Binding against a lambda in c++ - c++

I try to understand how works and
extracted one codepath from it. I simplified it to understand it and
came up with the below code.
What puzzles me is the way struct Binder works and how readIntoFunction() creates the binder function objects in advance of it being used, leading to the creation of a call to the lambda that was supplied at the beginning.
Question now:
I had real problems getting my head around this piece of code. Is it just me that thinks this code is hilarious?
Is there some easier way to achieve the same thing? Is there some easier way to generate a binder function from the type signature of the lambda supplied?
g++ -g -std=c++14 test.cpp -o test.exe
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <functional>
template<typename T> struct tag {};
template<typename TFunctionObject, typename TFirstParamType>
struct Binder {
TFunctionObject function;
TFirstParamType param;
template<typename... TParams>
auto operator()(TParams&&... params) -> decltype(function(param, std::forward<TParams>(params)...)) {
return function(param, std::forward<TParams>(params)...);
class A {
int a[3];
/* trigger the actual call */
template<typename TCallback>
static int readIntoFunction(TCallback&& callback, A &c, int ) {
return callback();
/* at the first call 'callback' is the lambda supplied to
A::ca() at the beginning. Each iteration will generate a
derived call object with one argument less than 'callback' */
template<typename TCallback, typename TFirstType, typename... TTypes>
static int readIntoFunction(TCallback&& callback, A &c, int index, tag<TFirstType>, tag<TTypes>... othersTags)
const TFirstType v = c.a[index];
Binder<TCallback, const TFirstType&> binder{ callback, v };
return readIntoFunction(binder, c, index + 1, othersTags...);
template<typename TType, typename = void>
struct Split {
template<typename TType2>
static void push(A &c, TType2 value) {
/* with template packs ready, call readIntoFunction().
the 'value' parameter is the target lambda function to
call */
template<typename TReturnType, typename... TParameters>
struct Split<TReturnType (TParameters...)>
template<typename TFunctionObject>
static void push(A &c, TFunctionObject value) noexcept {
A::readIntoFunction(value, c, 0, tag<TParameters>{}...);
/* split up the function signature into return/parameters,
specialize from (*)() to (). */
template<typename TReturnType, typename... TParameters>
struct Split<TReturnType (*)(TParameters...)>
typedef Split<TReturnType(TParameters...)> SubPusher;
template<typename TType>
static void push(A &c, TType value) noexcept {
SubPusher::push(c, value);
/* entry, called with a lambda function as argument */
template<typename TFunctionType>
auto ca(TFunctionType&& data) {
typedef typename std::decay<TFunctionType>::type RealDataType;
Split<RealDataType>::push(*this, std::forward<TFunctionType>(data));
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
A c{{ 1, 2, 3}}; (int (*)(int,float))[](int a,float b)->int {
std::cout << a << b << std::endl;
}); (int (*)(int,float,double))[](int a,float b,double c)->int {
std::cout << a << b << c << std::endl;

Is there some easier way to generate a binder function from the type signature of the lambda supplied?
The short answer is “No”.
Generally, you could use standard library equivalents, std::function, std::bind, std::placeholders. The implementation code is even more complex. But they're in the standard library, i.e. you don’t have to support that code, and you’ll get documentation.
For this particular case, however, they won’t work. Because the function doesn’t just make a callable thing like std::function, instead it marshals the arguments + return value to LUA.
Other methods exist, but they aren’t necessarily simpler. Sometimes C #defines leads to simpler code. In other cases, external scripts or tools running in a pre-build step generate the boilerplate code from something else (special comments/other markup in your source, or external LUA code, or external protocol/interface definitions).
Generally, to write code like this, reflection support in the programming language helps. Unfortunately, C++ has no reflection. Hence that write-only template code.


std::function - could not deduce template argument for ... (variadic template functions)

I'm writing a simple "wrapper library" around another library and I'm having issues with std::function not being able to deduce template arguments for variadic template functions. To make things more concrete:
There's a library (it's a HTTP server) that I'm planning to "expand" with more functionality and to make it more convenient to use by "other code users" (automatic serialization of data, writing controller functions based on needs etc.). Basically cutting down on a lot of boilerplate code. From now on I'm calling this one simply "library". It cannot be touched or changed.
There's the code that "expands" the functionality above that I write myself and it's where I have the problem. From now on I call this a "wrapper library".
