Why is my vector dropping its data? - c++

I'm writing a basic debt calculator to practice my C++ but one of my vectors keep dropping its values.
The structure containing the vector:
struct debt
std::string institution, debtType;
double creditLimit, balance, intrest, debtRatio, minMonthly;
int monthsToPayOff;
std::vector <double> monthlyBalance; //this vector is giving me trouble
I call a function that stores each months balance minus the monthly payment in the vector.
for (auto i : vectDebt)
double tempBalance = i.balance;
while (tempBalance > 0)
i.monthlyBalance.push_back(tempBalance); //this seems to work fine
tempBalance -= i.minMonthly;
if (i.monthlyBalance.size() > vectMonths.size())
Visual Studio debugger shows that the values were stored properly in above code. I then try to print the values to a .csv file but at that point the vector is already empty.
//print the payoff balances in debt.csv
for (auto i: vectDebt)
for (int j = 0; j != i.monthlyBalance.size(); j++)
fileout << i.monthlyBalance[j] << ","; //the debugger shows monthlyBalance has size = 0
fileout << "\n";
Here's my complete code, any additional comments on improving the program are also appriciated:
#pragma warning(disable : 4996) //diable localtime warning
#ifndef DEBT_H
#define DEBT_H
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <time.h>
#include <vector>
struct debt
std::string institution, debtType;
double creditLimit, balance, intrest, debtRatio, minMonthly;
int monthsToPayOff;
std::vector <double> monthlyBalance;
class Debt
time_t t = time(NULL);
tm *timeinfo = localtime(&t);
const std::string months[12] = { "January","February","March","April","May","June","July",
"August","September","October","November","December" };
std::ofstream fileout;
std::vector <debt> vectDebt;
std::vector <std::string> vectMonths;
Debt() { }
void addDebt(debt temp)
std::string returnMonth(int month)
std::string currentMonth = months[month - 1];
return currentMonth;
void calcPayoff();
void printDebt();
void printPayoff();
~Debt() { }
#endif //DEBT_H
#include "Debt.h"
void Debt::calcPayoff()
for (auto i : vectDebt)
double tempBalance = i.balance;
while (tempBalance > 0)
tempBalance -= i.minMonthly;
if (i.monthlyBalance.size() > vectMonths.size())
void Debt::printDebt()
fileout << "Institution(type),Current Balance,Intrest,Min Monthly Payment,Credit Limit\n";
for (auto i : vectDebt)
fileout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << i.institution << "("
<< i.debtType << "),"
<< i.balance << ","
<< i.intrest << ","
<< i.minMonthly << ","
<< i.creditLimit << "\n";
void Debt::printPayoff()
int monthCounter = timeinfo->tm_mon;
fileout << "\nBalance per Month until paid off:\n";
for (int i = 0; i != vectMonths.size(); i++)
vectMonths.at(i) = months[monthCounter % 12];
for (auto i : vectMonths)
fileout << i << ",";
fileout << "\n";
//print the payoff balances in debt.csv
for (auto i: vectDebt)
for (int j = 0; j != i.monthlyBalance.size(); j++)
fileout << i.monthlyBalance[j] << ",";
fileout << "\n";
source file:
#include "Debt.h"
void main() {
Debt newList;
int check = 1;
std::string institution = "",
debtType = "";
double balance = 0,
intrest = 0,
creditLimit = 0,
minMonthly = 0;
std::cout << "This program will ask you to enter each of your debts institution(bank name), "
<< "debt type(loan, credit, car), current balance, interest rate, credit limit, and minimum monthly payment.\n";
while (check == 1) {
debt temp;
if (check == 1) {
std::cout << "Enter name of institution: ";
std::cin >> temp.institution;
std::cout << "Enter debt type (loan, credit, car...): ";
std::cin >> temp.debtType;
std::cout << "Enter current balance: ";
std::cin >> temp.balance;
std::cout << "Enter inrest rate for this debt: ";
std::cin >> temp.intrest;
std::cout << "Enter credit limit for this debt: ";
std::cin >> temp.creditLimit;
std::cout << "Enter the minimum monthly payment for this debt: ";
std::cin >> temp.minMonthly;
temp.debtRatio = 100*(temp.balance/temp.creditLimit);
std::cout << "Add another debt? \n"
<< "1) Yes\n"
<< "2) No\n";
std::cin >> check;

for (auto i : vectDebt) {
In this loop, i will be a copy of each item in vectDebt. Any changes to i will not be reflected in the items in vectDebt. What you want is a reference to each item in vectDebt. To do that change your loop to
