Netlogo missing inconsistent results when iterating through a list of ~ 6K lists - list

I'm setting up patches from values read from a file. The values are in a list of lists:
[[10001 53 1 2 160 4 4 4 1] [10004 69 1 2 143 4 4 4 2] [10005 70 2 2 135 3 3 4 2] [10006 51 2 2 132 4 4 3 3] ... ]
Each "internal" list has the values for the properties of a patch.
The value in position 2 (I'm counting from 0 for the first value) represents gender:
1=male, 2=female.
My procedure:
to setup-patches-as-agents [ patches-data ]
set male-count 0
set female-count 0
set total-rows 0
foreach patches-data [
[ one-row ] ->
ask patches with [ pxcor = random-pxcor and pycor = random-pycor]
[ set total-rows total-rows + 1
;; add values to patch properties
;; **** id ****
set p-midus_id item 0 one-row
;; **** age *****
set p-age item 1 one-row
;; gender 1= MALE; 2= FEMALE; 7= DON'T KNOW; 8= REFUSE
set p-gender item 2 one-row
if item 2 one-row = 1 ;; male
[ set pcolor blue
set male-count male-count + 1 ] ;; male
if item 2 one-row = 2 ;; female
[ set pcolor orange
set female-count female-count + 1 ] ;; female
;; **** lose10lb ****
set p-lose10lb item 3 one-row
;; **** weightYrAgo ****
set p-weightYrAgo item 4 one-row
;; **** limitLiftCarryGroceries ****
set p-limitLiftCarryGroceries item 5 one-row
;; **** limitClimbingStairs ****
set p-limitClimbingStairs item 6 one-row
;; **** limitWalkingSeveralBlocks ****
set p-limitWalkingSeveralBlocks item 7 one-row
;; **** limitWalkingSeveralBlocks ****
set p-limitWalkingSeveralBlocks item 8 one-row
type "male-count: "
print male-count
type "female-count: "
print female-count
type "total-count: "
print total-rows
The total number of rows read is: 6325 (output after reading the file, which matches the number of rows in the file
Total number of Males should be: 3004, and for females: 3321. The count I get with those variables changes, including the total number of "rows"
Any idea why??

Glad you figured out a workaround! Just to give my two cents, I think your solution points to the likely issue with your first code- your
ask patches with [ pxcor = random-pxcor and pycor = random-pycor]
did not remove patches with assigned values from the pool of patches- that is to say you could have a patch be chosen multiple times, and so its initial values would be overwritten every time it was chosen. Since in your turtles solution you create a new turtle for each row, there is no overwriting happening.
If you need it to be patches instead of turtles, you can change your with statement to something that only selects patches that have not had values assigned yet. For example (assuming your setup does not previously set p-gender), you could take advantage of the fact that all declared variables are by default set to 0 until they are changed in code and change your original code to something like
foreach patches-data [
[ one-row ] ->
ask one-of patches with [ p-gender = 0 ] [
In the same pass you can just use one-of rather than manually choosing a random pxcor and pycor- it's simpler I think.
Additionally, and this is obviously up to you, instead of manually incrementing your counter for male and female, you might want to just set up a to-report procedure that monitors those for you. For example, if you have this in your code:
to-report male-turtle-count
report count turtles with [ gender = 1 ]
and then you print male-count (or use a monitor on the interface), it will show you the number of turtles that currently have a gender of 1. This dynamically updates so you don't have to keep track of a counter.

I switched to turtles and setup all properties, including initial coordinates and now I'm getting the right counts. I suspect that the condition for the coordinates to select a patch might be an issue, but I'm not sure. Anyway, here's my solution:
to setup-turtles [ turtles-data ]
foreach turtles-data [
[ one-row ] ->
crt 1 [
set shape "square"
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set size 2
;;(item 0 one-row) and ycor = (item 1 one-row) ] [
;; **** id ****
set midus_id item 0 one-row
;; **** age *****
set age item 1 one-row
;; gender 1= MALE; 2= FEMALE; 7= DON'T KNOW; 8= REFUSE
set gender item 2 one-row
if item 2 one-row = 1 ;; male
[ set color blue ] ;; male
if item 2 one-row = 2 ;; female
[ set color orange ] ;; female
;; **** lose10lb ****
set lose10lb item 3 one-row
;; **** weightYrAgo ****
set weightYrAgo item 4 one-row
;; **** limitLiftCarryGroceries ****
set limitLiftCarryGroceries item 5 one-row
;; **** limitClimbingStairs ****
set limitClimbingStairs item 6 one-row
;; **** limitWalkingSeveralBlocks ****
set limitWalkingSeveralBlocks item 7 one-row
;; **** physicalFitnessCompared5YrAgo ****
set physicalFitnessCompared5YrAgo item 8 one-row


