UISearchbar Search in all fields in swift 3 - swift3

I've got a tableview showing some data and I filter the shown data uisng UISearchbar. Each data struct consists of different values and
struct Cake {
var name = String()
var size = String()
var filling = String()
When a user starts typing I don't know whether he is filtering for name, size or filling. I don't want to use a scopebar. Is there a way to filter for various fields at the same time in swift 3?
This is the code I use to filter:
func updateSearchResults(for searchController: UISearchController) {
if searchController.searchBar.text! == "" {
filteredCakes = cakes
} else {
// Filter the results
filteredCakes = cakes.filter { $0.name.lowercased().contains(searchController.searchBar.text!.lowercased()) }
thanks for your help!

func updateSearchResults(for searchController: UISearchController)
guard let searchedText = searchController.searchBar.text?.lowercased() else {return}
filteredCakes = cakes.filter
$0.name.lowercased().contains(searchedText) ||
$0.size.lowercased().contains(searchedText) ||


Don't Display Entry Date if Same as previous Entry Date in List

I have a list of entries containing dates. I would like to only display the date if it is different from the previous entry date.
I am reading in the entries from core data and passing them to the method ckEntryDate for determination of whether to display the date. The method is called from inside a list. If the string returned by ckEntryDate is blank (string.isEmpty) I know that the current entry date is the same as the previous date and I don't need to display the date.
There are no errors occurring, but the current entry date is not being saved via userDefaults. I would appreciate any ideas on how to save the current date or how to check for identical dates.
struct HistoryView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var userData: UserData
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var viewContext
// fetch core data
entity: CurrTrans.entity(),
sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \CurrTrans.entryDT, ascending: true)]
) var currTrans: FetchedResults<CurrTrans>
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { g in
VStack (alignment: .leading) {
ShowTitle(g:g, title: "History")
ShowHistoryHeader(g: g)
ScrollView (.vertical) {
List {
ForEach(currTrans, id: \.id) { item in
let entryDate = userData.ckEntryDate( item: item)
showRow(g:g, item: item, entryDate: entryDate)
.onDelete(perform: deleteItem)
This method is part of the class UserData: ObservableObject {
// check if history entry date is same as previous date or the first entry
func ckEntryDate( item: CurrTrans) -> (String) {
var outDate: String = ""
var savedDate: String = ""
//read in savedDate
if UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "storeDate") != "" {
savedDate = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "storeDate") ?? ""
}else {
savedDate = ""
// convert Date? to String
let cdate = item.entryDT ?? Date()
let currDate = cdate.getFormattedDate()
// check if no previous entries
if savedDate.isEmpty {
outDate = currDate
else { // savedDate is not blank
if savedDate == currDate {
outDate = ""
else { // date entries different
outDate = currDate
savedDate = currDate
// save savedDate
UserDefaults.standard.set(savedDate, forKey: "saveDate")
return outDate
extension Date {
func getFormattedDate() -> String {
// localized date & time formatting
let dateformat = DateFormatter()
dateformat.dateStyle = .medium
dateformat.timeStyle = .none
return dateformat.string(from: self)
Assuming your function ckEntryDate works correctly, you could try this approach of filtering the data at the ForEach:
ForEach(currTrans.filter { "" != userData.ckEntryDate(item: $0) }, id: \.id) { item in
showRow(g:g, item: item, entryDate: userData.ckEntryDate(item: item))
You can also try this:
ForEach(currTrans, id: \.id) { item in
let entryDate = userData.ckEntryDate(item: item)
if !entryDate.isEmpty {
showRow(g:g, item: item, entryDate: entryDate)
I have been looking for a way to persist the current entry date for comparison to the next entry date for checking if the dates are the same.
I discovered that I could do this by simply placing a variable at the top of the class that contains the method ckEntryDate.
class UserData: ObservableObject {
var storedDate: String = ""
So thanks to all who took the time to consider a possible answers.
// check if history entry date is the 1st entry or the same as previous date
func ckEntryDate( item: CurrTrans) -> (String) {
var outDate: String = ""
// initialzie the entry date
let cdate = item.entryDT ?? Date()
let entryDate = cdate.getFormattedDate()
// if savedDate is blank -> no previous entries
if storedDate.isEmpty {
outDate = entryDate
else { // savedDate is not blank
if storedDate == entryDate {
outDate = ""
else { // date entries different
outDate = entryDate
storedDate = entryDate
// outDate returns blank or the current date
return (outDate)

