Regex (Python) data extraction - overlapping or incomplete results - regex

I'm trying to extract data from some WHO codebooks that I've converted from PDF to text with Python slate library.
The text I want to hit starts with 2 digits, dash, 2 digits, followed by some text and ends with "Q"+1 or 2 digits and again "Q"+1 or 2 digits
17-17How old are you?Q1Q1
31-31During the past 30 days, how many times per day did you usually eat fruit, such as bananas, apples, oranges, dates, or any other fruits?Q7Q11
Sometimes those phrases end with a blank, sometimes the next questions starts immediately (here are three question), observe Q4Q424-29 and Q5Q530-30
20-23How tall are you without your shoes on? (Note: Data are in meters.)Q4Q424-29How much do you weigh without your shoes on? (Note: Data are in kilograms.)Q5Q530-30During the past 30 days, how often did you go hungry because there was not enough food in your home?Q6Q7
\d{2}-\d{2}[a-zA-Z0-9 .()?:,]+Q\d{1,2}Q\d(\d)*?
I get pretty close, but I'm missing the second digit when the second "Q" has two digits.
I've tried to add a negative lookahead
\d{2}-\d{2}[a-zA-Z0-9 .()?:,]+Q\d{1,2}Q\d((\d)(?!\d\d-))
to exclude the start of the pattern with two digits and a dash.
\d{2}-\d{2}[a-zA-Z0-9 .()?:,]+Q\d{1,2}Q\d{1,2}
includes the second digit of the "Q" but generates overlapping results e.g. at Q4Q424-29 where the first string ends with Q4Q42 and the second string starts with 4-29.
The regex with parts of the original sample text is here:
Any suggestions who to extract the correct strings like:
17-17How old are you?Q1Q1
20-23How tall are you without your shoes on? (Note: Data are in meters.)Q4Q4
24-29How much do you weigh without your shoes on? (Note: Data are in kilograms.)Q5Q5
31-31During the past 30 days, how many times per day did you usually eat fruit, such as bananas, apples, oranges, dates, or any other fruits?Q7Q11

I see the problem now. New attempt that I think works:
I put a negative lookahead at the end to test if a new section has begun.
9 matches
Correctly grabs the full 2-digit endings

The following pattern should work:
\d{2}-\d{2}[a-zA-Z0-9 .()?:,]+Q\d{1,2}Q\d(\d(?!\d-))?


Regex select words longer than 4 characters but only one instance if duplicates

I am trying to format text in InDesign using GREP Style.
The goal is to select words longer then 4 letters in a paragraph but if the word has been duplicated in a paragraph it should not select more then first instance of this word.
This is sample text:
"The Lord's right hand is lifted high; the Lord's right hand has done mighty things!"
The solution should give
Lord right hand lifted high done mighty things
i have done the first part
but don't have a clue how to deal with those duplicates.
Is order a requirement? If not, how about words longer than 4 characters not followed by that same word later in the text? See:
Result: lifted high Lord right hand done many things
To be more comprehensive, include word breaks (i.e. count "Person" and "Personhood" as 2 separate words):

How to get a string before the last occurrence of a specific character before a maximum character count?

I have some long but variable-length texts that are divided into sections marked by ********************. I need to post those texts into a field that only accepts 2048 characters, so I will need to divide that text into groups of no more than 2048 characters but which do not contain an incomplete section.
My regex so far is ^([\s\S]{1,2048})([\s\S]{1,2048})([\s\S]{1,2048})
However, this has two problems:
1) It divides the text into groups that can include an incomplete section. What I want is a complete section, even if it is not a full 2048 characters. Assume the example below is at the end of 2048 characters.
Here's my actual result. Notice that the "7 Minute Workout" section is cut off mid-section
Maybe Baby™ Period & Fertility (📱)
Popular app for tracking your periods and predicting times of fertility; recommended; avg 4.5/5 stars (3,500+ ratings); 50% off, $3.99 ↘️ $1.99!
7 Minute Workout: Lose Weight (📱)
Scientifically-proven and featured by the New York Times, a 7-minute high intensity workout proven to lose weig
Here's my desired result. Notice that the "7 Minute Workout" section is entirely omitted because it could not be included in its entirety while staying under the 2048 character limit.
Maybe Baby™ Period & Fertility (📱)
Popular app for tracking your periods and predicting times of fertility; recommended; avg 4.5/5 stars (3,500+ ratings); 50% off, $3.99 ↘️ $1.99!
2) The second problem with this regex is that the text I need to input varies greatly in length; it may be less than 2048 or it could be 10,000+ characters. My regex obviously only works for texts up to 6,144 characters long. Do I just keep duplicating the regex a crazy number of times to get longer than the longest text I could enter, or is there a way to get it to repeat?
Addendum: Several asked about the use case/environment for this question. No, it’s not a spambot 🙂. Rather, I’m trying to use Apple’s Shortcuts app to cross-post items from my website to followers on Kik. Unfortunately, Kik has a 2048 character limit, so I can’t post it all at once. I’m trying to use regex to split the text into appropriate sections so I can copy them from Shortcuts and paste them one at a time into Kik.
Couple Notes:
No need to use groups at all, just use match results directly as each match represent one section.
Use lazy quantifier instead of greedy by adding ? after {1,2048} to make the match cut in the right place.
In my regex, I used only Global g without the multiline m.
The code below will work only with sections that have 2048 characters or less. If the section has more than 2048 characters, it will be skipped.
The regex below uses Positive Lookahead to signal the end of the section without matching.
Here is the regex:
==== Update ====
To make the results greedy, to match as many sections as possible without splitting the last section, use this regex:

