When does a VCL application get its Application->MainForm->Handle? - c++

My application populates some panels by means of incoming messages, using the SendStructMessage() function in Message.hpp.
SendStructMessage() need a valid windows handle to send to.
I have encapsulated the SendStrucMessage() in a function, like this:
bool sendAppMessage(ApplicationMessageEnum msgID, void* s)
if(!Application || !Application->MainForm || !Application->MainForm->Handle)
Log(lError) << "Failed to get a valid handle when trying to send application message";
return false;
HWND h = Application->MainForm->Handle;
AppMessageStruct data;
data.mMessageEnum = msgID;
data.mData = s;
LRESULT res = SendStructMessage(h, UWM_MESSAGE, 0, &data);
Log(lError) << "Sending message: "<<msgID<<" was unsuccesful";
return false;
return true;
Trying to call this from either the MainForm's OnShow or OnCreate event doesn't work, as in either case the Application->MainForm->Handle is still NULL.
My question is, in a VCL application's startup phase, where can one be sure that the Application->MainForm->Handle is actually created?
Currently I kick off a Timer checking for a valid handle:
void __fastcall TMain::WaitForHandleTimerTimer(TObject *Sender)
WaitForHandleTimer->Enabled = false;
//Send a message to main ui to update sequence shortcuts
if(sendAppMessage(abSequencerUpdate) != true)
Log(lDebug)<<"Sending sequencer update to UI was unsuccesful";
Is there a better way?

The TWinControl::Handle property getter creates a new HWND at the time the property is read, if an HWND hasn't already been created yet. If an error occurs while creating the HWND, an exception will be thrown.
So, your !Handle condition will always be false, because the Handle property can never return NULL (the WindowHandle property can, though).
bool sendAppMessage(ApplicationMessageEnum msgID, void* s)
if (!((Application) && (Application->MainForm)))
Log(lError) << "Failed to get a valid handle when trying to send application message";
return false;
AppMessageStruct data;
data.mMessageEnum = msgID;
data.mData = s;
LRESULT res = SendStructMessage(Application->MainForm->Handle, UWM_MESSAGE, 0, &data);
if (res)
Log(lError) << "Sending message: " << msgID << " was unsuccesful";
return false;
return true;
If you want to check if the Handle has been created without actually creating it, use the Form's HandleAllocated() method:
bool sendAppMessage(ApplicationMessageEnum msgID, void* s)
if (!((Application) && (Application->MainForm) && (Application->MainForm->HandleAllocated())))
Log(lError) << "Failed to get a valid handle when trying to send application message";
return false;
AppMessageStruct data;
data.mMessageEnum = msgID;
data.mData = s;
LRESULT res = SendStructMessage(Application->MainForm->Handle, UWM_MESSAGE, 0, &data);
if (res)
Log(lError) << "Sending message: " << msgID << " was unsuccesful";
return false;
return true;
Otherwise, don't use SendMessage()/SendStructMessage() at all. You can call the Form's Perform() method instead, which will deliver the message directly to the Form's assigned WindowProc without requiring any HWND at all:
bool sendAppMessage(ApplicationMessageEnum msgID, void* s)
if (!((Application) && (Application->MainForm))
Log(lError) << "Failed to get a valid handle when trying to send application message";
return false;
AppMessageStruct data;
data.mMessageEnum = msgID;
data.mData = s;
LRESULT res = Application->MainForm->Perform(UWM_MESSAGE, 0, (LPARAM)&data);
if (res)
Log(lError) << "Sending message: " << msgID << " was unsuccesful";
return false;
return true;
Alternatively, consider removing the MainForm dependency from sendAppMessage(). You can send to Application->Handle instead, and then have the MainForm register a callback method using Application->HookMainWindow().
bool sendAppMessage(ApplicationMessageEnum msgID, void* s)
if (!((Application) && (Application->Handle))
Log(lError) << "Failed to get a valid handle when trying to send application message";
return false;
AppMessageStruct data;
data.mMessageEnum = msgID;
data.mData = s;
LRESULT res = SendStructMessage(Application->Handle, UWM_MESSAGE, 0, &data);
if (res)
Log(lError) << "Sending message: " << msgID << " was unsuccesful";
return false;
return true;
__fastcall TMainForm::TMainForm(TComponent *Owner)
: TForm(Owner)
__fastcall TMainForm::~TMainForm()
bool __fastcall TMainForm::AppMessage(TMessage &Message)
if (Message.Msg == UWM_MESSAGE)
return true;
return false;