Exchange Rate Key Value Lookup With Weird JSON File Format

I need help with currency exchange rate lookup given a key (3 digit currency code). The JSON object is rather unusual with no lablels such as date, timestamp, success, or rate. The first string value is the base or home currency. In the example below it is "usd" (US dollars).
I would like to cycle through all the currencies to get each exchange rate by giving its 3 digit currency code and storing it in an ordered array.
"usd": {
"aed": 4.420217,
"afn": 93.3213,
"all": 123.104693,
"amd": 628.026474,
"ang": 2.159569,
"aoa": 791.552347,
"ars": 111.887966,
"aud": 1.558363,
"awg": 2.164862,
"azn": 2.045728,
"bam": 1.9541,
"bbd": 2.429065,
"bch": 0.001278
In a slightly different formatted JSON object I used the following loop to copy exchange rates to an ordered array.
for index in 0..<userData.rateArray.count {
currencyCode = currCode[index]
if let unwrapped = results.rates[currencyCode] {
userData.rateArray[index] = 1.0 / unwrapped
The follow code is the API used to get the 3 digit currency codes and the exchange rates (called via UpdateRates).
class GetCurrency: Codable {
let id = UUID()
var getCurrencies: [String : [String: Double]] = [:]
required public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let baseContainer = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
let base = try baseContainer.decode([String : [String: Double]].self)
for key in base.keys{
getCurrencies[key] = base[key]
throw error
class CurrencyViewModel: ObservableObject{
#Published var results: GetCurrency?
#Published var selectedBaseCurrency: String = "usd"
func UpdateRates() {
let baseUrl = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/fawazahmed0/currency-api#1/latest/currencies/"
let baseCur = selectedBaseCurrency // usd, eur, cad, etc
let requestType = ".json"
guard let url = URL(string: baseUrl + baseCur + requestType) else {
print("Invalid URL")
let request = URLRequest(url: url)
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
if let data = data {
let decodedResponse = try JSONDecoder().decode(GetCurrency.self, from: data)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.results = decodedResponse
// this prints out the complete table of currency code and exchange rates
print(self.results?.getCurrencies["usd"] ?? 0.0)
} catch {
//Error thrown by a try
print(error)//much more informative than error?.localizedDescription
if error != nil {
//data task error
Thanks lorem ipsum for your help. Below is the updated ASI logic that copies the exchange rates to the rateArray using key/value lookups.
class CurrencyViewModel: ObservableObject{
#Published var results: GetCurrency?
#Published var rateArray = [Double] ()
init() {
if UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: "rates") != nil {
rateArray = UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: "rates") as! [Double]
}else {
rateArray = [Double] (repeating: 0.0, count: 160)
UserDefaults.standard.set(self.rateArray, forKey: "rates")
func updateRates(baseCur: String) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.results = decodedResponse
// loop through all available currencies
for index in 0..<currCode.count {
currencyCode = currCode[index]
// spacial handling for base currency
if currencyCode == baseCur {
self.rateArray[index] = 1.0000
} else {
let homeRate = self.results?.getCurrencies[baseCur]
// complement and save the exchange rate
if let unwrapped = homeRate?[currencyCode] {
self.rateArray[index] = 1.0 / unwrapped
} catch {
//Error thrown by a try
print(error)//much more informative than error?.localizedDescription
if error != nil {
//data task error

How to read and filter large Realm dataset in SwiftUI?

