Google Cloud Platform GPU Quotas not always displayed - google-cloud-platform

I am using GCP with several identical projects. For each new project I need a
quota of one GPU (Tesla K80). In order to apply for an increase of my GPU quota, I open the console and navigate to "IAM & Admin" > "Quotas". There I filter for my region (europe-west-1) and look for the "NVidia K80 GPUs" entry.
I have noticed that the Compute Engine APIs only appear after visiting the "Compute Engine" menu at least once. So far so good. However, the option for the GPUs only shows up after a lot of browsing around and switching between projects and revisiting the quotas page. It seems completely random.
Here is an example of two identical projects and the available quota options:
Project "examplestudent02" has the GPU option:
Project "examplestudent03" does not have the GPU option:
I cannot figure out what makes this option appear. Did anyone experience something similar? Is there something that needs to be activated before the GPU quota option appears?
There is a related question on stack overflow. However, the GPU option also does not appear when changing the Quota type to "All quotas" (which is the default anyway). Also going to the quotas page in incognito mode did not help. Lastly, I normally use Chrome, but I also tried logging in with a different browser (Firefox) which also did not help.

The following answer is based on the current scenario as there is no issue with quota display anymore.
To answer to your question, you can go to the quotas page of your console and check your GPU quota from there.
The GPUs are currently listed by the name of NVIDIA K80 GPUs and NVIDIA P100 GPUs (not GPU only). These can be easily filtered out by selecting from Metric column on this page.
If any of these cannot be found then the quota might not have been assigned. To request the GPU quota, you can follow the steps mentioned in this article. Once the request is submitted, it might take 24 to 48 hours to get approved.
That being said, one thing you need to keep in mind that free trial accounts do not receive GPU quota by default. I would also suggest checking the restrictions on instances with GPU to avoid any future issues.
Hope this helps.


RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED with Vertex Pipeline by leveraging the free trial on GCP

I am fairly new to GCP and I am playing around with it taking advantage of the free trial.
I would like to run this simple pipeline in Vertex from notebook, but once I run it, I get this error in the very first task. code=RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, message=The following quota metrics exceed quota limits:, cause=null;
I've looked at the quotas of the error and I have 1 CPU for each available region. Of course I can not edit them, because of the free trial.
I also made these other attempts without success:
Set the CPU limit equal to 1 on the pipeline component;
Use the less powerful machine available (n1-standard-4, which actually uses 4 vCPUs);
Run the pipeline in different regions;
Define and run the pipeline in a completely new project;
Define and run the AutoML pipeline for classification/regression, starting from the available models.
It seems rather strange to me that it is not possible to try this service with free trial, but I don't know how to solve the problem. Any ideas? Thanks
Which regions have you tried? You can check the regions available of the resource in question at the Quotas page within your project. go to "IAM & Admin" > "Quotas" then go find the resource at the search bar:
Another alternative is to request a quota increase, be aware though that there that quota increase request will go though evaluation before getting granted. For more information about conditions about quota you can visit Google's documentation here.

I am not able to increase my quota request on GCP even after upgrading my account

I have been trying to setup a Deep Learning VM but I am not able to request for an increase in quota even after upgrading my account. I have found various answers on the internet detailing the steps but I can't seem to relate with them. My quotas page looks so much different than the others on the internet. I can't see any column for metrics and all etc. I am attaching a screenshot of my quota page with this query. After pressing the edit quotas option and Before pressing the edit quotas optionThere are two screeshots: one before pressing the edit quotas option and one after it.
I couldn't seem to find a solution as the whole layout of the webpage is different. Please help me.
it's not a problem of account type but an issue in your location. Have a look to that documentation page to see what is available in your region.
You can see that M1 VM or NVidia GPUs aren't available, it's not a quota issue, it a service availability issue.

