Cannot run Google ML engine locally due to Tensorflow issues - google-cloud-platform

I'm trying to run the Google Cloud ML engine locally for debugging purposes by running the command gcloud ml-engine local predict --model-dir=fasttext_cloud/ --json-instances=debug_instance.json. However, I'm getting the error: ERROR: ( Cannot import Tensorflow.
This is strange as Tensorflow works fine on my machine. Even a simple example like python -c 'import tensorflow' has no issues whatsoever.

Is TensorFlow installed in a virtual environment or a non-standard location that isn't on the Python path when running from gcloud?
Its a bit kludgy but I would do the following to check the Python path being used by gcloud. Modify the file
At the top of the file add
import sys
Then run
gcloud ml-engine
This should print out the python path and you can now check that it includes the location where TensorFlow is installed.

Can you upgrade to the latest gcloud release (171.0.0) and retry?
To upgrade, run
$ gcloud components update


Using Pyomo GLPK in google cloud app engine

I set up a Flask service local using pyomo glpk solver, and it runs correctly on my local machine.
But when I uploaded it to a GCloud App Engine, with the exact same virtual environment that worked locally, I got the error:
RuntimeError: Attempting to use an unavailable solver.
I've already downloaded the glpk windows version from the glpk website and used glpsol.exe path as an argument and that worked locally, but didn't work on my GCloud App Engine.
I ran conda install -c conda-forge glpk with the virtual environment activated, which did not help.
import pandas as pd
from pyomo.opt import SolverStatus, TerminationCondition
from pyomo.environ import *
import sys
solver=SolverFactory('glpk', executable='venv\\Library\\bin\\glpsol.exe')
This is the relevant part of my code. I've tried different glpsol.exe paths, with no success so far.
Does anyone know how to deploy a pyomo with glpk solver to a GCloud App Engine environment?
You won't be able to run a Windows executable on App Engine.
There's no Windows OS through the service..
I didnt't get a solution to this problem, so I decided to use another solver library.

loading the TensorBoard notebook extension suddenly fails in a Colab notebook

Loading the TensorBoard notebook extension fails suddenly.
Following the Colab example:
Tried restarting the runtime, had no effect.
!pip install -q tf-nightly-2.0-preview
# Load the TensorBoard notebook extension
%load_ext tensorboard
Actual result:
The tensorboard module is not an IPython extension.
I can't even find any other reference to this error return.
Use %load_ext tensorboard.notebook instead. This will work. It is an already raised Issue on gitHub.

No module name `keras` under tmux on AWS instance

I am trying to use Amazon AWS instance to train my network. To run it under keras, I need to run
source activate tensorflow_p36
first and it works. Unfortunately, if I do the same from under tmux, it says it can't find keras module.
Why and how to overcome?
You can refer to the solution suggested in TMUX Session Won't Import Python Module. If you start the tmux session first and then import tensorflow it should work. At least my issue was resolved when I used this sequence other wise I got an error saying tensorflow module was not found.

How to ensure software package version consistency in AWS SageMaker serverless compute?

I am learning AWS SageMaker which is supposed to be a serverless compute environment for Machine Learning. In this type of serverless compute environment, who is supposed to ensure the software package consistency and update the versions?
For example, I ran the demo program that came with SageMaker, deepar_synthetic. In this second cell, it executes the following: !conda install -y s3fs
However, I got the following warning message:
Solving environment: done
==> WARNING: A newer version of conda exists. <==
current version: 4.4.10
latest version: 4.5.4
Please update conda by running
$ conda update -n base conda
Since it is serverless compute, am I still supposed to update the software packages myself?
Another example is as follows. I wrote a few simple lines to find out the package versions in Jupyter notebook:
import platform
import tensorflow as tf
print (tf.version)
However, I got the following warning messages:
/home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/tensorflow_p36/lib/python3.6/importlib/ RuntimeWarning: compiletime version 3.5 of module 'tensorflow.python.framework.fast_tensor_util' does not match runtime version 3.6
return f(*args, **kwds)
/home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/tensorflow_p36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h5py/ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from float to np.floating is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as np.float64 == np.dtype(float).type.
from ._conv import register_converters as _register_converters
The prints still worked and I got the results shown beolow:
I am wondering what I have to do to get the package consistent so that I don't get the warning messages. Thanks.
Today, SageMaker Notebook Instances are managed EC2 instances but users still have full control over the the Notebook Instance as root. You have full capabilities to install missing libraries through the Jupyter terminal.
To access a terminal, open your Notebook Instance to the home page and click the drop-down on the top right: “New” -> “Terminal”.
Note: By default, conda installs to the root environment.
The following are instructions you can follow on how to install libraries in the particular conda environment.
In general you will need following commands,
conda env list
which list all of your conda environments
source activate <conda environment name>
e.g. source activate python3
conda list | grep <package>
e.g. conda list | grep numpy
list what are the current package versions
pip install numpy
conda install numpy
Note: Periodically the SageMaker team releases new versions of libraries onto the Notebook Instances. To get the new libraries, you can stop and start your Notebook Instance.
If you have recommendations on libraries you would like to see by default, you can create a forum post under . Alternatively, you can bootstrap your Notebook Instances with Lifecycle Configurations to install custom libraries. More details here:

Import setup module error while deploying to app engine via google cloud sdk

I am writing after a lot of searching and trial and error with no luck.
I am trying to deploy a service in app engine.
You might be aware that deploying on app engine is usually practiced a two step process
1. Deploy on local dev app server
2. If step 1 succeeds deploy on cloud
My problems are with step 1 when I include third party python libraries such as numpy, sklearn, gcloud etc.
I am trying to deploy a service in local devapp server. When I import numpy or any other third party libraries in my script it throws an error saying unable to find the module.
I am using cloud sdk and have two python distributions, the default python 2.7 and anaconda with python 2.7. When I change the path to look for the modules in anaconda distribution, it fails to find module ‘setup’ required by the cloud sdk.
Is there a way to install the cloud sdk for anaconda distribution ?
Any help/pointers will be much appreciated!
When using app engine python standard environment, you can install pure python 3rd party libs using pip by vendoring them as explained here.
There are also a number of libraries included in the python27 runtime which can be requested using the libraries directive in your app.yaml as explained here.
If there's a lib which is not pure python (i.e it uses C extensions) that you want to use in your project, and it's not part of this list, then your only option is to use a flexible VM. If you want to use anaconda, you should consider customizing the runtime for your flexible VM.