There's the "user code", that is - any code that uses the "wrapper library". I've included examples what I'd like it to look like and I'd rather keep it as simple as possible, especially when it comes to unnecessary template parameters bloat (not having to explicitly pass template arguments when it can be deduced by the compiler etc.). See main in the code below for examples.
Here's the complete example (that doesn't compile):
#include <type_traits>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
/*** Library code starts here ***/
// Library handler function definition to be registered. This cannot be changed.
// For simplicity I made the function arguments (int, int) to denote that this
// handler function does take some arguments passed later by the library.
// In reality these are simple, non-templated structs.
using LibraryHandler = std::function<void(int, int)>;
std::vector<LibraryHandler> g_libraryHandlers;
void RegisterLibraryHandler(LibraryHandler handler)
// Library code registering passed handler. This cannot be changed.
/*** End of library code ***/
/*** My "wrapper library" starts here ***/
// ReturnType is the type returned by the functions written by "wrapper library users".
// Types... is the list of all possible types held by 'ReturnType' that a given function is allowed to return.
template<typename T, typename... Types>
static inline constexpr bool isConstructible = (std::is_constructible_v<T, Types> || ...);
template<typename T, typename... Types>
static inline constexpr bool isAssignable = (std::is_assignable_v<T&, Types> || ...);
template<typename... Types>
class ReturnType
template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<
isConstructible<T, Types...> &&
isAssignable<T, Types...>,
int> = 0>
static ReturnType Build(const T& data)
return ReturnType(data);
template<typename T>
ReturnType(const T& data) : m_data(data) { }
std::variant<Types...> m_data;
template<typename T>
class ParamType
ParamType() { }
const T& GetData() const { return m_data; }
T m_data;
/*** This is where my problem is - how to write these functions to allow for
different logic (based on passed function signature) inside nested lambda? ***/
// Version registering functions taking no arguments
template<typename... Types>
void RegisterFunction(std::function<ReturnType<Types...>()> func)
auto wrapperLambda = [func](int a, int b) { // Construct lambda to conform with library interface ('LibraryHandler')
// Logic specific for 'func' with signature: ReturnType<Types...>() - step before call
// Logic specific for 'func' with signature: ReturnType<Types...>() - step after call
RegisterLibraryHandler(wrapperLambda); // Register lambda inside library
// Version registering functions taking arguments through 'ParamType'
template<typename... Types, typename TParam>
void RegisterFunction(std::function<ReturnType<Types...>(const ParamType<TParam>)> func)
auto wrapperLambda = [func](int a, int b) { // Construct lambda to conform with library interface ('LibraryHandler')
// Logic specific for 'func' with signature: ReturnType<Types...>(const ParamType<TParam>) - step before call
// Logic specific for 'func' with signature: ReturnType<Types...>(const ParamType<TParam>) - step after call
RegisterLibraryHandler(wrapperLambda); // Register lambda inside library
// Version registering functions taking library arguments directly
template<typename... Types, typename TParam>
void RegisterFunction(std::function<ReturnType<Types...>(int, int)> func)
auto wrapperLambda = [func](int a, int b) { // Construct lambda to conform with library interface ('LibraryHandler')
// Logic specific for 'func' with signature: ReturnType<Types...>(int, int) - step before call
func(a, b);
// Logic specific for 'func' with signature: ReturnType<Types...>(int, int) - step after call
RegisterLibraryHandler(wrapperLambda); // Register lambda inside library
/*** End of my "wrapper library" ***/
/*** This is how I'd like the "users of the wrapper library" to write the code ***/
struct SomeReturnData { char a; char b; };
struct OtherReturnData { char c; char d; };
struct SomeParameterType { int p; };
// Example 1 - function only ever returning a single type, taking no arguments
ReturnType<SomeReturnData> UserFunctionNoArgs()
SomeReturnData data{ 'x', 'y' };
return ReturnType<SomeReturnData>::Build(data);
// Example 2 - function taking parameter 'SomeParameterType' and returning 'SomeReturnData' or 'OtherReturnData'
// based on contents of passed argument.
ReturnType<SomeReturnData, OtherReturnData> UserFunctionArgs(const ParamType<SomeParameterType> param)
if (param.GetData().p == 1000)
return ReturnType<SomeReturnData, OtherReturnData>::Build(SomeReturnData());
return ReturnType<SomeReturnData, OtherReturnData>::Build(OtherReturnData());
// Example 3 - function requesting library arguments to be passed directly
ReturnType<SomeReturnData, OtherReturnData> UserHandlingLibraryDirectly(int libraryArg1, int libraryArg2)
if (libraryArg1 == libraryArg2)
return ReturnType<SomeReturnData, OtherReturnData>::Build(SomeReturnData());
return ReturnType<SomeReturnData, OtherReturnData>::Build(OtherReturnData());
int main()
// User registers written functions in the "wrapper library".
