Writing a priority queue with a max heap structure in c++ - c++

I am writing a priority queue with a max heap structure as an assignment for school. I can either write it as an array or I can use a vector. I chose a vector. So the assignment is this, the user chooses options from a menu where he either wants to add,print, or view the elements. When the user chooses to add he gets ask who wants to be added, the instructor, student, or TA. He can enter i,I,t,T,S,s. The instructor having the highest priority where if the user chooses the option to print and there is an instructor in the queue he gets to go first. The TA having the second highest priority where if there is a TA and a student in the queue, the TA goes first. If there is is more than one instructor than the queue acts as a normal queue. I have written most of it, or tried. I got my max heap implementation from my textbook since they provide one. Now the problem is this, when I have more than one item in the priority queue and I choose to print, it crashes and gives me a vector subscript out of range exception. I been trying to fix it and no luck. Also, when I try to print the elements in the queue or print them, it needs to say the job# with the name of the person. Can someone help me find a way to implement that.
#pragma once
#include <vector>
struct Heap
std::vector<int> m_elements;
void ReHeapDown(int, int);
void ReHeapUp(int, int);
void Swap(int& a, int& b);
#include "heap.h"
void Heap::ReHeapDown(int index, int bottom)
int maxChild, rightChild, leftChild;
leftChild = index * 2 + 1;
rightChild = index * 2 + 2;
if (leftChild <= bottom)
if (leftChild == bottom)
maxChild = leftChild;
if (m_elements[leftChild] <= m_elements[rightChild])
maxChild = rightChild;
maxChild = leftChild;
if (m_elements[index] < m_elements[maxChild])
Swap(m_elements[index], m_elements[maxChild]);
ReHeapDown(maxChild, bottom);
void Heap::ReHeapUp(int index, int bottom)
int parent;
if (bottom > index)
parent = (bottom - 1) / 2;
if (m_elements[parent] < m_elements[bottom])
Swap(m_elements[parent], m_elements[bottom]);
ReHeapUp(index, parent);
void Heap::Swap(int& a, int& b)
int temp;
temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
#include <iostream>
#include "heap.h"
#pragma once
class PQTYPE
Heap m_Items;
bool isEmpty() const;
void Enqueue(int, std::string);
void Dequeue(int, std::string);
void printElements();
#include "pqtype.h"
bool PQTYPE::isEmpty() const
return m_Items.m_elements.empty();
void PQTYPE::Enqueue(int newItem, std::string lName)
if (lName == "Student")
m_Items.ReHeapUp(0, m_Items.m_elements.size() - 1);
else if (lName == "TA")
m_Items.ReHeapUp(0, m_Items.m_elements.size() - 1);
else if (lName == "Instructor")
m_Items.ReHeapUp(0, m_Items.m_elements.size() - 1);
void PQTYPE::Dequeue(int item, std::string lName)
if (isEmpty())
std::cout << "No jobs to print\n";
m_Items.m_elements[0] = m_Items.m_elements.back();
std::cout << "Now printing Job#" << m_Items.m_elements[item - 1] << " " << lName.c_str() << std::endl;
m_Items.ReHeapDown(0, item - 1);
void PQTYPE::printElements()
if (isEmpty())
std::cout << "No jobs to print\n";
for (int i = 0; i < m_Items.m_elements.size(); i++)
std::cout << "Job#" << m_Items.m_elements[i] << std::endl;
struct Person
int m_priority;
std::string m_name;
m_priority = 0;
m_name = " ";
int showMenu();
void addJobs(PQTYPE&, Person&);
void printJobs(PQTYPE&, Person&);
void viewJobs(PQTYPE&);
int main()
int option;