Apply filter before query editor steps

I have the following scenario. My datasource looks like this:
Order Item Type Value
1 1 A 14
1 1 B 10
1 1 C 12
1 2 A 12
2 1 C 19
2 1 D 15
2 2 B 11
Now I apply a few steps in the query editor, inter alia, a Group By (by Order and Item), so that my finished table looks like this:
Order Item Value
1 1 36
1 2 12
2 1 34
2 2 11
I am looking now for a possiblity to filter my datasource table before the steps are getting applied (Filter datasource > query steps getting applied > chart changes).
In my example here I would filter the datasource by Type <> B:
Order Item Type Value
1 1 A 14
1 1 C 12
1 2 A 12
2 1 C 19
2 1 D 15
And the final table (chart datasource) would be looking like this:
Order Item Value
1 1 26
1 2 12
2 1 34
I tried it with parameters. But the problem is I need the filter in power bi online, so that the enduser can apply this filter.
Thanks in advance for any ideas !!
Don't apply the grouping in your query. Leave the source table as it is, create a measure which sums Value, and filter Type.
using order and item in a table visual(don't summarise) and for value using SUM of values, which can later be filtered by type should give the desired result.

How to ask for a specific share of turtles with a minimum share of a value?

I've set up firms (turtles) in an industry (world) which either produce at home (firms-at-home located > ycor) or have offshored their production (offshore-firms located < ycor). I have given them a firms-own called offshored? which is answered with either true or false. At setup, they also get a firms-own firm-level-of-automation which is random between 0 and 1.
Now, I would like to have 30 % of them with the lowest firm-level-of-automation to move production to < 0 ycor and report: offshored? = true
breed [ firms firm ]
firms-own [
firm-level-of-automation ;; initially random between 0 and 1
offshored? ;; true or false
to go
ask firms [
set firm-level-of-automation 0 + random-float 1
if min [ firm-level-of-automation ] of firms [
count firms * 0.3 firms [ setxy random-xcor random-between ( -10 ) -1 ;; distribute randomly abroad in an area < 0 ycor
set offshored? true ] ] ]
I don't know how to mix the if and min command best here. Any suggestions?
Not sure why you are being down voted for this, it seems like a sensible question. Anyway, there is no need to mix min and if, you can simply ask the 30% of turtles with the lower values to do what you want. Look up the min-n-of primitive in the dictionary, you will want something like:
ask min-n-of (0.3 * count firms) firms [firm-level-of-automation]
[ setxy random-xcor random-between ( -10 ) -1
set offshored? true

Netlogo random values for list bounded by values

For my graduation project I am investigating the electricity consumption of occupants in officebuildings. Occupants when arriving at office they can leave their work desk doing other activities (e.g. lunch, meetings, restroom). Each occupant has his own time when going to office and when going home.
What I want is that occupants determine when they leave workdesk randomly distributed between going to office and going home.
to go
if time = 0 [start-day]
ask occupants [
let $currenttime hour-of-day
ifelse (go-to-office-today AND (workDays = "M-F" AND (Day >= 0) AND (Day
<= 4) AND ($currenttime * 100 >= workStartHour ) AND ($currenttime * 100
<= workEndHour - 100 )))
[if (not atWork?) [GoWork] ]
[if (atWork?) [GoHome] ]
if go-to-office-today and workschedule-next < length workschedule [
let workschedule-item item workschedule-next workschedule
to start-day
ask occupants [ set schedule-next 0
set go-to-office-today false
let $Occupancy-Percentage (50 + random 0)
ask n-of( int ($Occupancy-Percentage / 100 * count occupants)) occupants [
set go-to-office-today true
set workschedule [ ]
now i have only one fixed value for the list. But i want several normally distributed between workstarthour and workendhour (e.g between 10 and 90 ticks)
to go to restroom frequencie will be 4 times then i want the list to be workschedule [ 15 28 51 73 ]
to DetermineWorkSchedule
ask occupants [
let lunchtime [ ]
set lunchtime lput precision (random-normal 12 1 ) 0 lunchtime
set workschedule lput one-of lunchtime workschedule
let toilettime []
set toilettime lput precision (random-normal 15 2) 0 toilettime
set workschedule lput one-of toilettime workschedule
Since you now say you just want a n stochastic values between two endpoints without any distributional constraint, you could do this:
to-report transition-times [#n #start #end]
let _possible n-values (#end - #start + 1) [#start + ?]
report sort n-of #n _possible
This will give you values in [#start,#end] -- that is, including #start and #end. (Adjust to taste.) Values are constrained to be unique.

