Qt tableview model not native Windows system font - c++

I created a tableview with model, but the font is not the native system font. It currently looks like this (a combobox inside the tableview):
But in another textinput in the same application it looks correctly like this:
I use no custom fonts and have not overridden the Qt::FontRole (return invalid QVariant()). Why doesn't it use the system font? This is on Windows 10.
There doesn't seem to be any issue when running the executable on my laptop. I'm suspecting a mismatch in .dll files. It should be using the exact same ones but perhaps its using .dll files it finds on my system PATH.
After checking with ProcessExplorer it seems that it loads the correct dlls which are exactly the same my other system loads. The Visual C++ Redistributables versions are also exactly the same.
Tried with Visual Studio 2017 (from 2015) with fresh Qt installation, but that doesn't solve the problem either.


No QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices on Windows

I'm using Visual Studio 2015 Community to make a Qt-based GUI in C++ which includes a microphone input. I'm testing the microphone part, and am looping through QAudioDeviceInfo::AvailableDevices(QAudio::Mode::AudioInput) (and AudioOutput for that matter) and nothing is coming up. I've checked that my project includes QtMultimedia, and I definitely have audio devices on this computer. I'm stuck with an existing compiled Qt (since this application is plugging into another project), but I've verified that the Qt install has the QtMultimedia and the Windows audio plugins. The Qt version is 5.9.3.
The only thing I can think of is that the project isn't including the right plugin, but I don't know how to change that.
The issue was that I needed to run "windeployqt" on the built executable to get all of the plugins into the right place. I'm curious why it didn't work without that, but that's a VS + Qt plugin problem, not a Qt problem.

This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows"

I tried making an executable file of my program but there are some errors which I did not understand or could not find solutions of. I used my .exe file onto another computer and there was an error. I made my program through QtCreator (v 5.1.1)with my Windows 7, 64-bit laptop. There was an error when I used it in 2 32-bit laptops.
The error message says:
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows".
Available platform plugins are: minimal, offscreen, windows.
Reinstalling the application may fix the problem.
I already created a new folder called "platforms" containing "qminimal.dll", "qoffscreen.dll" and "qwindows.dll" in the same level of my .exe file. I also pasted in the same level the other DLLs that my program needs.
In Qt 5.2, there is a tool that can be used for deployment on Windows: windeployqt. It will be in the bin folder of your Qt installation. It greatly simplifies deployment, so if you don't mind downloading a newer Qt version, I'd highly recommend it. It may even work with an older Qt version, but I haven't tested it.
We had exact same problem with Qt5.3.
Problem arised when we've rebuilt the Qt to reduce dependencies (e.g. Qt5Positioning, Qt5Sensors).
Created dlls were copied to different directory (source for installation), but we forgot to copy also newly created platforms plugin dlls.
The problem was fixed by using all dlls from same Qt build (with same configuration).
Your problem is probably the same: mixing dlls from different Qt builds (e.g. different configuration, version,...).

Deploying Qt Qml App to Windows shows me a blank window

After suffer with a lot of problems trying to deploy a Qt/Qml app to Windows 8, as I described in this question: Deploying Qt Qml app to Windows 8 shows me a blank window
I could make it work copying the Qt5Widgets.dll... but it was only working in my own development machine (installing it there, but yet my own machine).
Then I tried to install it in another machine (a VM running Windows 7).. and at first I got error of missing platform plugin... ok, I copied qwindows.dll to appDir/platforms, and it seems to resolved this problem.
But then I got another missing dlls errors (the ones related to VS2010), then I installed the Visual Studio 2010 redistributable package... ok, now the app starts, but with a blank window :(
The qml files and everything are in a resources file, so it should be in the binary.
And I've no idea where to go from there to find this issue.
Any idea what can I do? The weird thing is that it was installed fine in my own development machine.
And my conclusion is that deployment of Qt in OS X is much easier.
I've solved the problem with these steps:
check your qml files path. For example default generated code is the following:
QtQuick2ApplicationViewer viewer;
So qmls should be in "qml/test" folder
check the missing dlls:
download VmMap tool from Windows Sysinternals suite (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/dd535533)
compile and run your app in qt creator to get it working like it should
run VmMap and open your running app's process.
sort the lower window by 'Details' - so you'll see all loaded DLLs sorted by path.
copy the missing dlls. It should work now!
I've had also a lot of trouble deploying Qml apps with a blank window too.
In general this site gives useful hints:
The blank window issue was caused be two different things in my case:
The relative path to the qml files were not correct. I've solved this by storing the qml files in a resource file and then calling them from there.
It seems to be a problem if the application is located on a network drive. I haven't found a solution for that except copying the application to a local folder.
In general I think deploying is a big big pain :-/