// This includes any 'regluar functions'...
// ... or lambdas with captures (all possible parameter combinations from examples above apply).
int someInt = 123;
auto userLambda = [someInt]() -> ReturnType<SomeReturnData, OtherReturnData> {
if(someInt < 100)
return ReturnType<SomeReturnData, OtherReturnData>::Build(SomeReturnData());
return ReturnType<SomeReturnData, OtherReturnData>::Build(OtherReturnData());
return 0;
My issue is with the RegisterFunction above - I'd basically want to write it the way it is above, which is obviously not possible (the compiler complains about not being able to deduce template parameters). My goal is to not change / cut down on possibilities / make any more complicated anything that's inside main.
Lambdas are not std::function, so cannot be deduced. Fortunately, std::function has CTAD (c++17) allowing to solve your issue with an extra overload:
template<typename Func>
void RegisterFunction(Func func)
RegisterFunction(std::function{func}); // forward to overload taking std::function

How to recover the type of a function pointer at runtime

In the code I register one or multiple function pointer in a manager class.
In this class I have a map that maps the argument types of the function to said function. It may look like so: std::map< std::vector<std::type_index> , void*>
template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
void Register(Ret(*function)(Args...)) {
void* v = (void*)function;
// recursively build type vector and add to the map
At runtime the code gets calls (from an external script) with an arbitrary number of arguments. These arguments can be read as primitive data types or as custom types that will be specified at compile time.
With every call from the script, I have to find out which function to call, and then call it. The former is easy and already solved (filling a vector with type_index in a loop), but I can't think of a solution for the latter.
My first approach was using variadic templates in recursion with an added template argument for each read type - but this turned out to be impossible since templates are constructed at compile time, and the arbitrary number of arguments is read at runtime.
Without variadic templates however, I don't see any possibility to achieve this. I considered boost::any instead of void*, but I didn't see how that would solve the need to cast back to the original type. I also thought of using std::function but that would be a templated type, so it could not be stored in a map for functions with different arguments.
(If it's unclear what I'm asking, think of LuaBinds possibility to register overloaded functions. I tried to understand how it's implemented there (without variadic templates, pre-C++11), but to no avail.)
Suppose you had the arguments in a vector of some kind, and a known function (fully).
You can call this. Call the function that does this invoke.
Next, work out how to do this for template<class... Args>. Augment invoke.
So you have written:
typedef std::vector<run_time_stuff> run_time_args;
template<class... Args>
void invoke( void(*func)(Args...), run_time_args rta )
at this point. Note that we know the types of the argument. I do not claim the above is easy to write, but I have faith you can figure it out.
Now we wrap things up:
std::function<void(run_time_args)> make_invoker(void(*func)(Args...)){
return [func](run_time_args rta){
invoke(func, rta);
and now instead of void* you store std::function<void(run_time_args)> -- invokers. When you add the function pointers to the mechanism you use make_invoker instead of casting to void*.
Basically, at the point where we have the type info, we store how to use it. Then where we want to use it, we use the stored code!
Writing invoke is another problem. It will probably involve the indexes trick.
Suppose we support two kinds of arguments -- double and int. The arguments at run time are then loaded into a std::vector< boost::variant<double, int> > as our run_time_args.
Next, let us extend the above invoke function to return an error in the case of parameter type mismatch.
enum class invoke_result {
typedef boost::variant<int,double> c;
typedef std::vector<run_time_stuff> run_time_args;
template<class... Args>
invoke_result invoke( void(*func)(Args...), run_time_args rta );
now some boilerplate for the indexes trick:
template<unsigned...Is>struct indexes{typedef indexes type;};
template<unsigned Max,unsigned...Is>struct make_indexes:make_indexes<Max-1, Max-1,Is...>{};
template<unsigned...Is>struct make_indexes<0,Is...>:indexes<Is...>{};
template<unsigned Max>using make_indexes_t=typename make_indexes<Max>::type;
With that, we can write an invoker:
namespace helpers{
template<unsigned...Is, class... Args>
invoke_result invoke( indexes<Is...>, void(*func)(Args...), run_time_args rta ) {
typedef void* pvoid;
if (rta.size() < sizeof...(Is))
return invoke_result::error_parameter_count_mismatch;
pvoid check_array[] = { ((void*)boost::get<Args>( rta[Is] ))... };
for( pvoid p : check_array )
if (!p)
return invoke_result::error_parameter_type_mismatch;
func( (*boost::get<Args>(rts[Is]))... );
template<class... Args>
invoke_result invoke( void(*func)(Args...), run_time_args rta ) {
return helpers::invoke( make_indexes_t< sizeof...(Args) >{}, func, rta );
And that should work when func's args exactly match the ones passed in inside run_time_args.