How to use Windows API to realize line by line printing

I want to use Windows API to realize the line by line printing of the printer.
For example, if there is only one message at present, print one message. Then the printer waits and the paper stops printing. When there is information next time, continue printing on the same paper.
With windows API, I can only print by page in the following way. I don't know how to print by line. After one line is finished, the printing is suspended and the next line continues to be printed after waiting for a new task.
bool CMFCApplication1Dlg::printTicket(CString& szPrinter, CString&
static DOCINFO di = { sizeof(DOCINFO), (LPTSTR)TEXT("printer"),NULL };
HDC hdcPrint = CreateDC(nullptr, szPrinter.GetBuffer(), nullptr, nullptr);
if (hdcPrint != 0)
if (StartDoc(hdcPrint, &di) > 0)
int xDistance = 20;
int yDistance = 20;
LOGFONT logFont = { 0 };
logFont.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
logFont.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH;
logFont.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL;
logFont.lfHeight = 60;
logFont.lfWeight = 36;
HFONT hFont = CreateFontIndirect(&logFont);
SelectObject(hdcPrint, hFont);
TextOut(hdcPrint, xDistance, yDistance, szContent.GetBuffer(), szContent.GetLength());
RestoreDC(hdcPrint, -1);
cout << "StartDoc failed!" << endl;
string errorCode = to_string(GetLastError());
cout << "Error code is:" << errorCode << endl;
return false;
cout << "CreateDC failed!" << endl;
string errorCode = to_string(GetLastError());
cout << "Error code is :" << errorCode << endl;
return false;
return true;
bool CMFCApplication1Dlg::SetPrinterParameters(CString& szPrinter)
HANDLE hPrinter = nullptr;
PRINTER_INFO_2* pi2 = nullptr;
DEVMODE* pDevMode = nullptr;
DWORD dwNeeded = 0;
BOOL bFlag;
LONG lFlag;
WCHAR szDevName[MAX_PATH] = L"";
DWORD dwLength = MAX_PATH;
if (!GetDefaultPrinter(szDevName, &dwLength))
return false;
szPrinter = szDevName;
return true;
Maybe this has something to do with the printer driver?
I use C# winspool library and can't meet this requirement too, maybe I don't know how to use them.
Hope your help.

Webservice call using IXMLHttpRequest undesired response Text

Using IXMLHttpRequest to fetch the data from the webservice.(actually, java servlets file). Using below code to send request and get response from webservice
String usBuffer;
hr = pIXMLHTTPRequest.CreateInstance("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0");
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (pIXMLHTTPRequest != NULL))
hr = pIXMLHTTPRequest->open("POST", "URL", false);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
String lsusHeaderName;
lsusHeaderName.Append("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
lsusHeaderName.Append("Accept: */*");
lsusHeaderName.Append("ticket: " + "ticketvalue");
lsusHeaderName.Append("Context: " + "securityvalue");
for (int i = 1; i <= ilsusHeaderName.Size(); i++)
BSTR bstrHeaderName;
BSTR bstrHeaderValue;
hr = pIXMLHTTPRequest->setRequestHeader(bstrHeaderName, bstrHeaderValue);
String iusRequestParam = "Type=xxxx&Name=xxxxytr&Revision=09";
if (iusRequestParam != "")
hr = pIXMLHTTPRequest->send(iusRequestParam.ConvertToChar());
hr = pIXMLHTTPRequest->send();
struct __timeb64 t_stime;
struct __timeb64 t_ctime;
long lProcTime = 0;
memset(&t_stime, 0, sizeof(struct __timeb64));
memset(&t_ctime, 0, sizeof(struct __timeb64));
while (nRedyState != READYSTATE_COMPLETE)
lProcTime = (long)(1000 * (t_ctime.time - t_stime.time) + (t_ctime.millitm - t_stime.millitm));
if (lProcTime > HTTP_TIMEOUT)
nRedyState = pIXMLHTTPRequest->readyState;
std::cout << "Request status : " << pIXMLHTTPRequest->status << std::endl;
if ((pIXMLHTTPRequest->status == 200))
_bstr_t spbstrResponse = pIXMLHTTPRequest->responseText;
BSTR bstrString = NULL;
bstrString = spbstrResponse.GetBSTR();
usOutput = usBuffer;
std::cout << "Output : " << usBuffer << std::endl;
bstrString = NULL;
std::cout << "Failed to send GET/POST Method." << std::endl;
hr = E_FAIL;
CATCatch(CATError, pError)
std::cout << "Failed to query XMLHTTP 6.0. Perhaps MSXML 6.0 is not exists." << std::endl;
This webservice call returns 200 status code, but response text is not good.It returns some html,javascript code as response text.
Expected result is one of the attribute value of the passed object. Example output:
"logy": "646F916E00005E78609AC53D0000974F"
Couldn't locate the issue in this code, why it returns html,javascript code.As I am new to WINAPI concepts, your help is highly appreciated.
Checked webservice via postman and it returns expected result.
Header should be passed in this way. This solved the issue.
CATListOfCATUnicodeString lsusHeaderName;
CATListOfCATUnicodeString lsusHeaderValue;