Person p;
option = showMenu();
switch (option)
case 1: addJobs(pq, p);
case 2: printJobs(pq, p);
case 3: viewJobs(pq);
case 4:
default: std::cout << "Wrong input\n";
} while (option != 4);
return 0;
int showMenu()
int choice;
std::cout << " 1.)Add Job\n";
std::cout << " 2.)Print Job\n";
std::cout << " 3.)View Jobs\n";
std::cout << " 4.)Exit\n";
std::cout << " Enter Choice: ";
std::cin >> choice;
return choice;
void addJobs(PQTYPE& pq, Person& per)
char jobChoice;
std::cout << "Who is the job for ( Instructor(i or I), TA(t or T), Student(s or S) :";
std::cin >> jobChoice;
if (jobChoice == 'S' || jobChoice == 's')
per.m_name = "Student";
pq.Enqueue(per.m_priority, per.m_name);
else if (jobChoice == 'T' || jobChoice == 't')
per.m_name = "TA";
pq.Enqueue(per.m_priority, per.m_name);
if (jobChoice == 'I' || jobChoice == 'i')
per.m_name = "Instructor";
pq.Enqueue(per.m_priority, per.m_name);
void printJobs(PQTYPE& pq, Person& p)
pq.Dequeue(p.m_priority, p.m_name);
void viewJobs(PQTYPE& pq)

In your original code the index used inside Dequeue() for accessing the vector doesn't seem to be initialised in the right way. Let's assume that you have added two entries to your list. In this case the value of P.m_priority inside your main() is 2. Now you're calling printJobs() for the first time. printJobs() calls pq.Dequeue(p.m_priority, p.m_name), so Dequeue() gets p.m_priority as its parameter item. Keep in mind that item has the value 2.
m_Items.m_elements[0] = m_Items.m_elements.back();
std::cout << "Now printing Job#" << m_Items.m_elements[item - 1] << " " << lName.c_str() << std::endl;
You're accessing your std::vector using an index of item - 1. This works for the first time, as there are two elements in your list. In this call, there is also a pop_back() done on your list, which decreases its size by one. The next time you call printJobs(), the given parameter item won't have changed, it still has the value 2. When you access your Itemlist, there is no longer an index of 1, and an subscript out of range exception will be thrown.
There were no fixed priorities assigned to the three entry types in your original version, so I added these (see addJobs() ).
So a possible solution to store the person's name could look like this:
struct Person
int m_priority;
std::string m_name;
m_priority = 0;
m_name = " ";
struct Heap
std::vector<Person> m_elements;
void ReHeapDown(int, int);
void ReHeapUp(int, int);
void Swap(Person& a, Person& b);
void Heap::ReHeapDown(int index, int bottom)
int maxChild, rightChild, leftChild;
leftChild = index * 2 + 1;
rightChild = index * 2 + 2;
if (leftChild <= bottom)
if (leftChild == bottom)
maxChild = leftChild;
if (m_elements[leftChild].m_priority <= m_elements[rightChild].m_priority)
maxChild = rightChild;
maxChild = leftChild;
if (m_elements[index].m_priority < m_elements[maxChild].m_priority)
Swap(m_elements[index], m_elements[maxChild]);
ReHeapDown(maxChild, bottom);
void Heap::ReHeapUp(int index, int bottom)
int parent;
if (bottom > index)
parent = (bottom - 1) / 2;
if (m_elements[parent].m_priority < m_elements[bottom].m_priority)
Swap(m_elements[parent], m_elements[bottom]);
ReHeapUp(index, parent);
void Heap::Swap(Person& a, Person& b)
Person temp;
temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
#include <iostream>
class PQTYPE
Heap m_Items;
bool isEmpty() const;
void Enqueue(Person);
void Dequeue();
void printElements();
bool PQTYPE::isEmpty() const
return m_Items.m_elements.empty();
