Increase EBS Volume size of AWS Lightsail - amazon-web-services

I want to increase 80 GB Storage of AWS Lightsail max plan. Can I increase that?

Currently there is no way to increase the storage in the max plan. Unlike EC2, in Lightsail you have to upgrade the bundle to get more storage and you are already at the maximum bundle.
aws lightsail get-bundles
lists your bundle as the max. So there is no way to increase the storgae beyond 80GB. You have to choose EC2 service for your needs. Lightsail is not the solution for your needs. At this time, there is no way to launch an EC2 instance from your Lightsail snapshots.

As of November 2017, you can now attach up to 15 additional disks to an instance. These are EBS General Purpose SSD (gp2) volumes, priced around $0.10 per GB-month.


How to configure MariaDB(self hosted in EC2) storage on an EBS volume?

I have installed MariaDB on an EC2 instance. EC2 instance is small in size as our product is in development phase and we have very less traffic.
I want to keep an EBS volume for MariaDB data storage, so that as our traffic increases we can attach the EBS volume to a bigger EC2 instance and my data get transferred automatically.
Is keeping data storage on EBS(network) is a good approach? Will it not lead to more latent read/write?
If it won't impact my performance, what is the way to configure it?
An EC2 instance is made of 2 things - Compute & Storage.
Storage is basically an EBS volume (kind of Hard Disk of your laptop) that includes your OS files as well as other files for the software installed on your EC2.
Since, you are running your database on an EC2 instance, this EBS volume will also store your MariaDB database files on the same EBS where your OS is installed. It is not like, you can store MariaDB data on some other EBS.
So, when your data grows, you can expand EBS volume of your existing EC2 instance. You can follow this tutorial to learn how to do that - Increase the size of an Amazon EBS volume on an EC2 instance
Second thing is about performance. If your traffic increases, and you feel, you need more processing power (RAM or CPU), in that case you can upgrade your instance family. Refer this to see how to do that - Change the instance type.
As you will be spending a fixed monthly cost to run the EC2, my recommendation would be to use Aurora Serverless v2 with minimum capacity you need initially. Later, it can automatically scale itself when the traffic grows.

Amazon EC2 1 GB of Amazon Elastic Block Storage snapshot storage being used quickly

It seems that my EC2 usage limit is being reached rather quickly. I have deleted all of my EC2 instances and most of my S3 buckets, and none of my EC2 instances even exist in the terminated state. Are there any other services other than EC2 that use the EBS storage? Thanks in advance.
Amazon EBS is only used by Amazon EC2 instances. (Well, it is also used by Amazon RDS, but it shows up as an RDS charge, not EBS.)
We are currently about a third of the way through the month, so you'd want to be around 30% of usage.
The Amazon EBS snapshot usage is ahead of that (58%). If this worries you, then you can delete snapshots under the Snapshots section in the EC2 console. Amazon Machines Images (AMIs) also use EBS snapshots, so check the Images section too.
The amounts are "growing" because they are based on a month of usage. So, 1GB for 1 day is ~ 3% of the month's total.
However, there is little need to panic — EBS Snapshots are charged at 5c/GB/month, so at the current rate of usage you might be charged 10c.
There can be another possibility where you run an instance with EBS volumes 'not deleted' even after the termination of instance, it can accrue storage charges also. So delete those ones also in the 'Volumes' section of EC2 instance if its still unused.

AWS - EBS Snapshots is exceeding free tier

2 months ago I started using AWS and now I am having an issue with the Free Tier.
I installed a system with the elastic beanstalk tool (1 EC2 and 1 RDS).
Now I am seeing in Management Dashboard that I will be exceeding my monthly limit for EBS Snapshots. The forecast is 194.94% and I am just starting the month.
I reviewed all the settings and I couldn't find anything strange.
1 Running instances
1 volumes
2 Key Pairs
1 Elastic Ips
1 Snapshots
By looking the volume menu in AWS, the Snapshot id in the only volume that I have is not the same as the snapshot that I have. This is strange.
volume information:
Volume ID --> vol-0cff610c
Size --> 8 Gib
Volume type --> gp2
IOPS --> 100 / 3000
Snapshot --> snap-04786
State --> in-use
And in the snapshot menu, the volume id is not the same as the volume that I have in the other view.
Snapshot Information
Snapshot ID --> snap-0d2988
Size --> 8Gib
Volume --> vol-05f5fee
Status --> completed
Does anybody have an idea of what is causing this problem with the EBS?
Firstly, don't panic. EBS Snapshots are 5c/GB/month. Worst case, 8GB = 40c/month.
Secondly, if you don't want a snapshot, just delete it. Especially if you don't remember making it, and don't need to keep it.
Elastic Beanstalk can create AWS resources and terminate them automatically for you, depending on your workload.
If your server was under heavy workload at some point, Elastic Beanstalk could have provisioned auto scaling group with Elastic Load Balancer, and the number of EC2 instances can increase to cater for the increased workload.
As the workload drops, it can terminate the instances for you as well. Resulting in left-over snapshots, especially if you code writes to the local EC2 hdd.
Elastic Beanstalk is the "one-click" solution for deploying scalable clusters of servers.
Similar services are as follow :
Elastic Beanstalk (easiest)
Cloud Formation (hardest)
LightSail is not included here as it doesn't really scale automatically. Lambda is serverless so it is fundamentally different.
today I reviewed again the information and AWS console.
My problem was that I have an unused AMI and the snapshot was related to that AMI.
I thought that the only AMI I had was being used by the instance. But I was wrong, the AMI used in the instance was a different one. Probably because I started my instance with elastic beanstalk.
So the solution was to deregister this unused AMI, then delete the Snapshot.
Thanks to all

