Clojure - Updating Each Inner Map in Nested Map - clojure

Say I have a nested map structure, such as
{:val1 {:m1 1 :m2 2 :m3 2} :val2 {:m1 4 :m2 8 :m3 7}}
This example only has two values, but in general there could be more. I know that the keys are the same for each of the nested maps (:m1, :m2, and :m3 in the example above). I have a list of keywords, say
[:m1 :m3]
and I would like to divide the value of each inner map by some number, say 5, for each of the key words given in the list. Continuing with my example, I want to get
{:val1 {:m1 1/5 :m2 2 :m3 2/5} :val2 {:m1 4/5 :m2 8 :m3 7/5}}
How can I do this? For a fixed inner key such as :m1, I can do
(map #(update-in % [1 :m1] / 5) nested-map)
But I'm not sure how to generalize this to a list of keywords. Thanks!

In the footsteps of the Clojure Cookbook, I'd define
(defn map-vals [f m]
(zipmap (keys m) (map f (vals m))))
... then use core functions to do what you want:
(defn map-inner-keys-with [ks f m]
(fn [vm] (into vm (map (juxt identity (comp f vm)) ks)))
For example,
(map-inner-keys-with [:m1 :m3] #(/ % 5)
{:val1 {:m1 1 :m2 2 :m3 2}
:val2 {:m1 4 :m2 8 :m3 7}})
=> {:val1 {:m1 1/5, :m2 2, :m3 2/5}, :val2 {:m1 4/5, :m2 8, :m3 7/5}}

Here is an answer that will work, assuming that your level of nesting is constant (which per your example, seems like a fair assumption). Note that I provide the keys as a set, if you want to use a vector you can simply modify the function to bind a symbol to a hash-set call in a let at the top of the function.
(defn change-map [m f ks]
(for [[k1 v1] m]
(hash-map k1 (into {} (for [[k2 v2] v1]
(if (contains? ks k2) [k2 (f v2)]
[k2 v2]))))))
(change-map example #{:m1 :m3})
Or if you would prefer to just pass in keys one at a time:
(defn change-map [m f & ks]
(let [ks (apply hash-set ks)]
(for [[k1 v1] m]
(hash-map k1 (into {} (for [[k2 v2] v1]
(if (contains? ks k2) [k2 (f v2)]
[k2 v2])))))))
(change-map example #(/ % 2) :m1 :m3)
After some thought, the above examples didn't sit well with me. Not that they are wrong, just felt too over-engineered. I think the below is closer to what you had in mind, and is considerably more succinct. You can obviously generalize this by changing the hard coded / 2 to be a function.
(into {} (map (fn[[k v]] {k (reduce #(update %1 %2 / 2) v [:m1 :m3])}) example))

You can use specter to do this transformation:
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[com.rpl.specter :as specter])
(deftest ^:focused transform-test
(let [selectors #{:m1 :m3}
input {:val1 {:m1 1 :m2 2 :m3 2} :val2 {:m1 4 :m2 8 :m3 7}}
output {:val1 {:m1 1/5 :m2 2 :m3 2/5} :val2 {:m1 4/5 :m2 8 :m3 7/5}}]
(is (= output
(specter/transform [specter/MAP-VALS
#(contains? selectors (first %))
#(/ % 5)

You could first of all define a function that works at the detail level:
(let [interesting-keys (set [:m1 :m3])]
(defn apply-effect [[k v]]
(if (interesting-keys k)
[k (/ v 5)]
[k v])))
As you can see some map entry values will be transformed while others will be left as they were.
Your example input data:
(def data {:val1 {:m1 1 :m2 2 :m3 2} :val2 {:m1 4 :m2 8 :m3 7}})
So here we look over the outer structure in order to apply a detail function f:
(defn make-changes [m f]
(->> m
(map (fn [[k v]]
[k (->> v
(map f)
(into {}))]))
(into {})))
Of course f will be apply-effect:
(make-changes data apply-effect)
;;=> {:val1 {:m1 1/5, :m2 2, :m3 2/5}, :val2 {:m1 4/5, :m2 8, :m3 7/5}}
Look carefully to see that the make-changes function above used this abstraction twice:
(defn map-map-entries [f m]
(->> m
(map f)
(into {})))
So we can now answer the question using map-map-entries:
(fn [[k v]]
[k (map-map-entries