void PQTYPE::Enqueue(Person newItem)
if (!newItem.m_name.compare("Student"))
m_Items.ReHeapUp(0, m_Items.m_elements.size() - 1);
else if (!newItem.m_name.compare("TA"))
m_Items.ReHeapUp(0, m_Items.m_elements.size() - 1);
else if (!newItem.m_name.compare("Instructor"))
m_Items.ReHeapUp(0, m_Items.m_elements.size() - 1);
void PQTYPE::Dequeue()
if (isEmpty())
std::cout << "No jobs to print\n";
Person front = m_Items.m_elements.front();
std::cout << "Now printing Job#" << front.m_priority << " " << front.m_name.c_str() << std::endl;
m_Items.ReHeapDown(0, m_Items.m_elements.size() - 1);
void PQTYPE::printElements()
if (isEmpty())
std::cout << "No jobs to print\n";
for (int i = 0; i < m_Items.m_elements.size(); i++)
std::cout << "Job#" << m_Items.m_elements[i].m_priority << " " << m_Items.m_elements[i].m_name.c_str() << std::endl;
int showMenu();
void addJobs(PQTYPE&, Person&);
void printJobs(PQTYPE&, Person&);
void viewJobs(PQTYPE&);
int showMenu()
int choice;
std::cout << " 1.)Add Job\n";
std::cout << " 2.)Print Job\n";
std::cout << " 3.)View Jobs\n";
std::cout << " 4.)Exit\n";
std::cout << " Enter Choice: ";
std::cin >> choice;
return choice;
void addJobs(PQTYPE& pq, Person& per)
char jobChoice;
std::cout << "Who is the job for ( Instructor(i or I), TA(t or T), Student(s or S) :";
std::cin >> jobChoice;
if (jobChoice == 'S' || jobChoice == 's')
per.m_priority = 0;
per.m_name = "Student";
else if (jobChoice == 'T' || jobChoice == 't')
per.m_priority = 1;
per.m_name = "TA";
if (jobChoice == 'I' || jobChoice == 'i')
per.m_priority = 2;
per.m_name = "Instructor";
void printJobs(PQTYPE& pq)
void viewJobs(PQTYPE& pq)
int main()
int option;
Person p;
option = showMenu();
switch (option)
case 1: addJobs(pq, p);
case 2: printJobs(pq);
case 3: viewJobs(pq);
case 4:
default: std::cout << "Wrong input\n";
} while (option != 4);
return 0
Are you sure that the methods ReHeapUp and ReHeapDown meet your requirements? And shouldn't there be a distinction between job number and priority?


Areas to improve/change?

I'm not too sure if questions of this sort is allowed on stackoverflow but here it goes. I finished up this assignment to calculate reverse polish expressions with a small set of operators. All the tests passed and I have already submitted the assignment. I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions where I could improve on the code that could be applied to my future assignments/projects.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
class TheStack
void push(double d1);
double pop();
int getNodeTracker();
struct Node
double data;
Node* next;
Node* bottom = NULL;
Node* top = NULL;
Node* newP = NULL;
int nodeTracker = 0;
void TheStack::push(double d1)
newP = new Node;
newP->data = d1;
newP->next = NULL;
if (bottom == NULL)
bottom = top = newP;
top->next = NULL;
newP->next = top;
top = newP;
nodeTracker += 1;
double TheStack::pop()
Node* tempP;
double tempD;
if (top == NULL)
cout << "The stack is empty." << endl;
tempP = top;
tempD = tempP->data;
top = top->next;
nodeTracker -= 1;
int TheStack::getNodeTracker()
return nodeTracker;
bool isOperand(string s1);
bool isOperator(string s1);
double operate(string s1, double d1, double d2);
int processor(string str);
bool validString(string str);
int main()
// getting user input
string str;
getline(cin, str);
// input loop
while (str != "0")
cout << endl;
getline(cin, str);
// end program
return 0;
bool isOperand(string s1)
catch (...)