for (auto& i : vectDebt) {


The receipt have to display the fruit that user chose

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
string getItemName(int k) {
if(k == 0) {
return "Sunkist Orange";
} else if(k == 1) {
return "Strawberry";
} else if(k == 2) {
return "papaya";
} else if(k == 3) {
return "Star Fruit";
} else if(k == 4) {
return "Kiwi";
return "";
int main() {
double prices[] = {2.00, 22.00, 5.00, 6.00, 10.00};
double total = 0.0;
string cart[50];
int key = 0;
int weight = 0;
int index = 0;
cout << "Welcome to Only Fresh Fruit Shop\n\nToday's fresh fruit <Price per Kg>\n";
cout << "0-Sunkist Orange RM2\n";
cout << "1-Strawberry RM22\n";
cout << "2-Papaya RM5\n";
cout << "3-Star Fruit RM6\n";
cout << "4-Kiwi RM10\n";
while (key != -1) {
double current = 0.0;
cout << "Enter fruit code <-1 to stop>: " << endl;
cin >> key;
if (key == -1) {
cout << getItemName(key) << endl;
cout << "Enter weight <kg> : " << endl;
cin >> weight;
current = prices[key] + weight;
total = total + current;
cout << "-------------------------------------------------------\nReciept\n";
for(int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
cout << cart[i] << "\n";
cout << "TOTAL = RM" << total << endl;
return 0;
This is my code so far. The system have to display what fruit the user have chosen at in the receipt. My code is not working on the receipt part. Is there any other way on how to improvise the code to make it simpler? How can I improvise?
At very first you can re-organise your data better:
struct Product
std::string name;
double price;
This struct keeps the data closely related to a single product (fruit in this case) together locally.
You might organise these in an array (preferrably std::array, alternatively raw) making access to simpler – making your getItemName function obsolete entirely. Instead of a static array a std::vector would allow to manage your products dynamically (adding new ones, removing obsolete ones, ...).
You can even use this array to output your data (and here note that your condition in the while loop is redundant; if the inner check catches, the outer one cannot any more as you break before; if the inner one doesn't, the outer one won't either, so prefer a – seeming – endless loop):
std::vector<Product> products({ {"Apple", 2.0 }, { "Orange", 3.0 } });
std::cout << "Welcome ... \n";
for(auto i = products.begin(); i != products.end(); ++i)
std::cout << i - products.begin() << " - " << i->name
<< " RM " << i-> price << '\n';
// getting key, exiting on -1
if(0 <= key && key < products.size()
// only now get weight!
std::cout << "error: invalid product number" << std::endl;
Now for your cart you might just add indices into the vector or pointers to products – note, though, that these will invalidate if you modify the vector in the mean-time – if you do so you need to consider ways to correctly update the cart as well – alternatively you might just empty it. Inconvenient for the user, but easy to implement…
In any case, such a vector of pointers to products would easily allow to add arbitrary number of elements, not only 50 (at least as much as your hardware's memory can hold...) and would allow for simple deletion as well.
Calculating the full price then might occur only after the user has completed the cart:
// a map allows to hold the weights at the same time...
std::map<Product*, weight> cart;
// ...
if(0 <= key && key < products.size()
double weight;
std::cin >> weight;
// TODO: check for negative input!
// (always count with the dumbness of the user...)
cart[&products[key]] += weight;
// note: map's operator[] adds a new entry automatically,
// if not existing
Finally you might iterate over the cart, printing some information and calculating total price for the shopping cart:
double total = 0.0;
for(auto& entry : cart) // value type of a map always is a std::pair
std::cout << entry.first->name << "..." << entry.second << " kg\n";
total += entry.first->price * entry.second;
// note: you need MULTIPLICATION here, not
// addition as in your code!
std::cout << "Total price: RM " << total << std::endl;
This should do it whilst staying close to original code, I also improved you're method of gathering price/name a bit, try to catch the out of index exceptions or check if current index is NULL. Good luck!
