C++ - Effective and efficient way of linking functions to triggers - c++

The UI system in my program currently works by assigning function pointers of the type void(*)() to trigger elements (quads on the screen, keys on the keyboard) with a specifiable call condition which will be compared to the actual condition of the key (using GLFW), mouse button or cursor every frame to determine whether the callback function should be called.
A condition for a key could be KeyCondition(PRESS, LEFT_SHIFT) which would call the callback bound to the key if the key was pressed while left shift is being held down.
My problem is that I can only assign these buttons functions of the type void(*)(), which disables me to pass arguments to a button callback.
If for example I wanted to make a button light up when the cursor hovers over it, I would have to create a designated function void highlightButtonA() which sets the color of button A to a higher value internally, while I would of course much rather be able to set the callback to something like void offsetColor(unsigned int buttonIndex, float r, float g, float b, float a) and pass individual parameters to each callback.
Is there any way to do this? Is there some function pointer which can point to a function of any shape and will store parameters somehow? How much should I worry about the performance of these solutions? My program has to be able to handle multiple key/button presses per second and still be stable, as it is a fast-paced shooter game.

You can use non-capturing lambdas that decay to function pointers, something like this:
button.OnMouseHover([]{ offsetColour(buttonIndex, r, g, b, a); });
just remember that buttonIndex and other args to offsetColour should be literals as the lambda cannot capture variables from the enclosing scope.


Get SDL2 Mouse Position

How would I get the position of the mouse in c++ SDL2? I found this wiki however I'm not really sure what it means and how would I get the x and y in int form?
Call the function described at the link you found; with pointers to the two int variables which you want to receive the coordinates.
Simplified, the function works like this one:
void SetXto5(int* x)
{*x = 5;}
i.e. the variable which your parameter points to will receive a value.
(This skips the check for NULL pointer, which is implied in the documentation.)
This does of course require the SDL environment to be correctly set up and initialised. I assume from your comments that you do not ask about that background part.

Segfault after deleting elements from vector

I'm currently working on a project, more precisely a tangram game.
I have a problem with a segfault and I don't understand why.
Given that I have a whole project, I will try to simplify the problem :
I have a GameManager class that contains in particular a Menu object (and other things, but I don't think that is important. The gameManager is used to inititialize this object and manage it.
The Menu contains a vector of Button(each button has a lambda to perform an action when the user click on it).
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Button>> buttons;
To illustrate how it works I will take an example : if the user clicks on the "Load" button, the gameManager delete the current Buttons contained in the menu and add new buttons in that menu.
void GameManager::initMainMenuButtons() {
menu -> addButton(std::unique_ptr<Button>(new Button(x1, y1, x2, y2, "Create",
std::cout << "Create level" << std::endl;
In that code sample, I have a method initMainMenuButtons that adds several buttons in the menu , like "Load" or "Quit".
When the user clicks on "Create", I want to change the interface (adding and deleting buttons). So, to delete the buttons, i call the method clear()
void Menu::clear() {
decorationPieces.clear(); // not interesting
I'm using unique_ptr, thus, I don't have to delete the buttons mannualy.
So far, no problem : the vector of buttons seems to be empty (size is 0).
Next, the method initCreateLevelButtons() is called. This method is very similar to initMainMenu : it adds buttons in the menu, nothing else. During this call, the buttons seems to be correctly added in the vector, I printed the content of the vector at the end and the vector contains the correct buttons.
And there, the problem appears : after the call of initCreateLevelButtons(), there is a segfault when i want to use the menu, so, actionManager->setMenu(menu); doesn't work. I tried to print the menu std::cout << menu << std::endl, and test if this pointer is nullptr, but it doesn't work either. I don't understand why the menu seems to be correct at the last line of initCreateLevelButtons() and becomes invalid just after.
If I doesn't clear the vector of buttons (the menu->clear instruction), the program works, but, the last buttons are still here).
I tried to use raw pointers and I notices that the program is able to clear the vector as long as the buttons are not deleted (If I add a loop to delete the buttons, the problem arises), so, I conclued that the probleme is the buttons deleting. I don't understanf why, I'm stuck.
I don't know if I explained it weel, because, as I have already said, the code is part of a whole project, it's hard to introduce classes without introduce other things.
if you want details or the complete code of methods, I can provide them.
menu sustains lifetime of some button
button sustain lifetime of lambda
when you click button lambda clears menu
menu destructor clears button, button clears lambda
lambda continues execution when it in fact has been already destroyed -> undefined behavior ends with a crash
Now question is: Do you own Button class?
If yes then the easiest way to fix it, is to invoke copy of lambda in the button.
When you call menu->clear() it calls buttons.clear().
When you call buttons.clear() it destroys all the elements of buttons.
When you destroy the unique_ptr for the "Create" button, it destroys the "Create" button.
I assume button's callback is a std::function. When the button is destroyed, so is the std::function.
When the std::function is destroyed, your callback lambda object ([this]{...}) is destroyed.
The this pointer inside a lambda is stored in the lambda object. So now the memory that held the this pointer has been deallocated.
Since actionManager is a member variable of GameManager, actionManager->setMenu(menu) is really this->actionManager->setMenu(menu) which crashes because it uses a dangling pointer.
One workaround is to put the button code in a function of GameManager (since the GameManager is not destroyed), and call that from the lambda. Then, it's okay if you destroy the button while inside that function. It's okay to destroy an object whose code is currently running, as long as you are careful to not access the object after it's destroyed! This is also okay with std::function. I.e.:
// move the rest of the code to the CreateLevel function
// At this point the lambda has been destroyed, but it's not a problem
// because we don't do anything.