return false;
return true;
bool isOperator(string s1)
string validOps[4] = { "+", "-", "*", "/" };
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (s1 == validOps[i])
return true;
return false;
double operate(string s1, double d1, double d2)
char op = s1[0];
switch (op)
case '+':
return d1 + d2;
case '-':
return d1 - d2;
case '*':
return d1 * d2;
case '/':
return d1 / d2;
bool validString(string str)
for (int i = str.size()-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (str[i] == '=')
return true;
return false;
int processor(string str)
TheStack stacklist;
istringstream iss(str);
string streamVar;
iss >> streamVar;
// checks if expression has = sign
if (!validString(str))
cout << "Error: Please input valid expression." << endl;
return -1;
// builds and operates upon stack
while (streamVar != "=")
if (isOperand(streamVar))
else if (isOperator(streamVar))
if (stacklist.getNodeTracker() > 1)
double d2 = stacklist.pop();
double d1 = stacklist.pop();
if (streamVar == "/" && d2 == 0)
cout << "Error: Division by 0." << endl;
return -1;
double result = operate(streamVar, d1, d2);
cout << "Error: Too many operators." << endl;
return -1;
iss >> streamVar;
// operand error case
if (stacklist.getNodeTracker() > 1)
cout << "Error: Too many operands." << endl;
return -1;
// output
cout << stacklist.pop() << endl;
return 0;

Creating a deck of Cards

Okay, first off I have looked at various of the questions that were asked about creating a deck of Cards but every single one I looked was using the vector thing, I'm not sure how to write it, cause I have not taken that subject in class so I don't know how to apply it.
The Card.H and Card.cpp are all fine, no need to change a thing in them
I need help in Deck.H and Deck.cpp.
My initialize() function is not finished and I cant seem to know how to finish it and with the other methods in the Deck class I have not tried to write any of them since I cant generate a deck of cards.
Class Card
int m_face;
char m_suit;
Card(int _face = 2 , char _suit = 3);
int GetFace() const;
char GetSuit() const;
void SetFace(int _face);
void SetSuit(char _suit);
void Show() const;
#include "Card.h"
Card::Card(int _face, char _suit)
m_face = _face;
m_suit = _suit;
int Card ::GetFace() const
return m_face;
char Card ::GetSuit() const
return m_suit;
void Card::SetFace(int _face)
m_face = _face;
void Card::SetSuit(char _suit)
m_suit = _suit;
void Card::Show() const
if (m_face == 11)
cout << " J " << m_suit << endl;
else if (m_face == 12)
cout << " Q " << m_suit << endl;
else if (m_face == 13)
cout << " K " << m_suit << endl;
else if (m_face == 14)
cout << " A " << m_suit << endl;
cout << m_face << m_suit << endl;
#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Card.h"
Class Deck
Card m_cards[52];
void Initialize();
void Shuffle();
bool Draw(Card& _card);
void Clear();
bool IsEmpty() const;
#include "Deck.h"
void Deck::Initialize()
int count = 0;
char Suits[] = { 3, 4, 5, 6 };
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) //Suits
for (int F = 2; F < 14; ++F) //faces
void Deck::Shuffle()
bool Deck::Draw(Card& _card
void Deck::Clear()
bool Deck::IsEmpty() const
I don't think your Initialize function needs much more work.
Only 2 remarks:
You forgot a ++count at the end of the inner for loop (now you're setting the same card every time).
As you wrote the inner for loop, the F variable will only be allowed to go up to 13 (because you used < 14). This means your deck won't contain any aces ... most logical thing for me would be to use <= 14 instead.
A little tweaking and it works.
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
class Card
int m_face;
char m_suit;
Card(int _face = 2 , char _suit = 3)
m_face = _face;
m_suit = _suit;
int GetFace() const { return m_face; }
char GetSuit() const { return m_suit; }
void SetFace(int _face) { m_face = _face; }
void SetSuit(char _suit) { m_suit = _suit; }
void Show() const
if (m_face == 11)
cout << " J " << m_suit << endl;
else if (m_face == 12)
cout << " Q " << m_suit << endl;
else if (m_face == 13)
cout << " K " << m_suit << endl;
else if (m_face == 14)
cout << " A " << m_suit << endl;
cout << m_face << m_suit << endl;
class Deck
Card m_cards[52];
int current;
Deck() { Initialize(); }
void Initialize()
current = 51;
int count = 0;
char Suits[] = { 3, 4, 5, 6 };
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) //Suits
for (int F = 2; F <= 14; ++F) //faces
void Shuffle() { std::random_shuffle(m_cards, m_cards + current + 1); }
bool Draw(Card& _card)
if (IsEmpty()) return false;
_card = m_cards[current--];
return true;
void Clear() { current = -1; }
bool IsEmpty() const { return current < 0; }
int main()
Deck deck;
Card c;
return 0;

C++ Stack values not working correctly

I am trying to implement a system that would perform something like say the user enters 4 5 +. It would add the 4 and 5 (9) and push 9 into the stack.
