I am trying to use AWS Glue to run an ETL job that fetches data from Redshift to S3.
When I run a crawler it successfully connects to Redshift and fetches schema information. Relevant logs are created under a log group aws-glue/crawlers.
When I run the ETL job, it is supposed to create a log stream under log groups aws-glue/jobs/output and aws-glue/jobs/error, but it fails to create such log streams, and eventually the job too fails.
( I am using AWS managed AWSGlueServiceRole policy for Glue service)
Since it does not produce any logs, it is difficult to identify the reason for ETL job failure. I would appreciate it if you could help me resolve this issue.
Most of the time this has to do with your AWS service not having the correct permissions (yes, even for just writing logs!).
Adding something like this to the Glue role might do the trick:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:logs:::*"
I would make sure that your Endpoint and VPC is set up correctly via these instructions:
I had my inbound rules set up correctly but did not set up the outbound rules which is what I think the issue was.
I have a Glue job to push data into AWS OpenSearch. Everythings works perfectly when I have an "open" permission on OpenSearch, for example:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "*"
"Action": "es:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:es:<region>:<accountId>:domain/<domain>/*"
This works without issue. The problem is I want to secure my OpenSearch domain to only the role running the glue job.
I attempted to do that starting basic with:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": [
"Action": [
"Resource": [
This disables all access to OpenSearch which I want, however it also blocks it for Glue even though the jobs a running with the AWSGluePowerUser role set.
An error occurred while calling o805.pyWriteDynamicFrame. Cannot detect ES version - typically this happens if the network/Elasticsearch cluster is not accessible or when targeting a WAN/Cloud instance without the proper setting 'es.nodes.wan.only'
Which I assume is because the Glue job can no longer see the OpenSearch cluster. Keep in mind everything works when using the "default" access policy for OpenSearch.
I have my glue job configured to use the IAM role AWSGluePowerUser which also has AmazonOpenSearchServiceFullAccess policy attached.
I'm not sure where I've gone wrong here?
Edit: Here is where/how I've set the roles for the Glue job, I assume this is all I needed to do?
From Glue Job Details
I believe this is not possible because the AWS Glue Elasticsearch connector is based on an open-source Elasticsearch Spark library that doest not sign requests using AWS Signature Version 4 which is required for enforcing domain access policies.
If you take a look at the key concepts for fine-grained access control in OpenSearch, you'll see:
If you choose IAM for your master user, all requests to the cluster must be signed using AWS Signature Version 4.
If you visit the Elasticsearch Connector for AWS Glue AWS Marketplace page, you'll notice that the connector itself is based on an open-source implementation:
For more details about this open-source Elasticsearch spark connector, please refer to this open-source connector online reference
Under the hood, AWS Glue is using this library to index data from Spark dataframes to the Elasticsearch endpoint. Since this open-source library (maintained by the Elasticsearch community) does not have support for signing requests using using AWS Signature Version 4, it will only work with the "open permission" you've referenced. This is hinted at in the big picture on fine-grained access control:
In general, if you enable fine-grained access control, we recommend using a domain access policy that doesn't require signed requests.
Note that you can always fall back us using a master user based on username/password:
Create a master user (username/password) for the OpenSearch domain's fine-grained access control configuration.
Store the username/password in an AWS Secrets Manager secret as described here.
Attach the secret to the AWS Glue connector as described here.
Hope this helps!
I usually take a "deny everyone except" approach in these situations
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Deny",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "es:*",
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"ArnNotLike": {
"aws:PrincipalArn": [
I have a ubuntu ec2 with cloudwatch agent running. The agent is able to push the logs to Cloudwatch as expected. But I am unable to export the logs to S3.
The instance policy has SSMManagedInstanceCore and CloudwatchAgentServerPolicy as described in the documentation.
At this point, I am not sure what policy needs to be assigned.
I also added log policy to write to S3 bucket.
All this is being done in terraform.
Can someone help me solve this pls?
You can add inline policy to your instance role:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:PutObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::/<your-bucket-name>/*"
Depending on the bucket setup, other permissions may be required, e.g. for KMS encryption.