RegEx to clean VISA merchant names (remove random strings)

I am trying to develop a ReGex (.Net flavor), which I can use to clean VISA merchant names.
Norton *AP1223506209 --> Norton *AP
Norton *AP1223511428
SAS 1174565172360 --> SAS
SAS 1174565172368
I would like to keep the first "name" part, but remove the second "gibberish" part.
The following Regex works for Norton and Air Lingu as well as for Eurowings and Air France, if they contain numbers in the gibberish part. It totally fails for PAYPAL *AIRBNB and other strings, that don't contain any numbers in the gibberish part, and also for SAS, probably because the name is too short / there are too many spaces:
([A-z *-]{2,50}[A-z]{2,50})(.{0,3}([0-9-]{0,3}[A-z *+.#-/]{0,3}){1,10})
Is there any way to make this work for gibberish parts that don't contain numbers? I have something like this in mind, but don't manage to create an according RegEx:
Group 1 (to keep)
Must contain consonants and vowels
Can contain few numbers, spaces or punctuation signs (e.g.: "7x7: Taxi Service")
Group 2 (to be removed)
Consists of sequences of numbers, letters and optional punctuation signs
OR: consists of consonants, only
OR: consists of numbers, only
Thanks for any help and best regards
If I add more examples, Lindens solution still works quite well, but does not recognize all of the examples or in some cases too much of the string. I tried to adjust it, but with my lacking skills didn't quite succeed:
The following problems remain:
with a length of 6 for the last \w, longer patterns would not be matched in full length (e.g. after easyjet and after EMP Merchan). Increasing it, however, causes other strings to be truncated (e.g. AER LINGU, potentially also HOTELS.COM if > 12 was used).
The merchant names after PAYPAL * and GOOGLE * should not be deleted, as they are true merchant names. I tried to exclude strings containing GOOGLE * with a negative lookbehind, but it does not seem to work like that.
Whereas the merchant name after PAYPAL * should generally remain, in some cases it is followed by gibberish, e.g. PAYPAL *AIRBNB HMQXBW. If the negative lookbehind worked, those cases would no longer be cleaned.
if the merchant name is not followed by gibberish, part of the name itself may be deleted (e.g. EMP Merchan)
As the full list of merchant names is long and versatile, the approach to detect "gibberish" should be as generic as possible (i.e. not rely on a certain length of the gibberish part). Hence my original, now slightly modified "pattern":
Consists of sequences of numbers, letters and optional punctuation signs
OR: consists non or very few vowels (EASYJET 000ESJ5TWN -> the gibberish contains only one vowel, EASYJET 3 of them; PAYPAL *NITSCHKE -> NITSCHKE should not be matched, it contains 2 vowels)
OR: consists of numbers, only
Is such a thing even possible? The goal is to use SQL to clean the merchant names. If necessary, this can be done in several run throughs (for different kind of patterns).
Thx again!
Updated regex based on extended sample and desired results:
I cannot validate as I'm only on my phone, but can you try something like this?
^([0-9A-Za-z\*][ ]{0-2})
Take all the numbers, the letters (capital and minor) the star and max 2 spaces from the beginning of the line.
Please check the () but I guess the idea is here.
Sorry, it seems wrong when there is no double space.
You want to take all the char until 2 spaces or 2 numbers according to your examples.
.* {2}|.*[0-9]{2}
Is it better?