For some reason the values in the stack are huge numbers so I believe it has something to do with a pointer or accessing a wrong field but I'm pulling my hair out trying to find the error. Any help on what I'm doing wrong?
#include "stack.h"
int main()
stack Test;
bool stop = false;
float runningtotal = 0;
while (stop == false)
char input;
cin >> input;
if (input == '+') {
int value1 = Test.top();
int value2 = Test.top();
cout << value1+value2 << endl;
Test.push(value1 + value2);
cout << Test.top();
And the implementation of stack
#include "stack.h"
maxsize = MaxSize;
currentsize = 0;
sptr = new StackElement[maxsize];
delete [] sptr;
void stack::push(StackElement data)
if (currentsize < maxsize)
sptr[currentsize] = data;
} else {
cout << "Stack is full ;-;";
void stack::pop()
if (currentsize == 0) {
cout << "Empty stack? ;-;";
StackElement stack::top()
if (currentsize == 0) {
cout << "Empty stack u ninja ;-;";
return NULL;
} else {
return (sptr[currentsize]);
void stack::push(StackElement data)
if (currentsize < maxsize)
sptr[currentsize] = data;
currentsize++; //<--- incrementing after so nothing in [currentsize] now
} else {
cout << "Stack is full ;-;";
StackElement stack::top()
if (currentsize == 0) {
cout << "Empty stack u ninja ;-;";
return NULL;
} else {
return (sptr[currentsize]);// should use currentsize-1
// latest filled cell
// since its pushing from top
Be sure to convert those ascii codes(49 ish) from keyboard to integer type explanations.
input - 48 should do it.

Segfault/ "Vector is not dereferencable" on std::vector push_back

I have some C++ code dealing with a card game and it's segfaulting and I can't figure out why. I tried running it in MSVS 2012 to get a more clear error and it threw a "Vector is not dereferencable." I tried doing some research but I'm lost on where the error is coming from. I'm guessing the bug isn't in the push_back but rather somewhere else as the problem line works most of the time. The error occurs in Table::hit(). After looking through the code I think the bug may possibly lie in Hand::split() but I am not sure and I am even less sure how to fix it. Thanks!
class Hand
std::vector<Card> hand;
bool active, doubled, isBlackjack, busted;
Hand() : active(true), doubled(false), isBlackjack(false), busted(false) { }
Hand(const Hand& _hand);
void removeCard(Card card) { hand.erase( hand.begin() ); }
Card split();
void clear();
int cards() const { return hand.size(); }
int getHandValue() const;
Card at(int pos) { return hand[pos]; }
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const Hand& hand);
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const std::vector<Hand>& hands);
Hand::Hand(const Hand& _hand)
: hand(_hand.hand), active(_hand.active), doubled(_hand.doubled), isBlackjack(_hand.isBlackjack), busted(_hand.busted)
{ }
Card Hand::split()
Card card = hand[0];
hand.erase( hand.begin() );
return card;
void Hand::clear()
active = true;
int Hand::getHandValue() const
int value(0), aces(0);
for(std::vector<Card>::const_iterator it = hand.cbegin(); it != hand.cend(); ++it)
value += getCardValue(it->getRank());
if(it->getRank() == ACE)
while(aces > 0 && value > 21)
value -= 10;
return value;
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const Hand& hand)
for(std::vector<Card>::const_iterator it = hand.hand.begin(); it != hand.hand.end(); ++it)
out << *it << " ";
out << hand.getHandValue();
return out;
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const std::vector<Hand>& hands)
for(std::vector<Hand>::const_iterator it = hands.begin(); it != hands.end(); ++it)
out << *it << " ";
return out;
class Table
Shoe shoe;
Strategy strat;
Hand dealer;
std::vector< Hand > player;
double balance, blackjackPayoff;
bool hitSoft17;
void deal();
void hit(int split=0);
void split(int split=0);
double stand();