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>;
using namespace std;
std::vector<std::string> itemList = {"Sunkist Orange", "Strawberry", "Papaya", "Star Fruit", "Kiwi"};
//If you dont want this to be global put it in the getItemName function
string getItemName(int k) {
return itemList.at(k);
int main() {
std::vector<double> prices = { 2.00, 22.00, 5.00, 6.00, 10.00 };
double total = 0.0;
int key = 0, weight = 0;
cout << "Welcome to Only Fresh Fruit Shop\n\nToday's fresh fruit <Price per Kg>\n";
cout << "0-Sunkist Orange RM2\n";
cout << "1-Strawberry RM22\n";
cout << "2-Papaya RM5\n";
cout << "3-Star Fruit RM6\n";
cout << "4-Kiwi RM10\n";
while (key != -1) {
double current = 0.0;
cout << "Enter fruit code <-1 to stop>: " << endl;
cin >> key;
if (key == -1) {
cout << getItemName(key) << endl;
cout << "Enter weight <kg> : " << endl;
cin >> weight;
current += prices.at(key) + weight;
total += total + current;
cout << "-------------------------------------------------------\nReciept\n";
cout << "Purchased: " << getItemName(key) <<" "<< "TOTAL = RM" << total << "\n" << endl;
return 0;
I noticed there is a string cart[50] and int index = 0which you did not use throuoght the whole code except printing it at the end of the code. I am guessing that you want to add the fruit into the cart but it seems like you have not done so.
double price[50];
while (key != -1) {
double current = 0.0;
cout << "Enter fruit code (<-1> to stop): ";
cin >> key;
if (key == -1) break;
cout << getItemName(key) << endl;
cout << "Enter weight <kg> : ";
cin >> weight;
cart[index] = getItemName(key);
price[index] = prices[key] * weight;
total += price[index];
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
cout << cart[i] << " " << price[i] << endl;
I have added some code so that cart[index] = getItemName(key). When you print each element of cart, it will now work. Also, current = prices[key] * weight is the correct one, not addition (unless your rules are different).
on a side note are you malaysian

How do I search the structure?

I'm not quite getting a structure search. I have a task, I need to search for students by full name, year of birth, group number or course number. I can search by group number or course number, but the search by full name and date of birth is problematic.
Here are my code and my input file. (I'm sorry if my code is unprofessional, I'm just learning and I need to pass this task, but I'm having no luck and I have no one to turn to for help)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
struct Student
string name;
string yearob;
int course;
int group;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Student obj)
out << obj.name << " " << obj.yearob << " " << obj.group << " " << obj.course;
return out;
int main()
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
int search = 0;
string name_s, yearob_s;
int course_s, group_s;
int chek = 1;
while (chek == 1)
cout << "Enter 1 to start, 0 to exit > ";
cin >> chek;
switch (chek)
int leng = 0;
string s;
ifstream fle("input.txt");
while (getline(fle, s))
leng += 1;
Student* list = new Student[leng];
int a = 0;
ifstream file("input.txt");
string ss, buff;
while (getline(file, s))
list[a].course = buff[0] - '0';
buff.erase(0, 2);
ss += buff[0];
ss += buff[1];
list[a].group = stoi(ss);
buff.erase(0, 3);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
list[a].yearob += buff[i];
buff.erase(0, 5);
a += 1;
cout << "What parameter should be used to find students: 1 - by name, 2 - by year of birth, 3 - by course, 4 - by group number: ";
cin >> search;
switch (search) {
cin >> name_s;
for (int i = 0; i <= leng; i++) {
if (list[i].name.find(name_s, 10)) {
cout << list[i].name << ", " << list[i].course << " course, " << list[i].group << " group, " << list[i].yearob << " year of birth; " << endl;
else {
cin >> yearob_s;
for (int i = 0; i <= leng; i++) {
if (list[i].yearob.find(yearob_s, 5)) {
cout << list[i].name << ", " << list[i].course << " course, " << list[i].group << " group, " << list[i].yearob << " year of birth; " << endl;
else {
case(3): {
cin >> course_s;
for (int i = 0; i <= leng; i++) {
if (course_s == list[i].course) {
cout << list[i].name << ", " << list[i].course << " course, " << list[i].group << " group, " << list[i].yearob << " year of birth; " << endl;
else {
cin >> group_s;
for (int i = 0; i <= leng; i++) {
if (group_s == list[i].group) {
cout << list[i].name << ", " << list[i].course << " course, " << list[i].group << " group, " << list[i].yearob << " year of birth; " << endl;
else {
cout << "Input error" << endl;
Input file:
2 01 1999 Cody Hoyt
2 01 2002 Danielle Robyn Diaz
3 01 1999 Mayra Marie Collins
2 05 2000 Marc Nunez
4 05 2000 Tricia Gilmore
5 04 2001 Dale Lucas
1 01 1998 Ruby Merritt
2 01 2001 Tabitha Jenkins
4 02 1995 George Kris Oneill
2 03 1999 Bonnie Blair
Just maybe a shorter version of your code. I provide it not as a solution to your main question (because the following code is pretty advanced), but as an example of how you could avoid repeating code and making big nested constructions.
