How to get mouse events on screen with c++ mfc - c++

Now, I'm developing desktop window apps with c++ mfc.
I wanna get the mouse move and down event on the desktop background.
Why I want these, this app requires all windows move and resize event, and also mouse position.
After so many googling, I don't search things as a right solution.
Someone suggests that global mouse hooks is helpful, but I don't really know how to use this.
What is your idea about this?
Please help me to find a right solution.
Best Regards

You're looking for the windows low level global input hook api SetWindowsHookEx
You can find more information here:
Specifically, you're looking to use the "low level" mouse hook like so:
HHOOK mousehook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE_LL, MouseHookProc, NULL, 0);
You'll need to use this with a windows message queue per this link:
Why must SetWindowsHookEx be used with a windows message queue
The low-level hooks, WH_KEYBOARD_LL and WH_MOUSE_LL are different from all the other hooks. They don't require a DLL to be injected into the target process. Instead, Windows calls your hook callback directly, inside your own process. To make that work, a message loop is required. There is no other mechanism for Windows to make callbacks on your main thread, the callback can only occur when you've called Get/PeekMessage() so that Windows is in control.
A global hook like WH_KEYBOARD is very different. It requires a DLL and the callback occurs within the process that processes the keyboard message. You need some kind of inter-process communication to let your own program be aware of this. Named pipes are the usual choice. Which otherwise of course requires that this injected process pumps a message loop. It wouldn't get keyboard messages otherwise.
Favor a low-level hook, they are much easier to get going. But do pump or it won't work. And beware of timeouts, if you're not responsive enough then Windows will kill your hook without notice.


How pump COM messages in STA without pumping WM_PAINT?

I need to pump COM messages while waiting for an event to fix a deadlock. It's better to pump as few messages as possible just to process that COM call. The best candidate for this role is CoWaitForMultipleHandles but starting from Vista it pumps WM_PAINT in addition to COM messages. Pumping WM_PAINT is too dangerous for me from re-entrance perspective and I don't want to install a custom shim database as a solution for this problem.
I'm trying to pump COM messages sent to the hidden message-only window manually.
I have found two ways to get HWND of the hidden window:
((SOleTlsData *) NtCurrentTeb()->ReservedForOle)->hwndSTA using ntinfo.h from .NET Core. This seems to be undocumented and not reliable solution in terms of future changes.
Find window of OleMainThreadWndClass as suggested in this question. The problem is that CoInitialize does not create the window. It is created later on first cross-apartment call which may or may not happen in my application. Running the search loop every time I need HWND is bad from performance perspective but caching HWND seems impossible because I don't know when it's created.
Is there a way to determine if the hidden window is created for the current apartment? I suppose it will be cheaper than the loop and then I could find and cache HWND.
Is there a better way to pump COM messages without pumping WM_PAINT?
Update: you can force the window creation by calling CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream for any interface. Then call Co­Release­Marshal­Data to release the stream pointer. This is what I end up doing along with the search for OleMainThreadWndClass.
WM_PAINT is generated when there is no other message in the message queue and you execute GetMessage or use PeekMessage.
But WM_PAINT is only sent if you Dispatch it. Also there is no new WM_PAINT message until a window is invalidated again.
So it depends on you if you dispatch a WM_PAINT message or not. But be aware, there are other chances of reentrances like a WM_TIMER message.
The details about this are in the docs for WM_PAINT.
From my point of view the best solution would be to set you application in a "wait" mode, that even can handle WM_PAINT in this undefined waiting state. You know when you are reentered. It is always after a WM_PAINT... or similar messages that arrive like other input messages. So I don't see any problems here. An STA has one thread and you always process messages to an end, until you execute GetMessage, launch a modal dialog or show a MessageBox. When you are inside some message handling, nothing will disturb you.
Maybe an other solution would be to wait inside a second thread for this event. This thread may not have any windows and you can translate the event to anything you need in your application.
So you question may not have enough information how this deadlock really appears. So this answer may not be sufficient.
After writing als this I tend to the opinion that this is an XY problem.