Extracting two map elements with the largest distance in Clojure

I am trying to extract two elements of a map with the largest distance. For that, I defined the function for calculating the distance and can obtain the distance between the first element (p1) and other elements of the map. But I need to calculate distances between the second item (p2) and the next ones (p3, p4, p5), the third item (p3) and (p4, p5), the fourth item (p4) and fifth item (p5). Then I need to identify the maximum amount between all distances and return the 2 items with the largest distance and the distance itself. Any help is highly appreciated.
Here is my code:
(defn eclid-dist
[u v]
(Math/sqrt (apply + (map #(* % %) (mapv - u v)))))
(def error
{:p1 [1 2 3]
:p2 [4 5 6]
:p3 [7 8 9]
:p4 [1 2 3]
:p5 [6 5 4]})
(dotimes [i (dec (count error))]
(let [dis (eclid-dist (second (nth (seq error) 0))
(second (nth (seq error) (+ i 1))))
max-error (max dis)]
(println [':dis' dis ':max-error' max-error])))
I tried to save each calculated distance as a vector element separately to prevent overwriting but it was not successful.
You could use the for macro for this. It let's you combine two nested loops to test for all pairs. Then you can use max-key to pick the pair with largest distance:
(defn find-largest-dist-pair [vec-map]
(apply max-key second
(for [[[k0 v0] & r] (iterate rest vec-map)
:while r
[k1 v1] r]
[[k0 k1] (eclid-dist v0 v1)])))
(find-largest-dist-pair error)
;; => [[:p3 :p4] 10.392304845413264]
There is nothing wrong with eclid-dist, you could just use the dedicated Clojure library clojure.math (and ->> thread-last macro for better readability) and rewrite it like this:
(:require [clojure.math :as m])
(defn distance [u v]
(->> (mapv - u v)
(mapv #(m/pow % 2))
(reduce +)
Your main problem is, how to create unique pairs of points from your data. You could write a recursive function for this:
(defn unique-pairs [point-seq]
(let [[f & r] point-seq]
(when (seq r)
(concat (map #(vector f %) r)
(unique-pairs r)))))
(def error {:p1 [1 2 3]
:p2 [4 5 6]
:p3 [7 8 9]
:p4 [1 2 3]
:p5 [6 5 4]})
(unique-pairs (vals error))
or use library clojure.math.combinatorics:
Dependency: [org.clojure/math.combinatorics "0.1.6"]
(:require [clojure.math.combinatorics :as combi])
(combi/combinations (vals error) 2)
Note that these functions have slightly different results- it doesn't affect the final result, but if you can, you should use combinations.
Now, you have to compute distance for all these pairs and return the pair with the largest one:
(defn max-distance [point-map]
(->> (combi/combinations (vals point-map) 2)
(map (fn [[u v]] {:u u :v v :distance (distance u v)}))
(apply max-key :distance)))
(max-distance error)
=> {:u [1 2 3], :v [7 8 9], :distance 10.392304845413264}

What's the functional version of a nested test?

I'm converting some C++ code to Clojure, and I want
to return a graph g with a bunch of edges added to it.
I pass in the the number of vertices, the graph, and
the test predicate (eg, a function that could depend on i, j, randomness, ...) something like this:
(defn addSomeEdges [v g test-p]
(doseq [i (range v)]
(doseq [j (range (dec i))]
(if test-p
(add-edges g [i j] )
the problem, of course, is that (add-edges) returns a new g. How can I capture this updated graph using best practices Clojure, please? It seems so simple and natural in C++.
Iterativly accumulating information looks like a reducing function if you split it into two parts:
Generate a bunch of edges to consider including.
Test each edge and if it passes, include it. Otherwise pass the result on unchanged
Which can be written using reduce
user> (defn add-edge [g i j]
(assoc g i j))
user> (add-edge {1 2} 2 1)
{1 2, 2 1}
user> (defn addSomeEdges [v g test-p]
(reduce (fn [graph [i j]] ;; this takes the current graph, the points,
(if (test-p graph i j) ;; decides if the edge should be created.
(add-edge graph i j) ;; and returns the next graph
graph)) ;; or returns the graph unchanged.
g ;; This is the initial graph
(for [i (range v)
j (range (dec i))]
[i j]))) ;; this generates the candidate edges to check.
and let's run it!
user> (addSomeEdges 4 {1 2} (fn [g i j] (rand-nth [true false])))
{1 2, 2 0}
user> (addSomeEdges 4 {1 2} (fn [g i j] (rand-nth [true false])))
{1 2, 3 0}
user> (addSomeEdges 4 {1 2} (fn [g i j] (rand-nth [true false])))
{1 2, 2 0, 3 1}
When you think of other tests you can thread these calls together:
user> (as-> {1 2} g
(addSomeEdges 4 g (fn [g i j] (rand-nth [true false])))
(addSomeEdges 7 g (fn [g i j] (< i j)))
(addSomeEdges 9 g (fn [g i j] (contains? (set (keys g)) j))))
{1 2, 3 1, 4 1, 5 3, 6 4, 7 5, 8 6}
There is more than one solution to this. Sometimes, though, when you have a fundamentally mutable/imperative problem, you should just use a mutable/imperative solution:
; simplest version using mutation
(defn addSomeEdges [v g test-p]
(let [g-local (atom g)]
(doseq [i (range v)]
(doseq [j (range (dec i))]
(when (test-p i j ...) ; what other args does this need?
(swap! g-local add-edges [i j]))))
I was a little uncertain on the semtantics of test-p, so that part may need refinement.
Note the swap! will call add-edges like so:
(add-edges <curr val of g-local> [i j])
See the Clojure CheatSheet & for more info.