Note that I was fast and loose with failing to std::move that std::vector around. And that the above doesn't support implicit type conversion. And I didn't compile any of the above code, so it is probably littered with typos.
I was messing around with variadic templates a few weeks ago and came up with a solution that might help you.
template <typename ReturnType, typename ...Args>
class BaseDelegate
: m_delegate(nullptr)
virtual ReturnType Call(Args... args) = 0;
BaseDelegate* m_delegate;
template <typename ReturnType = void, typename ...Args>
class Delegate : public BaseDelegate<ReturnType, Args...>
template <typename ClassType>
class Callee : public BaseDelegate
typedef ReturnType (ClassType::*FncPtr)(Args...);
Callee(ClassType* type, FncPtr function)
: m_type(type)
, m_function(function)
ReturnType Call(Args... args)
return (m_type->*m_function)(args...);
ClassType* m_type;
FncPtr m_function;
template<typename T>
void RegisterCallback(T* type, ReturnType (T::*function)(Args...))
m_delegate = new Callee<T>(type, function);
ReturnType Call(Args... args)
return m_delegate->Call(args...);
class Foo
int Method(int iVal)
return iVal * 2;
int main(int argc, const char* args)
Foo foo;
typedef Delegate<int, int> MyDelegate;
MyDelegate m_delegate;
m_delegate.RegisterCallback(&foo, &Foo::Method);
int retVal = m_delegate.Call(10);
return 0;
Not sure if your requirements will allow this, but you could possibly just use std::function and std::bind.
The below solution makes the following assumptions:
You know the functions you want to call and their arguments
The functions can have any signature, and any number of arguments
You want to use type erasure to be able to store these functions and arguments, and call them all at a later point in time
Here is a working example:
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <list>
// list of all bound functions
std::list<std::function<void()>> funcs;
// add a function and its arguments to the list
template<typename Ret, typename... Args, typename... UArgs>
void Register(Ret(*Func)(Args...), UArgs... args)
funcs.push_back(std::bind(Func, args...));
// call all the bound functions
void CallAll()
for (auto& f : funcs)
// some example functions
void foo(int i, double d)
std::cout << __func__ << "(" << i << ", " << d << ")" << std::endl;
void bar(int i, double d, char c, std::string s)
std::cout << __func__ << "(" << i << ", " << d << ", " << c << ", " << s << ")" << std::endl;
int main()
Register(&foo, 1, 2);
Register(&bar, 7, 3.14, 'c', "Hello world");

template argument deduction for pointer to member function?

I am trying to build a statically bound delegate class, where the member function is bound at compile time, thereby aiding optimisation.
I have the following code which works exactly how I want it to:
#include <iostream>
namespace thr {
template<typename T, T func>
struct delegate;
template<typename R,
typename C,
typename... A,
R (C::* mem_fun)(A...)>
struct delegate<R(C::*)(A...), mem_fun>
delegate(C* obj_)
: _obj(obj_)
R operator()(A... a)
return (_obj->*mem_fun)(a...);
C* _obj;
} // namespace thr
struct foo
double bar(int i, int j)
return (double)i / (double)j;
int main()
foo f;
typedef thr::delegate<decltype(&foo::bar), &foo::bar> cb;
cb c(&f);
std::cout << c(4, 3);
return 0;
However, the usage is not very elegant:
thr::delegate<decltype(&foo::bar), &foo::bar>
I would like to use a function template which deduces the template parameters and returns a delegate instance; something along the lines of (this code does not compile):
template<typename C, typename T, T func>
thr::delegate<T, func> bind(T func, C* obj)
return thr::delegate<decltype(func), func>(obj);
This would allow for more elegant syntax:
auto cb = bind(&foo::bar, &f);
Is it possible to deduce a non-type parameter in a function template?
Is what I'm trying to achieve even possible?
Would std::function help? Your example looks quite close.