Regular expression to expand to sentence

I'm trying to extract regions around keywords from longer passages of text. They should include complete sentences, based on the following conditions:
n=250 Charactars before / after keyword should be included if existing (the keyword can be closer then this to the start / end of the text)
from there it should expand further to include the complete sentence (let's assume here we can define sentence borders with ".?! or :" knowing it's not completely accurate)
I already achieved the expanding to the end of the last sentence, but not to start of the first in the following example, where vitamin is the keyword and the italic is captured by the regex. However, it should capture from "An extra 24 hours..."
Apparently I don't get the corresponding group up front, neither using lazy nor using lookbehind.
Well, this year you’re getting an extra day to get ahead on your taxes or (finally) clean out the garage. (Hey, we’re not trying to tell you what do but you might as well be productive.) February 29 is back on the calendar this year because it’s a leap year. Whether you love or loathe the extra winter day, you’re probably wondering why it happens in the first place. An extra 24 hours — or day — is built into the calen dar every four years to ensure it aligns with the Earth’s movement around the sun. There’s 365 days in a calendar year, but it actually takes longer for the Earth’s annual journey — about 365.2421 days — around the star that gives us light, life and vitamin D. The difference may seem like no big deal to us, but over time, it adds up. “To ensure consistency with the true astronomical year, it is necessary to periodically add in an extra day to make up the lost time and get the calendar back in sync with the heavens,” according the history. com.
Acknowledgement of the need for a leap year happened around the time of Julius Caesar. In 46 B.C., Caesar enlisted the help of astronomer Sosigenes to update the calendar so that it had 12 months and 365 days, including a leap year every four years.,
You can try something like this:
It works by consuming 250 characters of text before and after the keyword "vitamin". From that point it finds the first punctuation point (.?!:) before/after the 250 characters of text.
Here's a sample of it in action.
You can you use extra parentheses () to strategically group what exact output you want. For example, the above answer includes the ending period from the preceding sentence in the output. So you could use
and use group 3 from the result set which doesn't have this ending period.
I do not see how the specification in the question can be matched by a regex. It boils down to the following logic problem:
to match as many characters as possible but no more than 250 before/after the keyword, .{0,250} needs to be greedy and can neither be lazy .{0,250}? nor possessive .{0,250}+
if this part is greedy, you will miss the occurrences of the keyword that start before the .{0,250} part is matched.
The same logic applies to my understanding to the 'match back to the start of the sentnence as well.
I played around with the following more or less meaningful regex:
[.?!:]?([^.?!:]*?(.{0,250}\byear\b.{0,250})[^.?!:]*[.?!:]?) misses first 'year'
[.?!:]?([^.?!:]*?(.{0,250}?\byear\b.{0,250})[^.?!:]*[.?!:]?) gets the first 'year' but fails on others.
I suggest you write your on extraction logic in a function, eihter using regex or not, to achieve the extraction you want.
You could for example find the index of the start of the keyword \bkeyword\b and the full stops (\.[^\d]|[.?!:]$) and then with this information extract the part of the text you want.

Using RegEx to Find a Block of Text

I'm attempting to block a long string of unnecessary text that's on every page of a document.
Ex: "36075 This is another page and this is the date March 4 2013"
I know this must be very simple, but I'm hoping there is a way to block text verbatim. Is the only way to block this text by using a lot of /d/s/w+/+ etc or is there is a way to say, "match 36075 This is another page and this is the date March 4 2013".
This would be SO HELPFUL to know. Thank you for helping!
From what you wrote I assume you need to get leading numbers from string, to do it you just need to use this pattern: ^\d+ which from this input:
36075 This is another page and this is the date March 4 2013
will return this:
For future, in case of such questions please provide example string and expected output. As well as what you have tried.
I realized the issue I was having. I didn't need to use RegEx. The program I was using has the functionality to match specific words or groups of words and pronounce them differently. What I discovered is that it will not match the words unless the word groups are input exactly the way the program typically reads them.
Ergo --> The channel saw
the end of the British hold over
Would have to be listed as one group for, "The channel saw" and a second group for "the end of the British hold over"
In addition, there were some numbers --> 11960_30_o_ho_
and if the program naturally read 119 and then 60_3 and then _o_ho_ then three strings would need to be input for each section.
A few frustrating hours later, problem solved :) Thank you for your assistance.