local server error in divio app installation django-cms - django

I am trying to install DIVIO app ,
and when I try to set it up this is the error i received:
New version 3.3.2 is available. Type `divio version` to show information about upgrading.
Usage: divio project setup [OPTIONS] SLUG
Error: Invalid value for "-p" / "--path": Path "." is not writable...
I am running windows 7 and docker terminal is already running

Your Divio application is trying to write some files, but doesn't have permission to. This issue is generally caused when your Divio projects are not located within your user's filespace.
Make sure that in the Divio application settings your projects will be somewhere within your home folder.


Apache webserver with app using GDAL not working on windows

I am trying to deploy a django project using POSTGIS on my windows 11 PC with Apache 2.4.
The web page is working as long as I am not using 'django.contrib.gis'.
When I add 'django.contrib.gis' to my INSTALLED_APPS and define GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH to point to my gdal installation things stop working.
Specifically, trying to access the web app ends up in infinitely loading the page. Weird enough there are no errors in the apache error log. The apache service starts fine.
As far as I can see gdal install is correct as the app is working fine on the same machine with the same python environment with the django development server.
Actually, I have the same issue with other python libraries that need some dlls, like opencv.
So my guess is that it is a security related issue, but I do not find any clues on how to solve it.
Any ideas?
I tried also to grant rights to the directory where gdal is install in apache conf. But no luck.

/opt/alt/python39/bin/lswsgi: No such file or directory

I have a shared Cpanel host with the Litespeed web server. I want to deploy a Django application on it. After creating a Python application inside the Cpanel where I have not deployed the application on the host I try loading the website, and instead of displaying the Django version, I face 503 Unavailable!!
Also inside the "stderr.log" file, there is the following error.
/usr/local/lsws/fcgi-bin/lswsgi_wrapper: line 9: /opt/alt/python39/bin/lswsgi: No such file or directory
I'm creating the application with Python 3.9.
But it works when I create it with Python 3.8 and show the following message when I load the web,
It works!
Python 3.8.6
The issue is mostly caused by the lack of the Python 3.9 WSGI package. On out-of-date versions of LiteSpeed, the package needs to be installed manually.
To work around this, first ensure that LiteSpeed is up to date. LiteSpeed must be at version 5.4.10 for this to work. Once that is confirmed, execute the following script from LiteSpeed. It will pull the required Python Selector packages:
Refer cpanel support

running 'heroku login' won't create _netrc file

I am using on a 64-bit system running Windows 11 with Python 3.7 installed and working in a virtual environment where I have installed Django 3.2. I am trying to deploy my project using Heroku.
I have tried adding heroku cli 64-bit Windows version to various paths. I have set the env variable HOME with a value of C:/Users/<username>/_netrc. I have cleaned up the path on each installation so there is only the current path.
When I run heroku login from within my project, I get the following error:
EPERM: operation not permitted, open C:/Users/<username>/_netrc
Any help here is appreciated
I have set the env variable HOME with a value of C:/Users/<username>/_netrc
HOME should be a directory. Heroku will take care of the _netrc part.
Try setting it to C:/Users/<username>/ instead.
delete the existing file in path C:/User//_netrc
used git bash or terminal for it as i was unable to find the _netrc file in file Explorer.
after deleting It run the below command in project folder.
heroku git:remote -a <heroku_app_name>
by running the above command it will create a new _netrc file

Why does can't heroku find the gdal204.dll file on app deployment?

I am deploying a django postgres sql app on heroku. Everything is working correctly on my machine(windows 10). However whenever I try to deploy to heroku it says it can't locate the gdal204.dll file.
This is how I am currently referencing the gdal file in my app settings:
GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH = 'C:\\Users\\IFY\\Downloads\\publish\\Lib\\site-packages\\osgeo\\gdal204.dll'
I suspect that the way I'm referencing the file is what's causing the issue.
Here is the error that heroku returns on deployment:
OSError: C:\Users\IFY\Downloads\publish\Lib\site-packages\osgeo\gdal204.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Any idea how to fix this ?
Heroku is not running windows on their servers, but Linux. So there will be no DLL files.
In the python-buildpack Heroku installs GDAL for you, so you don't have to do it. Furthermore, the corresponding environment variables (LD_LIBRARY_PATH) are set so your app can find the library.
TLDR: for Heroku you should not set GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH in your settings, and let python find the shared library on it's own. It will work.

Deploying a "working when run locally via pycharm" django app to webfaction

I've been following the steps in the box under "Configuring Django" here to try and get the django app up onto webfaction after getting it to work locally.
I zipped my project folder and used scp myproject.zip catubc#web513.webfaction.com to get it up. I then used ssh and moved the zip to $HOME/webapps/plot_composite_metrics as the linked steps instruct and unzipped it there. Since the name of my project is "myproject" I didn't have to do steps 6-7.
From the webfaction control panel I have made an application and called it plot_composite_metrics, Django 1.9.1 (mod_wsgi 4.4.21/Python 2.7). I also made a new website called good_morning_cat and added plot_composite_metrics to it.
I have ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['catubc.webfactional.com'] in settings.py
So, as per this example why do I get a "server not found" when I navigate to http://good_morning_cat.catubc.webfactional.com/? What did I forget to do to link my working-locally via pycharm app to said domain?
I have seen this related question, sadly I believe I am using the correct python version, so that's not the issue. Additionally, I do have a paid account if that makes any difference.
You have to add all the domains in the WebFaction control panel, i e http://good_morning_cat.catubc.webfactional.com/ as well.
http://catubc.webfactional.com/ works as this is what you have specified, it's resolved anyway. There's an ImportError because you haven't installed all your dependencies.