Pjsip multiple calls using few outgoing lines fails

I'm using pjsip high-level api PJSUA for doing multiple calls at one time. My sip operator support up to 3 outgoing lines for calls, so in theory it should be possible to call 3 persons at one time. The problem is, that in the operator logs i see, the message "Line limit overreached" and in pjsip, the call fails. I'm doing it like this:
Here is my class that contains methods for calling:
void Sip::InitLibrary()
pj::EpConfig ep_cfg;
ep_cfg.logConfig.level = 4;
ep_cfg.logConfig.consoleLevel = 4;
ep_cfg.logConfig.filename = this->log_;
ep_cfg.uaConfig.userAgent = "Ekiga";
void Sip::SetSipTransport(Sip::SipTransport transport, unsigned port)
TransportConfig tcfg;
tcfg.port = port;
pjsip_transport_type_e type;
switch (transport)
case SipTransport::TCP:
case SipTransport::UDP:
try {
this->transportId_ = this->ep_.transportCreate(type, tcfg);
catch (Error &err) {
//to log
void Sip::StartLibrary()
AccountInfo Sip::ConnectSipServer(string serv, string login, string pass,SipTransport transport,int port)
this->SetSipTransport(transport, port);
this->server_ = serv;
AccountConfig accConfig;
string uri = "<sip:" + login + "#" + serv +">";
accConfig.idUri = uri;
string regUri = "sip:" + serv;
accConfig.regConfig.registrarUri = regUri;
accConfig.sipConfig.authCreds.push_back(AuthCredInfo("digest", "*", login, 0, pass));
this->acc_ = new SipAccount();
acc_->create(accConfig, true);
unique_lock<mutex> locker(acc_->regLock_);
while (!acc_->regEnd_)
return acc_->info_;
bool Sip::CallNumber(string phone)
Call *call = new SipCall(*this->acc_);
CallOpParam prm(true);
prm.opt.audioCount = 1;
prm.opt.videoCount = 0;
call->makeCall("sip:" + phone + "#" + this->server_, prm);
SipCall *myCall = (SipCall*)call;
unique_lock<mutex> locker(myCall->callLock);
while (!myCall->callEnd)
if (myCall->validPhone)
delete myCall;
return true;
delete myCall;
return false;
SipCall(Account &acc, int call_id = PJSUA_INVALID_ID)
: Call(acc, call_id)
Acc = (SipAccount *)&acc;
this->callEnd = false;
this->validPhone = false;
virtual void onCallState(OnCallStateParam &prm);
condition_variable callDone;
mutex callLock;
bool callEnd;
bool validPhone;
void SipCall::onCallState(OnCallStateParam &prm)
CallInfo ci = getInfo();
std::cout << "*** Call: " << ci.remoteUri << " [" << ci.stateText
<< "]" << std::endl;
unique_lock<mutex> locker(this->callLock);
this->callEnd = true;
if (ci.state == PJSIP_INV_STATE_CONFIRMED && ci.lastStatusCode == PJSIP_SC_OK)
{ //here i check that phone is valid, and just hang up the call
CallOpParam p;
this->validPhone = true;
Since there a 3 lines avaliable im creating a three tasks to call the corresponding numbers like so:
QStringList testCalls; // initialized with numbers
struct call_result{
QString phone;
bool valid;
QList<QFuture<call_result>> futureTestList;
while(counter < testCalls.count()) {
for(int i= 0; i < 3; i++,counter++) {
if(counter >= testCalls.count())
QString number = testCalls.at(counter);
QFuture<call_result> futureResult = QtConcurrent::run(this,&sipQtThread::callNumber,number);
foreach(QFuture<call_result> future,futureTestList) {
call_result call = future.result();
emit phonePassed(call.phone,call.valid);
The correspondig task sipQtThread::callNumber is following:
sipQtThread::call_result sipQtThread::callNumber(QString phone)
call_result call;
pj_thread_desc initdec;
pj_thread_t* thread = 0;
pj_status_t status;
status = pj_thread_register(NULL, initdec, &thread);
if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
qDebug()<<"pj_thread_register faild:"<<status;
return call;
bool result = sip_->CallNumber(phone.toStdString());
call.phone = phone;
call.valid = result;
return call;
As you can see here
if (ci.state == PJSIP_INV_STATE_CONFIRMED && ci.lastStatusCode == PJSIP_SC_OK)
{ //here i check that phone is valid, and just hang up the call
CallOpParam p;
this->validPhone = true;
I just check if the phone is valid, and call is starting, and the drop it. Can pjsua2 handle multiple line calls? Or even is pjsip supporting multiple outgoing lines calls? Does the thread registered by pj_thread_register needs to be somehow unregistered maybe?

