How to loop over an array only with one index? - fortran

I have the code kind of like this in F90:
real(8), dimension(10,10,10) :: A
do i = 1, 1000
I'm very surprised this worked and it's faster than simply looping over 3 dimensions by i,j,k.
Can someone please explain why this works?

Your code is illegal. But under the hood the memory layout of the array happens to be in the column major order as in the triple loop k,j,i, so the code appears to work. But it is illegal.
If you enable runtime error checks in your compiler (see the manual), it will find the error and report it.
It may be slightly faster, if you do not enable compiler optimizations, because there is some overhead in nested loops, but an optimizing compiler will optimize the code to one loop.
If you actually did (you should always show your code!!!)
do i=1,10
do j=1,10
do k=1,10
something with A(i,j,k)
then please note that that is the wrong order and you should loop in the k,j,i order.
Also please note that measuring the speed of printing to the screen is not useful and can be very tricky. Some mathematical operations are more useful.


Fortran - Write Statement effects subsequent calculations [duplicate]

I've having trouble with some old code used for research that I would like to compile using the Intel Fortran compiler. In a particular subroutine, I get segmentation faults unless I add in a write statement that just outputs the value of the loop index.
do j=1,ne
write(*,*) 'j=', j
What could be causing my error such that this write statement would fix my segmentation fault? (Note: j is declared as an integer)
Classic ways of causing this type of error which is 'fixed' by inserting write statements:
walking off the end of an array -- use your compiler to switch on bounds-checking and debugging options to check for this;
disagreement between arguments provided to a sub-program and arguments expected. Again, use your compiler if possible, your eyes otherwise.
Odds are 5-to-1 that one of these is the cause.

Writing out arrays fixes a problem for a reason unknown to me

When I run certain programs using FORTRAN 77 with the GNU gfortran compiler I have come across the same problem several times and I'm hoping someone has insight. The value I want should be ~ 1, but it writes out at the end of a program as something well over 10^100. This is generally a problem restricted to arrays for me. The improper value often goes away when I write out the value of this at some stage in the program before (which inevitably happens in trying to troubleshoot the issue).
I have tried initializing arrays explicitly and have tried some array bound checking as well as some internal logical checks in my program. The issue, to me and my research supervisor, seems to be pathological.
WRITE(*,*)"OK9999", INV,INVV
The former gives incorrect results for what I would expect for the variables INV and INVV, the latter correct. This is the 'newest' example of this problem, which has on and off affected me for about a year.
The greater context of these lines is:
DO 167 NP=1!,NV
I1STOR(1) and I2STOR(1) are written correctly in the first case "AFTER ENERGY" above. If I write out the value of NP after the DO 167 line, this will also remedy the situation.
My expectation would be that writing out a variable wouldn't affect its value. Often times I am doing large, time-intensive calculations where the ultimate value is way off and in many cases it has traced back to the situation where writing the value out (to screen or file) magically alleviates the problem. Any help would be sincerely appreciated.

FFTW in Fortran result contains only zeros

I have been trying to write a simple program to perform an fft on a 1D input array using fftw3. Here I am using a seismogram as an input. The output array is, however, coming out to contain only zeroes.
I know that the input is correct as I have tried doing the fft of the same input file in MATLAB as well, which gives correct results. There is no compilation error. I am using f95 to compile this, however, gfortran was also giving pretty much the same results. Here is the code that I wrote:-
program fft
use functions
implicit none
include 'fftw3.f90'
integer nl,row,col
double precision, allocatable :: data(:,:),time(:),amplitude(:)
double complex, allocatable :: out(:)
integer*8 plan
do row = 1,nl
read(1,*,end=101) data(row,1),data(row,2)
end do
101 close(1)
call dfftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(plan,nl,amplitude,out,FFTW_R2HC,FFTW_PATIENT)
call dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(plan, amplitude, out)
call dfftw_destroy_plan(plan)
do row=1,(nl/2+1)
print *,out(row)
end do
end program fft
The nlines() function is a function which is used to calculate the number of lines in a file, and it works correctly. It is defined in the module called functions.
This program pretty much tries to follow the example at
There might just be a very simple logical error that I am making, but I am seriously unable to figure out what is going wrong here. Any pointers would be very helpful.
This is pretty much how the whole output looks like:-
My doubt is directly regarding fftw, since there is a tag for fftw on SO, so I hope this question is not off topic
As explained in the comments first by #roygvib and #Ross, the plan subroutines overwrite the input arrays because they try the transform many times with different parameters. I will add some practical use considerations.
You claim you do care about performance. Then there are two possibilities:
You do the transform only once as you show in your code. Then there is no point to use FFTW_MEASURE. The planning subroutine is many times slower than actual plan execute subroutine. Use FFTW_ESTIMATE and it will be much faster.
FFTW_MEASURE tells FFTW to find an optimized plan by actually
computing several FFTs and measuring their execution time. Depending
on your machine, this can take some time (often a few seconds).
FFTW_MEASURE is the default planning option.
FFTW_ESTIMATE specifies that, instead of actual measurements of
different algorithms, a simple heuristic is used to pick a (probably
sub-optimal) plan quickly. With this flag, the input/output arrays are
not overwritten during planning.
You do the same transform many times for different data. Then you must do the planning only once before the first transform and than re-use the plan. Just make the plan first and only then you fill the array with the first input data. Making the plan before every transport would make the program extremely slow.

FORALL causes stack overflow

I am implementing a genetic algorithm to numerically estimate some coefficients in a system of ODEs based on experimental data. I am just learning Fortran along as I implement the algorithms. My config is a Intel Fortran 2015 running on Windows 7/Visual Studio 2013, on an old i7 processor.
I have the following piece among a multitude of lines of code:
IF (population(9,i) < 0.0_DOUBLE) population(9, i) = square_error(population(1:8, i))
Where I just defined DOUBLE to be:
N_CROMOSOMES is an INTEGER argument to the function, that defines the size of the array population, which in turn is a (9 x N_CROMOSOMES) array of type REAL(KIND=DOUBLE). For each column on this array, its first 8 elements represent the 8 coefficients that I am estimating, and the ninth element is the error associated with that particular 8 guesses for the coefficients. square_error is the function that determines it.
In this point of the program, I have marked columns that were just created or that were altered as having an error of -1. Hence, the "IF (population(9,i)<0.0_DOUBLE)": I am checking the columns of the array whose error is -1 in order to compute their error.
The thing is, I just rewrote most of my code, and spent the past few days correcting mysterious bugs. Before this, the code worked just fine with a FORALL instead of DO. Now it says gives an error "stack overflow" when I use FORALL, but works with DO. But it takes a lot more time to do its job.
Does anyone knows the cause of this, and also, how to solve it? It is clear to me that my code can highly benefit from paralellization, but I am not so sure how to do it.
Thanks for your time.

Fortran runtime error "fixed" by writing output

I've having trouble with some old code used for research that I would like to compile using the Intel Fortran compiler. In a particular subroutine, I get segmentation faults unless I add in a write statement that just outputs the value of the loop index.
do j=1,ne
write(*,*) 'j=', j
What could be causing my error such that this write statement would fix my segmentation fault? (Note: j is declared as an integer)
Classic ways of causing this type of error which is 'fixed' by inserting write statements:
walking off the end of an array -- use your compiler to switch on bounds-checking and debugging options to check for this;
disagreement between arguments provided to a sub-program and arguments expected. Again, use your compiler if possible, your eyes otherwise.
Odds are 5-to-1 that one of these is the cause.