Don't optimize only one import - webstorm

In WebStorm using Google Maps you have too import #types/googlemaps.
I'm doing it with statement: import {} from '#types/googlemaps';
Problem is that whenever I reformat code that line is deleted.
I want WebStorm to optimize my imports but how to make him leave that one?


Do I need to import core-js/stable and regenerator-runtime/runtime when using #babel/preset-env with useBuiltIns:'usage'?

I use babel 7.8.3 together with #babel/preset-env, useBuiltIns: 'usage' and corejs: 3. The documentation for #babel/preset-env is not clear to me.
Do I need to add the following lines at the top of my entry file or is it done automatically by babel?
import 'core-js/stable';
import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime';
According to babel-preset-env docs you should import those modules by yourself
Don't need to add import code by yourself when use usage.
And no more need to manually include the regenerator-runtime helper when compiling generators after babel/core >= 7.18

Error when writing remix unit tests: URL not parseable: remix_accounts.sol

I'm writing unit test in remix-ide and I want to call functions from different addresses within a single test.
The remix-tests Github page says that you can use import "remix_accounts.sol";, but I get URL not parseable: remix_accounts.sol. How to fix that? Or maybe there's another way to call from various addresses?
Import files with relative paths, in your case, modify the following
import "remix_accounts.sol";
import "./remix_accounts.sol";
Also, notice that remix doesn't allow import from an ancestor directory, for example:
import "../remix_accounts.sol";

Use mttkinter in project

I decided to use mttkinter in my project, but I have problem. I usually import tkinter like this:
from tkinter import *
And I tried mttkinter like this import:
from mttkinter import *
After this, I saw global name 'Tk' is not defined.
What can I do with it?
I know this is a old question, but I had the same problem and found a solution.
As stated in the comments you're probably using Python 3.x. since you use "tkinter" all in lower case.
If you check the example from the mtTkinter github.
You'll see that the example checks for the Python version installed and imports either "Tkinter" or "tkinter" before importing mtTkinter (I would assume, to make sure you have access to everything in tkinter even if mtTkinter is not up to date).
For your case (as for mine), your imports should be:
from tkinter import *
from mttkinter import mtTkinter
root = Tk()
Note that if we read what's in the code, your import should work, but you'd have to declare root as follows (I tested this import and it works):
from mttkinter import *
root = mtTkinter.Tk()
Again, I know this question is old, but the answer might be useful for someone else.

Relative Imports

I'm reading Two Scoops Django Best Practices to make my coding style improve. I'm in relative imports and here is the sample code to make it reusable.
Old Way:
from import bar
New way:
from .foo import bar
The code above is for cones app, what if I call the other model in other app? Do I have to put like this:
from .foo import bar
from .other import sample
from .foo import bar
from test.other import sample
What is the correct way?
I usually use imports like this only for one reason
from .foo import bar
from .other import sample
The reason being
If Tomorrow, my module name changes from say 'test' to 'mytest' then the code does not require a refactoring. The code works without breaking.
All imports starting with a '.' dot, only works within that package.
Cross package imports need require the whole path.
If test is another app,
from .other import sample
wont work.
You can only use relative imports when you're importing from the same app.
Inside test app
from .other import sample
will work. But you'll still need the complete form
from import bar
if you import method defined in foo from test app.
So answering your question the second way is the correct way.

Use models outside a view

To send emails and stuff, I use code outside the file (too much code there). I created a file named "" in the app folder where I start with
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.core.mail import send_mail
from mysite.myapp.models import MyModel
With runserver, I have an error ImportError: cannot import name MyModel
This is strange as I use the same import in the file and there is no problem...
Any idea ? Thanks
Most likely, you have a circular import. Are you importing this file in your myapp/
A couple of things:
Make sure you have your file in the folder where your
"" file is located, this is a common reason why something might not be found.
I'm working on setting up something that requires something very similar to your requirements.
If you are trying to have this as a on/off process eg.) cronjob, worker etc. Do the following.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Required DO NOT REMOVE
import os
import sys
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "appname.settings")
# Import My Models, or Run an Include to Handle Processing.
from app.models.model import *
# Do Stuff to Test ( I suggest a simple insert into the model or pull and return content )
Save this file in the same folder that your "" is saved in, you can call this directly and it should process, you can setup a cronjob for it to run, etc. This allows you
to have a little less code as it doesn't run some of the processes that django runs prior to rendering a view from the file.
If this is unclear please feel free to comment and I will edit with correction or further details.
All the best