="Typo.h4" GutterBottom="true">Sign In</MudText>
<MudTextField #bind-Value="#Username" T="string" Label="Username"/>
<MudTextField #bind-Value="#Password" T="string" Label="Password"/>
<MudButton OnClick="(() => PerformLoginAsync())">Sign In</MudButton>
#if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorMessage))
<MudAlert Severity="Severity.Error">#ErrorMessage</MudAlert>
public partial class Login
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
HttpClient Client { get; set; }
private NavigationManager NavMan { get; set; }
private async Task PerformLoginAsync()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Username) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password))
UserCredentials cred = new UserCredentials
Username = Username,
Password = Password
var serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cred);
var stringContent = new StringContent(serialized, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
using var result = await Client.PostAsync($"NavMan.BaseUri}authentication/login", stringContent);
if (result.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
NavMan.NavigateTo("/", true);
ErrorMessage = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
I believe you need to append the cookie to the response. I haven't tested this with your code but it should work something like this:
HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Append("my_cookie", claimsString, new CookieOptions()
Domain = "",
SameSite = SameSiteMode.Lax,
Secure = true,
Path = "/",
Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1)
(These cookie options are just an example, of course. Tailor them to your specific needs.)
Keep in mind that you'll need to convert your claims to a string so that you can store it as the value in a cookie. In our case we store claims in a JWT, so that's what gets stored in the cookie. Here's how I do it:
public string CreateJWT(HttpContext httpContext, User user)
var handler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
var descriptor = new SecurityTokenDescriptor
Subject = new ClaimsIdentity(new Claim[] {
new Claim(ClaimTypes.GivenName, user.FirstName),
new Claim(ClaimTypes.Surname, user.LastName),
new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, $"{user.FirstName} {user.LastName}"),
new Claim(ClaimTypes.Email, user.Email),
Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(Config.AccessExpMins),
Issuer = Config.Issuer,
Audience = Config.Audience,
SigningCredentials = new SigningCredentials(Key, SecurityAlgorithms.RsaSha256)
var token = handler.CreateJwtSecurityToken(descriptor);
var accessToken = handler.WriteToken(token);
httpContext.Response.Cookies.Append("my_cookie", accessToken, new CookieOptions()
Domain = Config.CookieDomain,
SameSite = SameSiteMode.Lax,
Secure = true,
Path = "/",
Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(Config.AccessExpMins)
return accessToken;
As for parsing the JWT, I'm sure there are a number of ways to go about it. The one that worked for me was this one.

consuming asmx webservice in xamarin forms

I am working on a login page in Xamarin forms and I need to consume an asmx webservice in order to connect to the sql server. I used this example:, and tried to apply the same steps for my app. but I got an error.
here's my code:
namespace App33.Models
public interface ILogin
string Error { get; set; }
bool ValidUser { get; set; }
public interface ILoginSoapService
Task<List<ILogin>> Login(string namee, string passs);
in App.xaml.cs
private static ILoginSoapService _loginSoapService;
public static ILoginSoapService LoginSoapService
if (_loginSoapService == null)
_loginSoapService = DependencyService.Get<ILoginSoapService>();
return _loginSoapService;
public MainPage()
async void OnButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
var entr_usrname = this.FindByName<Entry>("username");
string usrname = entr_usrname.Text;
var entr_pass = this.FindByName<Entry>("Password");
string pass = entr_pass.Text;
var state = await App.LoginSoapService.Login(usrname,pass);
if (state[0].ValidUser == true)
await DisplayAlert("Alert", "You have been alerted", "OK");
this is for the portable app. my webservice is added to the web reference as LoginWs. it has the following codes:
public class Result
public string Error { get; set; }
public bool ValidUser { get; set; }
[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
// To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line.
// [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService]
public class WebService1 : System.Web.Services.WebService
public Result Login(string userName, string userPass)
SqlConnection conn=new SqlConnection (new DBConnection().ConnectionString);
Result result = new Result();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT userName, password FROM users where CONVERT(VARCHAR, username)=#username and CONVERT(VARCHAR, password)=#password");
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("username", userName);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("password", userPass);
cmd.Connection = conn;
if (conn.State==System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.HasRows)
result.ValidUser = true;
return result;
result.ValidUser = false;
catch(Exception ex)
result.Error = ex.ToString();
return result;
now in App.Android:
namespace App33.Droid.LoginWs
public partial class Result : ILogin
[assembly: Dependency(typeof(App33.Droid.LoginSoapService))]
namespace App33.Droid
public sealed class LoginSoapService :ILoginSoapService
LoginWs.WebService1 service;
public LoginSoapService()
service = new LoginWs.WebService1()
// Url = "" //remote server
Url = "" //localserver - mobile does not understand "localhost", just that ip address
public async Task<List<ILogin>> Login( string namee,string pass)
return await Task.Run(() =>
var result = service.Login(namee,pass);
return new List<ILogin>(result);
the error i'm getting is in this line:return new List(result);. it says: Error CS1503 Argument 1: cannot convert from 'App33.Droid.LoginWs.Result' to 'int'. I can't figure out what the peoblem is. sorry for the long question. any help is appreciated.