I think the compiler supplied STL does pretty horrible things to make it work smoothly. You may want to have a look at as an example before giving up.
Edit: I went out and tried what you try to accomplish. My conclusion is a compile error:
The return type of the bind (delegate) must name the pointer to member because it is your own requirement.
bind should accept the name of the pointer to member to be elegant (i.e. your requirement)
Compiler requires you to not shadow the template parameter with a function parameter or use the name in both parameters and return type.
Therefore one of your requirements must go.
Edit 2: I took the liberty of changing your delegate so bind works as you wish. bind might not be your priority though.
#include <iostream>
namespace thr {
template<typename C,typename R,typename... A>
struct delegate
C* _obj;
delegate(C* obj_,R(C::*f)(A...))
: _obj(obj_),_f(f)
R operator()(A... a)
return (_obj->*_f)(a...);
} // namespace thr
template<class C,typename R,typename... A> thr::delegate<C,R,A...> bind(R(C::*f)(A...),C* obj){
return thr::delegate<C,R,A...>(obj,f);
struct foo
double bar(int i, int j)
return (double)i / (double)j;
int main()
foo f;
auto c = bind(&foo::bar, &f);
std::cout << c(4, 6);
return 0;
It is possible to deduce other entities than types in a function signature, but function parameters themselves cannot then be used as template parameters.
template <size_t I> struct Integral { static size_t const value = I; };
You can have:
template <size_t N>
Integral<N> foo(char const (&)[N]);
But you cannot have:
Integral<N> bar(size_t N);
In the former case, N as the size of the array is part of the type of the argument, in the latter case, N is the argument itself. It can be noticed that in the former case, N appeared in the template parameters list of the type signature.
Therefore, if indeed what you want is possible, the member pointer value would have to appear as part of the template parameter list of the function signature.
There may be a saving grace using constexpr, which can turn a regular value into a constant fit for template parameters:
constexpr size_t fib(size_t N) { return N <= 1 ? 1 : fib(N-1) + fib(N-2); }
Integral<fib(4)> works;
But I am not savvy enough to go down that road...
I do however have a simple question: why do you think this will speed things up ? Compilers are very good at constant propagation and inlining, to the point of being able to inline calls to virtual functions when they can assess the dynamic type of variables at compilation. Are you sure it's worth sweating over this ?

How can I iterate over a packed variadic template argument list?

I'm trying to find a method to iterate over an a pack variadic template argument list.
Now as with all iterations, you need some sort of method of knowing how many arguments are in the packed list, and more importantly how to individually get data from a packed argument list.
The general idea is to iterate over the list, store all data of type int into a vector, store all data of type char* into a vector, and store all data of type float, into a vector. During this process there also needs to be a seperate vector that stores individual chars of what order the arguments went in. As an example, when you push_back(a_float), you're also doing a push_back('f') which is simply storing an individual char to know the order of the data. I could also use a std::string here and simply use +=. The vector was just used as an example.
Now the way the thing is designed is the function itself is constructed using a macro, despite the evil intentions, it's required, as this is an experiment. So it's literally impossible to use a recursive call, since the actual implementation that will house all this will be expanded at compile time; and you cannot recruse a macro.
Despite all possible attempts, I'm still stuck at figuring out how to actually do this. So instead I'm using a more convoluted method that involves constructing a type, and passing that type into the varadic template, expanding it inside a vector and then simply iterating that. However I do not want to have to call the function like:
foo(arg(1), arg(2.0f), arg("three");
So the real question is how can I do without such? To give you guys a better understanding of what the code is actually doing, I've pasted the optimistic approach that I'm currently using.
struct any {
void do_i(int e) { INT = e; }
void do_f(float e) { FLOAT = e; }
void do_s(char* e) { STRING = e; }
int INT;
float FLOAT;
char *STRING;
template<typename T> struct get { T operator()(const any& t) { return T(); } };
template<> struct get<int> { int operator()(const any& t) { return t.INT; } };
template<> struct get<float> { float operator()(const any& t) { return t.FLOAT; } };
template<> struct get<char*> { char* operator()(const any& t) { return t.STRING; } };
#define def(name) \
template<typename... T> \
auto name (T... argv) -> any { \
std::initializer_list<any> argin = { argv... }; \
std::vector<any> args = argin;
#define get(name,T) get<T>()(args[name])
#define end }
any arg(int a) { any arg; arg.INT = a; return arg; }
any arg(float f) { any arg; arg.FLOAT = f; return arg; }
any arg(char* s) { any arg; arg.STRING = s; return arg; }
I know this is nasty, however it's a pure experiment, and will not be used in production code. It's purely an idea. It could probably be done a better way. But an example of how you would use this system:
int data = get(0, int);
std::cout << data << std::endl;
looks a lot like python. it works too, but the only problem is how you call this function.