MFC Ribbon app not displaying ribbon - when .exe is copy pasted to a different machine

Well, I am facing a strange problem. I have developed a sample MFC ribbon application on my machine - Windows 7 , with Visual Studio 2008. When I copy paste the .exe onto my laptop and run the app , I don't see the ribbon menu (in fact the app has not menu now) .
I have tried looking up the .dll that load in each case(on my work machine and laptop) using process monitor but I am unable to locate what I might be missing. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Edit 1 -
Ok, So thanks for your responses. Some progress has been made with this issue
I changed my IDE to VS 2010. The ribbon was coded manually and I figured out if I could add it as a resource maybe the problem would be solved. VS 2008 did not have the option of adding a ribbon as a resource.
I installed the VS 2010 Service Pack Redistributable X86/X64 depending on whether the machine is 32 or 64 bit.
I built a new "ribbontest.exe" app from VS 2010 and deployed it on other machines on which I would test my actual app. The ribbon for "ribbontest.exe" loads without any problems.
When I deploy my app and run it, first the old menubar loads for a sec or two, then the ribbon flashes and disappears.
A little history of the app I am referring to -
Initially my application had the menubar view. I followed this article http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/cpp/cpp_mfc/tutorials/article.php/c14929/MFC-Feature-Pack-An-Introduction.htm to accommodate a ribbon.
Any suggestions?
Most likely there's a conflict in the settings 'paths'. In your InitInstance() handler, you've got a statement like this:
// Standard initialization
// If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size
// of your final executable, you should remove from the following
// the specific initialization routines you do not need
// Change the registry key under which our settings are stored
If you haven't changed that name yet, do it. If you did, open regedit.exe on your target machine and remove the whole key under HKCU\Software\yourappname and then try again.
MFC stores user customizations of Ribbons/Menus/... under that key. But if you changed your app those settings don't necessarily match anymore and you can end up with stuff not showing correctly or not at all.
Make sure you download and install the Visual C++ Redistributable Runtime on your destination machine: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29
Or, something like it. Make sure you have architecture (x86/x64) correct and make sure it matches with the service pack version you compile with.
Joe is right: you need redistributable.
Joe is right: you cannot run 64-bit program on 32-bit machine.
All of the above would be indicated by the system (missing DLL, configuration incorrect, or 64/32 bit discrepancy)
Joe is right: your application must be built for specific set of minimum Windows version and service pack.
In addition to Joe’s post you must run release build not debug build.
If all of those requirements are met and you still have this problem, try linking MFC statically and see if problem persists.

Registering Windows context menu handler provided by Microsoft's All-In-One framework (CppShellExtContextMenuHandler project)

I've been using the CppShellExtContextMenuHandler sample project from Microsoft's All-In-One framework to add a custom menu item + icon to windows's context menu.
However, it seems that I can't register the DLL provided by this sample on other computers than mine. The DLL, compiled on a Windows 7 x86 machine from unmodified code, doesn't run on:
Another Windows 7 x86
A fresh Windows XP SP3 x86 install on VirtualBox
I get:
LoadLibrary(CppShellExtContextMenuHandler.dll) Failed to find
specified procedure
(translated) on the XP machine
The module "CppShellExtContextMenuHandler.dll"
failed to load.
Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or debug it to check for problems with the binary or dependent .DLL files.
The specified module could not be found
on the other Windows 7 machine
I use Regsvr32 CppShellExtContextMenuHandler.dll in the commandline to register the DLL.
Did anyone encounter this problem? Did I miss something (dependencies/project config)?
I'm not sure how to debug this one.
Thank you for your help!
PS1: Code is available here: http://1code.codeplex.com/releases/view/71395, under ./Visual Studio 2010/CppShellExtContextMenuHandler in the package.
PS2: Compiled version of the sample is here: https://fgt.bo/GmQ
Finally found the answer, thanks to Choosing a Deployment Method on MSDN.
To make the DLL file compiled from the CppShellExtContextMenuHandler sample work on non-dev computers, you need to accompany it with the VC++ Runtime DLLs it depends on.
I used the wonderful tool on a client's (non-dev) machine to get the name of the DLLs my context menu handler depended on (the tool indicates which of them are missing on the arget computer!).
It turned out I had to redistribute the msvcr100.dll and msvcp100.dll files from [Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\Redist] along with the CppShellExtContextMenuHandler.dll file to make it work.
To make the handler work on Windows XP, I also had to replace the two occurences of
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(RegDeleteTree(...
hr = SHDeleteKey(...
...in the Reg.cpp file. In fact, according to C++ Windows Shell context menu handler Sample, the RegDeleteTree function isn't available on XP.
The SHDeleteKey is equivalent and can be found in Shlwapi.h, on all versions of windows I tested.
Thank you for your time reading and trying to solve this!