Why CXF rest web service returns object if only one object in ArrayList?

When a list has only one object, CXF rest web service return the object instead JSON array. Its working fine for more than one object. Could you please help me to solve this.
For two objects in list JSON response is
"list": [
"#xsi.type": "interaction",
"interactionId": 92009,
"interactionTitle": "How are you? How is going?",
"interactionType": "Question"
"#xsi.type": "interaction",
"interactionId": 92004,
"interactionTitle": "This is not working",
"interactionType": "Complaint"
"message": "Request successfully processed",
"totalRecords": 5,
"statusCode": 2000
For one record in list JSON response is
"list": {
"#xsi.type": "interaction",
"interactionId": 92009,
"interactionTitle": "How are you? How is going?",
"interactionType": "Question"
"message": "Request successfully processed",
"totalRecords": 5,
"statusCode": 2000
I am expecting JSON array in both cases. But its returning JSON object instead on JSON Array for single object.
Here I am using Apache CXF rest framework to expose web services.
Here is server side code sample
public VerveResponse<Interaction> getUserInteractions(){
VerveResponse<Interaction> verveResponse = new VerveResponse<Interaction>();
verveResponse.setMessage("Request successfully processed");
List<Interaction> interactionList = ExternalService.getInteractionList();
return verveResponse;
#XmlRootElement(name = "response")
public class VerveResponse<T> implements Serializable{
private String statusCode;
private String message;
private List<T> list;
private Long records;
public String getStatusCode() {
return statusCode;
public void setStatusCode(String statusCode) {
this.statusCode = statusCode;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
public Long getRecords() {
return records;
public void setRecords(Long records) {
this.records = records;
public List<T> getList() {
return list;
public void setList(List<T> list) {
this.list = list;
#XmlRootElement(name = "interaction")
public class Interaction implements Serializable {
private Long interactionId;
private String interactionTitle;
private String interactionType;
public Long getInteractionId() {
return interactionId;
public void setInteractionId(Long interactionId) {
this.interactionId = interactionId;
public String getInteractionTitle() {
return interactionTitle;
public void setInteractionTitle(String interactionTitle) {
this.interactionTitle = interactionTitle;
public String getInteractionType() {
return interactionType;
public void setInteractionType(String interactionType) {
this.interactionType = interactionType;

ASP.NET Identity + Facebook login: Pass in "rerequest?"