Here I moved out the code of reading students from a file into a separate function, and inside it should easily read each student using operator>> from a file. Similarly you can define operator<< to specify in which format you want students to be printed.
The repetitive code of printing filtered students is moved into a single function, that iterates all students and prints only pass a given test. You then give this test as a lambda function in each branch of switch operator
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
struct Student
string name;
string yearob;
int course;
int group;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Student& stud)
out << stud.name << ", " << stud.course << " course, " << stud.group << " group, " << stud.yearob << " year of birth; " << endl;
return out;
istream& operator>>(istream& in, Student& stud)
in >> stud.course >> stud.group >> stud.yearob >> stud.name;
return in;
vector<Student> read_students_file(const string& filename) {
vector<Student> students;
ifstream file(filename);
while (file)
students.push_back({}); // insert empty student
file >> students[students.size() - 1]; // fill student
return students ;
void print_filtered(const vector<Student>& students, function<bool(const Student&)> should_print) {
for (const Student& student : students) {
if (should_print(student)) {
cout << student;
int main()
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
while (true)
cout << "Enter 1 to start, 0 to exit > ";
int check;
cin >> check;
if (check == 0) {
} else if (check != 1) {
vector<Student> students = read_students_file("input.txt");
cout << "What parameter should be used to find students: 1 - by name, 2 - by year of birth, 3 - by course, 4 - by group number: ";
int search_variant;
cin >> search_variant;
switch (search_variant) {
case(1): {
string find_name;
cin >> find_name;
[&](auto& student){ return student.name == find_name; });
case(2): {
string find_yearob;
cin >> find_yearob;
[&](auto& student){ return student.yearob == find_yearob; });
case(3): {
int find_course;
cin >> find_course;
[&](auto& student){ return student.course == find_course; });
case(4): {
int find_group;
cin >> find_group;
[&](auto& student){ return student.group == find_group; });
default: {
cout << "Input error" << endl;

C++ Text-Based RPG Problem With My Inventory System

Im starting a project with some friends and we have this problem in our inventory system. We're a bit new in c++ and we've been trying to understand the mistake for a little while but still cant find the problem thx in advance.
The probleme seems to be when I used vector.
For some reason once vector is used I get syntax error in the Inventory part and Equip Part.
Sorry if theres grammar error english is'nt my first language
// inventorySysteme.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;
struct Item{
string name; // le nom
string purpose; // weapon, armor
int stats; // Dammage, armor point
int attribute; // 0 = rien 1 = armor pearcing 2 = magic dammage ECt.....
int main()
Item Sword{
"RustedSword", // nom
"Weapon", // weapon
10, // 10 de dammage
1 // armor pearcing
Item Staff{
string input; // What the player insert
vector<string> Equipment = { "Empty", "Empty", "Empty", "Empty", "Empty", }; // If the place is free
string InventorySlots[] = { "Weapon", "Weapon", "Objec1", "Object2", "Object3" }; // Nom et place inventaire
vector<Item> Inventory = { Sword, Staff }; // inventaire
while (true) {
cin >> input;
if (input == "equipment") {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
cout << InventorySlots[i];
if (Equipment[i] == "Empty") {
cout << " " << Equipment[i] << "\n\n";
// Equip Part
if (input == "equip") {
cout << "What would you like to equip?\n";
cin >> input;
for (int i = 0; i < Inventory.size(); i++) {
//Search for item player want to equip and equip it in the right place.
if (input == Inventory[i].name) {
Equipment[Inventory[i].purpose] = Inventory[i].name;
cout << "Successfully equiped!" << endl;
// Inventory Part
if (input == "inventory") {
for (int i = 0; i < Inventory.size(); i++) {
cout << "________________________________________" << endl;
cout << "| " << Inventory[i] << endl;
cout << "| Carried items " << Inventory.size() << " / " << 10 << endl;
cout << "|_______________________________________" << endl;
if (input == "quit") {
return 0;

How do I read in a pointer to an object from a file?