Hitting EBS volume limit

I am trying to launch 210 instances of type p2.xlarge. Earlier I am hitting instance limit which I have increased now to 300 but now I am getting 'Client.VolumeLimitExceeded: Volume limit exceeded' error. Can you please help to resolve this issue? Any one knows the
What is Volume limit?
What should I request to increase inorder to run 210 instance (p2.xlarge) and aviod this error.
Your error means: Client.VolumeLimitExceeded: The limit on the number of EBS volumes or total storage was exceeded. Decrease usage or request an increase in your limits.
The AWS Limits page for EBS lists the default limit being 5,000 EBS volumes and 10,000 EBS snapshots. Total storage limit is 20 TB per type (gp2, io12, st1, sc1). Make sure that this is not your issue.
Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) Limits
To request an increase for EBS go to Volume List Increase Request. On the same page your can change the Limit Type for other limit increases.
I would open a support case with Amazon support and ask them to review your requirements to make sure that all your limits are managed for this usage case instead of hitting one limit after the other. Amazon will definitely help you.
The default EBS limits are: Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) Limits
It is the number of EBS volumes an account can use. You have a bigger problem if you are launching 210 p2.xlarge instances. You will hit various resource limits. You may need to request increase in limits for those resources.
Delete unattached/unused EBS volumes in your account
Check your EBS limits in: Amazon EC2 Service Limits
Calculate the number of volumes you will be using for each instance (Check your AMI)
Request for more EBS volume limit.

Working with ECS container instance without the EBS

I am using the free tier of AWS. I am experimenting with ECS and am following the article to create an ECS instance. One this I noticed is that using the community image amzn-ami-2016.03.e-amazon-ecs-optimized adds an EBS volume which cuts into my free tier usage. My question is, is this EBS volume required and can I do it without the EBS volume?
Any EC2 instance would need a Root volume at the very least to start the OS. All volumes in AWS are EBS volumes. So if you were wondering if you can have an EC2 instance without EBS, I don't think that is possible.
However, you can still reduce your EBS cost. It costs 10 cents per GB per month for an EBS volume. If you would notice, all Amazon ECS optimized EC2 instances are configured to use 30GB of EBS volume storage. That means you pay $3.00 extra per EC2 instance for a month! 8 out of that 30 GB is for Root, and 22 out of 30GB is for docker use.
By default, the Amazon ECS-optimized Amazon Linux AMI ships with 30
GiB of total storage. You can modify this value at launch time to
increase or decrease the available storage on your container instance.
This storage is used for the operating system and for Docker images
and metadata. The sections below describe the storage configuration of
the Amazon ECS-optimized Amazon Linux AMI, based on the AMI version.
Of course, you don't need the full 8GB for Root and full 22GB for docker. So you can lower your cost by reducing the size of those volumes to say 2GB for Root and 2GB for docker use. Then you would be paying 40 cents per month, and not $3.00.
Reducing volume size, as far as I know, is not easy.
Since that is out of scope for this question, I will just provide this link for interested parties.
Now that you are aware that there are 2 volumes used by ecs optimized instances, there is a way for you to NOT use the 22GB volume at all, and simply use the Root volume for docker storage. This too is not easy but can be done by creating your own AMI with docker and ecs agent installed. Then you will have to configure your docker to use the Root volume instead of the other one. Here is a thread which slightly discussed this issue.
For AWS ECS there is no additional charge for Amazon EC2 Container Service. You pay for AWS resources (e.g. EC2 instances or EBS volumes) you create to store and run your application. Free tier in AWS only Amazon EC2 Container Registry is part of free tier which offers 500 MB for storage.
And also if you are creating ECS containers from amzn-ami-2016.03.e-amazon-ecs-optimized AMI the volumes will be EBS so you will have to pay for EBS volumes.