Action getUserAction();
bool isCurrentGame();
Table(int decks, int _balance);
double bet;
void play();
void print();
void simulate(std::string fileName, int hands);
Table::Table(int decks, int _balance)
: shoe(decks), balance(_balance), blackjackPayoff(1.5), hitSoft17(true), bet(10)
bool Table::isCurrentGame()
for(std::vector<Hand>::iterator it = player.begin(); it != player.end(); ++it)
return true;
return false;
void Table::deal()
dealer.addCard( shoe.pullCard(true) );
dealer.addCard( shoe.pullCard() );
player[0].addCard( shoe.pullCard() );
player[0].addCard( shoe.pullCard() );
if(player[0].getHandValue() == 21 && dealer.getHandValue() == 21)
player[0].active = false;
else if(player[0].getHandValue() == 21)
player[0].active = false;
else if(dealer.getHandValue() == 21)
player[0].active = false;
void Table::hit(int split)
player[split].hand.push_back( shoe.pullCard() ); //SEGFAULT HERE
if(player[split].getHandValue() > 21)
player[split].active = false;
void Table::split(int split)
player[player.size() - 1].hand.push_back( player[split].split() );
player[split].hand.push_back( shoe.pullCard() );
player[player.size() - 1].hand.push_back( shoe.pullCard() );
if(player[split].getHandValue() == 21)
player[split].active = false;
else if(player[player.size() - 1].getHandValue() == 21)
player[player.size() - 1].active = false;
double Table::stand()
double winnings(0.0);
bool allNats(true);
//dealer.push_back( shoe.pullCard() );
for(std::vector<Hand>::iterator it = player.begin(); it != player.end(); ++it)
if(it->cards() == 2 && it->getHandValue() == 21)
winnings += bet * blackjackPayoff;
it->isBlackjack = true;
allNats = false;
if(it->getHandValue() > 21)
it->busted = true;
while(dealer.getHandValue() <= 17)
if(dealer.getHandValue() == 17)
//dealer has 17 and doesnt hit soft 17s so hes not going to draw anymore cards
if( !hitSoft17 || dealer.cards() != 2 || !(dealer.hand.at(0) == ACE || dealer.hand.at(1) == ACE) )
dealer.addCard( shoe.pullCard() );
for(std::vector<Hand>::iterator it = player.begin(); it != player.end(); ++it)
winnings -= 2.0 * bet;
winnings -= bet;
else if(dealer.getHandValue() > 21 || dealer.getHandValue() < it->getHandValue())
winnings += 2.0 * bet;
winnings += bet;
else if(dealer.getHandValue() > it->getHandValue())
winnings -= 2.0 * bet;
winnings -= bet;
//only other scenario is a push which we dont do anythign for
return winnings;
void Table::simulate(std::string fileName, int hands)
int i(0), countHL;
double trueCountHL;
std::ofstream ofs(fileName);
Action action;
while(i < hands)
VisibleCards vc(player[0].at(0), player[0].at(1), dealer.at(0));
int j(0), q(1);
countHL = shoe.getCountHL();
trueCountHL = shoe.getTrueCountHL();
for(int l = 0; l < q; ++l)
if(player[l].cards() == 2)
action = getBasicStrategy(player[l].getHandValue(), dealer.at(0).getCardValue(),
player[l].at(0).getCardValue(), player[l].at(1).getCardValue());
action = getBasicStrategy(player[l].getHandValue(), dealer.at(0).getCardValue());
case HIT:
case DOUBLE:
if(player[l].cards() == 3)
player[l].doubled = true;
player[l].active = false;
case SPLIT:
if(player.size() <= 4)
case STAND:
player[l].active = false;
double winnings = stand();
balance += winnings;
ofs << std::endl << std::fixed << vc << "," << winnings << "," << std::setprecision(2) << trueCountHL
<< "," << balance << "," << std::setprecision(0) << countHL << "," << shoe.getRemainingDecks();
ofs << std::endl << 1;
//BlackjackData bjd(winnings, balance, shoe.getTrueCountHL(), shoe.getCountHL(), HIT);
//strat.addData(vc, bjd);
Looks like you're trying to get the first card from hand with hand[0] and hand.erase(hand.begin()) without first checking that there IS a first card. If hand is empty (as is the case with a newly created Hand from the constructor), this causes undefined behavior, which may well manifest as a crash at some later time.