I know this program is long, but any help would be much appreciated. When I try to read in an object from a file, I always end up with a segmentation fault. I've commented the line where the problem is. It's under 'case d' in the switch statement.
The objects I'm writing out the text file is polymorphic, which might be part of why I'm getting segmentation faults, but I'm not sure.
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fstream>
#include "employee.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
std::string command, choice, name;
float wage, percent;
int hours = 1;
std::ofstream file;
std::ifstream infile;
std::vector<Employee*> database;
while (command[0] != 'q')
std::cout << "Enter command: ";
std::cin >> command;
if(command.size() != 1)
throw "Not a character.";
case 'n':
std::cout << "Enter the name of the new employee: ";
//std::cin >> name;
getline(std::cin, name);
std::cout << "Hourly (h) or salaried (s): ";
std::cin >> choice;
if(choice.size() != 1)
throw "Not a valid choice.";
if(choice == "h")
std::cout << "Enter hourly wage: ";
std::cin >> wage;
throw "Not an option";
Employee *emp = new PartTimeEmployee(wage, name);
}else if(choice == "s")
std::cout << "Enter salaried wage: ";
std::cin >> wage;
throw "Not an option";
Employee *emp = new FullTimeEmployee(wage, name);
throw "Not an option";
case 'c':
if(database.size() < 1)
throw "No employees in database.";
for(int i = 0; i < database.size(); i++)
std::cout << "Enter number of hours worked by " << database[i]->getName() << ": ";
std::cin >> hours;
std::cout << "Pay: $" << database[i]->computePay(hours) << std::endl;
case 'r':
std::cout << "Enter percentage to increase: ";
std::cin >> percent;
std::cout << "\nNew Wages\n---------" << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i < database.size(); i++)
std::cout << database[i]->getName() << "\t\t" << "$" << database[i]->toString(database[i]->getWage()) << std::endl;
case 'p':
std::cout << "\nEmployee Database: " << database[0]->count << " Personnel\n-----------------\n";
for(int i = 0; i < database.size(); i++)
std::cout << database[i]->getName() << std::endl;
case 'd':
infile.open("emp.txt", std::ios::in);
Employee *temp;
infile >> *temp; // PROBLEM IS HERE...
std::cout << "Error occured. File not found." << std::endl;
std::cout << "*Data has been downloaded*" << std::endl;
case 'u':
file.open("emp.txt", std::ios::trunc);
for(int i = 0; i < database.size(); i++)
file << *database[i];
std::cout << "*Data has been uploaded*\n";
if(command[0] == 'q')
throw "Not a command";
}catch(const char* message)
std::cout << message << std::endl;
std::cout << "Error occured." << std::endl;
return 0;
Header File:
*This is where the operator overload is, which I'm sure is not part of the problem.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
#include <unistd.h>
class Employee
float wage;
std::string name;
static int count;
Employee(float wage, std::string name)
this->wage = wage;
this->name = name;
virtual float getWage() = 0;
virtual void setWage(float wage) = 0;
virtual float computePay(int hours = 0) = 0;
virtual float raiseWage(float percent = 0) = 0;
virtual std::string toString(int value) = 0;
std::string getName(){return name;}
void setName(std::string name){this->name = name;}
friend std::ofstream& operator<<(std::ofstream &out, Employee &emp);
friend std::ifstream& operator>>(std::ifstream &in, Employee &emp);
class FullTimeEmployee : public Employee
FullTimeEmployee(float annualSalary, std::string name) : Employee(annualSalary, name)
float getWage() {return wage;}
void setWage(float wage) {this->wage = wage;}
float computePay(int hours = 0) {return (wage / 52);}
std::string toString(int value){return std::to_string(value) + "/year";}
float raiseWage(float percent = 0)
wage = wage + (wage * (percent / 100));
return wage;