Heres a quick example:
I'm required to construct a new any type, which is highly aesthetic, but thats not to say those macros are not either. Aside the point, I just want to the option of doing:
I know it can be done, I just need some sort of iteration method, or more importantly some std::get method for packed variadic template argument lists. Which I'm sure can be done.
Also to note, I'm well aware that this is not exactly type friendly, as I'm only supporting int,float,char* and thats okay with me. I'm not requiring anything else, and I'll add checks to use type_traits to validate that the arguments passed are indeed the correct ones to produce a compile time error if data is incorrect. This is purely not an issue. I also don't need support for anything other then these POD types.
It would be highly apprecaited if I could get some constructive help, opposed to arguments about my purely illogical and stupid use of macros and POD only types. I'm well aware of how fragile and broken the code is. This is merley an experiment, and I can later rectify issues with non-POD data, and make it more type-safe and useable.
Thanks for your undertstanding, and I'm looking forward to help.
If your inputs are all of the same type, see OMGtechy's great answer.
For mixed-types we can use fold expressions (introduced in c++17) with a callable (in this case, a lambda):
#include <iostream>
template <class ... Ts>
void Foo (Ts && ... inputs)
int i = 0;
// Do things in your "loop" lambda
std::cout << "input " << i << " = " << inputs << std::endl;
} (), ...);
int main ()
Foo(2, 3, 4u, (int64_t) 9, 'a', 2.3);
Live demo
(Thanks to glades for pointing out in the comments that I didn't need to explicitly pass inputs to the lambda. This made it a lot neater.)
If you need return/breaks in your loop, here are some workarounds:
Demo using try/throw. Note that throws can cause tremendous slow down of this function; so only use this option if speed isn't important, or the break/returns are genuinely exceptional.
Demo using variable/if switches.
These latter answers are honestly a code smell, but shows it's general-purpose.
If you want to wrap arguments to any, you can use the following setup. I also made the any class a bit more usable, although it isn't technically an any class.
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
struct any {
enum type {Int, Float, String};
any(int e) { m_data.INT = e; m_type = Int;}
any(float e) { m_data.FLOAT = e; m_type = Float;}
any(char* e) { m_data.STRING = e; m_type = String;}
type get_type() const { return m_type; }
int get_int() const { return m_data.INT; }
float get_float() const { return m_data.FLOAT; }
char* get_string() const { return m_data.STRING; }
type m_type;
union {
int INT;
float FLOAT;
char *STRING;
} m_data;
template <class ...Args>
void foo_imp(const Args&... args)
std::vector<any> vec = {args...};
for (unsigned i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) {
switch (vec[i].get_type()) {
case any::Int: std::cout << vec[i].get_int() << '\n'; break;
case any::Float: std::cout << vec[i].get_float() << '\n'; break;
case any::String: std::cout << vec[i].get_string() << '\n'; break;
template <class ...Args>
void foo(Args... args)
foo_imp(any(args)...); //pass each arg to any constructor, and call foo_imp with resulting any objects
int main()
char s[] = "Hello";
foo(1, 3.4f, s);
It is however possible to write functions to access the nth argument in a variadic template function and to apply a function to each argument, which might be a better way of doing whatever you want to achieve.
Range based for loops are wonderful:
#include <iostream>
#include <any>
template <typename... Things>
void printVariadic(Things... things) {
for(const auto p : {things...}) {
std::cout << p.type().name() << std::endl;
int main() {
printVariadic(std::any(42), std::any('?'), std::any("C++"));
For me, this produces the output:
Here's an example without std::any, which might be easier to understand for those not familiar with std::type_info:
#include <iostream>
template <typename... Things>
void printVariadic(Things... things) {
for(const auto p : {things...}) {
std::cout << p << std::endl;
int main() {
printVariadic(1, 2, 3);
As you might expect, this produces:
You can create a container of it by initializing it with your parameter pack between {}. As long as the type of params... is homogeneous or at least convertable to the element type of your container, it will work. (tested with g++ 4.6.1)
#include <array>
template <class... Params>
void f(Params... params) {
std::array<int, sizeof...(params)> list = {params...};
This is not how one would typically use Variadic templates, not at all.
