URL after hosting web application on cloud - python-2.7

I was playing with google cloud just for the sake of learning cloud and web applications.
I made an application using
1)Front end (html,CSS, javascript)
2)Database( sqlite)
3)Middleware(Python Flask)
I have the application running on my local system .I have a flask service running to collect and write data to my DB, an API interface(using flask) to read from the DB and the web application that uses this API to display graphs.
Now I want to host this in google cloud. If i do that I will have the web application running on a port. But will i be able to access that from outside. Is there any way to do that?

That's definitely possible, looks like you should give Google App Engine a try


How can I access QuestDB Web Console when running embedded?

I using QuestDB embedded in my Java application. Is there any way my application can also start a web server to serve Web Console so that I can query the data my application ingests? There seem to be no documentation about this.

Not able to invoke web services using web app which was deployed in Azure

I have a deployed html file by creating web app in Azure and hosted using FTP tool. when I hit the run in intellij, able to submit the values using html file and able to hit the web services. but am not able to hit the web services when i trying to deploy and run the nodes in command prompt.
It looks like your web app does not have the proper url of your web server.
Feel free to see an example of how we had build a front end web app at: https://github.com/corda/samples-kotlin/tree/master/Advanced/auction-cordapp/client/src/main/resources
The front-end is simple angular web app.

Is it possible to deploy multiple ( many ) PhantomJS instances via Amazon Web Servises?

Starting point. A web scraping application that deploys several PhantomJS executables on Windows10 that collect data through CSS queries which is later parsed and stored in a local MongoDB database.
Now, I want to scale the scraping application to maybe 100+ PhantomJS executables to continuously scrape data from websites.
Is it possible to deploy such an application, controlled via a central Java application, via Amazon Web Services?

Azure web app service Django server log

I have been working with Azure's web app service using Resource Manager to deploy a Django app. It has been working in fits and starts. I really like the auto-deployment from GitHub but I have been frustrated by the ability to work with the underlying machine. There is a "Console" tool through the Azure portal but it has limited functionality and when there is an internal server error on my app, I can't find the server output log.
Can someone share insight into how to view the server logs?
Azure web apps have a number of logs however, the applications logs provided out of the box only support Asp.Net applications. That being said there is an article about django on web apps and how to store and view its logs here.
What'll you'll have to do, as described in the link, is to setup the django application to store its logs on the azure file system. Another option is to setup the django application to email the devs but the better option is to store the logs on the file system properly.

.net web service deployment from iis to azure

I am quite new on web services and asp.net too. I created .net web service and deployed it on IIS. My web service takes some data from android and does some manipulation and store it in text files. Because I am working with localhost so there is no issue with storing data in text files. But now I am publishing this web service to azure portal now I am confused where my data will be stored? should I changed the path ? or what I have to do?
Local file system on azure cloud service may change so your data may be lost. Better to have the blob storage for storing file. https://www.simple-talk.com/cloud/cloud-data/an-introduction-to-windows-azure-blob-storage-/