Google cloud platform, no quota "GPUs (all regions)"

I want to increase the "GPUs (all regions)", or GPUS_ALL_REGIONS, for a project on Google Cloud.
However, the option is not in the "Metric" list on the "Quotas" page of the project.
Does anyone of you know how this can happen? For other projects I have on the same Billing Account, the option is present in the list:
Not present:
Please keep in mind that the Compute Engine is enabled on both.
Thank you very much for your help!
Regarding your concern, quota is based on reputation. You may find some project which has this metric “GPUs (all regions)”and some other does not. The old project might have this metric but most of the time new projects does not have.
Besides this, you can submit a quota increase request for each region and dedicated team can assist you for your concern.Also, please make sure GPU type is available in the requested region. Please use this link to submit your request

Add GPU at Google Cloud Platform

Then I try to make a new instance I get an error
I made a request to the support team to increase the quota to 2
but I cannot create an instance even with one GPU
I do everything according to the instructions, but they do not work. Help solve the problem please!
Regarding your first screenshot and increased quota in us-east1-c, you need to increase GPU quota globally as well. Projects have a global GPU quota that applies to all regions.
Also, I recommend you to edit your screenshots to remove your project ID as it is visible in public.

How to request GPU quota increase in Google Cloud

I've been trying to request an increase in my GPU quota for Compute Engine since Google Cloud says I have 0 when I try to launch an instance. I upgraded my account, but I can't seem to figure out what I need to do to increase my quota. I've looked at many tutorials, but the cloud platform has changed ever since those tutorials were released.
Does anyone have an idea how to do this? Thanks!
Go to quotas page.
In Metrics column, deselect all and select the one with GPU
Select the region for the GPU
Click on EDIT QUOTAS and then fill the form that pops up on the right-hand side
Click on Submit request
You will get a response to your email after few minutes.
Similar to what Prateek said in the comments of Tuxdude's answer, the correct way to do is the following way:
Go to the quotas IAM & Admin Quotas page.
If you look at the filtering options, you'll have "Quota type" and "Metric". Click on the "Quotas type" button and select "All quotas". This is important because since you currently have no GPU quota, the services containing the NVidia K80 GPUs will not show up. You can scroll down and find the service you want, which is a GPU in a specific zone. You don't have to, but you can now click on the Metric button, unselect all metrics, and click on the one that says NVidia K80 GPUs. Those services won't show up unless you click on "All quotas", though.
I would recommend that you go to Compute Engine -> VM Instance page and start the VM Instance creation process. On that page, you should check which GPU will be the cheapest for you (it depends on your location).
If you do not see the metric tab in your Quota page as shown below,
go to this url by changing the project name with id,
There you will find the GPU quota and you can select the checkbox and press edit quotas and proceed.
for further help you can visit this site
For poeple unable to find the mysterious drop-down menu to select "Service", "Limit Name" and "Location", click the upside down triangle on top of the check box of the first row of your quotas table. The menu should manifest afterward.
The steps Jacques outlined are correct. But they may not work unless you clear your cookies or use a browser in incognito mode. Apparently this is a known issue for google cloud.what google cloud support said
You can request additional quota from the Quotas page in the Google Cloud Platform Console UI page.
Requesting additional quota
Request additional quota from the Quotas page in the Cloud
Platform Console.
You will receive a response from the Compute Engine team within 24 to
48 hours of your request.
We strongly recommend planning and requesting additional resources at
least a few days in advance to ensure that there is enough time to
fulfill your request.
Also, if you are using the free trial you do not have any GPU quota.
Similar to virtual CPU quota, GPU quota refers to the total number of
virtual GPUs in all VM instances in a region. Check the quotas
page to ensure that you have enough GPUs available in your project
and request a quota increase. Free Trial accounts do not receive GPU
quota by default.
If you cannot find any item listed below by changing the filter conditions of "Quota Type" and "Metric", you can try to find it manually.
Select "All quotas" for "Quota Type", after all the items listed below, you can use ctrl + f to find "GPU" page by page, until you find the one with GPU and the location is "Global".
Have not seen mentioned in other answers so in addition to checking your quota status (using the console or gcloud compute regions describe <region-name> also check you're creating the VM in a region and zone that has GPUs available.
You can check availability here:
This had me stumped for a bit as the quota metrics showed available quota in europe-west3 but that region only has (at the time of this answer) GPUs in zone b. Also GPU type availability varies by zone.
The auto selected zone on the console VM creation page is zone c so the option for adding GPUs was greyed out.
It seems that the way of doing this has been continually changing and none of the current answers show exactly how to do this.
You need to first go to IAM & Admin:
Then find the Quotas at the very bottom on the left navigation pane:
Then go to the filter and find "Limit name":
Then start typing "GP" and you should see "GPUS-ALL-REGIONS-per-project" (name will probably change)
If you are using the free trial, you might not be allowed to select:
In this case, you need to upgrade your account to paid (although you should still be able to use your trial funds).