class PartTimeEmployee : public Employee
PartTimeEmployee(float wage, std::string name) : Employee(wage, name)
float getWage() {return wage;}
void setWage(float wage) {this->wage = wage;}
std::string toString(int value){return std::to_string(value) + "/hour";}
float computePay(int hours)
if(hours <= 40)
return wage * hours;
hours -= 40;
return ((wage * 40) + ((wage * 1.5) * hours));
float raiseWage(float percent = 0)
wage = wage + (wage * (percent / 100));
return wage;
std::ofstream& operator<<(std::ofstream &out, Employee &emp)
out << emp.name << std::endl << emp.wage << std::endl;
return out;
std::ifstream& operator>>(std::ifstream &in, Employee &emp)
in >> emp.name;
in >> emp.wage;
return in;
int Employee::count = 0;
void menu()
std::cout << "-----------------------------------" << std::endl;
std::cout << "|Commmands: n - New Employee |" << std::endl;
std::cout << "| c - Compute Paychecks |" << std::endl;
std::cout << "| r - Raise Wages |" << std::endl;
std::cout << "| p - Print Records |" << std::endl;
std::cout << "| d - Download Data |" << std::endl;
std::cout << "| u - Upload Data |" << std::endl;
std::cout << "| q - Quit |" << std::endl;
std::cout << "-----------------------------------" << std::endl;
void clear() {std::cout << "\033[2J\033[1;1H";}
int continueWithProgram()
std::string anw;
while(anw[0] != 'y' || anw[0] != 'Y')
std::cout << "\nDo you want to continue?(y/n) ";
std::cin >> anw;
return 0;
if(anw.size() != 1)
throw "Not a character";
}else if (anw[0] == 'n' || anw[0] == 'N')
You must add subtype information (Ex: 'f' or 'p', denoting partime and fulltime) somewhere in your file-format. If you really want do deserialize a Pointer from the file you might change both operators.
(However I strongly recommend to use an other approach and fix memory leaks):
operator<< should first print an extra line consisting of just one character denoting the subtype of Employ that is serialized.
using PEmployee = *Employee;
std::ifstream& operator>>(std::ifstream &in, PEmployee &emp)
char subType;
float wage;
std::string name;
in >> subType;
in >> name; // FIXIT - we suspect file in not eof
in >> wage;
if(subType == 'f')
emp = new FullTimeEmploy(wage, name);
emp = new PartTimeEmploy(wage, name); // FIXIT: we suspect subType == 'p'
return in;
And in the while-Loop beneath case 'd': you should call the new operator by infile >> temp;
I hope this works and answers your question.
I do not recommend this approach, calling new as side-effect from an operator rises the question who (which part of the Prog) is responsible for cleaning up (i.e. calling delete). It might work in small Progs but usually it will results in a mess.
Memory leaks: If you use new and delete, be always aware where in Your Prog the allocated memory will be freed. It is not done by the Run-time environment, C++ is not a managed language. HINT: std::vector<Employee*> wont call delete on the stored pointers, it just frees its workload (Employee*). It's the pointer itself not the pointee, i.e. the Object you accuired with new .
A more straight forward aproach is to change only the operator<< and evaluate the subtype inside the while-Loop beneath case 'd': First read the subtype-char, switch subtype, create the according subclass (Ex: temp = new PartTimeEmployee(); and call the unchanged operator>> with the newly created temp.
For this approach you'll need standart Constructors like PartTimeEmployee::PartTimeEmployee(); for all your subclasses.

cout doesn't seem to work correctly within vector iterator C++

I am currently working on the assignment where I need to iterate through some student records. Each record has reg. number, name, and 0 to multiple module names with marks respectively.
I have a Student class and a Main class.
In the main class there's a function to iterate through a vector of Students and print the average grade.