All subsets of a set in clojure

I wish to generate all subsets of a set except empty set
(all-subsets #{1 2 3}) => #{#{1},#{2},#{3},#{1,2},#{2,3},#{3,1},#{1,2,3}}
How can this be done in clojure?
In your :dependencies in project.clj:
[org.clojure/math.combinatorics "0.0.7"]
At the REPL:
(require '[clojure.math.combinatorics :as combinatorics])
(->> #{1 2 3}
(remove empty?)
(map set)
;= #{#{1} #{2} #{3} #{1 2} #{1 3} #{2 3} #{1 2 3}}
clojure.math.combinatorics/subsets sensibly returns a seq of seqs, hence the extra transformations to match your desired output.
Here's a concise, tail-recursive version with dependencies only on clojure.core.
(defn power [s]
(loop [[f & r] (seq s) p '(())]
(if f (recur r (concat p (map (partial cons f) p)))
If you want the results in a set of sets, use the following.
(defn power-set [s] (set (map set (power s))))
#zcaudate: For completeness, here is a recursive implementation:
(defn subsets
(if (empty? s)
(let [ts (subsets (rest s))]
(->> ts
(map #(conj % (first s)))
(clojure.set/union ts)))))
;; (subsets #{1 2 3})
;; => #{#{} #{1} #{2} #{3} #{1 2} #{1 3} #{2 3} #{1 2 3}} (which is correct).
This is a slight variation of #Brent M. Spell's solution in order to seek enlightenment on performance consideration in idiomatic Clojure.
I just wonder if having the construction of the subset in the loop instead of another iteration through (map set ...) would save some overhead, especially, when the set is very large?
(defn power [s]
(set (loop [[f & r] (seq s) p '(#{})]
(if f (recur r (concat p (map #(conj % f) p)))
(power [1 2 3])
;; => #{#{} #{3} #{2} #{1} #{1 3 2} #{1 3} #{1 2} #{3 2}}
It seems to me loop and recuris not lazy.
It would be nice to have a lazy evaluation version like Brent's, to keep the expression elegancy, while using laziness to achieve efficiency at the sametime.
This version as a framework has another advantage to easily support pruning of candidates for subsets, when there are too many subsets to compute. One can add the logic of pruning at position of conj. I used it to implement the prior algorithm for "Frequent Item Set".
refer to: Algorithm to return all combinations of k elements from n
(defn comb [k l]
(if (= 1 k) (map vector l)
(apply concat
#(map (fn [x] (conj x %2))
(comb (dec k) (drop (inc %1) l)))
(defn all-subsets [s]
(apply concat
(for [x (range 1 (inc (count s)))]
(map #(into #{} %) (comb x s)))))
; (all-subsets #{1 2 3})
; (#{1} #{2} #{3} #{1 2} #{1 3} #{2 3} #{1 2 3})
This version is loosely modeled after the ES5 version on Rosetta Code. I know this question seems reasonably solved already... but here you go, anyways.
(fn [s]
(fn [a b] (clojure.set/union a
(set (map (fn [y] (clojure.set/union #{b} y)) a))))
#{#{}} s))

How to combine elements from two lists

I want to combine elements from two lists, my program looks like this
(ns datamodel
[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as en-html ])
[ :as z]
[ :only (attr text xml->) :as xz]
[clojure.xml :as xml ]
[ :as zf]
[ :as io]
(def data-url "")
(defn map-tags-contents [url & tags]
(map #(hash-map % (keyword (last tags)))
(mapcat (comp :content z/node)
(apply xz/xml->
(-> url xml/parse z/xml-zip)
(for [t tags]
(zf/tag= t)
(def titles (map-tags-contents data-url :events :event :title))
(def descriptions (map-tags-contents data-url :events :event :description))
(defn create-map [](for [el1 titles
el2 descriptions] (into {} (conj el1 el2 ))))
But when I call create-map resulting maps in list are duplicated. I see that I got Cartesian join, because I didn't say the way elements will be combined. And I want first element from first map and first from second map to be combined, second element from first map and second from second map, etc...
Element-wise combination
(map list [1 2 3] [:a :b :c]) ;=> ((1 :a) (2 :b) (3 :c))
Cartesian product
(for [x [1 2 3], y [:a :b :c]] (list x y))
;=> ((1 :a) (1 :b) (1 :c) (2 :a) (2 :b) (2 :c) (3 :a) (3 :b) (3 :c))
So the fn should look like this
(defn create-map [](map conj titles descriptions ))
Thank to #A. Webb