Lua userdata variable communication with C++

I have a program where users can create Frames using Lua command such as:
the above-mentioned command shows a frame to the user. Behind the scenes the C++ wrapper is as follows:
Frame* Frame_new(lua_State* L)
int nargs=lua_gettop(L);
Frame* wb=0;
int key=luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
return wb;
Since the frame is shown to the user, the user can close the frame by just clicking on the close button provided by the operating system. This generates a close event and it is handled as follows:
void Frm::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& evt)
//Omitted for brevity
int LuaRegistryKey=GetFrame()->GetLuaRegistryKey();
Frame* wb1=(Frame*)lua_touserdata(glbLuaState,-1); //userdata
lua_pop(glbLuaState,1); //
lua_getglobal(glbLuaState,"_G"); //table
lua_pushnil(glbLuaState); //table key
while (lua_next(glbLuaState,-2)) {//table key value
const char* name = lua_tostring(glbLuaState,-2);//table
Frame* wb2=(Frame*)lua_touserdata(glbLuaState,-1);
if(wb2==m_Frame){ //this part doesnt work
lua_pop(glbLuaState,1); //table key
} //table
lua_pop(glbLuaState,1); //
if(m_Frame==wb1) {delete m_Frame; m_Frame=0; wb1=0;}
if(wb1) {delete wb1; wb1=0;}
luaL_unref(glbLuaState,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX,LuaRegistryKey );
Now the goal is when user closes the frame the variable created by frm=Frame.new() should be nil so that user can not call one of its methods, such as frm:size() which crashes the program.
In the above C++ code for handling the close event, wb1 and current frame has the same memory address. Now to my understanding all I need to do is search the global table for the userdata type Frame and compare the memory addresses so that I know I am choosing the right frame and then set it to nil.
However, Frame* wb2=(Frame*)lua_touserdata(glbLuaState,-1); returns a completely different address from wb1, therefore I cannot know which variable of type frame I am referring to.
To my understanding wb2 has a different memory address possibly due to 3 scenarios:
1) frm is a full userdata
2) frm is inside global lua table, therefore has a different address (although this doesnt make sense to me as I pushed the address of Frame in C++).
3) I am thinking completely in the wrong way or cant see something simple.
Now to my understanding all I need to do is search the global table for the userdata type Frame and compare the memory addresses so that I know I am choosing the right frame and then set it to nil.
Your understanding is wrong.
First, you did not return userdata to Lua. You returned light userdata. That's different. The lua_type of light userdata is LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA.
Second, even if you fixed that problem, you're not iterating through tables inside the global table. So something as simple as this would confound you:
global_var = {}
global_var.frame = Frame.new()
Lua code should be able to store its data wherever it wants. And if it wants to store some userdata in a table, who are you to say no?
Third, even if you iterated through every table accessible globally recursively (with protection from infinite loops), that wouldn't stop this:
local frm = Frame.new()
function GlobalFunc(...)
Because Lua has proper lexical scoping, GlobalFunc will store a reference to the frm local internally. And since frm is a local variable, you cannot get at it just from iterating through globals.
Generally speaking, if you give a value to Lua, it now owns that value. It can do whatever it wants, and it's generally considered rude to break this contract.
Though it's not impossible. The way to handle it is by using an actual userdata rather than light userdata. Each regular userdata is an object, a full allocation of memory. Inside that allocation you would store the Frame pointer. When it comes time for that Frame to be destroyed, all you have to do is set the Frame pointer inside the userdata to NULL.
Conceptually, it's like this in C++:
struct FramePtr
Frame *ptr;
Lua would be passing around a single allocation of FramePtr. So if you set that allocation's FramePtr to NULL, everyone sees it. No iterating through global tables or somesuch.
Of course, accessing the Frame from a FramePtr requires an extra indirection. However, by using full userdata instead of light userdata, you can also attach a proper metatable to it (light userdata doesn't get per-object metatables; every light userdata shares the same metatable).