WM_SETFOCUS, get app that just lost focus

When my WTL C++ application is activated or gets the keyboard focus I need to determine the window handle of the application that was previously activated/had focus. However, the window handles (LPARAM) of both the WM_SETFOCUS and WM_ACTIVATE messages are both NULL (XP, 32 bit).
How can I determine the application that just lost focus when my application is activated? Is there a simple way to do this or will I need to roll a special CBT hook?
An easy way to see exactly what messages are being sent and what their parameters are is to fire up Spy++ and set it to Log Messages while you Alt+Tab to another window.
Consistent with what you've discovered, the lParam for both WM_SETFOCUS and WM_ACTIVATE will be NULL when the previously active window (or the window being active) is not in the same thread.
You might have more luck with WM_ACTIVATEAPP, as David suggested. Once you get the thread identifier, you can try calling the GetGUIThreadInfo function to determine the active window for that thread. This function will work even if the active window is not owned by the calling process.
If your app is anything other than a small utility that the user is not expected to keep open and running for very long, I would shy away from using a CBT hook if at all possible, given the potential performance implications. Unfortunately, interaction like this across process boundaries is difficult.
If you're not afraid of using things that may break with future versions of Windows, you could investigate the RegisterShellHookWindow function. I can't tell you much about it, having never used it myself, but it's an easier way to get the shell messages you would otherwise only receive by installing a hook.
It was around as far back as Windows 2000, but wasn't included in the SDK until XP SP1. It still exists in Windows Vista and 7, as far as I can tell.

c++ get other windows messages

im learning to make things to other windows like resize the ie or any type of window. the only problem i don't know how i can get or give messages to other windows.
so like i pressed a key in ie i would like to get that message to my program too!
any idea
To get the messages that are sent to windows programs you have to install a hook in order to listen to the messages you want. You do this via the SetWindowsHookEx function.
However, I believe that you should read a book about this kind of behaviour, since there are certain rules you have to apply. For instance, before returning from your callback function, you have to call CallNextHookEx in order to let the other hooks handle the message. This is the first hit in when searching for setwindowshookex.
Normally your application won't receive Windows messages for other applications (this can be a security problem, for example with keylogger spyware). However, the CBT Hook method can be used to install a hook that receives other window message inputs.
However, note that a Windows feature called UIPI can cause problems with CBT hooks.

I want to monitor global mouse event, how to do it by using MFC?

I want to write a program:
click a window(some other program, like firefox, explorer..)
get this window's HWND
do something to that window
My method is using PeekMessage to get event, but looks like PeekMessage only peek the message send from my program.
So how can I add a hook to all the other windows, or monitor global events?
SetWindowsHookEx, with the WH_MOUSE or possibly WH_MOUSE_LL flag. MFC itself doesn't really have much to do with this, at least to my recollection (though, behind the scenes, MFC can/does install a hook, or maybe even more than one, itself).

WINAPI: Look at messages from other process

I'm quite new to the Windows API and would like to know how to peek at messages another process receives. As an example, I would like to get the HWND of, say, notepad and peek at all messages that are sent to this window. I code in C/C++.
Thank you
You can use SetWindowsHookEx function, with WH_CALLWNDPROC or some other type of hook, and here is an example.
The WH_CBT can give you great opportunities because you can get a HCBT_CREATEWND code from it and it's sent to you right before a window is created, thus giving you a possibility to provide your own window proc instead of the real one and then be able to get all messages possible with it.
Remember though, greater possibilities also mean greater responsibility. Say you "subclassed" some window, providing your window proc, if your application that set a hook exits, next thing you'll see is the application, whose messages you were peeking at, crashes if you didn't put the address of the original window proc back to where it belongs. The benefit of this kind of hooking is the ability to wait for a certain window (say with a certain window class, or name) to be created and get into that process before any window you're interested in would even be created.
You want to look into SetWindowsHookEx
You are looking for Windows Hooks .
You can trap SendMessage in the target process using CallWndProc hook procedure.