Function to print average grades as well as names.
void aboveGiven(vector<Student> &students, float given) {
vector<Student>::iterator it;
for(it = students.begin(); it != students.end(); it++) {
if(it -> getAverageMark() >= given) {
cout << it->getName() << " " << setprecision(2) << it->getAverageMark() << endl;
Function to calculate average grade. "Given" parameter is the input used to define above what average to display the records. (in this case it is 70 meaning all the records with average above 70 have to be printed)
float Student::getAverageMark() const
if (marks.size() == 0)
return 0;
int count;
float sum;
map<string, float>::const_iterator it;
for (it = marks.begin(); it != marks.end(); ++it, ++count) {
sum += it->second;
return sum / count;
The massive problem I have is weird behaviour of cout where it prints nothing if I pass 60 or above as a "Given" parameter.
However the following code:
void aboveGiven(vector<Student> &students, float given) {
vector<Student>::iterator it;
for(it = students.begin(); it != students.end(); it++) {
cout << "a" << endl;
if(it -> getAverageMark() >= given) {
cout << it->getName() << " " << setprecision(2) << it->getAverageMark() << endl;
with only difference of line cout << "a" << endl;gives me following output:
Lisa Simpson 88.03
Homer Simpson 99.90
Wayne Rooney 75.45
Where 'a' corresponds to all the records with average grade below 70 and, as we can see all the records with average grade above 70 are now printed well.
Sometimes, when using different parameters for cout, only some of the outputs would be actually displayed but not all.
I am new to C++ and still am very confused with references and pointers, so I suspect there might be a problem with them. Otherwise could this be an issue with IDE ( I am using CLion which supports C++11).
I am sorry if this is not informative enough, have never posted anything here before. If you need any additional information please feel free to ask, I will post it.
classes just in case:
using namespace std;
#include "Student.h"
#include <iostream>
Student::Student(const string& name, int regNo)
: Person(name)
this->name = name;
this->regNo = regNo;
this->marks = marks;
int Student::getRegNo() const
return regNo;
void Student::addMark(const string& module, float mark)
marks[module] = mark;
float Student::getMark(const string& module) throw(NoMarkException)
if (marks.find(module) == marks.end()) {
throw NoMarkException();
return marks[module];
float Student::getAverageMark() const
if (marks.size() == 0)
return 0;
int count;
float sum;
map<string, float>::const_iterator it;
for (it = marks.begin(); it != marks.end(); ++it, ++count) {
sum += it->second;
cout << fixed;
return sum / count;
And main: (at the moment it is really bad styled, sorry)
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include "Student.h"
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
void aboveGiven(vector<Student>& students, float given)
vector<Student>::iterator it;
for (it = students.begin(); it != students.end(); it++) {
cout << "a" << endl;
if (it->getAverageMark() >= given) {
cout << it->getName() << " " << setprecision(2) << it - > getAverageMark() << endl;
int main()
char studentFileName[30];
char marksFileName[30];
vector<Student> students;
cout << "Enter the name of a file with Students: " << endl;
cin >> studentFileName;
ifstream studentFile;
string line;
studentFile.open(studentFileName, ios::in);
if (studentFile.is_open()) {
while (getline(studentFile, line)) {
istringstream iss(line);
int regn;
string firstName, lastName;
iss >> regn >> firstName >> lastName;
students.push_back(Student(firstName + " " + lastName, regn));
else {
cout << "Failed to open: " << studentFileName << endl;
cout << "Enter the name of a file with Marks: " << endl;
cin >> marksFileName;
ifstream marksFile;
string ln;
marksFile.open(marksFileName, ios::in);
if (marksFile.is_open()) {
while (getline(marksFile, ln)) {
int regn;
string module;
float mark;
bool studentFound = false;
istringstream iss(ln);
iss >> regn >> module >> mark;
for (auto& student : students) {
if (student.getRegNo() == regn) {
student.addMark(module, mark);
studentFound = true;
if (!studentFound) {
cout << "Student with Registration Number " << regn << was not found." << endl;
else {
cout << "Failed to open: " << marksFileName << endl;
for (auto& student : students) {
map<string, float> tempMap = student.getMarks();
map<string, float>::iterator it;
cout << setw(20) << student.getName() << ": ";
if (tempMap.size() == 0) {
cout << "N/A";
else {
for (it = tempMap.begin(); it != tempMap.end(); it++) {
cout << setw(5) << it->first << '(' << it->second << "); ";
cout << endl;
aboveGiven(students, 70);
Thanks in advance for your help!
You didn't initialize int sum and int count in Student::getAverageMark. Then no one knows what could they be. They must be int sum = 0; and int count = 0;