I'm storing ~100.000 dictionary entries in a realm database and would like to display them. Additionally I want to filter them by a search field. Now I'm running in a problem: The search function is really inefficient although I've tried to debounce the search.
View Model:
class DictionaryViewModel : ObservableObject {
let realm = DatabaseManager.sharedInstance
#Published var entries: Results<DictionaryEntry>?
#Published var filteredEntries: Results<DictionaryEntry>?
#Published var searchText: String = ""
#Published var isSearching: Bool = false
var subscription: Set<AnyCancellable> = []
init() {
.debounce(for: .milliseconds(800), scheduler: RunLoop.main) // debounces the string publisher, such that it delays the process of sending request to remote server.
.map({ (string) -> String? in
if string.count < 1 {
self.filteredEntries = nil
return nil
return string
.compactMap{ $0 }
.sink { (_) in
} receiveValue: { [self] (searchField) in
filter(with: searchField)
}.store(in: &subscription)
public func fetch(){
self.entries = DatabaseManager.sharedInstance.fetchData(type: DictionaryEntry.self).sorted(byKeyPath: "pinyin", ascending: true)
self.filteredEntries = entries
public func filter(with condition: String){
self.filteredEntries = self.entries?.filter("pinyin CONTAINS[cd] %#", searchText).sorted(byKeyPath: "pinyin", ascending: true)
In my View I'm just displaying the filteredEtries in a ScrollView
The debouncing works well for short text inputs like "hello", but when I filter for "this is a very long string" my UI freezes. I'm not sure whether something with my debounce function is wrong or the way I handle the data filtering in very inefficient.
EDIT: I've noticed that the UI freezes especially when the result is empty.
The .fetchData() function is just this here:
func fetchData<T: Object>(type: T.Type) -> Results<T>{
let results: Results<T> = realm.objects(type)
return results
All realm objects have a primary key. The structure looks like this:
#objc dynamic var id: String = NSUUID().uuidString
#objc dynamic var character: String = ""
#objc dynamic var pinyin: String = ""
#objc dynamic var translation: String = ""
override class func primaryKey() -> String {
return "id"
EDIT 3: The filtered results are displayed this way:
LazyVGrid(columns: gridItems, spacing: 0){
if (dictionaryViewModel.filteredEntries != nil) {
ForEach(dictionaryViewModel.filteredEntries!){ entry in
} else {
Text("No results found")