Stack Corruption Warning in C++ using mysql C API prepared statement

I have a helper function for using prepared statements with mysql. All works well as long as i dont want to retrieve any results.
If i want to retrieve a result (e.g. simple long ID) im getting a warning from visual studio debugger that the stack is corrupted around my ID variable.
bool RunPreparedStatement(std::string query, std::vector paramList, std::string& errbuf, int* affected_rows, bool fetchResultID = false, int32* result_id=0, bool fetchInsertID = false, int32* last_insert_id=0);
bool RunPreparedStatement(std::string sql, std::vector<MYSQL_BIND> paramList, std::string& errStr, int* affected_rows, bool fetchResultID, int32* result_id, bool fetchInsertID, int32* last_insert_id) {
char errbuf[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
int numParams = paramList.size();
bool fetchResult = fetchResultID;
if(numParams == 0) {
errStr = "0 parameters supplied";
return false;
MYSQL_STMT *stmt = mysql_stmt_init(&mysql);
if (!stmt) {
errStr = "mysql_stmt_init(), out of memory";
return false;
if (mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, sql.c_str(), sql.length())) {
errStr = "mysql_stmt_prepare() failed ";
return false;
int param_count= mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt);
if (param_count != numParams) /* validate parameter count */{
errStr = "invalid parameter count returned by MySQL";
return false;
if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, &paramList[0])) {
errStr = "mysql_stmt_bind_param() failed ";
return false;
int32 id = 0;
MYSQL_BIND resultParam1;
if(fetchResult) {
/* Bind the results buffer */
if (mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, &resultParam1) != 0) {
errStr = "mysql_stmt_bind_result() failed ";
return false;
if (mysql_stmt_execute(stmt)) {
errStr = "mysql_stmt_execute() failed ";
return false;
if(fetchResult) {
if (mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt) != 0) {
errStr = "Could not buffer result set ";
return false;
if(mysql_stmt_fetch (stmt) == 0) {
(*result_id) = id;
// OK
*affected_rows = 1;
} else {
*affected_rows = 0;
/*errStr = "no results found ";
return false;*/
} else {
*affected_rows = mysql_stmt_affected_rows(stmt);
if(fetchInsertID) {
*last_insert_id= mysql_stmt_insert_id(stmt);
if(stmt != NULL) {
// Deallocate result set
mysql_stmt_free_result(stmt); /* deallocate result set */
if (mysql_stmt_close(stmt)) {
errStr = "closing the statement failed ";
return false;
return true;
I call it like this
std::string errBuf;
int affected_rows = 0;
std::string sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM name WHERE (?) like name";
std::vector<MYSQL_BIND> paramList;
std::vector<MYSQL_BIND> resultParamList;
char data[1024];
safe_strncpy(data,name,sizeof(data), __FILE__, __LINE__);
MYSQL_BIND param1;
int32 count = 0;
bool ret = true;
I previously had also a resultParamList instead of simple the ID and had the same error and thought it was related to return a list of values but that wasnt it.
Im receiving the warning as soon as the RunPreparedStatement method is finished.
Trying another sample code i found the issue
int32 id = 0;
MYSQL_BIND resultParam1;
im telling that the result type is MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG but im only giving it a int32 (unsigned int ) instead of unsigned long long.
So either change to MYSQL_TYPE_LONG or increase var size.