I stared at this for a day and couldn't figure it out, stepped out and realize I had an old variable "j" that I was using to access the vector instead of "l" when I was calling the "hit" function.... Thanks everyone for the help.

Trouble with Array Lists And Using the Insert and Retrieve Functions Given (Segment Core Dump)

I am having difficuly implementing a few functions in my array list.
I want to use the predefined function "insert" to insert a value into the list. I then want to use the retrieve function to print out the values of the entire list.
However, when I test my function, the program exits with a segmentation core dump after the last value is inserted
Any help would be appreciated.
/** #file ListA.h */
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int MAX_LIST = 0;
typedef string ListItemType;
class List
bool isEmpty() const;
int getLength() const;
void insert(int index, const ListItemType& newItem, bool& success);
void retrieve(int index, ListItemType& dataItem, bool & success) const;
void remove(int index, bool& success);
List selectionSort(List selectList);
ListItemType items[];
int size;
int translate(int index) const;
/** #file ListA.cpp */
#include "ArrayList.h" // header file
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
List::List() : size()
bool List::isEmpty() const
return size == 0;
int List::getLength() const
return size;
void List::insert(int index, const ListItemType& newItem, bool& success)
success = (index >= 1) &&
(index <= size + 1) &&
(size < MAX_LIST);
if (success)
for (int pos = size; pos >= index; --pos)
items[translate(pos + 1)] = items[translate(pos)];
items[translate(index)] = newItem;
void List::remove(int index, bool& success)
success = (index >= 1) && (index <= size);
if (success)
for (int fromPosition = index + 1;
fromPosition <= size;
items[translate(fromPosition - 1)] = items[translate(fromPosition)];
--size; // decrease the size of the list by one
} // end if
} // end remove
void List::retrieve(int index, ListItemType& dataItem,
bool& success) const
success = (index >= 1) && (index <= size);
if (success)
dataItem = items[translate(index)];
int List::translate(int index) const
return index - 1;
List List::selectionSort(List selectList)
return selectList;
int main()
ListItemType insertType = "listItem1";
ListItemType retrieveType = "listitem2";
int numberofitems;
cout << "Please enter the number of data items:" << endl;
cin >> numberofitems;
cout << endl;
cout << "Please enter the data items, one per line:" << endl;
int listofitems[numberofitems];
List myArrayList;
cout << myArrayList.getLength() << endl;
if (myArrayList.isEmpty()) // tests before
cout << "This list is empty \n" << endl;
cout << "List is not empty! \n"<< endl;
bool mainsucc = true;
for (int i = 0; i<numberofitems; i++)
cout << "Enter number " << i + 1 << " : " << endl;
cin >> listofitems[i];
for (int i =0; i <numberofitems; i++){
myArrayList.insert(listofitems[i], insertType, mainsucc);}
cout << "Size of the list is : " << myArrayList.getLength() << endl;
/*for (int i=0; i<mainarraylistsize; i++)
cout << myArrayList.retrieve(listofitems[i], retrieveType, mainsucc);
if (myArrayList.isEmpty()) // tests after
cout << "This list is empty \n" << endl;
cout << "List is not empty! \n"<< endl;
return 1;
have MAX_LIST == 0 means that success will always be false in your insert function.