How to make a shape a fixed size, in -

I have hosted locally and we are using it to have a visual representation of what pallets are where in our warehouse. The problem is that is that when dragging pallets around you often accidentally resize them, which is a pain. Is there anyway i can disable this or lock the size of the pallets?

Select a shape and in the right-hand format panel click "edit style":
The style is a set of key/value semicolon separated pairs. Add resizable=0; to the style and press OK:
When you duplicate this shape the style will also be copied. You might also want to create a custom library with the style present.


Enterprise architect dynamically change text appearance based on tag value

I am not sure how to do this.
I am using a table to create a data dictionary.
For each data item name, if it has a certain tag value, I'd like to change the color and italicize the font. How do I accomplish this?
Sadly, you can't (easily). The font can only be changed from the context menu for a single diagram element (either globally of for the very diagram). Shape script does not offer changes to the font. Only the color can be changed with SetFontColor. In any case, a font change affects any text in a diagram element. You can not highlight e.g. a single attribute.
What can be done is to implement an add-in that can change the font for single elements based on some implemented rule. The easiest would be to run a "global-change" macro that goes through all diagram-/elements and sets the font.

Two column TPopupMenu to list shortcuts right aligned

Using Borland/CodeGear/Ebarcadero C++ Builder 2009. Is it possible to show shortcuts (or other text), right aligned in a second column in a TPopupMenu ?
For instance:
[image] Open File ctrl-O
[image] Close File ctrl-W
[image] BlahBlah ctrl-B
If so, how ?
I checked the break property on an item, but the results is not exactly what I want, since items are selectable on their own, instead of the complete line. Also it's not drawn that nicely.
Your feedback appreciated.
A menu item can have an image (see the TMenuItem.ImageIndex property), and can have a shortcut assigned (see the TMenuItem.ShortCut property). The VCL will automatically draw those elements for you, exactly as you have shown.
By default, they are a little squished together. You can use the TMenuItem.OnMeasureItem event to extend the Width:
If you still do not like the way the default drawing looks, or you want different text than the ShortCut to appear on the right side, you will have to owner-draw the menu items yourself (see the TMenuItem.OnDrawItem and TMenuItem.OnAdvancedDrawItem events), then you can make the menu items appear however you want.

Qt - Display several, selectable lines

Im writing a tool that simulates Turing machines.
Here, Ive got a transition table of a such a machine
When a cell is double-clicked, a little dialog pops up (which is a custom widget, derived from QFrame) and should allow editing the contens of a cell. A cell may contain several rules (those |q2, 3, R| and such) and I want that little dialog to show these. The thing is that a user should be able to add and remove rules. At first, I wanted to use QLabels for that, which is fine with the adding aspect, but how do I remove existing rules? I planned having the user select the rules and click "Remove" but do I make sure the entire rule (QLabel) is selected?
Or should I take a completely ddifferennt approach to removing? Like letting every label have an own checkbox?
I would like to keep it as simple as possible. For example, QTableWidget is too "fat" for this, I feel like
You should use a QListWidget - this will allow multiple lines, multiple selection, without the cells or horizontal/vertical headers.

How to remove the GtkTreeView sorting arrow?

I need to remove the sorting arrow from a column header. This can be done by calling set_sort_indicator(false) on the column.
The arrow isn't displayed, but the space for it seems to still be reserved. If the title of the column is big enough to fill all the header, the last part is clipped (where the arrow should be).
Is there a way to make the title fill the whole header?
This seems to be a bit weird in GTK+. I downloaded and read through relevant parts of the GtkTreeViewColumn's code, and it seems to use this logic:
if (tree_column->show_sort_indicator ||
(GTK_IS_TREE_SORTABLE (model) && tree_column->sort_column_id >= 0))
gtk_widget_show (arrow);
gtk_widget_hide (arrow);
Where arrow is the widget holding the arrow. This seems to indicate that the arrow widget is always packed into the horizontal box that makes up the column's header, and then just hidden (not removed) if it's not supposed to be visible. That will mean it's still there in the box, occupying space and causing the label to be clipped.
I'd recommend searching through the GTK+ bugtracker for an issue about this, and if none is found, create one.
Ok, so I've submitted a bug report to gtk. They said that it is not an issue and it won't be fixed.
I've looked on other graphical toolkits (windows, qt) and their implementation is different, but this doesn't seem to matter to the guys in the gtk team.
Ok you can use set_clickable method to the the column you don't want it to have an arrow
then use signal_connect to the clicked signal and bind it to a function which will use get_sort_column_id to get the current sort order then apply the reverse sort order using set_sort_column_id.

How to add data Filtering using CListCtrl and CHeaderCtrl

Applications that manipulate a collection of data typically present using a grid containing a header. These same applications typically incorporate a filter to allow the user to narrow the data set (Excel is a wonderful example. There are many others).
In my MFC application, I'm attempting to do the same using the CListCtrl and CHeaderCtrl combination. This combination has already enabled my application to provide for multiple column sorting including using the Image capabilities of the individual header items to represent ascending/descending sort order.
I have used my best Google-fu to locate any examples where the CHeaderCtrl was extended/customized to include custom drawing to account for the addition of the filter button and display an associated drop menu for user input of filter criteria when clicked.
Are there examples I missed?
If no examples available via the internet, what approach(es) should I consider in customizing CListCtrl and CHeaderCtrl to accomplish my goal?
Additional Comments:
One of the answers referenced the built-in FilterBar functionality. Yes I've seen that but it's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking to specifically emulate the non-static, non-visually intrusive filtering capabilities of Excel and other filter-enabled applications.
My Google-fu confirms yours, no examples that add non-invasive filter interface to CListCtrl, with or without the CHeaderCtrl.
Simple approach
In your HDN_ITEMCLICK handler, check the ((NMHEADER)lParam).iButton. For iButton == 1, that's the right mouse button. Here's your chance to show a little CWnd-dervied filter UI. Problem with this approach is there's no visual indication that right-click will bring up a filter menu.
More complicated
Create three column header images - filter icon, up arrow + filter icon, down arrow + filter icon. When not sorted on a column, show the filter only image, otherwise use the appropriate arrow + filter image. Handle click on the CListCtrl at the NM_RCLICK level so you get coordinate info (example.) Do some geometry to figure out if the click was on your filter icon, if so, show a little CWnd-derived filter UI. You can get even fancier and show the current filter in header tooltips, create more images with colored filters to show when a filter is active.
Is this you are looking for?
Since it is in other language, I have given the googled address. Refer second result.