Netlogo turtles need to move same time at two different target location

Sorry, I am yet beginner with Netlogo programming i am trying to
schedule the jobs on machine based on their priority.
At the moment only product1 turtle is process by one machine turtle.
While other products turtles are not been run on the machines which
are idle e.g machine2 and machine3. Currently they are waiting for
the other loop to finish to process the next.
What i want to achieve is Product1 needs only Machine1 for operation.
while P2 needs M2 and M3, P3 needs M1,M2 and M3. So when Product1
turtles are on M1, other turtles should move to their corresponding
targets and schedule themselves
breed [product1 productA]
breed [product3 productB]
breed [product2 productC]
breed [machine1 machineA]
breed [machine2 machineB]
breed [machine3 machineC]
breed [schedulers scheduler]
globals [Priority]
to setup
ask patches [set pcolor 8]
ask patch -3 6 [set pcolor 125]
ask patch -3 2 [set pcolor 125]
ask patch 1 4 [set pcolor black]
to setup-machines
create-machine1 1 [setxy -3 6
set shape "computer server"]
create-machine2 1[setxy -3 2
set shape "computer server"]
create-machine3 1[setxy 1 4
set shape "computer server"]
to setup-products1
create-product1 Job1-products [
set shape "hexagonal prism"
set color red
set size 1.25
set xcor -14
set ycor 6
set heading 90
to setup-products2
create-product2 Job2-products [
set shape "die 4"
set color blue
set xcor -14
set ycor 4
set size 1.25
set heading 90
to setup-products3
create-product3 Job3-products [
set shape "box"
set color brown
set size 1.25
set xcor -14
set ycor 2
set heading 90
; this procedure is needed so when we click "Setup" we
; don't end up with any two Products on the same patch
to separate-products ;; turtle procedure
if any? other turtles-here
[ fd 1.5
separate-products ]
to go-product3
let totalprod (turtle-set product1 product2 product3)
let targetmachine1 patch -3 6
let targetmachine2 patch -3 2
let targetmachine3 patch 1 4
if count product3 > 0
ask one-of product3 [
if not any? product1-on machine1 or not any? product2-on machine1
move-to targetmachine1
if not any? product1-on machine2 or not any? product2-on machine2
face targetmachine2
move-to targetmachine2
if not any? product1-on machine3 or not any? product2-on machine3
face targetmachine3
move-to targetmachine3
to go-product2
let targetmachine1 patch -3 2
let targetmachine2 patch 1 4
if count product2 > 0
ask one-of product2 [
if not any? product1-on machine2 or not any? product3-on machine2
face targetmachine1
move-to targetmachine1
if not any? product1-on machine3 or not any? product3-on machine3
face targetmachine2
move-to targetmachine2
to go-product1
let targetmachine patch 1 4
if count product1 > 0
ask one-of product1
if not any? product2-on machine3 or not any? product3-on machine3
face targetmachine
move-to targetmachine
to go
let totalprod (turtle-set product1 product2 product3)
while [count totalprod > 0] [
if Priority = "0" [
if Priority = "1" [
while [count product1 > 0][
go-product1 ]
if Priority = "2" [
while [count product2 > 0][
go-product2 ]
if Priority = "3" [
while [count product3 > 0][
go-product3 ]
Take the calls to tick out of your individual go-product procedures. It only ever makes sense to call tick once in your entire model, and that's at the end of your main go procedure.
Remove the uses of while from your go procedure. Time will pass in your model because go is called over and over again in a forever button -- not because you have loops inside your go procedure. The forever button is looping enough.
The goal is to structure your model so that each time through go (which is to say one tick), only one unit of work or action or motion takes place. Then, as go runs over and over again, then longer units of work, that take multiple ticks to accomplish, will appear to take place concurrently.
Nearly every model in Sample Models, including the Tutorial 3 model, is structured this way. You should only have a different structure if you're absolutely sure you know what you're doing and why you're doing it.

How to create a list containing numbers from 1 to given number in NetLogo?

Does anyone know how to create a list containing numbers from 1 to given number in NetLogo?
It looks like [1 2 ... given number]
NetLogo has primitive for that called n-values. Very simply:
n-values 10 [ ? + 1 ]
will give you the list:
[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
But there is plenty of other neat stuff you can do with n-values. You should take a look at the documentation.
NetLogo 6.0 now has the range primitive which can be used for the same purpose:
observer> print (range 1 11)
[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]