swap keys and values in a map

Is there a function to swap the key and value of a given map. So given a map, I want the keys to become values, and values the keys.
(swap {:a 2 b 4}) => {2 :a 4 :b}
One way to do it is
(zipmap (vals my-map) (keys my-map))
However wondering if clojure provides a utility fn for this?
This is the purpose of map-invert in clojure.set:
user=> (clojure.set/map-invert {:a 2 :b 4})
{4 :b, 2 :a}
For anyone reading this at a later date I think the following should be helpful.
A small library is available here
Inverting a map may return a relation. If the map is injective (one-to-one) then the inverse will also be one-to-one. If the map (as if often the case) is many-to-one then you should use a set or vector.
#Values treated as atomic
the values of the map are unique
(defn invert-one-to-one
"returns a one-to-one mapping"
(persistent! (reduce (fn [m [k v]] (assoc! m v k)) (transient {}) m)))
(def one-to-one {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
> (invert-one-to-one one-to-one)
{1 :a 2 :b 3 :c}
The values of the map are not unique. This is very common - and it is safest to assume that your maps are of this form... so (def invert invert-many-to-one)
(defn invert-many-to-one
"returns a one-to-many mapping"
([m] (invert-many-to-one #{} m))
([to m]
(reduce (fn [m [k v]]
(assoc! m v (conj (get m v to) k)))
(transient {}) m))))
(def many-to-one {:a 1 :b 1 :c 2})
> (invert-many-to-one many-to-one)
{1 #{:b :a}, 2 #{:c}} ; as expected
> (invert-many-to-one [] many-to-one)
{1 [:b :a], 2 [:c]} ; we can also use vectors
> (invert-one-to-one many-to-one) ; what happens when we use the 'wrong' function?
{1 :b, 2 :c} ; we have lost information
#Values treated as collections
values are sets/collections but their intersections are always empty.
(No element occurs in two different sets)
(defn invert-one-to-many
"returns a many-to-one mapping"
(reduce (fn [m [k vs]] (reduce (fn [m v] (assoc! m v k)) m vs))
(transient {}) m)))
(def one-to-many (invert-many-to-one many-to-one))
> one-to-many
{1 #{:b :a}, 2 #{:c}}
> (invert-one-to-many one-to-many)
{:b 1, :a 1, :c 2} ; notice that we don't need to return sets as vals
values are sets/collections and there exists at least two values whose intersection is not empty. If your values are collections then it is best to assume that they fall into this category.
(defn invert-many-to-many
"returns a many-to-many mapping"
([m] (invert-many-to-many #{} m))
([to m]
(reduce (fn [m [k vs]]
(reduce (fn [m v] (assoc! m v (conj (get m v to) k))) m vs))
(transient {}) m))))
(def many-to-many {:a #{1 2} :b #{1 3} :c #{3 4}})
> (invert-many-to-many many-to-many)
{1 #{:b :a}, 2 #{:a}, 3 #{:c :b}, 4 #{:c}}
;; notice that there are no duplicates when we use a vector
;; this is because each key appears only once
> (invert-many-to-many [] many-to-many)
{1 [:a :b], 2 [:a], 3 [:b :c], 4 [:c]}
> (invert-many-to-one many-to-many)
{#{1 2} #{:a}, #{1 3} #{:b}, #{4 3} #{:c}}
> (invert-one-to-many many-to-many)
{1 :b, 2 :a, 3 :c, 4 :c}
> (invert-one-to-one many-to-many)
{#{1 2} :a, #{1 3} :b, #{4 3} :c} ; this would be missing information if we had another key :d mapping to say #{1 2}
You could also use invert-many-to-many on the one-to-many example.
There's a function reverse-map in clojure.contrib.datalog.util, it's implemented as:
(defn reverse-map
"Reverse the keys/values of a map"
(into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [v k]) m)))
Here is an option that may fit the problem using reduce:
(reduce #(assoc %1 (second %2) (first %2)) {} {:a 2 :b 4})
Here in a function
(defn invert [map]
(reduce #(assoc %1 (second %2) (first %2)) {} map))
(invert {:a 2 b: 4})
Then there is the reduce-kv (cleaner in my opinion)
(reduce-kv #(assoc %1 %3 %2) {} {:a 2 :b 4})