(Using ASP.NET Identity 2.1, Microsoft.Owin.Security.Facebook 3.0.1 in a Web API project)
From here:
This is because once someone has declined a permission, the Login Dialog will not re-ask them for it unless you explicitly tell the dialog you're re-asking for a declined permission.
You do this by adding the auth_type: rerequest flag to your FB.login() call:
function(response) {
scope: 'user_likes',
auth_type: 'rerequest'
When you do that, the Login Dialog will re-ask for the declined permission. The dialog will look very much like the dialog in the section on re-asking for permissions but will let you re-ask for a declined permission.
So, using ASP.NET Identity's integration with Facebook login, I know how to pass in the requested scope, but if the user declines the permission, I need to pass in the extra parameter "auth_type" : 'rerequest." How do I do that?
You first add your custom FacebookAuthenticationProvider
public class FacebookProvider : FacebookAuthenticationProvider
public override void ApplyRedirect(FacebookApplyRedirectContext context)
//To handle rerequest to give some permission
string authType = string.Empty;
if (context.Properties.Dictionary.ContainsKey("auth_type"))
authType = string.Format("&auth_type={0}", context.Properties.Dictionary["auth_type"]);
//If you have popup loggin add &display=popup
context.Response.Redirect(string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", context.RedirectUri, "&display=popup", authType));
now in the startup you need to use this provider
var options = new FacebookAuthenticationOptions
AppId = "appid",
AppSecret = "secret",
Provider = new FacebookProvider
OnAuthenticated = async context =>
foreach (var x in context.User)
if (x.Key == "birthday")
context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim("dateofbirth", x.Value.ToString()));
context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(x.Key, x.Value.ToString()));
context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim("fb_accecctoken", context.AccessToken));
await Task.FromResult(context);
and finally in your account controller you need to set auth_type when you need
private const string XsrfKey = "xsrfkey";
internal class ChallengeResult : HttpUnauthorizedResult
public ChallengeResult(string provider, string redirectUri)
: this(provider, redirectUri, null, false)
public ChallengeResult(string provider, string redirectUri, string userId, bool isRerequest)
LoginProvider = provider;
RedirectUri = redirectUri;
UserId = userId;
IsRerequest = isRerequest;
public string LoginProvider { get; set; }
public string RedirectUri { get; set; }
public string UserId { get; set; }
public bool IsRerequest { get; set; }
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
var properties = new AuthenticationProperties { RedirectUri = RedirectUri };
if (UserId != null)
properties.Dictionary[XsrfKey] = UserId;
if (IsRerequest)
properties.Dictionary["auth_type"] = "rerequest";
context.HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Authentication.Challenge(properties, LoginProvider);
I had the same issue when I wanted to ensure the user had accepted all my permissions. As you probably know this can be detected by calling the /me/permissions url.
So I eventually solved it by simply deleting my app from the user's account.
You can do so by doing a DELETE request on the /me/permissions URL as documented here.
This will remove all permissions you requested from the user, so next time you try authenticating him through Facebook, the prompt appears again.

AngularJS object is null when passed to REST web service

Angular newbie and I have had no luck getting to the bottom of this one. I am trying to send an update call to my RESTful web service. I am passing and int and an object. When debugging back at the web service, the int comes in fine, however the object always come is as NULL. Debugging before the call is made shows that the object has a value. Why am I getting NULL for my object in the web service?
I have tried making the call from a factory as well as the save function. Both are null when the web service is called.
TournamentDirectorApp.factory('tournamentFactory', function () {
return {
addUserToTournament: function (id, tourney, user, Tournament) {
var response = Tournament.update({ id: id }, { tourney: tourney })
return tourney;
$ = function () {
var updatedTournament = tournamentFactory.addUserToTournament(id, selectedTourney, $scope.selectedUser, Tournament);
Tournament.update({ id: id }, { tournament: updatedTournament }, function () {
web service
public HttpResponseMessage PutTournament(int id, Tournament tournament)
if (ModelState.IsValid && id == tournament.TournamentId)
db.Entry(tournament).State = EntityState.Modified;
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
* tournament object *
public class Tournament
public int TournamentId { get; set; }
public string Director { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public DateTime? StartDate { get; set; }
public DateTime? EndDate { get; set; }
public virtual List<Classification> Classifications { get; set; }
public virtual List<User> Users { get; set; }
* app.js (routing for the update) *
TournamentDirectorApp.factory('Tournament', function ($resource) {
return $resource('/api/tournament/:id', { id: '#id' }, {update: { method: 'PUT' }});
Based on the "update" example in the angular docs, I think the problem is that you should just send just the updatedTournament with the update request, not an object wrapping your changed object. Try:
Tournament.update({ id: id }, updatedTournament, function () {
$location.path('/') })
in your save function.