Iterations over a variadic pack is not possible, as per the language rules, so you need to turn toward recursion.
class Stock
bool isInt(size_t i) { return == Int; }
int getInt(size_t i) { assert(isInt(i)); return; }
// push (a)
template <typename... Args>
void push(int i, Args... args) {
_indexes.push_back(std::make_pair(Int, _ints.size()));
// push (b)
template <typename... Args>
void push(float f, Args... args) {
_indexes.push_back(std::make_pair(Float, _floats.size()));
// push (c)
void push() {}
enum Type { Int, Float; };
typedef size_t Index;
std::vector<std::pair<Type,Index>> _indexes;
std::vector<int> _ints;
std::vector<float> _floats;
Example (in action), suppose we have Stock stock;:
stock.push(1, 3.2f, 4, 5, 4.2f); is resolved to (a) as the first argument is an int
this->push(args...) is expanded to this->push(3.2f, 4, 5, 4.2f);, which is resolved to (b) as the first argument is a float
this->push(args...) is expanded to this->push(4, 5, 4.2f);, which is resolved to (a) as the first argument is an int
this->push(args...) is expanded to this->push(5, 4.2f);, which is resolved to (a) as the first argument is an int
this->push(args...) is expanded to this->push(4.2f);, which is resolved to (b) as the first argument is a float
this->push(args...) is expanded to this->push();, which is resolved to (c) as there is no argument, thus ending the recursion
Adding another type to handle is as simple as adding another overload, changing the first type (for example, std::string const&)
If a completely different type is passed (say Foo), then no overload can be selected, resulting in a compile-time error.
One caveat: Automatic conversion means a double would select overload (b) and a short would select overload (a). If this is not desired, then SFINAE need be introduced which makes the method slightly more complicated (well, their signatures at least), example:
template <typename T, typename... Args>
typename std::enable_if<is_int<T>::value>::type push(T i, Args... args);
Where is_int would be something like:
template <typename T> struct is_int { static bool constexpr value = false; };
template <> struct is_int<int> { static bool constexpr value = true; };
Another alternative, though, would be to consider a variant type. For example:
typedef boost::variant<int, float, std::string> Variant;
It exists already, with all utilities, it can be stored in a vector, copied, etc... and seems really much like what you need, even though it does not use Variadic Templates.
There is no specific feature for it right now but there are some workarounds you can use.
Using initialization list
One workaround uses the fact, that subexpressions of initialization lists are evaluated in order. int a[] = {get1(), get2()} will execute get1 before executing get2. Maybe fold expressions will come handy for similar techniques in the future. To call do() on every argument, you can do something like this:
template <class... Args>
void doSomething(Args... args) {
int x[] = {};
However, this will only work when do() is returning an int. You can use the comma operator to support operations which do not return a proper value.
template <class... Args>
void doSomething(Args... args) {
int x[] = {(, 0)...};
To do more complex things, you can put them in another function:
template <class Arg>
void process(Arg arg, int &someOtherData) {
// You can do something with arg here.
template <class... Args>
void doSomething(Args... args) {
int someOtherData;
int x[] = {(process(args, someOtherData), 0)...};
Note that with generic lambdas (C++14), you can define a function to do this boilerplate for you.
template <class F, class... Args>
void do_for(F f, Args... args) {
int x[] = {(f(args), 0)...};
template <class... Args>
void doSomething(Args... args) {
do_for([&](auto arg) {
// You can do something with arg here.
}, args...);
Using recursion
Another possibility is to use recursion. Here is a small example that defines a similar function do_for as above.
template <class F, class First, class... Rest>
void do_for(F f, First first, Rest... rest) {
do_for(f, rest...);
template <class F>
void do_for(F f) {
// Parameter pack is empty.
template <class... Args>
void doSomething(Args... args) {
do_for([&](auto arg) {
// You can do something with arg here.
}, args...);
You can't iterate, but you can recurse over the list. Check the printf() example on wikipedia:
You can use multiple variadic templates, this is a bit messy, but it works and is easy to understand.
You simply have a function with the variadic template like so:
template <typename ...ArgsType >
void function(ArgsType... Args){
And a helper function like so:
void helperFunction() {}
template <typename T, typename ...ArgsType >
void helperFunction(T t, ArgsType... Args) {
//do what you want with t
Now when you call "function" the "helperFunction" will be called and isolate the first passed parameter from the rest, this variable can b used to call another function (or something). Then "function" will be called again and again until there are no more variables left. Note you might have to declare helperClass before "function".