If you want to automatically export your logs from CloudWatch Logs to S3 you have to setup Subscription Filter with Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose. This is fully independent from your instance role and the instance itself.
I have RDS SQL server instance and it has the default sqlserver_audit parameter group, but I am not seeing any recent events. What is the issue?
A screen shot of what I am seeing:
Events generated from sqlserver_audit parameter group (HIPAA audit) are not directly visible to you in AWS Console. For more info about HIPAA audit implementation in RDS for SQL Server see this AWS forum post.
When you want to see events from your SQL Server audits, you need to use SQLSERVER_AUDIT option. In that case, RDS will stream data from audits on your RDS instance to your S3 bucket. You can also configure retention time, during which those .sqlaudit files are kept on RDS instance and you can access them by msdb.dbo.rds_fn_get_audit_file. For more info see documentation.
In both cases, "Recent events" will contain only important messages related to your instance, not audited events. So for example, whenever RDS can't access your S3 bucket for writing in order to store your audits, it will tell you so in "Recent events".
Vasek's answer helped me understand why I wasn't seeing logs show up in my s3 bucket and it was because the inline IAM policy attached to my IAM role used to transfer the audit logs was incorrect.
If you use the automated options-group creation wizard to add the SQLSERVER_AUDIT option to your RDS instance, be sure you don't include a trailing slash on your s3 key prefix.
The incorrect IAM policy statement the AWS option group creation wizard created is shown below.
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"arn:aws:s3:::my-audit-logs-bucket/audits//*" # <---- INCORRECT
I changed my SQLSERVER_AUDIT options group to use the bucket's root and changed the IAM policy to the following correct configuration shown below and my audit logs started showing up in my S3 buck
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
From the docs:
RDS uploads the completed audit logs to your S3 bucket, using the IAM role that you provide. If you enable retention, RDS keeps your audit logs on your DB instance for the configured period of time.
So the log evens will be in S3, assuming all permissions are set correctly, not in the RDS Events console.
I'm trying to ingest Cloudwatch logs in Sumo Logic.
It works for metrics but not for logs. When I try to perform a log search querying
nothing is retrieved.
If I do the same in metrics, it works. So the issue seems to be with the logs.
Here's the context and how I set it up
First I created a role with their template. But since it wasn't working I add an open permission to AWS Cloudwatch and AWS Logs (top of actions):
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Resource": "*",
"Effect": "Allow"
Then, I used the wizard to set up streaming data.
It didn't appear AWS CloudWatch Logs, but it appeared AWS CloudWatch Metrics.
(Could be this related to my issue?)
For source category: aws/cloudwatch
Regions: us-east-1
Namespaces to include:
In role, I pasted the ARN of the role created previously.
As I said previously, I can use the metrics and query by metrics, but not query logs. I'm new with both, AWS and Sumo and I don't know what am I missing.
I will appreciate advice.
If you used the wizard, then it makes sense you only get the metrics. Collecting CloudWatch logs is done differently. You will need a Lambda Function to push the logs to Sumo Logic. Sumo Logic cannot pull CloudWatch logs directly.
Grzegorz attached the link to the documentation for collecting CloudWatch logs.
I'm currently working on a lambda#edge function.
I cannot find any logs on CloudWatch or other debugging options.
When running the lambda using the "Test" button, the logs are written to CloudWatch.
When the lambda function is triggered by a CloudFront event the logs are not written.
I'm 100% positive that the event trigger works, as I can see its result.
Any idea how to proceed?
Thanks ahead,
1) Ensure you have provided permission for lambda to send logs to cloudwatch. Below is the AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole policy which you need to attach to the exection role which you are using for your lambda function.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
2) Lambda creates CloudWatch Logs log streams in the CloudWatch Logs regions closest to the locations where the function is executed. The format of the name for each log stream is /aws/lambda/us-east-1.function-name where function-name is the name that you gave to the function when you created it. So ensure you are checking the cloudwatch logs in the correct REGION.
In case anyone finds it useful.
The fact that AWS prefixes your function name, which breaks the built-in "CloudWatch at a glance" Dashboard, and that Lambda#Edge runs across multiple regions inspired me to create this CloudWatch Dashboard template that gives you similar standard monitoring for all regions in one dashboard.