Any instance access all instances (of a class)

This may seem like a trivial question, or I may have misunderstood previous information/the research I've done so far.
But is it possible to have a object with a function (in C++) that can access all instances of its own type?
In the context of my usage. I wanted to have a Button class, whereby I could simply instantiate multiple Buttons but call to a function could call reference all buttons.
Is this possible? If so is it efficient?
Or should I have the class which owns the Button instances call each instance to check if the mouse coordinates match up?
I'm under the impression you are looking for advice on how to design this.
In the context of my usage. I wanted to have a Button class, whereby I
could simply instantiate multiple Buttons but call to a function could
call reference all buttons.
You want to do this in a button container. A button is not a button container and in a GUI context you already have an established hirerarchy.
Or should I have the class which owns the Button instances call each
instance to check if the mouse coordinates match up?
Yes. You probably already have a window/container class for this.
Your question is more of about Design pattern than C++ itself. Take a look at the Gang of Four book;you will find an appropriate implementation.
You can, for example, make a list of all objects created for a given class,
class Button {
Button() {
_buttonList.push_back( this );
// assign index/handler to this button
~Button() {
_buttonList.erase( _handle );
static bool isMouseTargeting( float x, float y ) {
for ( auto button : _buttonList ) {
// check if inside
return false;
static std::list< Button* > _buttonList;
// Handler _handle;
This is only a very general example of what you could do. You can use any other container besides a list (entirely up to you), and you have to find a way to index each button (or create a handle) so that you can later erase it in the destructor.
Beware of the default constructors (copy or move). If you don't explicitly create your constructors then some of your buttons will not enter the list, so either make them yourself or delete them.
Button( const Button& button ) = delete;
This is one way to do what you asked, but not necessarily the best solution. It may be simpler to just add the buttons to a non-static container by yourself and search from there.
The short answer is yes. But i will not recommend to put this functionality on the Button class since this will add extra (maybe not expected) responsibility to it. You can achieve the desired behavior by storing your Button objects on some collection and then call a function to check which button is targeted by the mouse.
Another solution would be to store the buttons collection as a member of a higher level class that represents your user-interface. This way you can call a method of this class and check if the mouse cursor is currently on some Button or not. With this design you can add the same support for other GUI elements (if you need to) easily.

Fire events in one class subscribed from another

I have a class AwesomeMousePointer that has some function to start playing animations on the mouse:
class AwesomeMousePointer{
void startAnimat();
void stopAnimat();
I have another object to which I have given the responsibility of figuring out whether the mouse anims should start or not (this is based on the internal hit testing on the object, for eg: if the mouse is inside the object for a specific time)
class SomeShape(){
Event<MouseArgs> startAnim
Event<bool> interrutptAnim
bool hitTest(int x, int y);
//Inside some loop function, check if the mouse is inside the object
if(hitTest(mouseXPos, mouseYPos)){
//if the mouse if inside for x time
NotiftyEvent(startAnim, MouseArgs);
//mouse left the object
NotifyEvent(interruptAnim, false);
Now, again inside my AwesomeMousePointer, I'll add listeners for the events i.e
AddListener(SomeShape::startAnim, &AwesomeMousePointer::startAnim);
AddListener(SomeShape::interruptAnim, &AweseommousePointer::interruptAnim);
The single event system by using NotifyEvent and AddListener are working correctly in short different example I tried. Now inside this application of mine, I have a lot of the objects of SomeShape and a single AwesomeMousePointer. My question is if the above logic for the anims will work or should I explicitly pass the SomeShape object explicitly to subscribe to their events, in which things would become a bit difficult.
For eg:
AddListener(shapeObject1.startAnim, &AwesomeMousePointer::startAnimat);
AddListener(shapeObject2.startAnim, &AwesomeMousePointer::startAnimat);
AddListener(shapeObject3.startAnim, &AwesomeMousePointer::startAnimat);
AddListener(SomeShape::startAnim, &AwesomeMousePointer::startAnimat);
Will the second one from the above work out? If not, how will that be done without explicitly passing the object since that makes the unclear and ShapeObjects shouldn't be inside the MousePointer.
Will this work if I make the events inside SomeShape as static?
static Event<MouseArgs> startAnim
static Event<bool> interrutptAnim
You say that you don't want to have coupling between the senders and targets. In this case, usage of Poco events is not appropriate. According to http://pocoproject.org/slides/090-NotificationsEvents.pdf, you should use Notifications instead of Events, because your senders and targets do not need to know each other then.