The final code will look like this:
void helperFunction();
template <typename T, typename ...ArgsType >
void helperFunction(T t, ArgsType... Args);
template <typename ...ArgsType >
void function(ArgsType... Args){
void helperFunction() {}
template <typename T, typename ...ArgsType >
void helperFunction(T t, ArgsType... Args) {
//do what you want with t
The code is not tested.
#include <iostream>
template <typename Fun>
void iteratePack(const Fun&) {}
template <typename Fun, typename Arg, typename ... Args>
void iteratePack(const Fun &fun, Arg &&arg, Args&& ... args)
iteratePack(fun, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename ... Args>
void test(const Args& ... args)
iteratePack([&](auto &arg)
std::cout << arg << std::endl;
int main()
test(20, "hello", 40);
return 0;

C++0x Lambda to function pointer in VS 2010

I am trying to use a lambda to pass in place of a function pointer but VS2010 can't seem to convert it. I have tried using std::function like this and it crashes and I have no idea if I am doing this right!
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <concrt.h>
void main()
std::function<void(void*)> f = [](void*) -> void
std::cout << "Hello\n";
Concurrency::CurrentScheduler::ScheduleTask(<void(void*)>(), 0);
It seems strange to me that the compiler can't convert such a lambda to a simple function pointer as it captures no variables - also in the case that it did I wonder what can be done.
Is the type of each lambda unique? So I could hack around with a template function using the lambdas' type as a template argument to generate a unique static function that could be called instead and hopefully optimised out?
The below seems to work but is it safe?
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <concrt.h>
template<typename Signature>
struct Bind
static Signature method;
static void Call(void* parameter)
template<typename Signature>
Signature Bind<Signature>::method;
template<typename Signature>
void ScheduleTask(Signature method)
Bind<Signature>::method = method;
void main()
std::cout << "Hello";
std::cout << " there!\n";
So with the help given I have come up with the shorter:
template<typename Signature>
void (*LambdaBind(Signature))(void*)
struct Detail
static void Bind(void* parameter)
Signature method;
return &Detail::Bind;
This can be used to wrap a lambda with no closure of void(*)(void*) into the equivalent function pointer. It appears that this will become unnecessary in a later version of VS2010.
So how to get this to work for a lambda with closures?
Works for closures in VS2010 - no idea if it's 'safe' though...
template<typename Signature>
struct Detail2
static std::function<void(void*)> method;
static void Bind(void* parameter)
template<typename Signature>
std::function<void(void*)> Detail2<Signature>::method;
template<typename Signature>
void (*LambdaBind2(Signature method))(void*)
Detail2<Signature>::method = method;
return &Detail2<Signature>::Bind;
This feature of lambda's was added after VS2010 implemented them, so they don't exist in it yet.
Here's a possible generic work-around, very untested:
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
namespace detail
// helper specializations,
// define forwarding methods
template <typename Lambda, typename Func>
struct lambda_wrapper;
typedef decltype(&call) function_type; \
operator function_type(void) const \
{ \
return &call; \
template <typename Lambda, typename C, typename R>
struct lambda_wrapper<Lambda, R (C::*)(void) const>
static R call(void)
Lambda x;
return x();
template <typename Lambda, typename C, typename R,
typename A0>
struct lambda_wrapper<Lambda, R (C::*)(A0) const>
static R call(A0&& p0)
Lambda x;
return x(std::forward<A0>(p0));
// and so on
// wraps a lambda and provides
// a way to call it statically
template <typename Lambda>
struct lambda_wrapper :
detail::lambda_wrapper<Lambda, decltype(&Lambda::operator())>
template <typename Lambda>
lambda_wrapper<Lambda> wrap_lambda(const Lambda&)
return lambda_wrapper<Lambda>();
int main(void)
auto l = [](){ std::cout << "im broked :(" << std::endl; };
std::function<void(void)> f = wrap_lambda(l);
Let me know if any part is confusing.
If scheduling lambdas/function objects in Concurrency::CurrentScheduler is what you want, it may be worth your while looking at ConcRT Sample Pack v0.32 here
The task_scheduler struct can schedule lambdas asynchronously, but be advised, passing by reference may cause bad things to happen (since we are talking about asynchronous scheduling without a join/wait, a reference on the stack may no longer be valid at time of task execution!)