put observedObject in List

I get the data from my api and create a class for them. I can use swifyJSON to init them correctly. The problem is that when I put my observedObject in a List, it can only show correctly once. It will crashed after I changed the view. It's very strong because my other List with similar data struct can work.(this view is in a tabView) Is somebody know where my getAllNotification() should put view.onAppear() or List.onAppear()? Thanks!!
class ManagerNotification : Identifiable, ObservableObject{
#Published var id = UUID()
var notifyId : Int = 0
var requestId : Int = 0
var requestName: String = ""
var groupName : String = ""
// var imageName: String { return name }
init(jsonData:JSON) {
notifyId = jsonData["notifyId"].intValue
requestId = jsonData["requestId"].intValue
requestName = jsonData["requestName"].stringValue
groupName = jsonData["groupName"].stringValue
import SwiftUI
import SwiftyJSON
struct NotificationView: View {
var roles = ["userNotification", "managerNotification"]
#EnvironmentObject var userToken:UserToken
#State var show = false
#State private var selectedIndex = 0
#State var userNotifications : [UserNotification] = [UserNotification]()
#State var managerNotifications : [ManagerNotification] = [ManagerNotification]()
var body: some View {
VStack {
Picker(selection: $selectedIndex, label: Text(" ")) {
ForEach(0..<roles.count) { (index) in
.onAppear(perform: getAllNotification)
func containedView() -> AnyView {
switch selectedIndex {
case 0:
return AnyView(
List(userNotifications) { userNotification in
UserNotificationCellView(userNotification: userNotification)
case 1:
return AnyView(
List(managerNotifications) { managernotification in
ManagerNotificationCellView(managerNotification : managernotification)
.onAppear(perform: getManagerNotification)
return AnyView(Text("22").padding(40))
func getAllNotification(){
// if (self.userNotifications.count != 0){
// self.userNotifications.removeAll()
// }
// I think the crash was in here, because when i don't use removeAll().
// It works fine, but i don't want every times i change to this view. my array will be longer and
// longer
if (self.managerNotifications.count != 0){
NetWorkController.sharedInstance.connectApiByPost(api: "/User/email", params: ["token": "\(self.userToken.token)"])
{(jsonData) in
if let result = jsonData["msg"].string{
print("eeee: \(result)")
if(result == "you dont have any email"){
}else if(result == "success get email"){
if let searchResults = jsonData["mail"].array {
for notification in searchResults {
self.userNotifications.append(UserNotification(jsonData: notification))
NetWorkController.sharedInstance.connectApiByPost(api: "/Manager/email", params: ["token": "\(self.userToken.token)"])
{(jsonData) in
if let result = jsonData["msg"].string{
print("eeee: \(result)")
if(result == "you dont have any email"){
}else if(result == "success get email"){
if let searchResults = jsonData["mail"].array {
for notification in searchResults {
self.managerNotifications.append(ManagerNotification(jsonData: notification))
func getManagerNotification(){
// if (self.managerNotifications.count != 0){
// self.managerNotifications.removeAll()
// }
NetWorkController.sharedInstance.connectApiByPost(api: "/Manager/email", params: ["token": "\(self.userToken.token)"])
{(jsonData) in
if let result = jsonData["msg"].string{
print("eeee: \(result)")
if(result == "you dont have any email"){
}else if(result == "success get email"){
if let searchResults = jsonData["mail"].array {
for notification in searchResults {
self.managerNotifications.append(ManagerNotification(jsonData: notification))
error message
Warning once only: UITableView was told to layout its visible cells and other contents without being in the view hierarchy (the table view or one of its superviews has not been added to a window). This may cause bugs by forcing views inside the table view to load and perform layout without accurate information (e.g. table view bounds, trait collection, layout margins, safe area insets, etc), and will also cause unnecessary performance overhead due to extra layout passes. Make a symbolic breakpoint at UITableViewAlertForLayoutOutsideViewHierarchy to catch this in the debugger and see what caused this to occur, so you can avoid this action altogether if possible, or defer it until the table view has been added to a window. reason: 'attempt to delete section 0, but there are only 0 sections before the update'
I think you are confused about the role of #State and #ObservebableObject; it's not like MVC where you replace the ViewController with a SwiftUI.View as it appears you are trying to do in your example. Instead the view should be a function of either some local #State and/or an external #ObservedObject. This is closer to MVVM where your #ObservedObject is analogous to the ViewModel and the view will rebuild itself in response to changes in the #Published properties on the ObservableObject.
TLDR: move your fetching logic to an ObservableObject and use #Published to allow the view to subscribe to the results. I have an example here: https://github.com/joshuajhomann/TVMaze-SwiftUI-Navigation

how to display multiple contact of a single user swift 3

I am fetching user's information like his name,phone number and email id from contacts.But it is only showing first contact number.IF a person has more than one contact number,it didnt show that second number.Can someone help?I am using this function
where EVContactProtocol is part of Library
func didChooseContacts(_ contacts: [EVContactProtocol]?) {
var conlist : String = ""
if let cons = contacts {
for con in cons {
if let fullname = con.fullname(),let email1 = con.email , let phoneNumber = con.phone {
conlist += fullname + "\n"
print("Full Name: ",fullname)
print("Email: ",email1)
print("Phone Number: ",phoneNumber)
self.textView?.text = conlist
} else {
print("I got nothing")
let _ = self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
You should try this:
import Contacts
class ViewController: UIViewController
lazy var contacts: [CNContact] =
let contactStore = CNContactStore()
let keysToFetch = [
CNContactFormatter.descriptorForRequiredKeys(for: .fullName),
CNContactPhoneNumbersKey] as [Any]
// Get all the containers
var allContainers: [CNContainer] = []
allContainers = try contactStore.containers(matching: nil)
print("Error fetching containers")
var results: [CNContact] = []
// Iterate all containers and append their contacts to our results array
for container in allContainers
let fetchPredicate = CNContact.predicateForContactsInContainer(withIdentifier: container.identifier)
let containerResults = try contactStore.unifiedContacts(matching: fetchPredicate, keysToFetch: keysToFetch as! [CNKeyDescriptor])
results.append(contentsOf: containerResults)
print("Error fetching results for container")
return results
override func viewDidLoad()