Converting to ctypes but I don't know what these functions are doing

I was wondering what this function here does:
ralloc_t(HWND hwnd) : proc_(0)
DWORD pid = 0;
if (!GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pid)) {
throw exception("dang, no dice");
proc_ = OpenProcess(
if (!proc_) {
throw exception("no open for me!");
buffers_t::reverse_iterator i = buffers_.rbegin(), e = buffers_.rend();
for (; i != e; ++i) {
I honestly don't know where function starts and where it ends and if it's returning anything.
The full code is below. I got a decent start on it, in that I have all the winapi functions in use below converted already to js-ctypes. This is what I have so far: https://gist.github.com/Noitidart/f691ab9a750f24be346f
#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
* Allocate/read/write remote process memory.
* The implementation is pretty crappy, as it isn't intelligent at all:
* It always allocates at least a full page per allocation :(
* Do something more clever in production!
* Also, type safety and convenience are pretty lacking.
* But again, this is test code, so it sucks!
class ralloc_t
ralloc_t(HWND hwnd) : proc_(0)
DWORD pid = 0;
if (!GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pid)) {
throw exception("dang, no dice");
proc_ = OpenProcess(
if (!proc_) {
throw exception("no open for me!");
buffers_t::reverse_iterator i = buffers_.rbegin(), e = buffers_.rend();
for (; i != e; ++i) {
void* alloc(size_t size)
void* rv = VirtualAllocEx(
if (!rv) {
throw bad_alloc();
buffers_.insert(make_pair(rv, size));
return rv;
template <typename T>
T* create(size_t elems = 1)
return (T*)alloc(elems * sizeof(T));
void free(void* p)
buffers_t::iterator i = buffers_.find(p);
if (i == buffers_.end()) {
throw exception("invalid buffer");
VirtualFreeEx(proc_, i->first, i->second, MEM_RELEASE);
void read(void* remote, void* local)
buffers_t::iterator i = buffers_.find(remote);
if (i == buffers_.end()) {
throw exception("invalid remote read buffer");
if (!ReadProcessMemory(proc_, i->first, local, i->second, 0)) {
throw exception("failed to read remote buffer");
void write(void* remote, const void* local)
buffers_t::iterator i = buffers_.find(remote);
if (i == buffers_.end()) {
throw exception("invalid remote write buffer");
if (!WriteProcessMemory(proc_, i->first, local, i->second, 0)) {
throw exception("failed to write remote buffer");
typedef map<void*, size_t> buffers_t;
buffers_t buffers_;
HANDLE proc_;
int main()
typedef HWND(WINAPI * GetTaskmanWindowPtr)();
HMODULE user32 = LoadLibrary(L"user32");
GetTaskmanWindowPtr GetTaskmanWindow =
(GetTaskmanWindowPtr)GetProcAddress(user32, "GetTaskmanWindow");
if (!GetTaskmanWindow) {
throw exception("Failed to get GetTaskmanWindow!");
HWND htm = GetTaskmanWindow();
if (!htm) {
throw exception("Failed to get taskman window");
HWND htb = FindWindowEx(htm, 0, L"ToolbarWindow32", 0);
if (!htb) {
throw exception("Failed to get toolbar window");
ralloc_t ralloc(htb);
int count = SendMessage(htb, TB_BUTTONCOUNT, 0, 0);
cout << count << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
TBBUTTON* rtbb = ralloc.create<TBBUTTON>();
BOOL rv = SendMessage(htb, TB_GETBUTTON, i, (LPARAM)rtbb);
ralloc.read(rtbb, &tbb);
cout << rv << " " << sizeof(tbb) << " " << tbb.idCommand << " "
<< tbb.iString << endl << flush;
int chars = SendMessage(htb, TB_GETBUTTONTEXT, tbb.idCommand, (LPARAM)0);
if (chars <= 0) {
wchar_t* rbuf = ralloc.create<wchar_t>(chars);
if (SendMessage(htb, TB_GETBUTTONTEXT, tbb.idCommand, (LPARAM)rbuf) > 0) {
wchar_t* buf = new wchar_t[chars];
ralloc.read(rbuf, buf);
wcout << buf << endl << flush;
delete[] buf;
catch (const exception& ex)
cerr << "Error: " << ex.what() << endl;
// Sleep
return 0;
It seems you need to learn about classes in C++. What you are looking at is two functions. The first is called ralloc_t and is the class's constructor. The second is called ~ralloc_t and is the class's destructor.
// This is the constructor
ralloc_t(HWND hwnd) : proc_(0)
DWORD pid = 0;
if (!GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pid)) {
throw exception("dang, no dice");
proc_ = OpenProcess(
if (!proc_) {
throw exception("no open for me!");
// This is the destructor
buffers_t::reverse_iterator i = buffers_.rbegin(), e = buffers_.rend();
for (; i != e; ++i) {
Note that the constructor has the same name as the class (see the line class ralloc_t), and the destructor has the same name but prefixed with a tilde (~).
These functions, by their very nature, do not return anything. The purpose of the constructor is to initialise objects of type ralloc_t when they are constructed, and the purpose of the destructor is to clean up when they are destroyed.
For example, you might have a block of code that looks something like this:
ralloc_t my_ralloc(some_hwnd);
// ...
The constructor gets called as a result of the declaration of my_ralloc (passing some_hwnd as the constructor's argument). The destructor will get called at the end of the block, which is when the variable goes out of scope and is destroyed.